THE HOOD RIVER NEWS, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 9, 1910 New Hart, Schaffner & Marx Suits for 1910 are now ready for rour In spection. Tin swellest lim we havt seen. Come and set what you think of them. We have a fine line of New Books -just received. All the latest in this line. Books that sell for 75c to $1.50-Your Choice 50 Cents THE PARIS PAIR Tfie Store That Gives the Best Values i-' :il 'ifmv.miA-i ,, WW mm. s ; mtrnm - m o I!!.'" Davtf Scbaffncr & JVIarx Suits All the newest weaves and latest styles $18, $20 $22 and $25 Other makes, all wool and made to our order, the mate rials having been picked out by Mr. McCarty while in the East. See what we can give you for $8, $9, $10, $12 and $15 They are surely fine for the money and will give you the best of value. Scw Tailored Suite for Ladies for Spring and Summer 1910. They are all that can be asked for in every way more snappy and more per fectly tailored than ever; all the newest weaves and latest styles. We can save you money on your Spring Suit. Just drop in and see. NEW SHIRTWAISTS AND NEW SKIRTS Vcw Gaotcr JVIiUincry We have secured the services of an experienced Milliner to take care of your wants in this department. Dozens of the very latest of Pattern Hats, trimmed by specialists in New York and Chicago. Also Frames, Flowers and Plumes. We can fit you out with a" becoming frame and trim it to suit your idea. We can save you good money on your Easter Bonnet. Ladies' f)and Bags Hnd purses We would call your especial attention to our extensive line of Purses. We have bought these at a big saving and can show you values that are worth 25 to 35 per cent more that what we are .asking for them. Just see our window and note the price. If you do not see some of the biggest values in this line you ever saw anywhere it will be a sur prise to us. Pick out the one you wish while the as sortment is complete. CofTrijtrt Man Schf fc Mars Olive Oil Of Guaranteed Purity Forseeing the immense demand for a genuine Olive Oil in Medicinal, Toilet and Culinary uses, we have looked for an absolutely pure grade of Olive Oil and ....have selected.... Creme de Luxe Brand Italian Olive Oil as being the grade we could recommend to our trade as the best. We are now receiving this oil in original sealed cans and know it to be of the high grade and fine flavor claimed CHAS. H. CLARKE GLACIER PHARMACY Hood River Oregon C orresponclence UNDERWOOD Mrs. Lenn Chambers, who has been spending a few days with I. I. 1'ack ard, returned to Portland Tuesday night. Mrs. A. J. Hay net aud daughter Fannie, came up from Portland Tues day noon. Mrs. F.N. Forest and the children came up from Portland Wednesday for a few days at the ranch. Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Hazel ton spent Thursday In Hood Klver. The new house Is uearlng completion and we fear they have set it bard task for the rest of us, for we can hardly hoe to have a home so complete In detail as theirs, at least, not until the or chard comes Into bearing. W. li. Arlxs had a rather exciting runaway one day last week, In which he barely escaped being killed, and the team badly Injured, but they all eaine out of It with a few bruises. W t li. will probably see that the tugs are unhooked before he removes the bridles the next time. 1 he people here are all on the war path at the prospect of losing the mall delivery, it looks like u cae of the tall trying to wag the don, for there are Unpeople who will lone by the proposed change, und only .T5 who will In any way be benefitted, outside of the party who expects to obtain the contract for Tarrying the mall on the new route, and who originated the scheme to change the rout. V.. ). 15lu Debar of Hood Klver, uc coinpauled by p. Mr. Newcomb of Los Angeles spent Sunday at Under wood and were delighted with what they saw of our country and ex pressed that this side offered letter opportunities Just now, especially to the man of moderate means. At the school election held Satur day, H'C Lowden was elected di rector for a term of three years, re ceiving all but two of the votes cast. Geo. Darting In the busiest man in the community these days, as the unusual amount of water this spring has washed out the roads badly and in one or two places made them nearly Impassable. MOSIER Mrs. Amos Hoot and Mrs. A. Me Lane were shopping In Hood Itiver Friday. Mrs. Lizzie Lambert came up from Portland Wednesday and spent sev eral days visiting her parents," Mr. and Mrs. John Evans. Mr. ind Mrs. Geo. Chamlerlain and J. M. Elliot went to Portland Friday to see the air ship make Its assent. J. P. and J. M. Carroll were called to Portland Saturday on account of the death of Jake Yarnell. Mr. Yar- nell suffered a paralytic stroke Fri day w hlch resulted In his death Fri day evening. He was a son-in-law of Mr. and Mrs J. P. Carroll. A. P. ISatcham, f I. G. Klblee and K. McGregorattended the banquet at Hotel Dalles last Tuesday evening The measles are going the rounds at present and school has been lined for two weeks. Mrs. (Jove left Friday afternoon for her home In Hood Hlver and will re main while school Is closed. John Armstrong and family left Thursday for their old home In MIs- ourl where they expect to reside In the future. Now that good weather has come veryone Is busy clearing land ami he largest acreage In the history of Mosler will I cleared this spring. A proof that we are Is'lng heard of abroad every day brings strangers here seeking hotiies. J. E. Higley returned from The Dalles Tuesday with a fine team and wagon. Amos Hoot lost a valuable horse last week. It was the family driving horse, so will be hard to replace. Judge Lake and two other gentle men from The Dalles were down the first of the week to Inspect the Mosler Creek wagon bridge. Frank Mlddleswart left Monday for Premerton, Wash., after spending the winter with his parents. MOUNT HOOD A landslide on the grade north of the toll bridge has Inconvenienced the people of the upper settlement. There Is need of walling the upper side of the grade, letting the irriga tion dltcb take chances on being filled. More water has Iteenon the ground during the past ten days than before known In this vicinity. Water came down the canyon south of the Butte and followed the channel to the lower end where It scattered great quantities of gravel and stone covering Jesse Davidson's spring to a depth of nearly four feet. Water also washed through part of his clearing, making gullies In I luces to the depth of two to three feet. It followed the road to the so called Bone ditch and did great damage to the road. Miss Lizzie Cooper and Miss Laura Purcell, our worthy lecturer and sec retary respectively, attended the county convention of the Grange at Pine Grove Saturday last, and as It was the regular meeting they enjoyed the day exceedingly. They made the acnuulutauee of quite a nuniler of Pine Grove ieop!e. E. C. Miller failed to make connections and then-fore we only had two delegates. W. B. Davidson expects to com mence work In the Willow Flat dis trict this week. (juite a number of land seekers came up to Dee Saturday on an In spection trip. We hope they may find land to suit each one as a good future Is ahead of us In these parts. Joe Dlmmlck made a business trip to town, going part way Friday and stopping at Pete Udell's. He re turned home Sunday evening. E. W. Clark made a trip to Hood River Monday to see about storing his goods which arrived several days ago the roads Isjlng bad for hauling at present. Jas. Langllle Is somewhat under the Weather and went to Hood Hlv er Saturday to consult a physician. Mac Hush and wife were In town Saturday. - - PINE OROVE Hev. Spaulding occupied his pulpit Sunday morning speaking to nn up preclatlve congregation. The Methodist quarterly conference will be held at Odell next Saturdav and Sunday. The W.L'.T. will meet with Mrs. Clara Jurvls Friday afternoon of this week. Mr, and Mrs. Austin will spend the summer In the vicinity. Mrs. Austin Is a sister of Mrs. A. J. Grow. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Scolw-e are visit. lug friends In Portland this week. Mr. and Mrs. Slade's new home Is nearlng completion. Mrs. John Johnson and children, also Miss Gertie Johnson, are visit ing in the community. Mr. Wnlker's people have vacated the house owned by Mr. Mark and will live on the property of Mr. Cut ler, working for him this summer. Mrs. E. Nlekelwou of Belmont visit ed "her sister, Mrs. Campltell, Satur day and Sunday. Mr. Jarvls family lost their good driving horse last week. Sam Camp liell also lost a horse recently. Zeua Miller has just closed a six months' term of school and visited her parents last week. She has an other school engaged for the summer Hoy Brock, who has been ill for several weeks, is reported aij Improving. K. of Ps, Celebrate Anniversary To properly celebrate the founding of the order of the Knights of Pyth ian and also the organization of the Waucoma lodge No. .'50 the memlcrs of the local order gave a banquet and entertainment last Tuesday evening In the lodge hall. The affair celebrated the-liith anni versary of the national organization and the L'Oth of the local order and was largely attended. A program arranged by Arthur Clarke was ad mirably rendered after which V. C. Brock and M. H. Nickclseu were pre sented with handsome gold lodge pins as a mark of honor for having been members of the order fcr twenty-five years. The presentation speech was made by Hev. W. C. Gil more and was responded to by Mr. Brock and Mr. Nickclseu, who ex pressed their appreciation of the honor conferred on them by their fellow members as well as their ur prise permitted. A supper such as only the Pythian sinters c:iu serve was then placed Im fore the merry knights, who feasted and Indulged In the pastimes of good fellowship such as the order exemplifies. ST : ...BEHIND TIME... Sometimes a minute is of extreme importance. Your nattn oiiuum uc unit 111c ociuiiu. li it a BU1IIC thing is wrong. Let us examine it. 4P Watch Repairing Is Our Specialty HOOD RIVER'S JEWELER Opposite Butler Bank OPEN EVENINGS In Brosius Block List of Hood River Orchard Lands 11 Acres east side, all in 3-year old orchard, Spits and Newtowns, good 4 room house, large barn, price $6000; terms. 10 Acres in Crapper, 6 acres in cultivation, 2 acres 4 and 5 year Spits and New towns, 4 acres ready to set to trees, balance uncleared but good for trees, 3 room house, barn, apple house and good well. Price $4500, half cash; 4 years at 7 per cent on balance. 15 Acres 1-2 mile out, 10 acres in cultivation," 300 2 and 3-year Spits and Newtowns 4 J-2 acres alfalfa. Price $6000; terms. 20 Acres east side, all to trees from 1 to 4 years old, Spits and Newtowns. $1000 worth of stock and tools go with the place. Price for a few days $11000. Terras. I have all kinds of tracts from n acres to 8o acres, all set to trees, at bargain prices. Terms to suit. Phone 98 At the Drug Store on the Heights BLOWERS BROS.' HARDWARE This is th season for Pruning and Spraying. We have a complete line of PRUNING SHEARS, SPRAY PUMPS and GARDEN TOOLS BLOWERS BROS, . Phone 99 First and Oak ytreetH