The Hood River news. (Hood River, Or.) 1909-current, February 09, 1910, Image 1

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The Lure i',u::!l''liTiasK' a story of the most
City Council
Lid On
Must Close On Sundays and Be Good On
Other DaysSoft Drink Establishments
Not Affected--Ordinance Passed 5 to 1
The feature of the session of the
city council held Monday evening
was the passing of the ordinance
providing for the cloning of the pool
rooms, card room and bowling al
ley Sunday and at midnight Satur
day. The ordinance originally
Included soft drink establishments,
hut wait amended Is-forelts dual pas
sage to allow them to remain oien.
Believing that the lid was being put
on too tight Councilman Broslus
moved to strike out the claiiHe pro
viding for Sunday cloning, but on
being put to a vote the amendment
failed to carry. The ordinance car
rle with It the other provisions pro
hlbltlug mluorH from loitering In
pool anil card room and fixe a pen
alty for It violation.
Frank (.'handler appeared l.-fore
the council In regard to the strip of
property which It Is proponed by the
city to take In widening Sherman
avenue and stated that he would
compromise by giving the city ten
feet off the lot for ."CK. If It wanted
more than that he Intimated that
he ought to receive the full value of
the lot which he placed at $1,300.
The matter wu referred to the Judi
ciary com in It tee.
A proportion to extend Sherman
avenue through to the Paradise
Farm tract wa discussed but no
action taken.
Estimate from the city engineer
on the complete Improvement of the
eaat wide grade gave the amount
necessary a $0,300. A the city'
revenue would not permit of such an
expenditure, on motion of Council
man Broslus, the superintendent of
street wa ordered to make such
Improvement as the city fund
would warrant.
An ordinance providing for a newer
In the Cascade and Columbia avenue
dlHtrict and allotting the assessments
wa panned. At the expiration of
the legal time of notice bid will lie
On motion of Councilman Mall the
Judge nud clerk who nerved at the
Decern I a-r election were allowed
Secretary Skinner of the Commer
cial Club ha Issued a circular letter
to rotddent of the valley unking them
to fill out a form accompanying It.
He exect In thl way to get a lot
of Interentlug and valuable Informa
tion and earnestly requests every
body receiving one of these hlunks to
to return It filled out.
n regard to the matter Secretary
Skinner nay:
''Inasmuch a thl I to be the
greatest year In the hlntory of Ore
gon, the Commercial Club I endeav
oring to have Ilood Itiver take n
prominent a part a tnennnand labor
will permit.
"To do thl work Intelligently we
need the help of every rancher and
fruit grower. We Intend to prove to
you that It I to your Interest more
than to any of the people of the town
and valley. Io you realize that
every word of advertising that goes
Is making your apples better known?
"Bringing more eople Into the val
ley means bringing more money.
You share In this In an Indirect way
If not In a direct way. It put a
higher value on your land, It does
not moan that .you have to sell to
have that value. If you were asked
your financial worth would you
Answer that you paid f 200 an acre
and had JO acres, or were worth
f20007 No, you would not. You
would suy, 'Jim Jones Hold hi place
last week at $500 jht acre nud mine
Is a good a hi so I am worth
$3000.' The work we are doing put
the extra value on your place end It
I there when you want It.
"We want to Impress every fruit
grower with thl Idea. It Is neces
sary that we have your help to make
your place more valuable. The
question we nre nnklng are for the
purpose of compiling record and to
do this we need the answer of every
man In the valley. If your name Is
left from the mailing lint by some
mistake send us a postal card and
wo will mall you an appeal."
Pool Rooms
proper compensation for their ser
vice and other bill against the
city submitted were also approved
C. D. Nlckelsen addressed the coun
ell In a brief talk unking for the early
completion of the sewer In the din
trict In which his property 1 situ
ated. On motion It wa voted that
when the council adjourned It wni
to meet Tuesday, February 1.1th at
noon at the city hall to receive bid
for the water bond. A representa
tlve of a machinery house In Tort
land wa given a few minutes by the
council to furnish information In re
gard to street roller and advocated
the purchase by the city of a gaso
lene seven or ten ton roller. The
gasolene machine be stated bad been
found to 1h? the most economical and
efficient. The cost of a seven ton
roller wa $2,700 anil a ten ton $3,200.
On motion of Councilman Wright
the city Recorder was directed to no
tlfy the Fanners' Irrigating Compa
ny to supply pipes for their water In
the city limits.
The Get Acquainted NelghborTrust
had another happy meeting with
usual exercises. Some new neighbor
and the old bunch exerted themselves
In getting better acquainted. Rev.
(iilmore broke In at a late hour at
tracted by the hilarity, music and
a he admitted the aroma of coffee
anil wa made an honorary member
after pledging his fealty to the ob
ject of the trust.
Mrs, Campell gave a reading of
personal experience of wood shed
memories In which father's whip
ping always hurt. Mr. Onthank
read Han ltrl tin an, chief constructor
of the vegetable garden under Mr.
Britman a board of directors, that
wa appreciated a real by the men.
Mr. Luiigllle wa so Interrupted by
applause that he had difficulty In do
ing full Justice to I'nt and Bridget's
argument as to whether It wa a
rat or a mouse. Happily there was
no ueed for a peace officer. Mr. Day,
the newly wed, gave eome good ad
vice Intended mostly for the Is'tietit
of Mr. Colby who run the phono
graph a really fine one that was a
challenge to dance. Recitations by
Blanche Campbell and the Bailey
boys, guitar music by Miss Howe
cloned one of the best meetings, Mr.
and Mrs. Halley did the host and
hostess act nicely. The next meeting
will be at the home of Mrs. Mary
Vannett. T. J. Cunning addressed
the club a follows:
Neighbors, much against my wishes
I have been pressed Into saying
something to get the machinery of
this meeting going because, a usual,
J have nothing to say, Can't even
reveal the blank In my mentality.
Whatever comes will l an evolution
like creation something out of noth
ing. Talleyrand said that speech
was given to conceal thought, but
for ordinary honest eople, speech I
used to say what they mean. The
Talleyrand Idea might do for those
skilled fencers whose vocabulary Is a
shield to obscure their meaning, but
we can say with great safety that
Talleyrand lies liecause he ha been
dead quite a while. The answer of
the man to Ids family physlclnn's
question, "How Is your wife?" wa
"Oh, she 1 dead I thank you," and
may be sarcasm or gratitude. Words
are funny thing and must not al
ways be taken too literally. The
dutch farmer's remark to hi neigh.
bor, "You got a calf unt like me,"
didn't mean that he wa a young
bovine, but It hit our funny bone.
Hut thl I not getting thl meeting
going The weather condition put
an embargo on the neighborly visits
across the back yard fences and that
made the formation of the "get ac
quainted trust." This does not pro
hibit the back fence gossip a a
stimulant to sociability, but enlarge
the sphere. They were more select
probably on account of greater Inti
macy, but by the present formation
an etdarged Intimacy can lie estab
lished, recipes for the culinary de
partment and cure-all for all the Ills
that fall to our lot exchanged and I
Mrs. MacRae
Accompanied by a picture an In
terview with Mrs. Marion MacRae
which appeared In the New York
American of January 2-sth will Inter
est our reader. It say:
Out lu the West, from the Hood
Valley country lu Oregon, where
strawberries grow nearly every
month in the year and the sunset
tinted apple burden the tree, comes
Mr. Marion MacRae, formerly of
Virginia. She went Into the region
a decade ago a neurotic newspaper
writer with assets of 925. Now she
I worth $40,000, I healthy, and al
though a widow and under forty, Is
not In the matrimonial market, she
"It was a struggle, she told a re
porter for The American who saw
her at the Hotel Astor last night.
"I went West from Washington lie
cause of my husband's Illness. Iiut
we had to live, and I did newspaper
work. Seven years ago the Hood
Itiver country began developing.
With a little cash, much determina
tion and courage, 1 bought some
land, planted It In a pole trees, con
tinued writing and nursing my hus
band. An evil day came and I was
"But the whole country seetnsd to
give me company, and now my trees
are paving me more In one year than
I could have made in ten at writing, j
much good done. Of course those
cure-all were not adopted by the
medical profession but faith lu their
potency acted with magical effect.
according to your faith so be It." I
remeinlsjr once writing to my mother
from the army for her recipe for mak
ing pancakes, which I thought would
be an agreeable change from the
bard tack and salt bacon. I got the
formula with an explanation of the
duties of the Ingredients, flour, milk,
lard, egg, soda and salt, but before
the letter came I had nosed around
something like the back fence gossip
and learned all about making hot
cakes army style. I delayed thank
ing my mother for her Information
but truth compelled me to Inform
her that her recipe wa no good, an
army mule did not give milk and
soda was barred by the war depart
ment a dangerous to our tender
stomachs and that chickens didn't
live long enough to lay eggs, but
that 1 had succeeded nicely with the
salt and flour to make them long
and bacon frylngs to make them
short, and any kind of water we
could get to ndx the stuff using an a
vessel for this purpose a hole In the
ground, In which wa carefully
spread a rubler blanket which we
washed before It got dry and it
didn't hurt the blanket a bit.
There It goes again. Off the sub
ject a usual- Jf nothing plus noth
ing would only equal something 1
might 13 able vo evolve an Idea with
out trailing you all over the United
States nud part of Germany. 1 have
received some Jars lu the changes of
the past 70 years with benefit, but
thl neighborhood social touches a
true note. That great teacher, Plato,
taught that to free ourselves from
prejudice against persons, places,
races or creed, to get closer to them
and study them with care, would
cause our dislike to change Into
respect. There are many differences
In our fea'tures and temperaments
but we will find so much real good
ness and worth that It will not be
Impossible to follow the Lord's com
mand "Love thy neighbor as thy
self." Joaquin Miller hesitates to
"draw a line where God ha not."
Snlnt Paul, the philosopher of the
apostles, would restrain hi personal
desires rather than cause a brother
to. offend. This neighborhood, how
ever, does not need preachment. We
seem to meet so Informally that we
do not need constitutions and by
laws. No officer, no committees,
though at this time Mr. and Mrs.
Halley are lending the glad hand and
hearty welcome. Each one shows the
spirit of host and hostess to all the
rest and 1 can safely assure you that
the exercises will tend to a better ac
quaintance. I will close with a coup
let revised from Holmes.
"Then here'a to our neighborhood, ita (old ami its
Th ilun of Ha winter, the dewa of Ma May.
Ami when we are dona with work ami with ilay,
Uear rather take care of our neighbor alway.
American Woman's League
The Indie Interested In the Ameri
can Woman's Dengue met at tlx home
of Mr. J. W. Rlgly, February ltd.
Mr. J. F. Grimm, the organizer, met
alluring character in fiction, is proving popular
Boom In East
1 have a home, a servant, men to
trim and spray the orchard, to gath
er the fruit, to pack It, ship It, collect
for It and bank the money. I wish
all my women friend In New York
and elsewhere could come there and
revel In the magnificence of nature,
Invest a little money, wait patiently
for tour or five years and then be
aids to enjoy life.
"Our marketing Is done In the
East. But strangely enouge Russia
Is the first buyer. Her agent are
there In great numbers, and they
buy lllierally. We send more apples
to Siberia than we do to the Atlantic
"We have no labor troubles. Out
of Yale and Harvard and Princeton
and the other big colleges come
young men enger for the air and the
experience of planting and growing.
In my little town of Hood City, con
taining a population of less than
3.0(Xi, there Is a University Club with
a membership of 113. I think that a
world's record breaker."
Mrs. MacRae spent last week In
Chicago, where she sold 1,020 acres of
Oregon land to an Illinois syndicate.
Then she came to New York, where,
for a while, she purpose to see all
the best shows, dodge automobiles,
revel lu lobster salads and sleep un
til ten In the morning. In Oregon
she Is up at six. She will visit Wash
ington before her return West.
with them w ho explained In detail
the workings of the league and Its
peculiar benefits, which created great
enthusiasm. It financial and literary
merit, as well as the prospect of ob
taining a lieautlful chapter house,
claimed the attention of all. Many
new applicant for the Founders
Chapter were received. An applica
tion for a chapter was signed, and In
our vision we see the beautiful edifice
belonging to the Woman's League
standing as an ornament on the
streets of the great apple city. Hood
River adjourned to meet at Mrs.
Rlgby's, February 10, at 2:30 p. in.
All ladle Invited.
According to the report of the
stnmp committee of the Visiting
Nurses Association of Portland Ilood
Klver Is again the banner town in the
State outside of Portland lu the sale
of Red Cross Christmas stamps. Its
sale amounted to over 91S3. The
town next to Hood River was The
Dalles, with sales of $1(12.30. The
report shows that 910,000 was raised
iu Oregon. Most of this amount wns
realised from the sale of stamps In
Portland. A percentage of this 910,.
000 g(Hs to the National Red Cross
Society and will lie used toward a
National tuliereular work. This will
extend far beyond the scope of any
local work.
The Visiting Nurse Association of
Portland received $1,000,000 stamps
and 13,000 postcards from the Na
tional Red Cross Society, of which It
sold 015.012 stamps and 1:1,162 post
cards. On the sale of the stamps and
with ndded donations, the Visiting
Nurse Association realized $10,072.
The exjienses of the sale were 940.43,
and this, added to the percentage due
the Red Cross Society, a matter of
$1.89S.04, leaves a fund of $124.31 In
the treasury.
Frank Davidson. In charge of the
well drilling outfit of the Apple Land
& Orchard Company, exhibited some
sample" of high grade Iron ore which
was taken from n boring for a well In
the Willow Flat district last week.
The well Is Is'lng drilled on the place
of Frank Masse', and the vein of ore
was struck at a dedth of 140 feet. So
far It has been penetrated 7 feet, and
continues to show ore containing 23
per cent Iron, The ore Is found lu live
rock that contains no lava forma
tion, and those who know of the Inci
dent are considerably Interested In
knowing how thick the vein Is.
As far as Is known this Is the only
mlncnl deposit of any proportions
ever found In the valley, notwith
standing the oft related tale of the
gold mine which is supposed to exist
In the Mount Ilood country and
which, under the name of the J.ost
Cabin Mine, ha been the cause of
wearing out much nhiK leather.
Local Debaters Again
Defeat Visiting Team
Hood River High School Students Qiven
Decision In Contest With Wranglers From
Park PlaceContests Developing Talent
The debating team of the Hood
River High School again established
Its supremacy In a contest with a
team from Park Place, Ore., by win
ning the decision on the question
"Resolved that life Imprisonment
with restricted power of pardon
should be substituted for capital pun
ishment In Oregon." The home
team, which consisted of Eva Brock,
Helen Orr and Merrll Gessllng, had
the afflrmattve, and the visiting
team, who were Olga Hansen, Fay
French and Leland Hendricks the
"egatlve. The Judges were: At
torney Charlei Hall, of Vancouver;
Professor Galloway, of Lincoln High
School of Portland, and J. Velt, of
The arguments of the atflraatlve
were based on the humanitarian
standpoint, and on statistics, which
showed that the death penalty did
not lessen the number of crimes for
which It Is enforced. Thepolnts were
well sustained. The visiting debaters
presented their side of the debate
with considerable ability, and the
contest was the most Interesting one
that ha taken place here. The de
cision wa two to one lu favor of the
The debating contests are stimu
lating a good deal of Interest among
the student and are helping to de
To a large audience A. I. Mason
delivered what Is said by the Ore
gonlan to have been an Interesting
address to the Portland Apple Grow
er' Association at the Y. M. C. A.
Saturday evening. HI subjct w-as
"The Apple from Start to Finish."
Perhaps the most Interesting part
of Mr. Mason's address, says the
Oregonlan, wa9 that lu which he
gave exact figures on the proceeds
from an Oregon apple orchard. In
his Hood River orchard he has Just
two varieties, Newtown Pippin and
Spltrenburg. In 1900 his receipts
from the Spltxeuberg were 9'lr un
ucre anil from the Newtons 9730 an
acre. Thl wa the only year, he
said, In which the Spltxenbergs
brought larger return than the
other variety. In 1907 the average
return were $230 an acre; In 1008,
91200 au acre, and In 1909. $30 an acre.
This year his treeB are 13 years old.
"These figure are exact and not
colored In any particular," said Mr.
Mason. "It will be seen that my
orchard has brought me In gros re
ceipts of $700 an acre as an average
for five years. All expenses of main
tenance amounted to about $2o0 an
acre, leaving a net profit of $300 an
"This, of course, I paying 10 per
cent, on a valuation of $301)0 an acre.
It looks big, but It I nothing more
than any young man who get hold
of a good piece of Oregon apple land
can do. If you will only select the
right land, plant the liest varieties
and give them proper attention.
"You will notice that my orchard
brought In ouly 30 un acre last year.
This, 1 believe, was ls-ciuse the crop
was so heavy the year before. The
extraordinary cold snap of last win
ter also contributed to It. Hut I
want to say right now that this year
gives every Indication of being one of
the best that Hood River has ever
experienced. I lielleve confidently
that my orchard will again brlug in
at least $1200 an acre.
"In raising apple It must be borne
In mind that It take time Is-fore the
trees ticgtu to pay. You will get a
small crop In five years, and a lietter
yield each subsequent year. Hut all
that time you have ts-en paying out
with nothing coming In. It will take
the crop of the sevehth and eighth
years to bring you out even. Then
you nre In clover. It's all velvet
after that.
"It' Just the life for a man to get
Into, Why, when I wa a mallcarrl
er In Portland I didn't dare to say
my soul wa my own for fear some
one would tell the postal authorities.
Now I'm free. I can even talk
against the assembly. If I want to.
To any man who want to lead n
healthful. Independent life, I can
recommend fruit raining."
velop considerable talent In thl di
rection. A Hood River High School team,
composed of Herliert Phillips, Burton
Jayne and Earle Spauldlng, will de
bate the negative side of the question
ngalnst the Park place team at that
place next Saturday.
Real estate sales were again active
last week. The biggest movement,
as usual, wa lu valley property,
although several transfer In city
property are also recorded.
The largest sale wa that of the F.
G. Church place In the Belmont dis
trict, which wa sold by W. 8. Nlchol
to Wilson R. McCready for $11,000.
The purchaser is a brother of Cope
land McCready. who bought the Niel
& Slade ranches. Anothersale, made
by Mr. Nlchol, wa a tract In the
Upper Valley, which was sold to C,
E. Coons for $4,000.
Sales, aggregating over $13,000,
were made through the John Leland
Henderson Company by A. T. Allen
In the Upper Vulley. They Include 20
acres belonglug to Mrs. Martha Allen,
which was bought by Florence
Twelve Winter, an electrical engi
neer, for some time connected with
the Oregon Short Line at Sale Lake
City. Mr. Twelves, a brother of Mrs.
Winter, Is associated with Mr. Winter
In developing the property. It was
sold fur 95 5M). The other sale made
bythe Henderson company were 20
acres belonging to G. D. Woodworth
to Wni. II. Tobey for 94,000, and 8
acres, L. C. Weygant, to Wm. H.
Tobey, 94.000. Mr. Tobey came here
direct from Mexico, where he had
ls?en engaged In the occupation of
mining engineer.
The sale of 10 acres on the East side
to Mrs. Delano, of Marlon, Ohio, Is
reported by G. D. Culbertson & Co.,
who also sold a house and lot In town
to Mrs. M. Scobee.
The Hood River Spray Manufac
turing Company announces that It is
now ready to make deliveries of the
Niagara lime and sulphur spray in
carload and smaller lots. As the
spraying season Is near at hand the
company Is making preparations to
take care of all order and grower
desiring spray can get It through the
otlice of the local company.
Pine Grove Grange
About 10 a. m. Saturday men and
women could lie seen In all directions
wending their way toward the
Grange Hall to spend the day In
turn! tiens and pleasure. Iu the fore
noon orchard and home qaestion
were discussed for a time, after which
three candidates were made full
fledged Patronsof Husbandry. About
this time some one passed the magic
word "dinner," and we descended to
the dining room, where the tables
were found loaded with good thing
to eat. After dinner our lecturer eu
tertalned us with a good program of
music, songs, recitation, etc. Such
question a "The Budget," "Postal
Deficit," "The Assembly, I'he
House Fly," etc., were ably discussed.
Our postnlcommlttee Is doing some
good work, and an addition ot two
wa made to the same. They will be
heard from later.
Several attractions are premised
the public In the near future.
The "IVestrlet School" by the
Indies Aid will probably come tirt.
Watch for date, to lie announced
later. Five applicants are to come
into our tinier at our next meeting,
February 19, and all members are re
quested to ! present. M. J. 11.
Hooks wen opened yesterday at
the sheriff's office for the collection
of taxes which are now due, and
notices to taxpayers have Uvn sent
out. By the pu.tmeut of the entire
amount on or In-fore March 13th you
will get a discount of three percent.
If one-half the ntnount Is paid by
April 1st you will avoid a ienalty
of ten per cent wit h Interest at t he
rate of 12 per cent per annum added.