THE HOOD RIVER NEWS, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 23, 1910 3 OE rp M TV s 1 tiii: JJjow JJ-ricks on these properties do not indicate low values J 3 A Acres finest apple land in Middle Valley, on railroad and county road, wood alone on place is worth the money For this week only 5900 I GO Acres in Upper Valley, the best bar gain to be had today without any exception 30000 AO Acres in Parkdale 6000 Many Other Bargains Also. See Us THE L-P LAND CO. 12 Smith Block IE Telephone 259 31 LAND PLASTER Have Utah Land Plaster. This plaster has been an alyzed by C. E. Bradley, chemist of the Corvallis Ex periment Station, and the analysis gave Over 98 Gypsum. STRANAHAN & CLARK H o H TO IMPROVE YOUR SERVICE CALL BY NUMBER HOME TELEPHONE COMPANY ll o I! J. F. REYNOLDS Plumbing and Tinning We install Heating Plants of all kinds Hood River Heights S. EH. BARTMESS Funeral Director and Practical Embalmer ESTABLISHED 18 YEARS HOOD RIVER, OREGON unsei H and A genc.v REAL ESTATE BROKERS; CASIIMKHK : : WASHINGTON Send for Pricelist of Lands in the Wenatchee Valley, Wn. Well Drilling: Quick ; Successful Satisfactory DONE WITH A STAR WELL DRILLING OUTFIT rOR PARTICULARS ADDRESS .APPLE LAND & ORCHARD COMPANY HOOD RIVER, OREGON Office, No. 9 Oik Strut Phonti. 26 or 2002-X All Eyes Envy the Tailor Dressed Man WE FIT OR NO PAY NUF SKI) GRAY'S TAILOR SHOP H Eliot Block Phone 842-L GET YOUR MILK FROM The Payson Dairy Supply Co. MOUNTAIN GLEN FARM Pure, Wholesome, Healthful, from Cows and Stables that are SANITARY. H. N. PAYSON, City Salesman THOS. CALKINS, Dairyman Phone 28 1 -X To Those Who believe in Patronizing Home Industry When you lay in your winter supply of Flour and Feed, nsk for CUPID FLOUR :aimi HOMEMILLED FEED If your dealer does not want ... to supply it, come to Us . . . CD PIP IS STILL MADR FROM OLD WHEAT JCood River ffliCfing Company LOCAL NEWSPAPER BIBLE STUDY CLUB Marih 17, MO Review. (juMcn Text Jesus went about all Galilee, teaching In their synagogue mid preaching the goHpel of the king dom and healing all manner of sick-nt-HM and all manner of diseases among the eople. Matt. 4:23. The following may be used as a new and complete lesson or a a re view of the twelve preceding lessous. The date and title of each past lea- noil, where found, the (iolden Text and one question from each lesson follow. Jan. '2 John the Forerunner of Jesus. Matt. 3:112. Golden .Text The voice of one crying In the wilder ness, Prepare ye the way of the Lord make his paths straight. Matt. 3:3. Verse 12 What reason Is there for the U'llef that men ami women make their own hell or heaven? Jan. U The ltaptlsni and Tempta tion of Jesus. Matt. 3:13-17; 4:1-11 (iolden Text Iu that he hath suffered being tempted, he Is able to succor them that are tempted. Heb. 2:1S Verses 13-14 What light have we to guide us In our decisions which Is superior to reason? Jan. PI The Beginning of tbe (iall lean Ministry. Matt, 4:12-25. Golden Text The eople who sat In dark uess Haw a greut light. Matt. 4:10. Verses 18 22 How may a man of God recognize the call of God, to new work, when It comes through another man? Jan. 23 True ISlessednees. Matt. :l-ll. Golden Text Blessed are the pure In heart for they shall see God. Matt. 5:S Verse 3 What lu the last analysis, Is the essential quallllcntlon for be ing a subject of tbe kingdom of God on earth? Jan. 30 Some Laws of the King' dom. Matt. !:17-2fi, 3H-4S. Golden Text Be ye therefore perfect as your father which Is In heaven is perfect. Matt. 5:48. erses li-M Mow many (ktsoiis can you recall from the scriptures or otherwise who did the perfect will of God on earth? Feb. 6 Almsgiving and Prayer. Matt. 6:1-15 Golden Text Take heed that ye do not your righteousness before men to le seen of them. Matt. 0:1 (r v) Verses 5 0 Why does Jesus so strongly recommend private prayer, and what ore its advantages? Feb. 13 Worldllness and Trtst. Matt. 6:10 34. Golden Text Seek ye first the kingdom of God and his righteousness and all these things shall Ire added unto you. Matt. 6:33 Verse 10 What would Jesus have every man to consider us Ms chief ' t reaw u re'? See verse 33. Feb. 20 The Golden Kule; Temper ance Iesson. Mutt. 7:1-12 (iolden Text Therefore all things whatso ever ye would man should do to you do ye even so to them, for this Is the law ami the prophets. Matt. 7:12 Verses 12 When men condemn others on mere suspicion, what is generally the real ground of their condemnation? Feb. 27 False and True Dlsclple shlp. Matt. 7:13-20 (iolden Test Not every one that sayeth unto me Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven, but he that doeth the will of my father which Is In heaven. Matt. 7:21. Verse 13-14 In what sense Is the gate to eternnl life narrow and the way to distraction broad? March 0 Jesus the Healer. Matt. 8:2-17 Golden Text Himself took our Infirmities and bare our sick nesses. Matt. S:17 Verses 6 7 So far as the records show Jesus while lu the tlesh healed all the sick ones that were brought to him, Is that sulllcleut to prove that he will do the same today? March 13 Two Mighty Works. Matt. 8:23-34 Golden Text What manner of man Is this that even the wind and seas obey him! Matt. 8:27. Verse 27 Which would lie of the greater Iwiiefit to mankind, for God to run the universe and the affairs of mnn on fixed laws or by miracles? (This question must be answered iu will lug by members of the club.) March 20 A Paralytic Forgiven and Healed. Matt. 0:1-13. Golden Text The Son of Man hath power on earth to forgive sins. Matt. 0:6 Verse 2 Of how much avail is the fait I) of one man on behalf of another I-sson for Sunday April 3rd, 1010 The Power of Faith. Matt. 0:18-34 Wauled Girls to sew Halloeks at the Box Factory. r UNUS uAL-eaj Si THE MA.JVUFA.CTUHE OF JP? 0 ffy jT . rr 99 wl uuj-wver noes Is Illustrated IS his WeeR. at "THE OAK." C This will be in addition to the regular program with no extra charge and shows in the realistic way the care, the workmanship, the system and machin ery used in the actual construction of every pair of the world famous WALK OVER SHOES -from beginning to end and on Wednesday and Sat urday the lucky one visiting the performance will get F'REE the best pair of WALK-OVER SHOES. All Spring Styles Now Ready SEE THE PERFORMANCE AT THE OAK J 6. Togt SEE THE SHOES IN THE EAST WINDOW BLOWERS BROS. AGENTS FOR MITCHELL WAGONS, BUGGIES AND HACKS CULTIVATORS, ETC. WE ARE ALSO AGENTS FOR GENASCO ROOFING, made of Trinidad Asphalt Don't use Roofing composed largely of Coal Tar. Use GENASCO and Be Safe. BLOWERS BROS. List of Hood River Orchard Lands 11 Acres east side, all in 3-year old orchard, Spits and Newtowns, good 4 room house, large barn, price $6000; terms. 10 Acres in Crapper, 6 acres in cultivation, 2 acres 4 and 5 year Spits and New- towns, 4 acres ready to set to trees, balance uncleared but good for trees, 3 room house, barn, apple house and good well. Price $4500, half cash; 4 years at 7 per cent on balance. 15 Acres 1-2 mile out, 10 acres in cultivation, 300 2 and 3-year Spits and Newtowns, 4 1-2 acres alfalfa. Price $6000; terms. 20 Acres east side, all to trees from 1 to 4 years old, Spits and Newtowns, $1000 worth of stock and tools go with the place. Price for a few days $11000. Terms. I have all kinds of tracts from 2 acres to 180 acres, all set to trees, at bargain prices. Terms to suit. Phone 98 W. T. JWICHOL At the Drug Store on the Heights 7s Taft Transfer Co. Draying. Wood Yard HAY, FLOUR and FEED For Sale OHW Phnn Rmidrnr 232-M AY, MR. LAND-BUYER, Did you know that "Underwood" and "Hood River" are in the same Township and Range, and that the two depots are only one and one-fourth miles apart? Stop and think what this means Soil, Climate and natural conditions absolutely identical. Our side of the river is "new" so far as development is concerned. We need more people. We need you, especially if you are willing to take the raw land and improve it, so if you find that you haven't the price for an or chard in Hood River, come over and give us a chance to show you what we have. You will find that a dollar will go very much further toward buying an acre of land here, than it will in any of ' our neighboring districts. Write or phone me and I will see that you are met at the depot or dock. W. F. CASH UNDERWOOD WASHINGTON Jf W. O. ALDRE1D Contractor for Grading, Exca vating and Teaming Both Phones JOHN Q. ZOLLS & SONS STRANAHAN A SLAVENS Contractors in stone, Uriels and Contractors and Builders Concrete W OFn I BnTIM ATM FVftNMHBO Hood River. Orcjron j r