The Hood River news. (Hood River, Or.) 1909-current, March 23, 1910, Page 2, Image 2

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Cdc have ootnc trig special bargaino
In Oxfords, Slippers and shoes for
Ladies, Men and Children
The Store That Gives the Best Values
New Summer Dres5 Goods just in. The swell
est Line we
have ever
Tailored Costumes
and Gowns for Easter
Our line of women's
Tailored Suits for
spring 1910 are styles
stamped with a dis
tinguished touch of
smartness that can
be imparted only by
high class makers.
Your suit is here
and you ought to
have it for Easter.
White tailored suits
in serges, diagonal
cheviots or plain weaves, semi or
tight fitting, or in the new blouse
models with vest effect there is
nothing more suitable for spring and
summer. Prices $10, $15, $18 and up.
Women's Tailored Suits in Serges,
Fancy Worsteds, Cheviots, Home-
spuns. In light or medium Greys,
Greens, Tans, the new Blues, Leath
er and Manish Mixtures. You will
have no trouble in being suited. We
properly fit and make any alterations
desired without extra charge. Satis
faction guaranteed. Suits for $9.75,
$10, $12, $15 and op.
Fancy one-piece gowns, blouse and
vest effects, made of light weight
worsteds and cashmere crepe moires,
crepe poplins. You do not want to
miss this opportunity of seeing our
splendid assortment this spring.
Easter Millinery
The chief thought of Easter dress
is the Hat that tops the costume; dis
tinctiveness counts for more than the
creation of Millinery modes at this
time than in any other article of
woman's apparel. Rich pattern hats
from abroad and from the best orig
inators of style in America. Crea
tions that show the skilful hand of
the Parisian designer. These hats
are trimmed with plumes or flowers;
street hats, dress hats, childrens and
misses hats of Milan braids or in
burnt leghorns; in mushroom shapes.
Very appropriate for Easter. All
prices from a childs hat for 25c up.
The Home of Hart
Schaffner & Marx
Suits, Manhat
tan Shirts and
John B. Stetson Hats
More new
& Marx
just in. The new
est materials and
smartest styles
for spring and
summer wear; let
us show you some
of these:
$18, $20, $22
and $25
other makes for
$8, $10, $12 and up
Copyright 1908 by Hirt SchifFner U Marx
Olive Oil
Of Guaranteed Purify
Forseeing the immense demand for a genuine
Olive Oil in Medicinal, Toilet and Culinary
uses, we have looked for an absolutely
pure grade of Olive Oil and
....have selected....
Creme de Luxe Brand
Italian Olive Oil
as being the grade we could recommend to our
trade as the best. We are now receiving
this oil in original sealed cans and know
it to be of the high grade and
fine flavor claimed
Hood River :: :: Oregon
I have been to considt-rableexpcuse
In Improving Wan (J win Gwln and
have also always leen glad to show
visitors who come there through the
premises, ami have tried In every
way to treat all alike. Therefore,
the act of vandal lu destroying my
proHrty by throw lug a half dozen
chairs over the bluff, which were
placed at the disposal of guests, ha
caused me to Issue notice that I will
arrest any one that comes onto the
grounds sight-seeing without permis
sion, and will prosecute them to the
full extent of the law.
Rout. Kami,
Wau (iwln (Jwlu, Mar. 14, 1910.
Devlin & Flrebaugh brought up a
party of lti laborers last week which
they were fortunate enough to find 1
in Portland and put them to work j
clearing on one of their properties.
The majority of them are Greeks.
!" !j ij:f a
The Wise Ones Will
Consult Us
Before buying a Watch. In
plain and fancy cases. We
have an infinate variety
E'RTHxrp Clause,
Opposite Butler Bank OPEN EVENINGS
In Brosius Block
JVe&y Spring Goods
A goodly portion of our new spring goods that we bought early have arrived and the styles, patterns
and general appearance seem much more striking than any previous season. In fear of the fact that
everything in the Wool, Cotton, Linon, Silk and Leather lines have been climbing skyward we have been fortunate in getting
together a nice lot of goods at prices that are exceedingly low and it will be wise to make your purchases early.
Tnere will le a discussion at the
hall on the evehlng of the Jitth on the
question, "Resolved the Plnchot
policy Is not to the best interests of
the people of the West."
Jesse Davidson says he Is proud
to think he Is classed In the Morgan-
Your Easter
Grocery Order
will not cost you any more
but will be filled with a much
higher grade of "Good
Things to Eat" if you give it
here. Make the day a feast
throughout by including in
your order our high grade
coffee, our special breakfast
bacon and ham, relishes for
lunch and table luxuries for
dinner. We have them all.
Cool Tfeligs 10 Eat"
me Star Grocery
phone 5 J
itockaieiier class, nut at the same
time he says he expects to keep out
of any monopolies and also out of
the assembly ring. Give the people
tneir rights.
1 he teachers dismissed school at
noon Wednesday and came up to the
hall brlugiiiK quite a number of their
sehoiars with them to hear the (lis
John Cooper, Dave Cooper Jr., Alex
Porter and J. C. Davidson went t
the upper country last week after
the horses they took up last fall.
V m. Rodenhlser Is helping Mr
jorcian log on a piece or ground so
as to shoot and pull the stumps.
(J range met In regular session Frl
day evening and went through the
routine business of the lodge. It nl
so Initiated one candidate Into the
order and received an application for
iValace Moody and Harrv Reed are
cutting tltnlter for A. I!. Combs on
tlif Diminlck land.
Y . B. Davidson Is working on the
Bresse ranch tending gruhhooks.
Walter Is an artist with hooks and
livery tiling is hrignt and sunnv up
here. Orhardlsts are pruning their
trees; clearing and burning brush
nas commenced; railroad slides are
repaired and spring Is surely here.
Martin Orlbble Mt the latter part
of February for his work on the
Forest Rfscrve. We are pleased to
near that lie goes to work this year
at an Increased salary.
The last of the apple crop In this
vicinity Is being packed and shipped.
Among those who nt tended the
Mr. Hood Horticultural Institute
March !Uh from this neighborhood
were Mr. and Mrs. F, Curtail, Mr.
and Mrs. C. I. Thomas, A. B. Billings
and if. T. Hansen. It wan consider
ed by those who attended to Is? a
very Interesting anil profitable meet
ing, and we hop It will not be the
last of Its kind.
A. W. Stone left Thursday for a
short trip to Kstacada, returning
C. I. Thomas returned Sunday from
a short business trip to Kstacada.
Every week an advertiser says ou r
classified ads brought a customer.
New Shoes
Styles run very much to
pumps; then we have a nice
lot just received in Oxfords
and regular light shoes, as well
as pumps in patent, tan, black
suede, ooze calf and kid.
These shoes are from shoe
makers who have a reputation
for making good goods and
up-to-date styles,
Galitees, Cheviots
Galitees are going to be pop
ularit makes good, substan
tial garments for all the fami
ly and their standard quality
is especially emphasized.
Cheviots for Men's Shirts,
Ladies' Shirt Waists and Ap
rons; waists and aprons for
the children there are no bet
ter goods.
We are offering Table Lin
ons, 72 inches wide in pure lin
on, patterns polka dot and
roses, poppy and clover leaf,
at $1.25 and $1.G5. These are
exceptional values. Napkins
to match at $3.25 and $3.50
per doz. Don't neglect this
sale until they are all gone.
Guaranteed. Our line of
Black Cat Hosiery is the best
values on the market and ev
ery pair is guaranteed to give
satisfaction or replaced with a
new pair and no questions
asked. This u pretty strong
argument, but the style, beau
ty and values are in them and
you take no risk in buying this
Black Cat
' Hosiery
New Embroideries
An exceptionally pretty lot
of embroidery edges, inser
tions, corset covers, flounces,
beedings and allovers in Swiss,
Nainsook and Muslin, and we
are making special prices on
these lines for a short time.
Thejrariety istoo large to give
range of prices from 5c up.
We are offering special val
ues in men's work gloves; hog
skin gloves for ruff, hard ser
vice at G5c. Saranack buck,
soft work glove, for $1. Sev
eral styles gauntlet gloves for
$1.25 to $2.
American Beauty. Style,
ease and comfort are the first
requirements of a corset. The
American Beauty corset is
built to meet these require
ments and are guaranteed to
meet all demands. Get one
and if not satisfactory return
it. rnces irom $1.25 to $3.50
Wt Make Special Lffnrts to Jnrva Our Patrons Wall
and diva Ilia Best Values and iervlca Posslblt
New Ginghams and Percales
We have a nice lot of ginghams for
dresses, pattern colorings are clear
and pretty. While thi3 line lasts at 10c to 12c. Apron Ginghams 8c to
1 Do. imported French and silks 20c to 25c. Percales In blue and white, white ground with
polka dot and figures. Prices from 8c to 1 6c