The Hood River news. (Hood River, Or.) 1909-current, February 16, 1910, Image 1

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    The iure of the Mask," a story of the most
Commercial Club
Has Active Meeting
Enthusiastic Hembers Plan Campaign for
Increased Membership, Furnishing Club
Rooms, Etc. Will Banquet Next Month.
An enthusiastic meeting of the
Hood Iiiver Commercial Club wits
held Monday evening. In which till
present jt lix'il in (in effort to promote
the Interests of the organization.
The final report of the normal
school committee was received.
Chairman Ernest C. Smith Mated
that It had decided, In face of the op
position In other purtt of the state
to obtain the school, to withdraw
the active campaign coutem plated
substituting an Invitation to the
state at I a rue to locate the school
here In cam the other districts failed.
On the suggestion of .. L. Hender
son It wait decided to (five the club's
annual banquet in March Instead of
waiting uutil the new club rooms
were available. The price wan fixed
at 50 per plate.
u order to intercut tiewcotnein In
the club a committee of five will I
appointed by President flail, three
of t hem residents of the valley and
the other two business men, who will
prepare a Hut of new resident a who
will be Invited to Join.
The matter of f u riiinhln the new
clnb rooms wax taken up. Estimates
of the cost of lifting them up proierly
ran from $:i,Ooo to $.",(MH). The reHult
of the discussion wan the creation of
a separate fund for this pnrpoie, and
the authorization of a minstrel show
to raise a nucleus for the fund. It was
also decided to revive the observance
of Commercial Club Day, at a date to
le made known later, and which It Is
expected will make a substantial ad
dition to the fund.
A. T. Allen Introduced the idea of
f n a suit, brought by X. C. Evans
In the circuit court at The Dulles last
week, against the Hood Hlver Elec
tric Eight, Power Water Company,
to recoer the amount of his attor
ney's fees in his former suit against
thecompany for an accounting, J udge
llradshaw decided In favor of .the
plaintiff, allowing the sum asked for.
Owing to this decision and other
features, It Is now stated by the
ofllcers tif the Eight & Wutsr Com
pany that unless a compromise Is
effected that the case w ill lie upieilcd
to the supreme court, In which event
the final disposition of the suit will
probably drag along for a couple of
years more.
An order lu the decree, which the
attorneys for the compnny take ex
ception to, Involves a transaction
wbers Davidson received $2,000 par
value of the stin k of the corporation
for certain valuable proierty rights,
and Is ordered by the court to pay
over to the corporation $2,000 cash
with Interest from the date of the
transaction, making, It Is claimed, a
gift to the company of these rights,
pot withstanding the fact that It lias
rpcidyed Increased revenue from the
use of these rights amounting to
several times the aiuout of the pur
chase price.
A uotlior instance, In which thecom
pany takes exception to the decree, Is
where Davidson Is: ordered to turn
over to the company properties for
.",000 on which he borrowed $."0,(MKI
for the corporation, giving a Judg
ment against Davidson iersonnlly for
$20,000. It Is stated by the ofllcers of
thecompany, In relation to the trans
action, that In order to save the
property of the corporation from Is.
Ing sold undera mortgage foreclosure
Davidson transferred some valuable
pieces of property to the corporation
under protest for the sum of $2.",000,
thereby saving the credit of the com
pany and enabling It to borrow
$."0,000, which was used to enncel n
heavy Indebtedness contracted by the
plaintiff Evans, also enabling It to
rebuild Its water system and con
struct the present power plant. It Is
claimed that this transaction saved
the stock of the company from being
a total loss. A compliance with the
tlecree. It Is averred, Is not un equit
able adjustment of the company's
affairs, as It reduces the valuation of
t.he company's property $22,000 on
the two transactions noted and
places an Improper Judgment ngaitist
adopting a badge and slogan for
the club, which met with favor, and
was referred to the board of directors.
The announcement was made that
the publlclty-fund cumpafgn would
lie Inaugurated next month.
An active campaign for new mem
bers was started by Secretary Skin
ner by the proposal that members of
the club pledge themselves to report
the application of a member of the
organization at the next meeting.
This met with a unanimous response,
and was supplemented by Judge Hen
derson, who proponed that each
member secure a new niemlier by the
next meeting or forfeit 2 JM), the
amount of the Initiation fee.
Commencing February 3rd, Charles
Hall, president of the Home Tele
phone Company, assumed Its active
management. J. II. Hardlnger, who
has been manager of the company
since It commenced active ojierutlous,
having resigned.
The technical inanaitetncnt of the
service has been placed In charge of
J. Schluter, who has heretofore held
the position of wire chief. Changes
In conducting the service that have
been made and that are contemplated
are expected to Increase Its efficiency.
The hours of the operators have been
shortened and their salaries rained.
A change In the working hours has
also been Instituted, so that the
operators are on continuous duty
until they are released for the day,
One force comes on duty nt fin the
morning, remaining until :;jo n the
afternoon with half an hour for rest.
the other going on at l::i() and remain
ing until U In the evening with half
an hour off duty also. A rest room
hus been fitted up for the ocrators
with comfortable chairs, a couch and
desk, nud overlooking the street in
the front of the building. In this they
will be expected to spend their leisure
Another change that w ill be made
Is to separate the long-distance de
partment from the home service. A
partition will Is? put In separating
the two departments.
It Is U'lleved the changes will be
conducive to better service to patrons
and much more satisfactory to the
Delightful Social Function
A delightful social function was
given last Tuesday evening In Odd
Fellows hall by n numlier of Hood
River's young ladies, In the form of
a reception, dance and buffet lunch,
commemorative of the valentine sea
son. The decorative scheme consisted
largely of red, red hearts which
are supposed to lie particularly ten
der at this season. They were used
In many ways with handsome effect,
the vivid coloring contrasting pret
tily with the greens and other decor.
The guests, some hundred or more,
were received by their attractive
hostesses, Misses Minn, Albright, Al
len. Carter, Illythe, Cutler, Eaton,
Woff, (ioodnough, Irwin, Mortimer,
Phillips, Tate and Vannett. Eater
the dance was opened with a grand
march. The program contained a
numlier of extras In which the fair
dancers had the choice In making en
gagements. Punch of virtuous In
gredients allayed the thirst of the
dancers and an appetizing lunch wns
served throughout the evening. The
affair was one of the most highly en
joyed during the social season and
the young ladles were the recipients
of many congratulations on Its suc
Upper Valley Land Sale
East week Ilruce Brothers anil Mr.
Tuttle of Indianapolis bought,
through V. H. Marshall, SO acres of
E. If. Hartwlg. They will Improve
all of It this spring. Mr. Marshall
also sold for E. T. Folts 10 acres and
for Haytnond (Irlbble 10 acres to p.
J. C. Mclnues, the well known
White Salmon real estate man, wns
here Saturday looking the town over,
Dr. Oearhart, also of that placo, was
hero Monday,
High School Improvement
There are a numtsT of question
IMTtalning to high school education
In Hood Klver valley that the observ
ant home-seeker and the thinking
resident might well ask. It Is the
purpose In this article to usk severul
such questions and offer a few facts
and suggestions with the hope that
they may create wholesome reflection
which will lu the end result In con
certed action. It is nu Important
question, both from the standpoint
of the student and that of the man
who meets the expense. In the first
place, are high schools necessary?
All progressive communities have
decided both by theory and by prac
tice that high schools area necessity.
All Institutions of learning above the
high school demund that their stu
dents lie graduates from accredited
high schools or that they pass exami
nations In all required high school
subjects. More than MO per cent of
the students of Hood Iiiver High
School intend to enter college, uni
versity, or technical school after
graduation. The percentage is nearly
as high In the other schools of the
valley. The Hood Itlver University
Club, with Its 117 niemliers, indicates
very cleurly the sentiment that exists
In this eutlre community toward
higher educition. Thus, If Hood
Itlver Is to keep pace with the best
communities of the country and meet
the Insistent demund made by Its
young people It must maintain one
of the best high schools in the entire
West. If such an institution Is to lie
developed it must be based upon
broad principles and have thesupport
of the entire community.
What is the present status of high
school work In Hood Itlver Valley?
Hood Iiiver, Frankton, Pine Qroye,
Udell, Barrett, Crupper, and Mount
Hood school districts are each doing
more or less high school work at the
present time. Of these tlie Hood
Iiiver High School only Is meeting
the conditions Imposed by the col
leges nud universities for entrance.
At present Its graduates can enter
without condition the universities of
Idaho, Washington, and Oregon
any college or university In Oregon
and the universities of California and
Stanford. But at the same time this
school has not by any menus readied
the state of efficiency that it Is
Bible for It to attain. The other
schools are doing as well as their re-!
sources will permit. It Is not the
purpose of the writer to criticise any
school, but merely to point out exist
ing conditions, In the luie that some
thing better for all concerned can lie
evolved. One point that should be
carefully considered by any school
board or school district Is the fact j
that with a small teaching force the
Republican Assemblies
To Bo Held in July
State Central Committee After Harmonious
ReOrganizatlon, Adopts Plan That Will
Re-Unite Party in Oregon on Broad Lines.
The plan to hold county and state
assemblies throughout the state.
which has been maturing for some
time was brought to a successful Is
sue In Portland Saturday when the
Republican State Central Committee
met and re-orgnnlzed and endorsed
It without a disseutlng voice. Some
difference of opinion nrose as to ar
ranging the details which were final
ly completed nud a broadly repre
sentative policy adopted.
In Its account of the meeting the
Oregonlan says:
'Without a single discordant note
the Republican state central commit
tee, at a meeting In Portland Satur
day, authorized Judge M. C. (ieorge,
the newly elected chairman, to call a
state assembly to lie held In Port
land Thursday, July 21.
'This assemby will consist of 121
delegates, apportioned by the com
mittee among the :i counties of the
state on a basis of one delegate to
every 50 votes or major fraction that
were cast for l. It. llutler for pre!
dentliil elector In Novemlier, I'.mis.
Twenty-seven counties were repre
sented at the meeting, the proceed
ing of which were marked with
uninterrupted unanimity.
"The Inrgcand representative state
assembly was Indorsed by the com
alluring character in fiction, is proving popular
By Prof. Coad,
addition of even one high school
grade cripples the work of the gram
mar grades by Just that much.
What Is the present high school
work costing?
This is an Important question.
Practical utility and cost of main
tenance nre. In the order named, the
chief factors to lie considered. In
round figures It Is costing the tax
payers of school district No. 3 $4,1 ier
student in the Hood Itlver High
School. This Includes Interest on the
$.10,000 invested In the high school
building, grounds, and equipment.
Last year figures were presented at
the annual school meeting at Pine
Grove proving that the cost per stu
dent nt both Pine (Jrove and Frank
too was In excess of $100. At any
rate It Is costing more for each of
these school districts to maintain
a high school than it would If one
such Institution could do the work of
all. I'ndcr any plan that allows con
solidated work, after adding a course
In manual training and a course In
domestic science, the cost per student
can be reduced to less than 40 per
student. That means less expense
for every taxpayer concerned.
Is the consolidation of high school
Interests practicable?
Consolidation has proved a success
In every case tried where transporta
tion Is possible. There probably Is
no other place In the state where
there are sft many school districts
within such easy reach of .some cen
tral location. The permanent Im
provement of the roads that Is to be
hurried from now on will make trans
portation an easy matter, Then
another fact should. We taken Into
consideration Is the certainty that an
electric Hue will loop the valley In the
not distant future. This will bring
a" parts of the valley within easy
to, any central pltce. If the
experience of other localities that
have tried the Central High School
plan Is worth anything at all Hood
Itlver should profit by their success,
for conditions here are as nearly Ideal
for such an undertaking as can be
found anywhere.
This Idea does not In any way con
cern or touch the proposed location
of a normal school at Hood Itlver.
j The sentiment nil over the state is
pos-lthnt Oregon's next normal school
must be a purely technical school.
That normal students must first
graduate from some accredited high
school In order to beellglble for train-
Thus, from the standpoint of uni
formity, efficiency, and economy any
plan that can be evolved that will
permit uulted action will redound to
Hood Klver's credit In educational
progress. Edward E. Coaii.
mittee without a dissenting voice on
the recommendation of a sub-committee
(J five members which had
lieen appointed to prepare and sub
mit some method of procedure for
calling and holding such an advisory
gathering. The menitiers of this
committee were: K. E. Williams of
Polk; C. T. Early of Hood Itlver: II.
T. Dotts of Tillamook; C. S. Moore
of Klamath, and C. E. Cochran of
"In counties outside of Multnomah
It was recom mended that delegates
to the state assembly be selected by
county assemblies and that delegates
to the county gatherings lie chosen
by majority vote only nt mass meet
ings of the voters In the different pre
cincts, these meetings to lie called by
the county central committee. Sat
urday, July I), Is the date recom
mended tor the precinct mass meet
ings, with the date for the county
assemblies fixed for the following
Saturday, July Itl.
"From this plan of organizing
county assemblies and electing dele
gates to the state nssenibl.v, Multno
mah county was excepted. In this
county the Committee found that It
would be Impracticable, lurause of
the large number of voters, to hold
precinct mass meetings. It was
Married Folks Society
Honor St. Valentine
Large Gathering at Odd Fellows Hall Make
Merry Piercing Hearts, Writing Poetry and
Feasting, flusic Enlivens the Occasion.
The Married Peoples' Society add
ed a very enjoyable affair to the list
of social events of the city this win
ter when It gave its Vuleutlne social
at Odd Fellows' hall Monday even
ing. The social was attended by
about 100 members of the society and
their guests.
The beautiful decorations provided
for the Valentine dance held last
week were still In place, which were
added to lu an artistic manner. Each
one present was provided with a
card on which was traced the design
of a heart with their names written
on the card and which was pinned
on coat or dress front as the occa
slon required. In this way formality
was put aside. Introductions made
unnecessary and sociability reigned
A feature that provided a good
deal of entertainment and amuse
ment were slips of paper On which
hearts had been drawn and lu the
center of which was the name of an
apple. These had been cut la five
pieces and were distributed to the
guests who were Instructed to hunt
up those having the pieces thut fitted
theirs and then compose a poem,
each line to commence with the let
ters that were an their slip. The at
tempts at poetry were both lnsplr
Ing and amusing, the prizes lielng
won by Irwin Parkins, Mrs. W. L.
Fpson and Mrs. It. E. Harbison.
The remainder of the evening wns
devoted to some excellent music pro
vided by the Mandolin Club, George
It. Wilbur J. C. Skinner, and the
Asbury Church Quartet, consisting
of Mrs. E. O. Hall, Miss Edith An
drews, G. li. Datson and Alva Day.
A short address that wns highly
appreciated was made by Itev. T.
B. Ford. Refreshments were served
during the evening by n number of
little girls charmingly attired lu
white dresses besprinkled with red
hearts. The committee which had
charge of the affair was warmly
congratulated for a most pleasant
The program and committees were
as follows:
C. W. Edmund G. B. Datson F. H. Coolidge
Harry H. Bailey John Walters
G. B. Datnon Dr. T. B. Ford
Jenkins Walters C P. Sonnichsen
F. H. Coolidge E.O.Hall A Ira Day F.W.Flint
voted to leave the matter to the
county centrnl committee with the
understanding that It would exer
cise Its Judgment lu adopting some
plan calculated to produce the liest
Dr. J. X. Smith, of Marion, and J.
H. Worsley, of Wasco, asked that
the same discretion is? left to the
county centrnl committee of their
counties with the result that, follow
ing some discussion, the original re
port of the committee was amended
to tlie extent that lu other counties
where It was deemed advisable the
method of procedure in electing dele
gates to the state assembly might
lie determined by the county central
"Proxies will not lie allowed In the
state assembly If the recommenda
tlotis of the state committee are ad
hered to. On this subject the com
mitter took no compromise position.
It voted to eliminate from the state
gathering all proxies. The commit
tee did recommend, however, that
the vote of alisent ami duly elected
delegates In the state gathering shall
be cast according to the majority
opinion of tin we present and acting
from the same county. This method
it wns contended, will Insure the pol
ling of the full vote of every count
In the assembly and nt the same
time lie expressive of the wishes of
the particular locality Interested.
"As to congressional and district
assemblies, the state committee rcc
onimctided that assemblies for the
recommendation of congrscslonul
and district otlices be held during the
recess of the state assembly; that the
delegates to the congresHlonal and
district assemblies lie the same dele
gates as shall represent those dis
tricts nt the state assembly; that all
recommendations of the congression
al and district assemblies Ik- reported
back to the state assembly."
J'jfcn Walters Irwin Parkins
Mrs. Cora Smith Airs Day
H. H. Bailey Prof. L. B. Gibson W. A. Isenberg
C W. Edmunds A. P. Manning
F. W. Ang-us E. L. Klemar
The Mandolin Club
Messrs. Robert B. Perigo. A. Loeffler. E. A.
Kincaide. Irwin Parkins.
Asbury Church Quartrtti-
Mr. J. C. Skinner. Director.
Mrs. E. O. Hall, Miss Andrews. Mr. 0. B.
Dstaon. Mr. Alva Day.
Baritonr Soloists
Mr. George R. Wilbur. Mr. J. C. Skinner.
Miss Sadie Ford. Mrs. Geo. R. Wilbur.
Ot'B Pabtor
Dr. T. B. Ford.
Little Ladies in Waiting
Misses Calkins. Wright, Johnson. Johnson.
Kaufman. Irvine. Nickelsen, Lynn.
The Mandolin Club .. . Merry Widow Waltzes
By Way of Introduction
The Mandolin Club-Overture
From the Prince of Pilsen
By Wsy of Getting Acquainted
Prises- B.A.P.-L.A.P.-N.A.P.
The Mandolin Club-The Palms J. Faure
Punch and ... Mors Punch By Everybody
Mr. George R. Wilbur Three for Jack. .Squire
Our Pastor How The Layman Lays
..Dr. T. B. Ford
The Mandolin Club Le Miserere
From El Trovstors
Anbury Church Quartette The Story of An
Apple Roeckel-Parks
Mr. J. C Skinner (A) Kins Duncan's Daugh
ter-Allitsen. (B) The Rose-Johnson.
The Mandolin Club -College Life.
Interest In the proposed construc
tion of the municipal water system
centered Monday In the opening of
the bids which was axed for 12
o'clock by the city council. Six bids
were received one of which was
thro wu out after being read on ac
count of failure to accompany It
with a certified check for f 1,000 as
provided in the proposal for bids.
The other Ave were S.A. Kean & Co.,
Chicago, who offered to take the
bouds at par with a premium of ap
proximately f00; The Central Sav
ings Hank and Trust Co., of Denver,
who bid for the bonds at their full
value $!M),000 and $:tuO premium; Mor
rlss Bros., of Portland who offered
approximately $G,MX) and the John
Xuveen Company, of rii lea go whote
bid was $'.0.7l,0.(l0
On motiou of Councilman Broslus
the bhl of the latter was accepted.
In bidding for the bonds the bidders
stipulated that their offers were sub
ject to the validity of tlie Issue and
the proceedings preceding It. With
the exception of Morris brothers the
bidders were unknown In banking
circles at Hood River but reference Is
said to show that the Xuveen Com
pany Is a reliable house aud also sev
eral of the others.
In securing Information to bid tm
the bonds Intelligently It Is stated
by some of the attorneys for some of
the larger bond houses who have
examined the city charter In antici
pation of litigation with the water
company, that they are not satisfied
that sonic of Its provisions are not
faulty In connection with the bond
issue. Attention is called to the fact
that the council has already voted a
"mill tax for geueral purposes and
has also held a special election to
authorize a levy of another tax of H
mills for paying Interest on the
bonds, making a total of 13 mills,
while a provision In the charter that
has never lieen amended states that
"the council may levy taxes not to
exceed one wr cent, or 10 mills." this
amount living It mills less than the
total amount necessary to provide
for bot h purposes.
Another procedure which the legal
sharps of bond havers say may
prove a leital obstacle to the Issuance
of the bonds Is that Hood Itlver is
divided Into two voting precincts
ami that although the council or
dained that lu general elections the
polling may be done at one polling
place it makes tin such provision for
stevlal liftlnns. Is stated,
says sMvllieall.v that no voter shall
vote In any other precinct than the
one In which he resides. As the vol
ting In all spivl;il elections has Is-en
done In one precinct It Is claimed
that there Is n possibility of attack
ing t he legality of the bond election
on these grounds and of projecting
the bond buyers Into a legal contro
versy In whirh I hey would have con
siderable ditlti iilty In recovering on
their Investments.