The Hood River news. (Hood River, Or.) 1909-current, March 09, 1910, Page 9, Image 9

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f)ere Is
Also a small
B. E.
A iltMureHtue ami pleurtlng enter
tainment for the little folk wan
1(1 veil by tliflr parents' lattt Friday
evening when they were tendered a
inaMiuerade party at the opera
liuilMe. The pat roncwHcH for the uc
ciihIoii were Mm. W. J. linker, Mm.
II. M. Huxley mid Mm. J. V. IiikhIIm.
The excellent mimic wan furulnhed liy
Mm. Del Hand.
At eight, o'clock the merry little
muHkem aHHemliled, watched by their
parent h and many adiiilrlng frlendn,
and opened the uffalr with a grand
march. The ciwtuiiieit were varied
iu well an handriome, iiiilijue and
grotewjiie. Little iiiIhm-m eHKayed the
part of grand (lumen, (tretmed In long
flowing garmento. SpanUh dancem,
Dutch glrln and many other feminine
character plrontted, while the tjueen
of heartu offered u IIImthI nupply of
tart to her mitijectri. The hoys) were
no lens original In t heir neleetlon of
coHtumeH, and whirled umong the
throng nit knlghtH, cIowiih, nullom,
rolilHT chlefx and in numerous other
fanciful diH-tn, I'rUeH offered ly E,
A. Fran for the lit'Ht coHtii:nen were
awarded to MIhh Wllnia ThotnpHou,
representing a (IhIhv, ami Allan Hut
toil, iih ItoMnhood, by the judge,
Mm. II. 1". DavlilHon, Mm. Price and
). E. Hand. The dancex executed
were very pretty. Later refreith
mentN were nerved ami t lie very en
joyable evening for the little folk
brought to a clow.
gervlcee at St. Mark's Church
Wallop I(obt. I- Paddock will hold
servlceM nt St. Murk'n F.plw-npul
Church, Wednesday evening at
and Friday nfterllonn nt i o'clock.
There will lie special lenten services,
foj which the bishop hit made a npe
cal effort to Ik here and he hopes
that large congregations will heprex
eut. Miss A. J. Knight, deaconnevs,
Is here for a few days aHHlwtlng the
blrdiop In church work.
"Clean lip Day"
Woman's Club meets next week, '
Wednesday, March Hith nt Odd Fel-
lows' Hall. Clean l'p Day. Come
out. .
Four-Button Novelty Sack,
Ho. 94
Davidson Fruit Company
We will handle Strawberries and other Fruits again thjs season
as'usualand will give our customers the benefit of pur long experience
InVnarketing Mood kiver Fruit.
Call at our office or phono us
General Office Phone 65 Ice Factory and Cold Storage Plant 65
Davidson Fruit Company
our Chance
The William Haynes property on Oak street, a
commanding view of the river, house and lot GO
by 100 feet, with outlet on State street. This is
. the best buy in town at......l
house on State street JQQ QQ
Unitarian Vesper Services
The 5 o'clock vesper services nt the
I'ultarlan church are each week In
creasing In Interest and attendance
by many of the best thinkers and
progressive citizens of the city. The
meeting last Sunday evening was in
charge of C. A. Ilriggs. The topic for
consideration was old uge pension
and annuities now being practiced In
(iermany, England, Canada, and re
cently Introduced In the I'uited
States, Massachusetts Itelng the first
and only state In the Cnlon to lead
off In that direction. That question
brought out an earnest and Instruc
tive discussion and deserves further
consideration. What shall we do
with our old people who have been
engaged In Industrial pursuits, pro
ductive and distributive, Is an Im
portant question before the present
and next generations for solution.
Charity for the superanuuted Is dis
tasteful, unsatisfactory and In the
last analysis unfair. To the most
suis-rflclnl observer It Is obvious
that under present social and econ
omic conditions It Is Impossible for
the cltlxen engaged In productive
and distributive pursuits to lay by a
competency for incidental contluucu
cles and old age, and keep abreast
with our present civilization. This
problem furnishes much food for
thought and nierits the attention of
the lenders of thought, who are
moulders of public opinion, each and
every one of whom are welcome and
earnestly Invited to attend these ves
ier services at S o'clock, which af
fords everybody an opportunity to
attend other churches ut the regular
hours of service. l'l hi.ii s J ri.
Announce that their
Spring and Summer
stock is ready for
inspection. Special
display of
Trimmed and Tailored Hals
After MAR CM 17th
Spring Clothing
Absolutely the best values we have
cder given in point of popular
weaves, good tailoring, and
right prices. Notice the west
window a few are shown (wish we
could show all). See the price
tickets. Great values and
no mistake.
J. G.
Pine drove (Jrange gathered in reg
ular session Saturday morning for
unother of those popular all day
meetings. Besides other business
two new iiieuiUrs were received Into
our order. Miss Cooper and Miss
Pureed representing Mt. Hood
grange spent the day with us.
When the dinner hour arrived
everybody was ready to adjourn to
the dlulng hall where the tables were
laden with an abundance of good
After dinner a short time wasspent
In social Intercourse. Mr. and Mrs.
A. C. Staten were ejected to represent
Hood Kiver county grange nt the
State (iranJJe, which meets at Ore
oon City, May 10, 1010. Mr. aud Mm.
G. II. Itobblns were elected alters
ate. A good program was' furnish
ed by our lecturer. M. J. H
New Real Estate Firm
I'nder the name of the L.-P. Land
Co., H. M. ITIndleand II. U. I ang'.llo
have formed a partnership to do a
general real estate business but will
nufke a specialty of city property on
the Heights and fruit land In the Up
per Valley. The L.-P. Company has
opeued ofllces In the Smith Mock.
Moth Mr. Prludle and Mr. Lnngllle
are well known at Hood Itlver, the
former having been here off and on
for the past twelve yearn, and the
latter being city recorder. They are
particularly fitted to handle the Up
per Valley property as both have
lived there aud know the country
Yamhill Walnuts
An Ideal Suburban tract of
23.86 acres of good deep soil, lo
cated within one mile of the cor
porate limits of McMinnville, Or
egon (The Walnut City.) Near
ly all of which is planted to young
orchard; about ten acres of which
is Grafted Walnuts, balance in
Beedlings; apples, peaches, cher
ries being used as fillers. Run
ning water on the tract. Owner
will not renew our contract which
expires March 1st. It is a bar
gain at $385 per acre. Write at
once to Warren & Stater, Real
Estate Agts., McMinnville, Ore.
Live Local Topics
five 1'rotoctorn at White-
free I'rottxtor nt White-
Wanted Girls to sew Ilallocks at
the Hox Factory.
The Sans SoucUlub will meet this
week with Mrs. Calkins.
anss 1.. h. Keed, a trained nurse of
Portland, Is stopping wltn Mrs. Cun
xou 11 always flud fashions at the
Security Store but no other kind.
F. II. Morlan.
Prof. lirown, formerly principal of
the Fraukton school, who has been
spending the winter In California, re
turned last week.
Itex Stock Food sold under a guar
antee to give satisfaction or your
money refunded at Whitehead's Feed
The ladles of the M. K. church will
serve an Faster chicken dinner In the
K. of P. hall Saturday. March l'.tth.
Everybody Invited.
The agricultural experts arrived
Monday night. Those here aw A. Ii.
Cordley, H. S. Jacobson, L. (irlllin
and It. M. Winslow. j
Those choice residence lots on Cas
cade avenue in Kivervlew Park will
not last long. Make your choice be
fore the lest lots are irone. J. F-
Batchelder, 21.) Cascade aveuue.
If your horse Is run down and out
of condition and you want to get
him In shape to do good strong
work buy a pall of Hex Stock Food.
It will do the job. Whitehead's.
David L. Clarke, of Minneapolis,
was here Monday, attracted by the
opportunities for Investment In fruit
lauds. Mr. Clarke visited C. P. Son
nlchsen, being a member of the same
Masonic lodge In Minnesota,
Word received here states that Dr.
M. F. Shaw, who recently went east.
will 1ms home in a week or ten days.
A large number of Hood River peo
ple went to Portland Sunday to be
present at the aviation meeting. The
flight of Hamilton with his aero
plane Is said to have been wonderful
and well worth the trip. A number
of those who left Portland on the
late tralu Sunday night did not ar
rive at Hood Ulver until 6::50 Mon
day morning, being held up at Bon
neville by a mud slide. Vs there, were
sleeping cars on the train several of
the party secured berths and made
themsleves comfortable for the night.
A Thoroughbred
Answering the Name of
If Retnrned to
Phone 203-X
Advartliamanta for Tntartioaj sadar thia ksatflna
Ill kt chargts lor at Hit rats ol 26c Mr mioiIK lor
Iviually) Ihr.o llnaa-as Oit.lar. talk thesis'
accsmsani copy. thsrsjita k, Iht 1 01k tl
Iht Month. At attsism tor r.achmt Iht saosl
Ikt . d tl.n. and untictlltd.
y.nUd Second hand Faultless nubbin m
' ' cnin. and uctwrn. Address No. 21. New a.
II or id kiver, Creirun. 7-lQ-p
f 'rubbing- Machine Wan tod to Kent, or aerond
hand purchsse. Address (Miss) M. H. Allen.
Mt. Huod, or phot a Odeil 2-X-6. 7-10-t
Roses, Shrubs and Vinaa in food aaaortment for
fall planting, Peonies 1 and 4-year old. 35e to
$1.00 each. Hurdy Fheox. bell t low era, Cuapan
you. Oriental Poppies, ready now. A full line of
pot plant, at Frsns'. phone for cut flowers.
TF you are looking; for a home In Hood
-- kiver valley for yourself or friends,
I have 15 acres 11-4 mile from Hood
Kiver, 1 1-2 mile from high school; 10
acres in cultivation. 500 fruit trees.
acres in alfalfa, some straw berries and
blackberries; fine view of Hood Kiver
valley. I am offering this property
next ten days for 400 per acre. If
you want anything like this, see the
owner, J. TJSealeigh, 10-1 1 -p
T. or Sale A irood lot in Riverview Park Addition
for aale cheap. A. W. Onthanlc. lu-13-c
Wanted 40 to HO acre tract of uncleared land in
f ha llnntfir ValUv AiJ.lraa (M KI.
Vr Rent-Two deairabla furniahed room a. En
A quire of Mra. Ida J. Bryant. Phone 234- M. H-ll
YVntdTo Rent a five or aix room houae. ac
' ' cord ins to aize: bath if Dneaible. State loca
tion and rent. Telephone 1872-M 8-llp
pr Sale Five room houae and t lota for 11100.
A See Geo. D. Culbertaon ft Co. 10-13c
For Sale 1M acrea, four mi lea from Moaier on
Volney S.
Taylor P. O.
, ShaaU Co.. Calif.
pVr Sale-10 or 20 acre beat fruit land for aale
A cheap if Bold anon. Partly improved. Inquire
of Geo. Dartina; ft SonJJnderwoodjJ ah.10-l J-
Wanted -A horae between 1200 and 1300 pound a.
Phone 2fA-L. 8-11
For Sale-S.C. Rhode Island Red earn for hatch
i Tl U HmI liivinff l.mii. Krul fm,. vinl.. I a i.
era. tl.60 per 15. . Y. Batten, phone 2012-M.
ITtrtra for Hatching;. Extra choice full blood
Rhode Island Red etrira for hatching. 1.50 per
actting of ib.A. Li. rase, pnone ll-A -n-p
Wanted A vood riding pony. E. L. McCuun,
R.D.1. -ll-e
Uvr Sale Horae, butriry Mingle hameaa.
x Horae weigha about 11U0 pounds, aafe for lady
to drive, fhone saa-u
L)r Sale Team and wagon. Phone 20ft-L. C
W. Burtt. -12-p
WW Sale-Eight yer old bay horae. weight 1100
pounds, can be worked in team or aa aingle
driver. Cutler Bros., phone 210X. 9-U-c
Wanted Six thoroughbred brown leghorna and
one rooster. Phone 2M-L. IM2-C
T7W Sale Fancy Buff Orpington rooatera. also
-L capons for table use or for 'stepmothers" to
brood chickens. A. J. Grow, phone 201-M. 10-13c
Ior Sale One horae eight or nine years old. first
claaa for buggy or farm work. See W. H.
Stone, on Herehner. East Side. Phone 321-M. 10-13
For Sale 16 inch pine delivered for 15 per cord
Apply to A. W. Onthank. H-ll-c
For Sale Horsepower wood
pr Sale W hy do you pay 30c per pound for
turkeys? Buy trio fine Bronx turkeya, price
X12. from Mary Bradford. Star Koute 10. Hood
Kiver, uregoru7-10-p
For Sale Strawberry planta. Apply to H. Wr
Wataon. phone 1H6-K. 7-10-p
Lxjr Sale Strawberry planta from 1-year old
" vinea. Address B-l Newa. S-ll-e
UVr Sale Carriage, good aa new; also one bay
x mare weighing about Su0. Address E, 717
r.ugene street. y-12-p
For Sale 1 wiah again to offer for sale three
note for money kianeH in 1888 hiri hv mj
against B. F. Shoemaker, dated June J, lSdl, and
due in 1IW2 and 'f t. issued by B. F. 8hoemaker on
which he has refused psymint and taken advant
age of the statute of limitation in the January
court. J. H. Shoemaker.
T ost A black water spaniel long eara, short
-"taiL A thoroughbred. E. R, Pooley. 203-X.
T wet A leather riding whip or quirt, between
-Tucker bridge and Hood kiver. Return to J.
H. Osborne, Huod Kiver Banking ft Trust Co. Ke
wani. 10-13C
T Ml-On Oak street between 9th and Odd Fel-
'-'Iowa Hall, atnnir of iet heads.
Please return
to Annette Broaius. 3-10c
VTanted Stenographer in real
Enquire Devlin & Firebaugh.
tsnted A man and family to take charge of
" ' an improved fruit farm. 160 acres, good house
and ham, and who will also buy an interest there
in. German or Skandinavian preferred. Enquire
of JnhnLeland Henderson. Incorporated. 4'-tf-c
Wanted Japanese boy wants situation as achool
boy. Phone 343-L. Box 2S2. e-11
If in wsnt of intelligent pruning ad-
dress A. J. Brunquist. phone 3P1-F.
Wsnted A man to work on fruit
ranch. One
who will find himself.
Man with experience
Phone ltv2-K.
Vr anted Man experienced in planting trees to
work by the month: sbout two months work.
Address box 564. Hood JtiverOr. 10-Up
VTsnted Man with iuuall family to work on
V ' fruit ranch. Must be accustomed to team and
ordinary ranch work. Addreaa J. U. Heilbron-
ner'a oltice. 10-13p
Vanted Practical nurse wants pstient st her
' ' home or will care for children. Phone U9-K.
Yranted A position to take charge of business
' ' and practical conduct of ranch by one who is
experienced in sll branches t.f fruit growing,
competent also to handle any kind of clerical
work. Address A, Newa office. IO-13-c
lha Lta4ln Cenrtctlonlitt and TobaccsUli
(Billiard Room and Bowling Alley in Connection)
Agency Portland Journal
Oak Street
Hood River, Oregon
Cash For Last Year's Ice Books
If you have nny more ticket Iu
your lnt Monn(in li-eliook turn tlioni
Iu nt our oilioe iiml we will pny you
for thi'tn on the tin tut1 bniis a we
clinrfftMl for them. No loone ticket
The lee ltiiMlueM Im renehetl hiicIi
irn)t)rtlini tlmt It I netvsmiry for
u to retire from dellverlnj? nntl we
luive nunlo nrrnnnenient with the
Tnft Trtumfer Co. for making ilellv
erle ami In the future nil order
houltl be placed with them.
We will continue tleliverliiff Ice nt
our factory platform to any who
may w ish to call for It. nt the fol
lowing price euliject to chanjre at
nny time. Trice apply to quantities
given niul cakes will tie cut Into 1(H
pound pltveai without etni charge
on trder of pound or mure.
1 ton or more f,; v: ton $4; LlXiiSwO1
pounilN 1; liH) iiouniln ,'h) efiit; .")
IouiiiIn :Vi 01'ntn; xnmll'T jiIiih'h 1 et'tit
XT (KHIllil.
we in'iieve tii new nrrnnirpini'iifs
fur ili'llM-rliitf will 1h mtt Inflict ory to
(Mir tunny ciihIomiits. nml wr wUti to
Htntt tlmt we fully appreciate the
llliernl patronage we luive hntl fur
nevernl yenrn,
P t iiiniin Km it Co.
Tri the County Court of the Stats) of Oncost, for
H'jod Kiver County.
In the Matter of the Application of Fred Henry
smith to change hia name.
Notice is hereby given that I intend, on the 12th
' Msxeh. Islu. at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of
ssid dsy. to make application to Bad County
Court for an order changing my name from Fred
Henry Smith to Fred Henry Hehaer. according to
the provisions of the statute in such ease made
and provided. Thie notice at given in accordance
with an order of the said court, dated and entered
the 6th day of February. A. D. 110. by Honorable
A. J. Derby. County Judge, and in pursuance of
aaid order, thia notice is to run for four weeks,
and for rive insertions thereof, consecutively, in
the Hood Kiver News, the first publication of
which IS the Wh dsy of February. ISIO and whlrh
orier wsa made upon a petition filed by me in the
said cause, wherein and whereby it n sought to
ensnare my name, as aroreaaio.
iJated the 7th day of February. A. D. 1910.
Imp HsNar Satrrif.
Joh nLeland Henderson.
Attorney tor Petitioner. -10-c
Ii Ibt Circuit Court al tba SUti f Oregoi tor
tbe County if Hood liver.
A rthur Putnam, plaintiff. a. Ina L. Putnam,
defendant. Suit for divorce-Summons To
Ina L. Putman. the above named defendanu
In the name of the State of Oregon, yon are here
by required to appear and answer the complaint
Hied against you in the above entitled suit, and
within aix weeks from the llith dsy of February.
110. ssid dsy being the first publication of this
summons, snd if you fsil so to snswer for want
thereof the plaintiff will apply to the Court for
the relief demanded in his complaint aforesaid,
filed in said cause, for towit: A decree of divorce
dissolving the bonds of matrimony existing be
tween the plaintiff and defendant in said cause.
This summons is published by virtue of sn or
der of Htm. A. J. Derby, Judge of the County
Court of Hood River county, state of Oregon,
dated February 11th. A. D. 1S10. which order
specifies snd provides six weeks snd seven inser
tions publication in the "Huod Kiver Newa," a
weekly newspaper published weekly in said coun
ty and atste. as the time and paper in which said
summons shsll be published.
Dated. Hood Kiver. Oregon. February 11. 1910.
John Lbland Hkndebjion.
Feb. 16-Mar. 30 Attorney for Plaintiff.
In tin County Court of tbe Stall of Oregoi for
noon mver louory
Tn the matter of the estate of Kstie M. Smith,
deceased. Administrator's Notice of Final Ac
Notice ta hereby riven thst I. the nnHrtieMil
administrator of tbe eststeof Kstie M. Smith, de
ceased, hsve filed with the County Court of the
State of Oregon for Hood River County, a final
account, and nave asked for final settlement of
ssid estate, and the County Court, bv an order
dated the 3d daT of March. 1910 has an
Thursday, the 7th day of April. 1910, at 10 o'clock
a. m . at the Court House in the City of Hood Riv
er. County of Hood River. State of Oregon, as the
time and place for hearing of objeetiona to aucn
final account and settlement of said aetata, and
all peraona having objeetiona to aaid account or to
tne settlement of ssid estate are hereby notified
to file same on or before 10 o'clock a. m. of aaid
7th day of ApriL 1910. in accordance with ssid or.
der of the court. Thia notice is published for four
successive weeks, beginning- with issue of date
the 9th day of March. A. u. 1910.
R. B. Bkaco.
Administrator of the estste of Katie M. Smith,
aeceasect. lu-14
lo tbe Circuit Court of tbi Stall of Oregoi tor
toe lou my oi nooa Kiver
C W. Stark, plaintiff, va. J. A. Simonaon and Et
kJ ta Simonaon. defendants. To J. A. Simonaon
and Etta Simonaon. the above named defendants.
In the name of the atate of Oregon you are here-,
by required to appear and answer the complaint
filed SKSinst you in the above entitled action, on,
or before six weeks from the date of the first pub-.
iiestion oi tnis summons, hereinafter stated, ano)
if you fail to appear and answer this complaint,
the plaintiff wiii take judgment againat you. andi
each of yu. for the sum of 153.S0 and for the
plaintiff a costs snd disbursements made and ex
pended in this sction.
You sre notified thst this summons is served
upon you by publication for six weeks in the Hood
Kiver News by order of the County Judge of
Hood Kiver County, nude March 4th. 1910. direct
ing the aaid aummone be so nublished for a neriod
of aix wee kb requiring you to appear and answer
said complaint on or before aix weeks from the
date of the first publication thereof.
1 he date f the first publication of this sum
mons is March 9th, 191.
S. W. Stark. Plaintiff.
Guardian's Notice
Xotlve is hereby given that in pursuance to an
order issued by the Hon. A. J. Derby, judge of
the county court of the atate of Oregon. Februsry
4th. 1910. the undersigned. John A. Wilson, has
been B if pointed guardisn of the person snd estste
of Chsrolotte Mills, an incompetent, of Hood Riv
er. Houd River county. State of Oregon. All per
sons having claima against said estate are request
ed to present them, accompanied by proper vouch
ers, at the residence of aaid guardian, at Hood
Kiver, Hood Kiver county. Oregon, or at the office
of John Leland Henderson, the attorney for ssid.
gusrdisn, st Hood River. Oregon, within six
months from the dste of this notice.
Dsted Hood Kiver, Oregon. Msrch 7th. 1910.
John A. Wilson.
Guardisn of the person and estate of Chsrolotte
Mills, an incompetent.
John Leland Hknukrson.
Attorney for Guardian; M
Newtown and
We still have a fine block
of first class, one year New
towns and Spitz. Stock is 4
o 6 ft, and 3 to 4 ft. high.
This stock is grown by irri
gation, has a splendid root
system and is the highest
quality obtainable.
If you wish any of the
above stock, together with
any other
write at once as our supply
is being rapidly exhausted.
We supply Yakima Valley
grown stock only.
Yakima Valley Nursery Go.
Toppenish, Wash.
Send in your order today;
write for catalogue
Real Estate Bulletin
0!t AA For s tract of the very best I'pper
!Ll.VslUr brush Isnd. 2 1-2 miles from
For 22 acres of choice Willow Flat
Jand. easily cleared, under ditch, also
spring. Terms, 1LT50 down, balance 7 per cent.
AA For 10 seres one mile out, seres into
ire, 2 scroti Dtutur. one acr of
berrie between tree. Krn and all fcmla, 5 Inch
es water. I 1-2 acres of treea In Uarina. balanca
1 to 4 yearn old. Term. 4""0 down.
highly improved places in thia Mction.
Office next Mt. Mood Hotel