The Hood River news. (Hood River, Or.) 1909-current, February 16, 1910, Page 4, Image 4

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Hooo Rrvn. Oaaoox
Subscription, $1.50 a Year In Advance
Catered ae eccond-claae matter. Feb. 10. 1SW9. at
tlx pMt oflbw at Hood Rirar. Oraroa,
aadcr ta Art of Marck . 1ST.
At a harmonious reorganiiation
of the Republican State Central
Committee in Portland Saturday
it dtn-ided to call a state assembly
to Ik; held in that city July 21st.
The manner of selecting the dele
gates to the assembly decided upon
by the committee will undoubtedly
commend itself to the rank and
file of the party a it leaves their
choosing in the hands of the voters
unhampered. The meeting to se
lect them will be ojx-n to all mem
Wrs of the party ujon whom will
rest the responsibility of sending
delegate to the assembly to repre
sent their wishes. The large num
ber of delegates under the appor
tionment allowed the state at large
outside of Portland insures the
country districts a fair representa
tion. Their failure to get it w ill
rest with these districts depending
upon sufficient interest or lack of
The action in calling the assem
bly re-unites the organization
throughout the state, establishing
it on a basis that is representative
and insuring to it its prestige and
influence in the affairs of the na
tion. Without attempting to ab
rogate the provisions of the pri
mary law its tendency will be to
suggest, provide and support can
didates lest fitted to assume the
duties of political office.
As the Oregonian says, Mr.
Cake's address, on retiring from
the chairmanship of the state Re
publican committee, was excellent
in spirit and matter. It was a
clear and disinterested appeal for
party unity, under the primary
law , with assembly to harmonize
and guide the course of the party,
through fair and just representa
tive action. Mr. Cake's sugges
tions as to constitution of the as
sembly were very fully carried out
by the committee. The Republi
can party can be united on this
basis, and its work carried to suc
cess, or not at all. If this cannot
win, the case is hopeless. "A mere
scramble for office," said Mr.
Cake, "w ith as many platforms as
there are candidates'' and this is
what the go-as-you-please primary
brings forth "is the condition to
which politics of the state have
degenerated." Use of the repre
sentative system, in a broad and
liberal way, is the only remedy
Improvements to the Columbia
river which will be made possible
in case appropriations for the work
which have been incorporated in
the Rivers and Harbors bill are
allowed, will le far reaching in
their effect. In writing of them
our Portland correspondent says:
"That the Columbia river im
provements fared well in the Riv
ers and Harbors bill now before
congress was the advice received
in Portland this week from the
capitol. A total of $2,163,500 is
proposed to be spent on Columbia
river work and items provided for
in the bill are as follows: Wen
atchee to Bridgeport, 125,000;
Bridgeport to Kettle Falls, $50,000
Celilo to Snake river, $tt0,000; at
The Dalles, $600,000; Cascades
Canal, $,000; Vancouver, $7,500;
below Portland, including Wil
lamette river, $175,000; mouth of
Columbia, $1,200,000; gauging,!
"If this money is appropriated,
ait now seems likely, the improve
ments to the Columbia during the
coming year will be lasting in
their benefits and will be of great
advantage to the whole Pacific
northwest. The work is too im
portant to be claimed as a better
ment by any one state for an open
river from the Inland empire to
the sea will benefit almost every
person liviug in th northwestern
states more or less directly.
"By clearing out the upper river
-team boat navigation will be aided
provement of the channel to the
sea from the Columbia will facili
tate o-ean shipments both to and
from the northwest states.''
The Great Northern Railway
will exploit central Oregon aud
has sent two men through that
territory to get data for bulletins
anl other railroad publications
that will describe the country
thoroughly and tell prospective
settlers what they may expect
there. The valley of the Des
chutes river tributary to the Hill
road now building up the Des
chutes will come in for much fav
orable publicity and its resources,
crop possibilities and general
future will be told. The Hill lines
are taking an interest in Oregon
that will mean much for the state.
At exhibit rooms in 8t. Paul the
(ireat Northern shows Oregon
products and similar exhibits are
to be maintained by the railroad
company in Philadelphia and Bos
ton. These places will direct a
great deal of attention to the op
portunities in Central Oregon for
the settler.
itb a good effect on rates to andjj NORTHWEST NOTES
oiu'the interior, while the im- ,
From our Seattle correspondent.
Seattle, Feb. 21 Oregon, Washing
ton, and Idaho will beglu early next
month to reap the real benefits of tbe
Alnsko-Yukon-Pacific Exposition. A.
M.j.C'lelaiid, of the -Northern Pact He,
lian not Med Kettttte otnVlala that the
colonist rate of liXSj will hold good
tliU year iM'inulntr Murch 1 aud eud-
Iwt April l . TliU will mean a $jr
rate from St. I'uul and $-'CI from C'bl
cnyo. (Ireat Northern, Northern Pa
cific aud other transcontinental rail
road olliilaU udiult that lt)UirlcH
from the cont and middle went are
very heavy, and they expect to see
one of the greatest rushes of emi
grants tu the history of the North
west, If good roads are tu become a
realty and not a prophesy in the
State of Washington, some definite
line of proceedure must be adopted
and then adhered to, There In no
reason why a satisfactory plan
ahould not tie adopted at the (iood
Roads Convention, to be held at Aber
deen, February 2:!rd ami 24th. To be
effective, however. It must be ratified
by delegates representing every sec
tion of the state, and with the low
fares off erred there should lie a large
enough attendance to settle the vex
ing problems, and settle them for
ouce and all. Advice from the ablest
men lu the state will be plenty. The
delegates will decide.
A bill thut lias been Introduced In
congress In regard to protecting tul
grutory game birds will be of Inter-
The "Muck rnker" seems to be go
ing out of huslueMM of late, not lie
cause of any denlre on his part, but
because the eople thluk it best that
he should. Id the city election, held
in Seattle during the past week, HI
Gill, a nienilier of the city council for
many years, was nominated for j liis efforts to help them?
FtHIll AKV 20. 11)10.
The Golden Rule. Teuierauee Les
son. Matt. 7:1-12.
Golden Text. Therefore all things
whatsoever ye would that men
should do to you, do ye even ho to
them, for this Is the law and the
prophets. Matt. 7: 12.
ernes 1, 2. hy Is It that men,
not very good themselves, are so
harsh in their Judgment of ther men?
When men condeiuu others on mere
miHpiclon, w hat is generally the real
irrouud lor their coudemuatiou?
Why Is It that n truly good man
will never judge another harshly, or
on mere susplciou?
What reason Is there to Iielleve that
a person is guilty of the sume, or a
hliiillar.sin, when he Buspects another
for it on mere suspicion, and does he
not thereby cause others to judge hiiu
after bis own judgment?
Verses 3-5. Why are men so apt to
think lightly of their own sins, and to
magnify the very same sins In others?
It Is but right that u man should
lirst forsake bis own sins licfore try
ing to help others do so, but it is Im
poMxlble for one sinner to Induce
Hiiother to repent. Why, or why not?
How much succew Is attained lv
utispirltual pastors, orSunday School
teachers, In leading winners to reicn
t tine. i notwithstanding they may
teach the real truth with ability?
Verse 6. What considerations will
prompt a truly good man to lovingly
reprove winners and try to turn them
from their sins?
What class - of persons are those
w ith whom advice or reproof is hope-
less, and who but Insult a ierson for
Good Land at Prices That Are Right
M.C.V. 10 Acres 3 miles out on west side, 32 acres 4 year old Spits and Newts, 62
acres 2 year old Spits and Newts, 4 acres strawberries between young trees. Splendid
building site overlooking the east side and the Hood River. 10 shares water stock.
Price $9,000. Easy terms.
C.W.IO Acres 62 miles out on east side. 8 acres in 3 year old Spits and Newts, 2
acres in clover. All very best volcanic ash soil, good neighborhood near store and ship
ping station. Price $7,500. Easy terms.
57110 Acres 3 miles out on west side. 500 6 year old Spits and Newts, 150 3 year
old Spits and Newts, 25 3 year old cherry trees, 62 acres strawberries between trees, 2
acres building's and pasture. Home orchard of ceaches. Dears and bush berries: 5 room
house; small barn, woodshed, chicken house; all farm tools; horse, wagon, hack, chick-1
ens, etc. iree water, good well, fnce $1 0,000. Easy terms.
562--20 Acres 1 miles out on east side. 4 acres in 4 year old Spits, Newts and
Ortleys, 4 acres in 1 year old Spits, Newts and Ortleys, 8 acres in clover and alfalfa, 2
acres in oats; 4 room plastered house, closets, good well, barn, chicken house and wood
shed; team, wagon, harness, all farm implements, equipment and stock; 3 shares irri
gating stock, 9 inches water. Price $1 1,000. Easy terms.
W.H.G. 20 Acres 42 miles out on west side. 16 acres in clover and alfalfa, 4 acres
uncleared; all first class apple land, beautiful building site; red shot soil. Price $7,500.
Easy terms.
D.-V.-1--20 Acres 4 miles out on west side. 5 acres bearing orchard, 3 acres 3 year
old pears, 11 acres 3 year old Spits and Newts; 5 room house, good barn, volcanic ash
soil; on main travelled road. Price $1 8,000. Easy terms. 9 Inches water stock.
D.V.4 20 Acres 4 miles out on west side. 5 acres pears, 15 acres 2 year old Spits
and Newts; 4 room house; good spring, small barn. Price $1 6,000. Easy terms.
I.C.S.21 Acres 2 miles out on east side. 7 acres 13 year old trees, 1,000 2 to 6
year old Spits and Newts, 3 acres ready for trees. Home orchard of peaches, pears,
cherries, plums, etc. 5 room house, barn, good well, 5 inches irrigating water. On
main road, beautiful building site. Price 21,000. Terms.
A word to the wise is sufficient--GET BUSY.
The Reliable Dealers
est to hunters and others. Its pro
visions are as follows:
15e it enacted by the senate and
houwe of representatives of the I'nit
ed States of America In congress us
scmhled. Thut all geese, swans, brant
ducks, snipe, plover, woodcock, rail,
pigeons and other migratory birds
which, In their northern and south
ern migrations, pass through or do
not remain permanently the entire
year within the borders of any state
or territory shall hereafter lie deemed
to tie within the custody and pro tec-
ninyor ovsr A. V. Bouillon, who
stated that he was Identified with no
pnrty, but "sought the Republican
nomination liecnuxe the chances of
election serned better." (iill favored
a restricted district, which under
Mayor Miller had ticcn abollxhed,
with the renult that fallen women
have eHtabllHhed theniHelves In bonnes
throughout the resilient districts of
the etty. Bouillon gald, "If elected
he would favor the continuation of
'no restricted district.'" The Ismie
was a straight one arid oiien. Gill
tlon of the government of the Tutted i won by several thousand. Now he
States, and shall not lie dewtroyed
or taken contrary to regulations
hereinafter provided for.
Sec. 2. That the department of ug-
rlculture Is hereby authorized to
adopt suitable regulations to give
effect to the previous section by pre
scribing and fixing dosed seasons,
having due regard to the ssom-s of
temperature, breeding, habits nnd
times nnd line of migratory flight,
thereby enabling the department to
select and designate suitable dlst rlcts
for different portions of the country
within which said clowed seasons It
shall not lie lawful to shoot or by
any device kill or seize and capture
migratory birds within the protec
tion of this law, and by declaring
penalties by fine or Imprisonment, or
both, for violation of such regulations.
Objects to Locating Normal Here
Hood Klver, s-) It seems, cannot ask
for a normal school under the Initia
tive until It has first secured action
by the leglwlature, Very well. I Iood
Klver Is not the proper place any
way for the eastern Oregon normal
school. It Is n western Oregon
town. East Oregonian.
iiniHt tight it out with William Hick
man Moore, ii former mayor of the
city, who was renominated by the
I'emocrats. Moore made an able
mayor, and (illl will have a hard time
tieatlng him
A Common Cold
We claim that If catching cold
could be avoided some of the most
Oangifous and fatal dlHeasen would
never lie heard of. A cold often forms
a culture bed for germs of Infectious
rliwnm. Consumption, pneumonia,
dlptherla and scarlet fever, four of
the moHt dangerous and fatal tlU
cukcs, are of this cIush. Tbe culture
lied formed by the cold furors the
development of the germs of these
dlscaMCH that would not otherwise
find lodgment. There Is little dan
ger, however, of any of these diseases
Ising contracted when a good ex
lieetornnt (tough medicine like Chnin
lierlaln's Cough Kcrued.v Is used. It
cleans out them culture lied that
favor the development of thegerrriH
of these rllMenHeM. That Is why tills
remedy Is proving so urilversaHv sue-
cessfiil In preventing pneumonia. It
not only cures your cold (juickly, but
minimizes the risk of contracting
these dangerous diseases. For sale
by nil good dealers,
Does Jesus hear direct us to give up
all effort to save those who answer
to "dogs" and "swine," nnd, if not,
what does he mean?
Verses 7, H Seeing God gives us so
many things without our asking, or
even knowing onr need of them, why
Is It that be gives some of the most
vital blessings only by our asking?
What Is the slgnlflcence of the three
words, ask, seek, knock?
Why does God often keep us wnlt
lug for what we seem to so urgently
need, and to only give them to us
after earnest an Importunate prayer?
Wbat are some of the lieneflts of
Importunate prayer?
Why Is It that notwithstanding the
Invitation nnd the promise of Jesus,
and ten teousand of testimonies ns to
the value of prayer, that It Is so little
Verses 9 11. If we are loyal to God,
what reasons are there to Iielleve that
God will nnswer all our prayers In
the sense at least of withholding all
had things, and giving us every neces
sary good thing?
Verse 12 What Is the relation lie.
tween our love and actions to our
fellows and our getting good tilings
from them, and how does this bear
on t he question of temperance? (This
question must be answered in writ
ing by members of the club. I
lesson for Sunday, I'eb. 27, 15)10.
False and True IMsclpleshlp, Matt.
7: IS-IK).
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy the
Most Popular Because It Is Best
"I have sold Chamberlain's Cough
Ilernedy for the past eight years and
find It to be one of the best selling
medicines on the market For babies
and young children there Is) nothing
IsHtcr In the line of cough syrups,"
says 1'aill Allen, I'lain Dealing, I, a.
Tills remedy not only cures the
coughs, colds and croup so common
among young children, but Is pleas
i.nt nnd safe for them to take. For
sale by all good dealers.
JOHN LEI ANO HENDERSON, Prcildtnt: Attorney at It ana SoUr, Piiklle
. T. ALLEN. Vie Preilaent EDITH M. ANDREW!, Secretan-TreatMrer
John Leland Henderson
Law. Real Estate. Loans
Conveyancing and Surveying a Specialty
The President of the Company is prepared to do Surveying
and Civil Engineering 'ork of nil kindt
Home and Pacific Telephones
J. IVI. SO M MELTZER, Ssoratary
Abstracts, Insurance, coivegaaclng and Sorctg Boids
1l'e'.have"Jhe only complete set of Abstract Hooks in Hood
Hirer County and are in position to execute all work with
prom fitness and accuracy.
We represent some of the best old line Fire Insurance Com
panies doing business in Oregon, and can give the pre insurance
obtainable for the money.
Our reputation, as conveyancers is known to all. .ill of our
work is guaranteed .
Come to us when you want Surety Hands of any description.
Offica is Hit DAVIDSON BUILDING. N. E. Corntr Caeca. Attnst ana Thlre Slrttt
Capital, $100,000.00
Surplus, $20,000.00
Get the Banking: Habit
It Pays
The more bank depositors there are in a commu
nity the more prosperous that community will be,
both as far as the Individual citizens are concerned,
and also as regards the community as a whole.
Large bank balances mean much prosperity. Take
the advice of men who are respected on account of
their success ask them the best way of keeping
money and they will tell you to deposit it In
5he irst fictional Bank
F. S. STANLEY. PrtWdcni E. O. BLANCHAR. Cuhier
J. W. HINRICHS. Vice Prdnt V. C. BROCK. Ami. Cuhjcr
Successors to JACKSON & JACKSON
We have just put on our shelves complete
new stocks of
Canned and Bottled Goods,
Teas and Coffees
and are prepared to give prompt attention to orders.
Smith Lumber
Wholesale and
Retail Lumber.
Lath. Shingles
Etc. Lumber
delivered to
any part of the
aft T I ' ;s. ; v .ypAHmmSS
a m
n i
H. H.
W. E. fa
ir i i mm.
Electric Wiring and Fixtures
All kinds of Electrical
Supplies at Moderate Prices
Office and Display Room at 117 State Street
Shop Phone J33-K Rctldence Phone 3t-L
i t -r,