The Hood River news. (Hood River, Or.) 1909-current, March 09, 1910, Image 1

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    &f you want tfic news, su6scri6c for tfic Hews. 0f you want printing, fiave us do it. ffie Hews Ceacls
-.aH, nuuu wvm imwb
Send Representative To
Reminiscences of Express
Rc-Modeled Waucoma
Will Be "The Oregon
Refitted, Refurnished and Enlarged With
Seventy Additional Rooms New Hostelry
Will Soon Give Patrons Superior Service
Oppocc Lafean Box Bill
Messenger In Early Days
Hood River Apple Growers' Union Dele
gates Jos. A. Wilson to Goto Washington
and Oppose Measure Before Lawmakers'
Actinic aa the representative of the
Hood Klver apple growera, Jotieph
A, Wilson left here Saturday night
for WaxhlnKton, I). ('., to add his ef
fort to that of other Oregon repre
sentatlves who aiv endeavoring to
prevent the passage of the Lefean bill.
The proportion to send a Hood
Klver representative to Washington
originated with the board of direc
tors of the Mood River Apple Grow
era' Union who believed that tbla
dlatrlct could not afford to let a bill
of thla character become a law with
out opposition. While all the board
are actively opposed to the bill, K.
H. Shepard waa one of the moat ac
tive In making arrangements ta send
a representative from here, hlaefforta
being furthered, In addltlou to inem
ttera of the board, by I'. S. Davldaon
A. I. Mason and C. Dethman. Al
though Mr. Wilson goes oateualbly
aa the representative of the union, he
will seuk for all the growera In the
valley and will meet In Washington
and cooperate with A. M. Whistler
of the Kogue Klver district and W.K.
Newell, president of the state board
of horticulture.
By leaving here Saturday be should
arrive la the ' pit ol city Thursday,
In time to Join In the committee work
agaluat the bill.
It la Itelleved that If a compromise
In regard to the size of the bos It la
proposed to use can be effected that
Pacific coast growera will not op
pose most of the other provisions of
the measure. Changing the size of
the box la considered the moat Im
portant feature that northwest
growers have to contend against.
Mr. Whistler, of the Oregon delega-
W. N. White & Co., a New York
commission Arm, who la espousing
the cause of the Lafean bill, writes a
petrojolltan coast dully as follows:
"Further to mind of last week on
the Lafcau bill. 1 herewith enclose
you some further arguments which I
frust you will do nie the favor of
prlntng In the same way as you
Iirlnted arguments against the bill,
call your attention to the enclosed
manuscript catalogue from Liver
pool. dite Jan. Jtjth. On page 3
you wl we Oregon Newtown Pip
pins ei. ii "Bohemian"; It starts
with the brand J. M. Brooks, Asb
land. Ore , 4 tiers at 7 8 or In Ameri
can money $1 50. Then you will see
the prices of Mrs. C. P. Schooley 5-3
or 9135.
''Lot 4(1, the brand Famous Kogue
Klver Apples, Geo. Daggett. Medford,
14(1 boxes sold at 4s or Otic a box.
'I call your attention to the state
ment shown ou that manuscript cat
alogue (count 11 2:1-27.) The mean
ing of that la, four boxes have U-en
counted out and the Inspectors In
counting those boxes found In one
box 11 damaged; In another 23 dam
aged, another 23 and another27 dam
aged apples.
"Some others wero sold at 5a or
$1.20. On page 4 of the catalogue
you will And quite a numler of lota
sold from 5 6. These are the Kogue
Klver Fruit Growers Union, Medford,
grown by Pave Duncan, and . so on
and so on.
"These figures are facts, speak for
themselves. They net the grower
back scarcely anything only a few
cents per box.
"There la some question that ha
to m answered, because on pnge 4.
goods by the - "Lusltanla," Ore
gon goods, arriving Into Liverpool,
two different steamers, both sailing
at the worst prices Oregon fruit have
ever realized on that market. It can
not Ins the fault of the steamer. It Is
plther the fault of the box or the
fruit. Either the Oregun grower has
hlpied fruH that he hail no right to,
or he packed them n such a manner
that they lieeame bruised or dam
aged, or was It the fault of the box
or something what was It? Per
haps these gentlemen can answer
themselves; I cannot. Hut If the
goods were proerly packed and put
In a proper box, they would have
been sold for more than three times
the amount."
tlon, la stated to be much alive to
the situation and to have gone to
Washington primed with all the nec
eseary data to appear before the
congressional committees and make
arguments against the passage of
the Lafean bill In Its present form.
Not long ago be was In Washington
and made a demonstration of the
Winchester bushel In the private of
fice of Mr. Wllaou, secretary of agri
culture, by having a box of Kogue
Klver valley apples that won the
first prize at Spokane brought in,
and which when placed in a bushel
basket filled It, heaped up. Where
upon the official head of agriculture
in the United States waived all ob
jections to the cubic contenta of the
northwest box.
It la known that the commission
men are using every means to get
the Lafean bill enacted and It Is !
lleved that the presence of a strong
delegation from the northwest will
go a great way to defeating it or
secure a satisfactory compromise.
A recent report of Consul J. N. Mc
Cunn showed that Glasgow receives
about 400,000 barrels of apples from
foreign countries each year. Of this
amount the United States furnishes
150,000 barrels, while the balance
comes from Canada. North Ameri
can fruit Is preferred In Glasgow.
The quality and regularity of the va
rieties and sizes and the nature of
the packages combine to bring this
about. English apples are almost
always put up In packages of some
value, which are charged for by
growers, necessitating either their
return or paymeut for them. The
Impossibility of producing a large
supply of standard varieties and the
deficiency of grading on the part of
apples grown outside of North Amer
ica also tend to make the American
fruit preferable.
The remarkable expansion of the
apple trade In Glasgow is not only
due to alargerconsunjptlon through
out Scotland, but ulso to the fact
that Glasgow supplies a large por
tion of the north of Ireland and the
north of England with large weekly
shipments. Fruit is offered In Glas
gow in a large baiaar market under
municipal supervision. Belfast, In
Ireland, consumes during the season
about 3,000 barrels of apples per
week and about one-third of them
come from the United States. Some
of the principle varieties marketed In
Glasgow are Baldwins, Spltxenbergs,
Northern Spys, Russets and Green
ings. Hudson Klver Newtown Pip
pins and Ben Davis are also used
freely. Over 90 er cent of the apples
In Belfast are a grade far Mow
firsts. The fruit Is generally uncol
ored, small and Immatured. Pro
duce News.
Ground w!U soon be broken for a
new brick building which J. Otten
will erect on the corner of Oak and
4th streets. The plans for the build
ing are In the hands of K. B. Bartlett
architect, and call for a one story
and basement structure which will
be designed for an additional story
later. The building will he built of
brick with a cream colored pressed
brick front. The frontage on Oak
street will Is 50 feet with a length of
NO feet on 4th street.
The' work of dismantling the
wooden buildings on the premises
has been commenced and excavation,
for the foundations wl o started,
as sooti as they are removed.
Nf Ighbor Trust Meet
The Get Acquainted Neighbor Trust
enjoyed nn unusually pleasant meet
ing at Mr, liimr i eoncsd'iy even
ing. The muslo wna excellent and
the singing of a couple of solos by
Mr. Wilbur was very fine. The other
feature of the entertainment caused
a riot of laughter nud hilarlousuess
that spread the aides until they were
almost capable of holding the sub
stantial lunch served at the close of
the exercises. The next meeting will
be Friday night at the home of K. II.
By Capt.
In November, 1WJ5, I was offered
and accepted a position with the
Wells Fargo Express Company as
messenger, and was assigned to The
Dalles-Walla Walla route. The posi
tion was no sinecure. It was In the
flood tide of the mining excitement
In eastern Oregon, Idaho, Montana
and British Columbia east of the
Cascade mountains. Treasure ship
ments were very heavy, the country
waa overrun with bad men, going to
and coming from the various mining
districts, Walla-Walla, Baker City.
Boise and Idaho cities, Owyhee and
Lew Is ton, were filled to overflowing
with cut-throats, gamblers and ban
dits. Indeed so bad did these condi
tions become that the mere law abid
ing citizens of these parts were
compelled to take matters la their
own bands and purge their towns of
these pests.
A correspondent of the Oregonlao,
from Boise, at that time gives an
Idea of the situation at that place.
He says, "I think I am safe In saying
that not a day passes In this part of
the territory without one or more
men meeting a violent death." At
that time Walla Walla waa a distrib
uting point for all these places. The
conditions were perhaps not quite as
bad aa at Boise, but they were bad
enough. While navigation waa open
the express went by boat as far as
Wallula and then thirty mites by
stage to Walla Walla, but when Ice
closed the river the overland trip bad
to be made. The route lay through
a totally uninhabited country, ex
cept the stations, thirty to forty
miles apart, and at best required
four days to make the one way trip.
It waa a responsible position for a
boy Just out of his teens, though I
waa not wholly unprepared foreraer-
gerclea, having been raised from early
boyhood on the frontier and lacked
a whole lot of being a tenderfoot.
The Shot Qua Messenger
The term "Shot Gun Messenger"
came from the fact that all overland
messengers were required to carry a
double barrelled shot gun, furnished
by the company. They were No. 10
bore, sawed off guns loaded with five
shooter balls and a terrible weapon
In cool hands, sure death at one hun
dred yards, and no self-respecting
bandit would think of taking any
chances In frout of one, The rules re
garding these guns were very strict.
The seat by the driver was always
reserved for the messenger, and he
bad to carry bis gun across his lap,
alwaya ready for Instant use; under
no circumstances was he permitted
to rlde'lnslde the coach, or covered
wagon, or walk, but always keep a
sharp lookout for trouble. Any In
fraction of these rules meant instant
discharge from the company's em
ploy on arrival at destination.
Oold Dust Was Legal Tender
On my first trip down I found my
self In charge of a large treasure ship
ment, consisting of 1700 pounds of
silver bullion lu leather bags, mostly
If not all from the Baker couuty
mills; then there were four treasure
chests, weighing about 200 pounds
each, the total value of all lelng
about 1135,000. This, with one ex
ception, was the largest amount
that I ever knew of shipped at one
time. T. II. Cann, the messenger
running on alternate days, had taken
treasure amounting to $150,000 the
trip previous.
Gold dust was then the legal tender
of the land, coin of all description
was scarce. Paper money was In
evidence, but so depreciated In value
and with the discount so variable
that It was hard to handle,- Later,
when lu the employ of the O. S. N.
Co., I took In considerable amounts
at 40 to 60 cents on the dollar. The
o dicers of the boats frequently would
Invest their month's wages In "green
backs" and laid them, by (or a raise,
atid netted, a neat sum 'hat way.
The pr)ce of gold dust was na vari
able aa the number of claims In the
mines, ranging In value from I to
119 per ounce for Owyhee to $;'l for
Kootenai or Sktmilkameen. All
northern gold was good. I do not
rememls'r ever having seen any Inter
ior dust come from either Coeur
d'Alene or British Columbia. I soon
lHcame very expert In buying dust,
and could generally locate, on sight.
the very mine that a batch of dust
came from. All kinds of adultera
tions were used to deceive the buyer,
sHlter Itetng the principal Ingredient,
and on more than one occasion 1
H. C. Coe
have watched the horror depicted on
the face of an Innoceut trader on
seeing his bogus dust melt away
when I would test It with acid. I
always dreaded to see Owyhee dust
come out of the buckskin. It waa
uch vile stuff; It was so mixed with
lead and other combinations that It
did not look like gold, and one never
dared to give Its actual value for
fear of getting bit; but the Sklrallka
nieen and Kootenai product waa
dust par-excellence; It waa coarse,
washed flakes and runulng up Into
nuggets or $5 to $10 each and abso
lutely pure; more valuable than
minted coin. Boise valley dust
would range about fl4 to $15 per
ounce, while Montana would go
from $15 to $17. Considerable gold
was washed out along the banks of
the Columbia and Snake rivers by
Chlnamem. This was called retorted
dust because It was gathered In
sluice boxes with qnlck silver, and
afterward burned to get the quick
silver out. Thla waa called "flour
gold" on account of Its fineness, the
only adulteration being the residuum
from the burnt quicksilver and a
small per cent of sand, easily detect
ed with a magnifying glass but Im
possible to eliminate. For many
years large numbers of Chinamen
were engaged In mining the river
bars. The earlier and more favor
able locations would yield as high aa
five and six dollars per day to the
man. The modus operandi waa by
the rocker process, with riffles and
quick silver; one man or more to
shovel and one to rock and dip
water. This duet was worth from
$14 to $15 per ounce, and I always
fouud the chinks, while wanting all
that was coming to them, the sq ar
es t traders that I had to deal with.
' The Old -Fashioned Stage Coach
The thirty miles between Walla
Walla and Wallula waa covered by
Thomas & Ruckels old fashioned
stage coaches drawn by six horses.
They were calculated to seat sixteen
persons, but I have often known
them to come Into Wallula with
twenty-two adults crowded Into
and onto them. The road during
the summer waa fearfully dusty, and
one could not recognise hla own
brother after a trip over this road
until a few buckets of Columbia river
water bad been used. When winter
had closed the river these coaches
were considered too heavy for the
overland route, and a light thorough
braes eight passenger wagon was
sultltuted, drawn by four horses.
A roan named Haley ran a line of
stages between Umatilla Landing
and Boise City. They were of the
eight passenger type but larger, I) old
lug twelve people. Thomas and
Kuckles ran a line from Walla Walla
to Baker City. There waa also Du
Kell'a fast freight line over the same
ronte, owned by B. M. Du Rell & Co.
These, with Innumerable eight, ten
and twelve mule and horse teams,
with dozens of pack trains thrown
In, constituted the means of egress,
and Ingress, to the great and grow
ing country east of the Columbia
(To b continued)
The complete Itinerary of the dem
onstration train that will be sent out
over the Oregon division of the Ore
gon Hallway & Navigation Company
thla month was announced Thurs
day In the Oregonlan.
Thla train will lie the eighth oper
ated by the company and promises
to be the U'st equipped of any dem
onstration train ever sent out over
any railroad-
With the Itinerary, the following
announcement la being prepared for
distribution among the communities
to l visited by the train:
"In conjunction with the Oregon
Agricultural College and Experiment
al Station, the O. K. A N. Company
will, from March 21 to April 1, inclu
sive, operate over Its lines serving
Howl Klver, Wasco, Sherman, Gilli
am, Morrow, Umatilla, Union, Wal
lowa and Baker counties the most
extensive farming demonstration
train jet undertaken.
"The purpose of the movement Is
to encourage diversified aud Intensi
fied farming through continuous aud
scientific occupation of the soil and
to further the Improvement of agrl-
While not exactly new, Hood River
will have substantially a new host
lery in a few weeks with the comple
tion of the remodelling and change
of name of the Waucoma. The man
agement of this greatly Improved
and enlarged establishment have de
cided to change the name' to the
Hotel Oregon, which It believes will
be more In keeping with the pro
gressive town and state It la situated
In, and make an eaaler name for
guests to articulate and remember.
The addition to the new hotel
under the management of Cbas. Hall
and E. C. Smith, which Is fast being
completed will give it 70 additional
rooms or about 100 In all. When the
new establishment la ready for busi
ness It will afford Hood River greatly
Increased hotel accommodations
with added luxury and convenience
The whole building will cover a
ground space of 84x100 feet. A vesti
bule will be arranged at the main
entrance on the corner of Cascade
avenue and Second street leading
Into a lobby that will be double the
size of the old one. The lobby has
been fitted with large plate glass
windows and big open fireplace, and
a barbershop will be connected with
It on the Second street side. Lead
ing from the lobby at the side pro
vision has been madeforaconvenlent
writing room that Insures privacy
Special furniture consisting of heavy
leather covered lounging chairs and
settees, whtch were made for the ho
tel, will be placed In the lobby.
The dining room which will be en
tered from the lobby on the Cascade
avenue side, will be supplemented
with a large grill room, separated
from the main dining room by an
arched colonnade.
On this floor also a commodious
sample rooui with an entrance from
the outside has been arranged. The
kitchen will be situated In the reur
with two entrances, one each on
Cascade avenue and Second street.
The building will contain two stores
each facing on the above named
streets. Provision has been made
for Installing an elevator when it Is
deemed necessary.
The second, third and fourth floors
are devoted to guest rooms, arranged
single or en-eulte. All rooms
throughout will be provided with
hot and cold water. Altogether
there will be twenty rooms with
private baths and two public baths
on each floor. All the bed rooms
will be lighted and venttllated from
side windows and will be equipped
with private telephones, electric
lights and steam heat.
On the fourth floor an Innovation
will l.e a roof garden 30xS5 feet fitted
with a colonnade along the parapet
and exposed beam work above. Easy
chairs and potted plants and flowers
will lie placed here and guests will
cultural conditions In the territory
"The train will consist of a number
of cars thoroughly equipped for the
purpose of practical demonstration.
"Iectures on nil branches of agri
culture of special Interest to the
farmer will be given by the faculty of
the Oregon Agricultural College and
Experiment Station of Corvallls.
Among the subjects that will be dis
cussed according to conditions In
each locality may be mentioned the
following: Poultry, dairying, horti
culture, more and better livestock,
chemistry of the soil, rotation of
crops, conservation of moisture and
general cultural methods."
The train will leave Portland on
the night of Sunday, March 20, and
the first demonstration will le given
on the Heppner branch of the road
In Morrow county. The next day
will he spent on the main line In
Baker county and on Wedueeday
and Thursday demonstrations will
be given on the Joseph branch; Fri
day on the Pilot Rock branch and
Saturday the train will work back
to Pendleton.
Monday, March IN. will le devoted
to the Mala line from Echo to Her
mlston and Tuesday to the Condon
branch, Wednesday to the Shanlko
branch and Thursday, March 31, to
the Main line betwecu The Dalles and
flood Klver, arriving hereat 1:45 and
remaining until 3:45 p. lu.
have the benefit of quiet and a de
lightful view of the river. The re
modelllug of the hotel waa planned
by K. B. Bartlett. who la also the
supervising architect of the new
First National Bank building.
The American League
The Hood Klver chapter of the
American Woman's League met Fri
day afternoon, March 4tb, and reor
ganized, electing Mrs. J. W. KIgby
president; Mrs. Annette Entrlcan,
secretary, and Mr. L. F. Greluro,
treasurer. The meeting waa one of
great enthusiasm, twenty-five new
members being added to the roll.
This now makes a membership of 50.
This is very gratifying from the fact
that our local chapter house depends
on the number of members, 150 mem
bers securing a f 7,300, and 200 mem
bers a f 10,000 chapter house. Port
land Is qualifying for a f 10,000 chap,
ter house, and the Hood River chap
ter think they will not be outdone by
Portland. Will our friends and
neighbors Join ua In the conquest?
Each chapter bouse Is handsomely
furnished; equipped with a modern
kitchen outfit complete of the latest
design, a library, a woman's ex
change and a beautiful concert grand
phonograph made especially tor the
league, costing $225, with selections
of newest and best records. The au
dience room is ample and two club
rooms, connected by folding doora,
can le opened. The furnishings con
sist of fine rugs, strong handsome
mission furniture; finishings, stained
glass, kitchen equipment, lighting
and heating fixtures, and each local
chapter uses its house aa It pleases.
Mr. E. G. Iewls, the founder, baa en
dowed the league with two million
The plan aud purpose of the league
centers about the People's University
Academy of Fine and Applied Arts,
and Its allied educational institu
tions in University City, Mo.
These numberless courses of study
are open to all members and their
minor children free of any expense.
There are no dues and when once a
member it Is for life.
Will you not all lend a band to add
this great lever for the upbuilding
and beautifying of a greater Hood
River. Mrs. J. W. Klgby. local pres
Aa mentioned In these column
heretofore, says The Dalles Optimist,
the new hotel has been renamed and
Is now known as the Hotel Dalles.
The christening took place on Tues
day night of this week, and waa one
of the memorable eveuta of thla city.
Indeed, It waa such an event as
cannot le gone over In detail, can
not be refered to by the names of the
Individuals who made It possible, tor
the reason that It was a sort of
spontaneous affair, made possible by
the splendid co-operation of all our
The bare facts of the matter are aa
follows: On Tuesday evening the
Hotel Shlpherd opened under a new
name, as given above, and the open
ing was In the form of a banquet,
something like a hundred and fifty
guests being seated around the fes
tive boards spread In the main din
ing room.
As to why the Hotel Shlpherd has '
tieen wiped off the slate, In name,
and the Hotel Dalles (or The Dalle
Hotel) has taken Its place Is a story
which Is not necessary to relate.
Suffice It to say that a nututierof our
leading citizens decided that the ho
tel should be named after the city,
and the re-chrlsteulng took place on
Tuesday evening.
Upper Valley Land Sale
W. II. Marshall sold during the
past week 40 acres for Margaret
White of Portland to K.K. MoGuffey.
This Is part of the Allen Mai-rum
property. Price $5oo. He also sold
20 acres for Henry Kles near Parkalc
for $:1000 to Geo. A. Bruce, who re
cently bought the Hart wig property.
C. L. Morse returned fr.un Winona,
Kan., Friday, where he was called
by the Illness of his mother.