The Hood River news. (Hood River, Or.) 1909-current, February 02, 1910, Image 9

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We Want More Land
If yours is For Sale TELL
B. E.
Live Local topics
Tin' Mcrvict'n lirlil liy I M 1 1 1 1 ItuluTt
I'mlilock In St. .Mark'H i:li'oul
clinrch Sunday, wan liirjjrly at-
.1. I'. Slnili-, (if IIiihiiiii, wlin with
.Mm. Slailc mnl clill'lri'ii et'iit tlu
h ti in 1 1 h r Iiiti' mi tlirlr lirst coining to
Ori'Kl, "in Iiiti- Miiinl.iy nil a IiiimI-
IH'HM lit.
To make room for the Spring Goods we will offer for Cash for the Next
fifteen Days bargains unequalled in the history of Hood River County. Sale
begins January 28 and will continue until February 12. Hundreds of things
we cannot tell you of here, but come and be convinced.
Men's Suits
$20 Sale Price $12.85
15 " " 10.75
12 " " 7.95
10 " " G.95
Men's Pants
$5.00 Sale Trice $3.75
4.00 " " 2.95
3.00 " " 2.35
2.50 " " 1.85
1.50 " " .95
Men's Woolen Shirts
$1.50 Sale Trice $1.25
1.75 " " 1.55
Men's Woolen Underw'r
$3.00 Suits .$2.50
2.50 " 2.00
2.00 " 1.75
Men's Hightop Shoes
$7.00 Sale Trice $6.00
5.50 44 44 4.25
Premiums Given Away
We also carry Gloves, Sox,
- r - - - - :. - - - - - .r
about it at once
There's a strong Argument
In the Prices
We Have on
See the Window
This Week Only
Tin' inliilHtcru' miH'tliiK will lie lii'lil
at thi M. V.. parnoiHinf Monday
morning, l-Yli. 7, ut I0:.'K( harp. IU'V.
.1. ti. Tut i will addri'KH the hmmm-Iii-tinii.
All n-nldi'iit MilnlntiTH are cor
dially invited to lie prem'tit.
('. II. Sprout. HitTetnry of the Ap
ple UrowtTH union, who lum lui n on
an extended trip ejiNt, arrived home
Friday. Mr. Sprout vlHited n num.
Iier of the Mtf eitli'H of the middle
went and eaitern Htatec, kim-uiIIiik'
several diiyn in New York and Chica
go w here lie met a nunilier of the lily;
apple buyer of thoee tltien.
Men's Hats
$1.50 Sale Trice $ .95
2.00 44 " 1.35 !
2.50 4 4 4 4 1.85
3.00 44 44 2.15 1
Stetson Hats 2.95
Men's Winter Caps
$1.00 Sale Trice $ .75
.75 44 44 .55;
Men's Cravenettes
$20.00-..Sale Trice $12.00
Woolen Blankets
$5.00 Sale Trice $4.25
4.50 44 , 44 3.75
3.00 44 44 2.25
Men's Gowns
$1.00 Sale Trice $ .75
.85 4 4 4 4 .GO
Ladies' Gowns
$1.00 Sale Trice $ .85
With Every $20.00 Sale.
Groceries, Granlteware,
- - ETC
& CO.
Head j. Y. Kdwardu & Co. 'a adv.
thin iHHiie. Unimproved Inn (in.
The ladles of Hood River Valley
are Invited to the home of Mrn. J. V.
Klghy, "04 Oak St., Hood Klver,
Tliurmlay afternoon, 2:.'M) o'elock,
Feti. :i. The olijeet to inventlgate
the plan of the American Woman's
I'iimie and the reiiuirements necess
ary to secure u U-autlful chapter
houne for our dull and social pur
poses. Who would like to see a
$1(),MH) chapter house In Hood Klver?
Come I'inil learn how we can help
make u "Cireater Hood Uiver."
Ladies' Cravenettes
$16.00.. ..Sale Trice $8.45
Ladies' Skirts
$3.00 Sale Trice $2.00
5.00 44 " 3.85
7.00 44 44 5.00
10.00 44 44 7.45
Ladies' Dress Goods
$ .40 Sale Trice $ .30
.50 44 44 .35
.65 4 4 4 4 .50
.75 4 4 4 4 .60
Ladies' Hose
$ .15 Sale Trice $ .10
.30 44 44 .20
..35 4 4 44 .25
.45 4 4 44 .30
Ladies' Suits
$20 -Sale Trice $12.85
18 " 44 11.50
25 44 44 14.00
A seLssWe'al
Piece Goods, Comforters, I
' ' I
Horn To ir. mid Mrs. ('. W. Kd
niunds, .January :;Ht a hoy.
I For Sal. Itrnml new visible tvtie
writer, Try It a week. A. II-
son, Mount Hood ilepol.
The Woman's Christian Temper
ance L nion will meet, until further
notice In the vestry room of the 011
Krt'Katioiial church.
For Sale New S-niiini modern
house with basement ami two lots
SOilUO; for sale very cheap next 10
day. See (ieo. J). Culliertson & Co.
A ineetiiiic of the Civic Improve
meiit League will lie held at the Com
mercial Club rooms tomorrow even
Injf ut 7:-;i) to discuss a matter of
It. KHii.pnian, who recently bought
several lots of City Recorder I.anuille,
lias tnoviti Here with his family and
Is employed on the New Waucorna I
Mrs. (ieorge Gray
Mrs. (ieorue tira.v, wife of the well
known tailor of this city died at her
home, here Thursday, January l'7tli,
aired 2l years. The cause of Mrs.
(Jniy's deali was pneumonia, from
which she had Ixi-n in a critical con
dition fur ten days previous to pass.
Inir away. Her maiden name was
Marie Kimball and In addition to ht-r
husband she Is survived by her fat her
three sisters and three brothers, who
reside at iier former home, Alns
worth, Nebraska.
The funeral took place Monday
afternoon from liartmess' chapel,
services liHnir conducted bv Rev. W.
C. tiilmore, with music appropriate
to the occasion by the choir of the
Conjzreiratlonal church. Mrs. (Jray
was laid to rest in Idle wild cemetery,
the pall bearers who performed tills
last sad rite tielnir A. J. tirahain.
("has. N. Clarke, Truman liutler.
Frank Parker, R. B. Perljjo and W.
(1. C. Kihbey and Miss EviiS. Smith
were married Saturday evening at
eltrht o'clock at the home of Oscnr
Smith by Rev. W. C. (Ill more. Only
a few relatives were present. A
bountiful wedding dinner was served
after which Mr. and Mrs. Kibber left
for their new home on the upper Co
lumbia near Cliffs, where Mr. Klbbey
is employed by the Columbia Irrigat
ing Co.
derlltemnH tor Intertlon under Ihil heading
alll be charged lor at the rat ot 25c par month for
luluallvl three nnct-no dltalai. Cash should
accompani coot, otherwlt patabl bt the lOlh ol
the month. Ai a medium tor reaching, Iht peoola
ha Newi stands alone and unexcelled.
Ro Shrub and Vinfl in iroid morl mt n t tnr
fall planting. mifMi 1 and 4 ywr old. 3.Sc to
il.lXemch. Hordy 1'heox. Hell Flowers, Ctiapan
you. Oriental Foppiet, rady now. A full line of
pot planu at Frani. Fhon for cut flowera.
hara a clipping machine for clipping horses.
" Look A Kobinaon. Heariauartra at Knnv Jt
Uppon a. or at Fashion Stable. 5-8-p
T want to buy one-horse wasron. with or without
1box, or will trade hack. Must be in rood order-
cheap. U W. Biahop, R.F.D.3. 4-7-p
VTcwd to Give Away I have landing timber.
ff pine and oak. that will make 2lM) rickn Rood
worn,. Yi ill give the same to party or parties who
will cut it. Good road out of place. One-half
mile above Tucker's bndjre on the west aide. F.
L.. K. iso, Koute No. 2. 2-5-c
p.r Sale-Fine level lot 50x1. to alley, 3 room
1 huse, city water, trees, lot fenced in, view of
Mts. Hood
and Adams.
Price (4o0. Terms.
Wanted to Rent Five or six room house.
' Luvit nn fanH
If interested
will call.
Box 2 City.
Yfir'fil A married
V t'utler Bros, i'hor
man to work
on ranch.
I'hone 2HX. 5-K-c
AVanted by responsible party, the use of ridina;
" pony for litrht exercise balance of winter, for
his k.i-p or small payment. Address J. C. S., care
f H'hnI River Newa. 2-5-p
tpr Sale 1300 pound horse for aale cheap if
i soon.
P. H. Francis, phone 113-K. 6--p j
Umitilla Project
Hermiston, Oregon
February 10, 1910
For the above occasion the Oregon Railroad & Navi
gation Co. and Southern Pacific Co. Lines in Oregon,
will make an open rate of
One and One-Third Fare
for the round trip from all points in their lines to Hermis
ton. Tickets on sale February 7th and Sth, with final re
turn limit February 20th, 1910.
Free booklet, issued by the Government, containing
full information as to cost, how to file, water rights, etc.,
may be obtained from any 0. R. & N. or S. P. Agent, or
by writing to
vn. rknuRRAY.
General Passenger Agent.
Plumbing and Tinning
We install Heating Plants of all kinds
Mood River
Pr Sale-Three extra choir full blond Rhode
inland tied Coekervla. Would exrhanire one.
Pulleta from aame flock have laid every day thia
winter. Inquire of A. L. Viuce, hood Hiver, tele
phone 121-X. S--e
L,r Sale-
One milch cow. Enuuireof Chaa. N.
ke. 6-H-e
Lt'or hale tine Khode laiand Ked cockerel, one
HarrejJ rork cockerel; aleu 2m esir VicUir in
eulietor for aale or rent. rhone 5--c
(Vl Paper for aale, 6c for a bundle of 25 papera.
ewe office.
TAr Sale-Standard Edison phonograph.
a rireaa T Mn of Hint kivee N.i 2-&.n
tAr 8ale Giod dry body fir wood. 16 per cord.
Phone A Vi hithwd 64-X. i-5-e
Apptea for aale. Delivered to any part of the
city. phone 19&-X. 2-5-p
For Sale If you need wood, phone Fred Paaach,
3212-M. 2-6-p
Second-hand aewina; machine for aale, or trade
for bicycle. A. II. Caiih. phone 21uM. 4-7-p
Por Sale-Tent-hoiine. 14x18. Will be aold cheap
to party who will move it off Dremiaee. Phone
in. -t:-r
Iiano For Sale Foeter at Co.. high vrade.
4.. Almoat new.
Beautiful tone, maaaive
bevel walnut case, not a ecratch on It. Interior
ninla eye maple, piano acarf. etool and cabinet.
'... telephone 4-7-p
L'orSale-BuiMinir. WW; ahinle roof. Will be
aold cheap to party who will move it on prenv
jar. Phone 11'iK. 4-7-f
T oat Laily Maccabee rinir. apider mount. V'al
-ued aa keepsake. Liberal reward for return to
Newa olrice. 4-7-p
IWund A valuable breantpin. Same can be had
x by identifying property and paying coat of ad
vert ainir. 3-t-c
T oat In poat office, a glutm bowl or vaae decorat
with cittar wrappera. Kinder pleaae leave
with Carl Koea, and receive reward. S-6-i
T oat- Horae blanket and lap robe Monday night.
Kinder please return or notify 3.'!-V. il-7-p
T out Between Kujrene atreet and Baptist
-church, a pair of eye glassee with chain at
tacheil. Finder please return to C. A. Nutley or
leave at thia office. keward. 3-li-c
T oat A Scotch collie pup. with white atripe
-'down fare and around neck, four whita feet.
Finder pleane return to Mrs. C. K. (ireigen, S-H-p
VVTanted A man and family to take chawe of
an improved fruit farm. 100 acres, good house
and barn, and who will also buy an interest there
in. German or Skandinavian preferred. Enquire
of John Leland Henderson, Incorporated. 4o-tf-c
Yfanted An experienced orchard man and all
" around farmer for ranch in upper valley.
Steady employment and house partially furnished
will be provided. Man with wife preferred or if
single must be prepared to do his own housekeep
ing. Give full particulars and references. Ad
dress "H" Hood River News. 3-6-p
Japanese boy wants situation as cook in hotel or
restaurant. Box N, 3--p
Girl or woman to do general house
work. An opportunity for a younir firl to
work and attend school. Inquire of J. L. Hender
son. 3-6-c
Wanted Man to take charge of East side ranch
beginning March 1st. See G. Y, Edwards &
Co. Fhone iiliH-L. 3-6-c
YUn ted Able bodied married man to work on
''fruit ranch. Address "G. F." care News
orfice. 3-6-c
Wanted A t
A position by Japaneee boy to do
" 1 housework.
snd attend school. Inauire at
News office. 4-7-p
Notice lor PubllcatlutL
DEPARTMENT of the Interior. U.S. Land office
at The Dalles, Oregon, November 2ith. H"
Notice is hereby given that Mada D. Hicka, whose
post-orhce address is Hood River. Orevon. did, on
the 23rd day of March lltcy. file in this office Sworn
Statement and Application No (4iZ4. to purchase
NE 1-4 SE 1-4, Seetmn 1, Township 1 north. Rsnge
10 east, Willamette Meridian, and the timber claim
thereon, under the provisions of the act of June 3,
H7H, and acts amendatory, known as the "Timber
and Stone Law," at such value as might be fixed
by appraisement, and that, pursuant to such ap
plication, the land and timber thereon have been
appraised, the timber estimated 450.0U0 bourd feet
at $0.75 per M. and the land (t-0.00; that said ap
plicant will olTer Anal proof in support of his ap
plication and sworn statement on the 10th day of
February. 1910, before Henry L. Howe, United
States Com m isioner, at Hood R i ver, Oregon.
Any person is at liberty to protest this purchase
before entry, or initiate a contest at any time be
fore patene issue, by tiling a corroborated affida
vit in this office, alleging facts which would de
feat the entry. C. W. MOORE.
4 --6-c Reg ister.
Abtlca ol Publication.
"DEPARTMENT of the Interior. U. S. Land office
at The Dalle, Oregon, November 27th, 1'W
Notice ia herehy given that Arthur S. Sisley,
whose post-oifce address is 2.'t East 7'ith St.. Port
land. Oregon, did. on the 13th day of February.
htt, tile in this office Sworn Statement and Ap
plication. No. 02073. to purchase the SW 1-4 NW
1-4 awd SE 1-4 NW 1-4, Section 35. township 1
North, Range 9 Fast. Willamette Meridian, and
the timber thereon, under the provisioi a of the
act of June 3. In7. and acta ammendatorv. known
as the "Timber and Stone Law" at such value as
might be fixed by appraisement, and that pursu
ant to such application, the land and timber there
on have b-en appraised, the timber estimated
5i3.0i0 board feet at t 00 per M. and the land
f lho.0; that said applicant will offer final proof
in support of his application and sworn statement
on the l'Uh day of February, Ii10. before the Re
gister and Receiver. United States Land Office.
The Palles, Oregon. Any person is at liberty to
protext this purchase before entry, or initiate a
contest at any time before patent issues, by tiling
a corroborated atlidavit in this cilice, alleging facta
which would defeat the entry.
4-6-c Register.
Notlci ol Land Sale by Guardlio.
TN the County Court of th Stat of nwon for
"HikkI Kivr County In th. matter of tha
auaniana)iip of John Krancia ynn. a minor.
Notice ia hereby riven, that purauant to an T
der and luenne to duly nil and taaued by
the above entitled Court in the matter of the
iruanlianiihiD of John kranrui Wvnn mliui. I
William H. In via the duly appointed and quali
fied iruardian of aaid minor, will, on and after
r rwlay. the llih day of r rbruary. 1910. aril at
private aale all of the real pro.erly belona-inc to
aaid minor, aituate in Hood Kiver County, btate
of Oreiron. and demrihed aa followa. to-wit:
The Southeast Quarter of the Southweat Quar
ter. South Half of the S-iutheaat Quarter, and the
Nurtheant Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of
Section a in Townahip 1 North of Range 11 fcaat
of the Willamette Meridian.
Said aale will be made for on a-half the aale
price caah in hand, and the balance of the aale
price to be aecurrd by note and mortraa-e on the
premieee. duly made and evm-iitMi hi the nur-
chaaer. payable on or before hve yeare after i la
date, and bearing intercut at the rata of eeveo per
cent per annum, payable annually.
f'ropoiuila for aaid purchase may be addreaaed
to me at H-d Kiver. Ornron, or k ft at the of
fice of E. H. Hartwiir. riMimi 7 ni a mltk
blocK. Mood Kiver, Oreiron.
:'-c Guardian.
Guardian's Sale ol Real Estate.
TV the County Court of the StaU of Oregon, for
Hotid River County- In the matter of the tatate
and Cuardianahip of Helen Maria Hroai, minor by
Kmma Hroei. Guanlian Notice of Guard an'a Sale
of real extate- Notice ia hereby iriven that in pur
auanceof an order in the above entitled court made
and entered in the above entitled cauae on Monday,
the 3rd day of January, lino, the undersigned. Km
ma Hroai. a auardian of Helen Maria Hroai. minor
child and aole heir at law of otto broei. deceaaed.
will aell the prenvaee hereinafter deacribed. at
private aale. on the premiaea in aaid county of
Hi Kiver and atate of Oregon, on the following
terma and The aale to be made of the
minor'a interest in aaid land and to be of the
entire tract therein o-rilil. but aubject. how
ever, to the wulowa'a dower intereat in aaid land,
at a price of not lean than two thousand dollar.
$2tnll for aaid minor'a intereat, to be paid, not
!ea than aeven hundred dollar. 11700) in cai.h. of
which two hundred Itl'uill ahall he uid m uiH
guardian in canh on the day of the aale, and the
balance of which caah payment to be made upon
the confirmation of aaid aale by thia Court and
admin atratir'a deed and abetract of title fur
nished, to be paid fr aaid estate, the balance to
be paid on or before three i:it vmm to Ke evi
denced by a promiaaory note of date of the order
of Confirmation of aale. made payable to aaid
guardian, with intereat at eight per cent per an
num, payable annually, aaid note to be aecured by
first mortgage on aaid premises, also executed by
the purchaser in favor of said guardian.
The premises to be aold. as described In eald
order, are aa follows: "beginning at a punt
eighty road a west of the southeast corner of sec
tion seventeen, township two north of range ten
east of the Willamette Meridian: thence running
nonh forty rods, thence west aixty roda. thence
aouth forty rods, thence eaat sixty roda to the
place of beginning, containing fifteen aerea of
land, aubject to an easement in favor of H. A.
Hackett, hia heirs and assigns, of the right to use
and maintain the present irrigahion ditch, run
ning north through the above deacribed land, and
which aaid land Otto Hroai. aforesaid, acauired
by warranty deed from H. A. Hackett and Emma
M. Hackett, hia wife, dated December lath. ls02.
duly acknowledged and recorded in deed recorda
of Hood Kiver County, formerly a part of W asco
ixiumy. atate ol urcgon in book ilo. page 146,
reference no which ia hereby made, and the same
ia made a part hereof, for all the purposes hereof.
Said sale ahall be made at private aale on the
premiaea from and after Friday, the fourth day of
February. 1HI0;
That the widow will join in the deed of convey
ance made by the guardian, to convey her dower,
the price for the entire estate to be not lees than
twenty-five hundred (2-Xl dollars, of which the
minor's part ia two thousand 120)0) dollars:
That the sale will be made f the whole tract,
the same not being suscptible of diaision. into lota
of smaller tracts without injury to the estate.
This notice ia published by order of Hon"rable
A. J. Derby. County Judge, of iheCountyof Hood
Kiver. State of Oregon, dated January 3rd. 1H10.
in the Hood River Newa for four successive
weeks, and for five ir aertions. the first publica
tion of which notice is the fifth day of January.
ltflO. EMMA BKOSI. Guardian.
John Leland Henderson,
At u irney for Guardian.
CIGAR store:
Tht Leading Confection. sts and Tobaccolsta
(Billiard Room and Bowling Alley in Connection)
Agency Portland Journal
Oak Street Hood River. Oresron
Grubbing Outfits
Prefer Faultless No. 2 but
No. 1 will do if price is right.
State condition and price.
Address J. 0. Goldthwaite,
R. D. R. No. 2. 'Phone
Odell 8X2.
Lane & Q
Ccnleciionsry, Cigars
Fishing Tackle
Spanking's Sporting Goods
All Kinds of Soft Drinks
Oak St.. orpotita Smith Block. Hood River. Ore.
X Cigars, tJc6acccs,
SmcfWrs' Supplies
I Confectionery, Stationery,
Notions, Etc.
Stop in at "The Tasstinie"
J On the Heights
Taft Transfer Go.
Draying. . .
Wood Yard
HAY, r-LOl'R and fEED
l or Sale
Attnrnry S. W. Murk, who linn
luvn tn'ciip vliii; room In tin1 H run lux
butlillnn. Ii.'i movi'il to tnort u
i'Ioiim iiartiTM In t lit' Till it ImllillnK.
Th Oi l folk' Coinvrt will l. ulv.
fti at Turk tiraiitft" hull 1'rhl iv t-vt'ti-lnt,
Ft'li. 4. t'otiii' out mill ! hih'Ih
lilt", l.unrli wrvi'il nfliT I'riitfnini