The Hood River news. (Hood River, Or.) 1909-current, February 16, 1910, Page 2, Image 2

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The Store Store That Saves You Money
New Manhattan Shirts, 1910 Styles
Guaranteed in every way, are now in.
New Spring: Shoes and Oxfords,
The Nobbiest Shoes we have ever had
J? New Dressing:
Sacques and
UW lailM' Bmm Drat.
32, 34. 3(i. US.
40. 4 J inchei bul
House Dresses
We have just unpacked a splen
did assortment of new Gingham
and Percale house dresses, nicely
made in every respect. One and
two piece, plain colors and stripes.
Just look them over. All sizes,
and cost you
less than the
making. House
Dresses for. . -
$1.25, $1.65, $2
lariioc' flroccinrr SarniiP a nice
ment, either short
50c, 75c and up.
long for
A 1
I2JI LtdlM' Dnulif-Sack.
s. 32, 34, 30, 38, 40.
42 inches bust
L. if i .
Ladies' Shirt Waists
We have just received
our first shipment of
New Spring Shirtwaists,
some of the daintiest
Lingerie waists, trimmed
with Venice insertion
and Val. lace and Me
dallions. We have some
extremely pretty ones
in this lot for -
v-J f vi ' ", ..;---.'
: ' L
I X .
a.-. . j
Lot Us
$1.25, $1.65, $1.95
$2.00 and up.
Show You
We have Hart-Schaffner & Marx
Clothes, Manhattan Shirts and
John B. Stetson Hats
New Spring
for Hen and Boys
When you want the
best Hat for the mon
ey, buy a
We know no other
make that will stand
up longer and give
better satisfaction.
We carry a very
large assortment. Over twenty-five different styles
and prices. Hats from 50c, 90c, $iv5o and up.
John B. Stetson, ail styles
Caps for Boys and fieri, all new spring styles.
Olive Oil
Of Guaranteed Purity
Forseeing the immense demand for a genuine
Olive Oil in Medicinal, Toilet and Culinary
uses, we have looked for an absolutely
pure grade of Olive Oil and
....have selected....
Creme de Luxe Brand
Italian Olive Oil
as being the grade we could recommend to our
trade as the best. We are now receiving
this oil in original sealed cans and know
it to be of the high grade and
fine flavor claimed
Hood River :: :: Oregon
William Ix'nts ami Mins Nellie
UoKers were married at Portland
last week and will tuake Dukes Valley
their home.
Mlxs Mariiret Klrmer who ha
leeii attending school at Odell went
to Portland laxt Tuesday where she
will attend school.
Dan Smith sold his 41 acre furm for
Professor Kobert Krohn sjjent Sun
day with his brother I'.en.
The gentlemen of the neighborhood
club will entertain the ladles of the
club Friday evening w ith cards and
dancing at the Pine Urove grange
Mr. Hlbbard will leave In about a
month for Dallas, Ore., where he Is
going to reside.
Frank P. Friday Is In eastern Ore
gon, where heexjtects to buy horses.
Mrs. Uallinger, who Is visiting Mrs.
DeWItt Is recovering from her Illness.
Mrs. MaU-1 Kemp, wtuhaslieen
visiting friends In The Dalles nan re
turned to her home In Odell.
Many of the farmers In this neigh
borhood have made a wonderful Im
provement In the appearance of their
farms by removing the old wire
fences. Ijft the good work go on 'til
the entire valley Is rid of these un
sightly things.
Mr. Flrebaugh, the rustling realty
agent, has a large force of men and
teams clearing his property near the
valley church.
A large and enthusiastic crowd
gathered at the school house Friday
evening, the occrslon lelnif a basket
social, given under the an pices of the
Y. l'.H.'C. K. of the Valley church.
The literary program was especially
good, most every nnmlier arousing
n hearty encore. The cracker contest,
engtiged In by Messrs. Kherrlch, Slut is,
and ISishop, proved to be the climax
of the entertainment. The prize, con
sisting of a dainty lunch, was
awarded to Mr. Slut z, he devouring
the five crackers In the fchortest time.
The real fun Is-giui In earnest when
Mr. Marsh Isenburg took command,
ami offi-red the many beautifully
trimmed baskets to the highest bid
ders. The thirty-five baskets netted
the society i ",
Miss (irace Sherrlch led an Interest
ing endeavor meeting Sunday even
ing. The society, by a standing vote,
extended their thanks to Mr. Isenburg
forhls assistance at the social Friday
evening. The society donated $10 to
the fnnd for procuring new song
On Saturday Park (range held
their first all-day meeting. Mr. Ma
son, of Pine (Jrove Orange, was pres
ent, and made several valuable re
commendations as to future work of
the grange, the one attracting the
most attention was the consolida
tion of four districts for high school
work. As a result of the discussion
Messrs. Kobblns, Stay ton, and Mur
phy wre appointed to represent the
(i range at a meeting to becalled soon
In Mood Kiver. The sentiment of the
(irange was in favor of consolidation.
Mrs. Alice Wright Is visiting at tlie
home of Mr. J. J. (iibbons.
J tlXarriafl J
n Interesting home wedding took
phjce at the residence of Mr. and
Mrs. C. f, Kogers at Y-U Fast -'IL'ml
street, Portland, Wednesday Febru
ary Dth at :' p. m , when their
youngest daughter Nellie was Joined
In marriage to Wllllan l-ntx of Hood
River. I
The ceremony which was perform
ed by Kev. II. C. Schaffer who for
merly lived nt Hood Kiver aud who
is au old friend of the family Included
the ring service. The weddiug march
was played by Miss Warren a friend
of the bride's who also rendered
Annie Laurie softly during the cere
mony. After congratulations a wed
ding dinner was served.
Mr. and Mrs. lentzcame to Hood
Kiver Thursday and will make their
home lu the Odell District where the
groom has a ranch.
Nellie Shay
The death of Miss Nellie Shay, a
young lady with many friends and
well known at Hood Kiver, occurred
Thursday, February lOih, hi a Dalles
City hospital. Miss Shay, who was
completing her second year as a
trained nurse, was 'Jl years old. As
a young girl she attended school here,
and for h time was employed lu the
telephone olllce. Later she took up
the profession of nursing, and just
previous to her death had In-en em
ployed attending a number of ty phoid
fever caws nt The Dalles hospital.
Some time ago she contracted the
disease, and suffered such a severe
attack that she failed to survive.
The body was brought here, and
funeral services held Saturday after
noon at Kartniess ( 'Impel, conducted
by Kev. Adams. Tlie burial service
was In charge of tlie Daughters of
Kebekah, of which tlie young lady
was a highly esteemed iiviiiber, and
the pall bearers were the past noble
grand ofticers of the local lodge of
Odd Fellows. Interment was In bile
wild Cemetery.
In persunnre of a petition signed
by 74 stockholder of the Farmers'
Irrigating Company, representing
OIK shares of stock, a special stock
holder meeting will lie held on Sat
urday. March .1, 1!H0 at 10 a. m. at
K. of P. hall. I'.y order of directors,
M. II. Nli khi.sks, Sec
We, the undersigned stockholdets
of the Farmers Irrigating Company,
do hereby call a special meeting of
the stockholders of said Fanners Ir
rlgatlng Company, for the purpose
of Instructing the board of directors
to have proper Investigation made
and statements furnished by a com
petent engineer, as to the cost of
constructing, maintaining and oper
ating an underground pipe system,
covering the laterals of the Farmers
Irrigating Company; also an esti
mate of the cost of reconstructing,
operating and maintaining the pres
ent flume and ditch system, and re
pairing and maintaining the ditch
system along the county roads to
make said roads safe for the public
to travel.
The above report to Is submitted
to a stockholders meeting to be
called as soon as possible afler said
report has lieen submitted to the
board of directors, that the stock
holders may know the most econom
ical and efficient sy stem, taking Into
consideration the removal of many
unsightly and unsafe ditches from
our valley.
And any other business that mav
come legally Is'fore said meeting.
Cfiurcfi Pieties
St. Mark's F.piscopal
Service everv Suudav at II a. in.
Sunday school at 10 a. m.
Riverside Congregational
Kev. W. (,'. (ill more, Pastor.
Worship and preaching at 11 a. in.
(iraded Bible school 10 a. in. Music
by quartet choir, Mrs. C. II. Sletton,
director. Young People's meeting,
i:4.". evening service T:;to.
Christian Science
Christian Science Sca'lcty holds ser
vices at the reading room No. i Dav
idson building. Cascade avenue and
:!rd street, Sunday 11 a. m. Wednes
day evenings at ":.").
Subject next Sunday "Mind."
Kev. II. A. MacDonald, pastor.
Kegular morning service at the
L'nltarlan church at 11 a. in., Sunday
school at 10 o'clock. Vesper service
at p. in.
Everybody Is welcome to both the
Sunday school and preaching services
Belmont Methodist Church
II. .1. Wood, pastor.
Services next Sunday as follows:
Sunday school 10 A. M.; Preaching
service 11 A. M. Evening service :M
P. M. Everyone welcome at all ser
vices. Christian Church
A. J. Adams, pastor,
Kegular services each Lord's Day.
Bible school at 10 a. in., sermon at
11 a. in. and 7::t0 p. in. Christian En
davor at (i::0 p. in.
A cordial Invitation is extended to
all to attend any or all of these ser
vices. United Brethren
J. K. Parker, pastor.
Kegular services each Sunday as
follows: Preaching at 11 a. in. and
7:110 p. in. Sunday school at lo a. in.
a. ni. Young People's meeting l!:4. p.
m. Midweek prayer service every
Wednesday night at 7 :'!. The pub
lic generally invited to all services.
Kev. .1. It. Hargreaves, pastor.
Sunday school !t:."0 a. m. Preach
ing at 11 a. in. and 7::i0 p. m. Young
People's meel iug at 7 o'clock.
The regular weekly services are
Young People's meeting Tuesday
evening, mid-week prayer meeting
Wednesday evening. Ladles AM so
ciety Thursday afternoon.
Later Day Saints
Keorganized church of .lesus Christ
of the Latter Day Saints.
Sunday services: Preaching at 11
a. in., Sunday school at :i p. m. Ke
ligio Literary Society, l p. m. Prayer
service Thursday evening, 7::t0 p. in.
All im Invited to attend these ser
vices. In tlie hall In the Chapman
building on the heights.
Methodist Episcopal
T. P. Ford, pastor, Residence 618
State street. At home every forenoon
and Thursday afternoon.
Sunday services: Sunday school at
10 a. in.; preaching, 11 a. in., and
7:'.'M p. in.; Epworih league, 0::t0 p.
m Prayer meeting Thursday even
lug. 7:."I0 o'clock.
Jnnlor church nt :i o'clock each
Sunday. All children welcome.
SH-clal music l)v the Asbury quar
tet. .1. C. Skinner, secretary of the
Commercial Club, will sing a solo at
both morning and evening services.
You'd Like Running Water
throughout your house and grounds, would you not? And
not being in close proximity to the city water mains, you're
wonaenng now to get it r Well that s easy
for a
Leader Vater
Supply System
will furnish at all times, an ample supply
of hot or cold water for your house, your
lawn and your stable if desired.
The Leader Sy(em is of vnequaled effi
ciency and economy in operation, and
guaranteed to give complete satisfaction.
Ask your dealer to tell rou all about the
Leader System or write to us for booklet.
How I Solved the Water
Supply Problem."
Apple Land & Orchard Co.
Office, No. 9 Oak Street. Phone 26 or 2002-X
see more brightness in life when they look through glasses
that suit their eyes. I make a specialty of
Examining: and Testing: the Eyes
and fitting them with proper glasses
Opposite Butler Bank OWEN EVENINGS In Brosius Block
This is the season for Pruning
and Spraying. W have a
complete line of
Phone 99 First and Oak Streets