The Hood River news. (Hood River, Or.) 1909-current, February 09, 1910, Page 8, Image 8

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1 i
VION LACES and m?.ny interesting features
in their manufacture are on exhibition in one
of our show windows. This display is educa
tional and every person should see it.
From 3,400 to 1500 bobbins are required to
thread one lace machine, besides the beam and
warp, making a total when the machine is
threaded of 13,000 threads in actual work.
When a machine is fully threaded there are
6,700 mi'es of cotton on it, enough to reach from
here to England and nearly back again.
See the illustrations of the various machines
in operation where they take in the thread and
turn out the dainty, attractive laces also skeins
of yarns, yarn spools pieces of lace just as they
come from the machines. Especially interesting
is the process of clipping, scalloping and sepa
rating. The exhibit is so unique and the values
so unusual that a visit will be of material
interest to you.
9000 Yards of Good .Domestic Made Lace
and Insertion on Special Sale, 39 per doz., wide and narrow widths;
your choice, nothing worth less than 5 and values included up to
10c per vd., iust to show that America can produce lace values thnt
i - - a
startle France and fiermanv. where nil nnr Inrpc nf thic rUnmrior I
have heretofore been manufactured.
New Goods Arriving in All Departments
New Ginghams direct from Scotland, as
well as good domestic brands.
New Gold and Silver Allovers, New Gold and
Silver Bands, New Fauntelroy fluids' Hats
Live Local Copies
Mr. and Mr. C. A. ltfll were week
end vleltors In Portland.
Mrs. Ida Smith wan the guest of
her slater Mrx. Eiert stranahan Sun-,
day. i
Madame Carroll came up from j
Portland for the week end with her'
oon P. H. Carroll. ;
letters received in this city last 1
week show that the Wood worths 1
ami Hartleys are at present enjoying (
the sunshine and lialmy of old !
.Mexico. I
Geo. O. Uruce and H. C. Tuttle, of '
Indianapolis, friends of (ieo. Fox,
Husum's enterprising resident, were!
here last week looking the country
over for Investments.
Clark Thomsou, of the Wind Itiver !
I. mutter Company, who has leen
looking after thp logging operations i
of the company, back of White Sal-)
mon, was a guest nt the Mt. Hood!
Hotel Friday night, returning to Cas
cade Locks Saturday morning. I
A. 15. Combs the well known Insur
ance man purchased a acre tract
partly Improved in the Mt. Hood
district lfist week for 15. t Meeker, a
wealthy Chicago man. Mr. liecker;
will come here shortly with his faml-.
ly to make his home. The property '
was bought for f lyi an acre cash. j
Mrs. Harry DeWitt went to Port
land Wednesday for a visit with her j
sister Mrs. Seneca Fouts. j
S. E. Bartuess was a Portland vlsi-!
tor for a day or two last week on
matters connected with the Odd Fel
lows' affairs.
Mrs. Green and MissLuella llawley
left Sunday for a two-week's visit in
Portland. Later they will 1 joined ;
by Miss Jennie Hawley, who will i
spend several days In the clly doing j
her Spring buying. 1
The Phllathea Club met Friday 1
Evening at the home of Miss Eva
Brock for a social evening. The
prize for the games was won by Miss (
Kuth Hauna. A very plcasaut eve- j
ning was spent during which ape-i
tizing refreshments were served. j
Frank !avenpoit, after an uhsencej
of some time, was here for a visit
Sunday. Hood I'.iver's pioneer lum
berman is interested In a mill on the i
Sandy river, and has bought several !
big tracts of fruit land In the section j
that will Ie reached by the new elec- j
trie line out of Portland to Mt. Hood.
Frank Is just as much of an enthusiast
in regard to Hood Itiver as ever, anil
says he expects to spend considerable
of the Summer here looking after his
(ieo. Dlmmlck, of the Fp(er Valley,
went to Portland Sunday on 11 bust
ness trip.
Robert Krohn, physical director of
the Portland schools, who owns a
rnnch at Hood Itiver, spent Sunday
It. I. Stanton formerly of San Fran
cisco and lately a press operator for
the Oregon Journal has accepted the
position of night telegraph oierator
Another of the series of sacred con
certs was given at the Congregation
al church Sunday evening to a large
attendance. In addition to the num
bers given by the members of the
choir, Mrs. J. M. and Mrs.
E. O. Dutro sang solos, Miss Eva
Yates gave a recitation and Miss
Henvls gave a numlter on the piano.
A full line of poultry supplies at
List your property with Devliu &
First Spring showing of Gordon
hats are now lielng shown In J. G.
Vogt's window.
Money to loan on Hood Itiver resi
dence property. John Iceland Hen
oYrson, Incorporated.
Buy two good lots for a little money.
Payments on your own terms.
Phone 168K, or address I-I), care of
News office.
C. W. Edmunds, M. I., eye, ear,
nose and throat diseases exclusively.
Office hours it:l" a. m. to 4 p.m.
Phone 4:1, Kes. :i:il2 L.
Time is Required and Energy Consumed
We Would Do One Thing, and Do It Well
Rather than Half Do several things
Therefore We Have Specialized Upon
Having cut out City property, rentals, insurance and all other adjuncts
to the Real Estate business. Thus the entire efforts of our large sales
force is -
Concentrated on Selling
Hood River Orchard Lands
giving those listing their property with us every advantage for quick re
turns. If you are thinking of selling, call at our office and talk it over,
or leave a phone message and we will call upon you.
H. R. B. 4. T. Building,
A lively boy was iiorn to Mr. and
Mrs. ('. C. Walton of the I'pper Val
ley. In Portland last week.
Louis Fritz, deputy game and fish
warden of the Dalles, came down Sun
day for a look at the fish laddies
alone the I food Itiver.
E. It. '-.Mollle" Moller arrived from
New York Thursday, where he has
been spending the Winter. He rv-
turned by the way of California. The
atmosphere of dear old Broadway
was still clinginu; to "MolUe," but he
expects to shake It loose after a round
or two with the cultivator. His
brother will return later.
Tlie Bridal Veil LumlteriDK Com
pany announces that . L. hniery
has been made manacer of their
large establishment here and that
the company expects ',to provide
Hood Itiver patrons with an Increas
ed stock of all kinds of dressed and
finishing lumber for the coming seas
on as well as fruit boxes. Mr. Kmery
is well known here and It Is expected
that he will prove a valuable acquis!
tion to the company.
C. A. Moscly, who bought one of
the most desirable ten-acre tracts of
young orchard In the valley has pur
chased 240 acres of fruit land at
M osier. The purchase was made
through I). I. Hail, and the land will
be subdivided and sold in small tracts
by Mr. Moseley. It is situated on the
road between Mosier and The Dalles,
and Is one of the most desirable sec
tions in that rapidly developing and
excellent suburb of Hood Itiver.
The meeting of the Thursday Musi
cal Club, held at the home of .Mrs.
Dutro last week, added another 10
the enjoyable affairs of the club. The
composers were Combs and Pade
rewskl, Mrs. Clay Brock singing the
"Four I-af Clover" by the former,
and Mrs. O.J. Nelson rendering one
of the great pianolst'ti selections, both
of which were admirable. The bi
ographies were given Jy Mrs. Dutro.
During the business meeting three
new memlKTs werenild'-d to t lie club's
growing list, after which the guests
enjoyed the refreshments served by
the hostess. The next meeting will
be held at the charming new home of
Mrs. Nelson, when the composers will
be Beethoven and Kgeruls.
Table boarders taken. -'."-' State
Coarse ground and rock salt at
For results, list your orchard (and
with pevliu Sc. Flrebaugh.
A. A. Jayne has money to lend at
6 per cent on good security.
Notice J. J. Vogt's window If you
are Interested to know the new crea
tions In (Jordon hats.
Alfalfa; carlot quantities; a fancy
graded product. Bbilock Fruit Co.,
Walla Wnlla, Wnsli."
Fpr Sale Brand new visible type
writer. Try ft a week. A. Wll-
Aon, Mount Hood depot.?
Have buyers for some Improved
and unimproved fruit farms. Call
ami at jour place with (Sen. D. Cul-Ix-rtson
&. Co.
For Kent An elegant front ofjlce
or sleeping room In the Davidson
building. Htenm heat. Apply nt
room H or at Light A Water oHlcc.
For h good hot lunch call In nt
K.'ssA Itlchnrdu Oyster rooms. Ha
clwi.od aweet cream served with our
coffee, and also for aale In any quantify.
Chas. B. and It. W. Pratt spent the
day la Portland Wednesday on a
business trip.
Workmen have been busy this week
removing several tons of rock and
dirt from the east side grade.
K. Shelley Morgan, of th Schmidt
Lithographing Company, came up
Sunday to look things over prepara
tory to brluglng his family here.
,V. M. Kollock, wlio Is In Madison,
Wis., writes the News that he will
soon return and has Interested a
numlter of people In Hood Itiver.
The country roads are In good con
dition fur this time of year. A little
sunshine and wind would dry them
up and make the going tirst rate.
Foust & Howe have taken the
agency for the Ford touring car. One
of these hadny little roadsters Is be
ing demonstrated by Fred Howe, and
Is giving good satisfaction.
The next meeting of the Woman's
Club will be held next week, Wednes
day, February l'i, at Odd Fellows'
Hall. Mr. W. F. Larway will have
charge of program. Dr. II. L. Hum
ble will address the club on Science
vs. The White Plague.
The American Express Company,
according to the latest report, has
purchased the Interests of the Pacilic
nnd Wells-Fargo companies on the
coast and also on all the Harrlimtn
lines. The American has been absorb
ing 11 lot of express territory recently,
and now has lines extending frotn
coast to coast.
Our specialty Is orchard lands. IH-v
Hit & Flrebaugh.
Don't let the rabbits eat your trees.
Buy your tree protectors nt White
head's I'pper Valley I have some good
buys now In t lie I'pper alley. W.
II. Marshall.
Fur biir. well matured apple trees, standing
from 6 to 7 feet in row. Newtona and Spit, rail
or write
Two Mil Wut of Town
National Life Insurance Co.
of U. S. A.
Established 1868
Over One Million Dollars of
Insurance in Force in Hood
River County.
I For rates or information annlv fn
t w j
J. M. Schmeltzer
Local Representative, or
A. 15. Combs
State Manager, Portland
Itex Brand Stwk and Poultry
Food. Best In the world. The kind
that brings results. Whitehead's.
I'pper vi.lley I have 70 .'! acres.
small house and bain, nearly all
good; adjolues l.'d) acre-tract just
cleared and set to trees. A buy. W
II. Marshall. Dee.
Chicago.$33 St. Louis $32
Peoria $31.55
St. Paul, Duluth $25
Kansas City, Omaha $25
and correspondingly low rates from
all points Fast to all points on
Spokane. Portland & Seattle Ry.
and Stations on
Astoria I Columbia River R. R,
Portland to Astoria, Inc.
Tickets on Sale Daily
flARCM ist to APRIL i5th
Inc., 1910
Arrangements may he made with any
Agent of the S. P. A S. or A. & C. K.
to deliver tickets to friends In the East.
Detailed information furnished by
Agent, White Salmon,
M. H. ADAMS, 0. P. A T, A
Portland, Oregon
Duffy & Zimmerman
frcob Bread, pieo
and Cahcs daily
SFancy and Wedding Carta
ttlade to Order
Model Bakery
Succesaora to T. H. Williams
Legal Papers carefully drawn.
Money loaned on Tirst Mortgages
I I re Insurance In best Companies,
Surety Bonds of all kinds.
Stenography and Typewriting.
Business promptly attended to.
30SOk Street
Hood River
Real Estate
Correspondence Solicited
Foust & Howe
Mechanical Experts
Automobile and Bicycle
Band Sawing, (las and Steam En
glnes Rebuilt. Machine work of
all descriptions.
Sixth nd Columbia Strwt. I'hon IW-