THE HOOD RIVER NEWS, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 9, 1910 3 JVebu spring Goods A goodly portion of our new spring goods that we bought early have arrived and the styles, patterns and general appearance seem much more striking than any previous season. In fear of the fact that everything in the Wool, Cotton, Linon, Silk and Leather lines nave been climbing skyward we have been fortunate in getting together a nice lot of goods at prices that are eiceedinglr low and it will be wise to make your purchases early. New Shoes Styles run very much to. pumps; then we have a nice lot just received in Oxfords and regular light shoes, as well as pumps in patent, tan, black suede, ooze calf and kid. These shoes are from shoe makers who have a reputation for making good goods and up-to-date styles. Galitees, Cheviots Galitees are going to be pop ularit makes good, substan tial garments for all the fami ly and their standard quality is especially emphasized. Cheviots for Men's Shirts, Ladies Shirt Waists and Ap rons; waists and aprons for the children there are no bet ter goods. Linons We are offering Table Lin ons, 72 inches wide in pure lin on, patterns polka dot and roses, poppy and clover leaf, at $ 1.25 and $1.65. These are exceptional values. Napkins to match at $3.25 and. $3.50 per doz. Don't neglect this sale un,til they are all gone. Hosiery Guaranteed. Our line of Black Cat Hosiery is the best values on the market and ev ery pair is guaranteed to give satisfaction or replaced with a new pair and no questions asked. This i3 pretty strong argument, but the style, beau ty and values are in them and you take no risk in buying this line. Black Cat ' Hosiery New Embroideries An exceptionally pretty lot of embroidery edges, inser tions, corset covers, flounces, beedings and allovers in Swiss, Nainsook and Muslin, and we are making special prices on these lines for a short time. The variety is too large to give range of priceTfrom 5c up. Gloves We are offering special val ues in men's work gloves; hog skin gloves for ruff, hard ser vice at 65c. Saranack buck, soft work glove, for $1. Sev eral styles gauntlet gloves for $1.25 to $2. Corsets American Beauty. Style, ease and comfort are the first requirements of a corset. The American Beauty corset is built to meet these require ments and are guaranteed to meet all demands. Get one and if not satisfactory return it. Prices from $1.25 to $3.50 Make Special Efforts to Sen Oar Patrons Well iDd. Qlve tie Beit, tfaluis and Jeryc Posslnla New Ginghams and Percales We have a nice lot of ginghams for dresses, pattern colorings are clear and pretty. While this line lasts at 10c to 12l2c. Apron Ginghams 8c to tOc. Imported French and silks 20c to 25c. Percales in blue and white, white ground with polka dot and figures. Prices from 8c to 1 6c BRAGG MERCANTILE COMPANY Live Local Topics T. J. t'rofton of Tlit' Italic, propri etor f the 1 ' III ft 1 1 1 1 . llollMO, HK'llt Friday lit-re. Kliner Kami of I'ortliiud was here Sumla.v vlHltlng f. leu.lH and relatives. ChaiulxTlaltTiJ Stomach and Liver ! Tablet are safe, mire and reliable, and have been pralned by thouwtnds of women who have leen rentored to health through their gentle aid and curative properties. Sold by all dealers. uzzxrxzzxzzxzxixxxxx: Leslie Butler, President F. McKercher, Vice President Truman Butler, Cashier ;xixxxxxz7 'Butler Banking Co. Pionttr Banktrt of Hood Rivr Valliy Deposits o-Oer a Half Million Vtollars Interest Paid on Time Deposits Safe Deposit Boxes FOUNDED 1 ( o fexxxxxxxx xzfj ... H All Eyes Envy the 1 ailor Dressed Man WE FIT OR NO PAY M U V H E D GRAY'S TAILOR SHOP uot Block Phone 342-L Stranahan & Clark A V !otaslj ISjtrate of Soda Oone Hea Tankage Blood Heal Syper Phosphate Ready nixed Fertilizers, Kanlt, Land Plaster, Ume, cement. J. II. Gill Is erecting a new two story residence with concrete base ment, on the heights. The building will le 2.1x75 feet, (.'hamberlaiu's Stomach and Liver Tablets Invariably bring relief to women suffering from chronic consti pation, headache, bllllousness, diaxl ncse, sullowness of the sktn and d.vs IH'psta. Sold by (Ul dealers. It. D- Delaney of New Hertford, Mass., Is an eastern man who was here last week looking over the val ley for a prospective home. Medicine that aid nature are al ways most successful, t'hamlier- laln's Cough Remedy acts on this plan. It loosens the cough, relieves the lungs, opens the secretions and aids nature In restoring the system to a healthy condition. Sold by all dealers. O. R. Hall, manager of the Ameri can Type Foundry Company In irt- land, and his brother, Dug Hall of Walla Walla, were here Saturday on their way to White Salmon to look at their property there. Fully nine out of every ten cases of rheumatism I simply rheumatism of the muscles due to cold or damp, or chronic rheumatism, neither of which require any Internal treat ment. All that Is needed to afford relief Is the free application of Cham IxTlaln's Liniment. Give It a trial. You are certain to be pleased with thequlch relief which It affords. Sold by all dealers. W. K. Green, owner of a ranch on the west side, returned to Hood River from Calgary, Canada last week. Mr. Green while the- Cal gary district soured 2,J0 acres of flue, wheat land and 'believes this productive district presents many opportunities to the StutiJ.of Ohio, City of Toledo. I,u cas county, ss. Frank J. Cheuev makes oath that he Is senior partner of the Hrm of F. J. Cheney & Co., do lng business In the city of Toledo, county and state ntoresald, and that said .Arm will pay the sum of One Hundred Dollars tor each and even case of Catarrh that cannot be. cured by the use of, Hull' Catarrh Cure. Frank .j. Cheney. Sworu to Is-fore me and miIimtIIkmI In my presence, this Oth day of lecemler, .. l. (Seal) A. W. Gleusou, Notary pub lic. Hall's Cuturrh Cure U taken In ternally and nets directly oil the blood and niucou, aurface of the system. Wend lor testimonials free. F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo. U. Hold by nil druggist's, 7,V, Take Hall s Family nil lr constipation, C. W. Reed, M. O Donnell, R. M. Smith and J. G. HlalneofSt. Louis, Mo., were here Saturday looking the country over with a view to Invest ing. Jesse Davidson was In town Sat urday wearing the smile that wont come off on account of the fact that he made final proof on his fine home stead In the Mount Hood district. The Davidson place consists of lftO acres one mile aud a half from the Mount Hood post office and Is In Hue for good money from somebody who want fruit land. J. W. Dlmmlik and T. H. Ijirwood attested to the necessary residence and Improve ment to cause Jesse to step Into the J. P. Morgan and John D. Rockefel ler class. The Steamer TEAL leaves Portland for The Dalles, Big I ddy, and way points, Tuesdays, Ihursdaysand Saturdays at 7 a. m., returning Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, leaving the Dalles at 7 a. m. Resumed service Feb. 1st, 1910. Japanese Vovcltco ' utttne and Tokyo Diehea. Bamboo Furniture. M. NIGUMA U Stre Cwr (st Pkoni KQ W, C ADAMS Contractor and Builder Ferennal Attention Given All Work. Phone SOT-K. Residence. T20 June Street. HOOD RIVHR, ORI-OON EGCLES FEARS NOT TIMBER FRAUD PROBE Voluntarily coming to Portland to appear In-fore tne federal grand Jury William 11. Kcclea, manager for the Oregon Luraler Company at Hood River, and a director In the affairs of the Sumpter Valley Railroad t'om- puny, which maintains Its headquar ters at Haker City, was In consulta tion with Grant Gcddes at the Hotel Oregon very soon after his arrival Saturday, says the Oregonian. "I have In the east for some time, aud started home a soon as nformatlon was sent that the United States district attorney had lsgun au Inquiry Into the methods by which our compauy has acquired tlmlter lands," said Mr. Eerie. "My train was delayed somewhat by the troubles with which the railroads have recently been afflicted, but here I am, and ready to go before the grand jury at any time, and I will tell all I know. "I have had no opportunity to scan the situation, but I wish the Oregon Ian would make It plain that so far a the Oregon Lumber Company, David Eccles of Salt Lake City, Its president, or myself are concerned we have no fear of being charged with conspiracy or having any diffi culty in clearing our skirts of any charge of that nature. The Sumpter Valley Railroad Company, running from Haker City to Austin and Dixie cannot be charged with having ac quired lands Illegally, because that company own no land aside from Its right of way. 'The Oregon Lumber Company has purchased a large quantity of land as it was offered by persons who had located and secured title. I am not aware that the company ever In duced any 'dummy' to make an en try In It behalf, or that It ever ad vanced money by which the expense of such entries should be paid under any sort of a contract. "It will also be made clear that the Mormon church has never In any manner assisted In colonizing timber land In our interest. It Is not true that Mormon from Utah or any other state were brought Into Ore gon for the purpose of taking up timber land so that the Oregon Lum ber Company might buy It. Perhaps not more than one-eighth of the lands we purchased were secured from Mormons. Among the witnesses who have been brought to Portland not to exceed one-fourth of the total number are members of the Mormon church. "I have riot seen my brother, Da vid Eccles, since he wa here attend ing the convention of lumbermen a few weeks ago, and I do not know whether be intends to appear before the grand Jury or not. I will remain here until this thing Is over." Notice Freight will not be received lefore 8 a. in. nor after ." p. m. A. Wilson, Agent Mount Hood Railway. Oregon SlI OUTLINE amo union Pacific TinE TABLE Effective Sunday, Jan. 16, trains will arrive and depart at Hood River, Oregon, on the following schedule: WEST BOUND No. . Fast Mail (no passengers) :0 A. at. No. J. Soo-Spokane-Portland :46 " No. 11. Portland Local T:4S " No. i. Oregon A Washington Express 7:56 " No. 1. Portland Local . 140 P. If . No. 7. Portland Limited...... tM " EAST BOUND No. 2. Pendleton LocaL 102S A. U. No. t. Chicago Limited 11.-6S " No. 12. The Dallea Local :10 P. If. No. 4. Soo-Spokane-Portland K " No. 10. Fast Hail :10 " No. C. Oregon Washing-ton Expressions " No. 3. No. 5 and No 7 make no stops between Hood Rirer and Portland. No. 1 and No. 11 atop at all stations. No. 4. No. 8 and No. 10 atop at The Dalles. Arl ington, Umatilla. ' No. 6 stops at Hosier, The Dalles. Celilo. Dee chutes. Burg's Rufus, Arlington, Coyote, Irrigon. Umatilla. Hermieton. Stanfield. Echo. No. 2 stops at all stations between Portland and Pendleton. No. 12 stops at all stations between Portland and The Dalles. For further information inquire at the ticket office , J. H. FREDRICY, Agent. JOHN O. ZOLLS & SONS Contractors in Stone, Brick and Concrete Work Hood River, Oregon STRANAHAN & SLAVENS i Contractors and Builders ESTIMATES FUBKDHED Phone 286H Hood Rirer. Oregon W. O. ALDREO Contractor for Grading, Exca vating and Teaming Both Phones Lane & L Confectionery, Cigars Fishing Tackli Spauldlng's Sporting Goods All Kinds of Soft Drinks Oak St.. opposite Smith Block. Hood River. Ore. Arresting your attention by means of a mar velously low price is not our way of selling When you buy things in the drug store line you want them first of all to be goodi and reliable. Real values are deter mined by quali ties, not by prices. We give real val ues. CARL A. PLATH The Drug Store On the Corner Copy for advertisements should be in the office by Monday morning. "4 QPPER ALLEY JANDS 160 Acres Improved Other Improved Tracts Several 40 Acre Tracts Smaller Tracts Timber Tract ft I This Property is All Listed i Right and Soldat UstJPrices 4 -- - W. MARSHALL DEE, OREGON