The Hood River news. (Hood River, Or.) 1909-current, February 02, 1910, Page 3, Image 3

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jj Established 1900
I Butler Banking k
Interest Paid on Time Deposits
Safe Deposit Boxes
(' - I t ' '
" - " r 7
'k corvaOMT itOT
We have just received from E. V. PRICE & CO.,
the famous tailors of Chicago, their Spring line of
beautiful all wool fabrics and new fashions, and we
are ready to show you this complete assortment and
take your measure correctly. Since Easter falls on
March 27th this year two weeks sooner than last
year -it is almost time to
Think of Your Spring Togs
We suggest that you make a selection of cloth now,
and specify a convenient future date for delivery of
the finished clothes say thirty, sixty or even ninety
days thereby assuring you of first choice of cloth.
We also wish to say again that these clothes are
guaranteed for a year, the shape and linings posi
tively guaranteed for a whole year, and the price is
no more than for ordinary clothes ranging from
$14 to $40 for Suit or Overcoat.
Think It Over Today
raing Machines
The Stewart Hardware
and Furniture Company
are now the sole local agents for Hood
River and Vicinity for the world famous
1910 Model WHITE Sewing Machines,
Several of our special representativesfrom
our Sewing Machine Department will
call upon and demonstrate to all the local
residents of Hood River, the many new
points of this wonderful ball-bearing,
lock and chain stitch machine. If our
special men happen to overlook your home
during this demonstration, call in at our
store at your convenience and see Mr.
Wm. Isenberg, the manager of our Sew
ing Machine Department, and he will be
pleased to show you sojne of ou.r 1910
Models, If you live in the country, write
for a catalogue to the
Stewart Hardware and Furniture company
'grange against assembly
continued from last week
should we ever refer anything back
to the people? Just let our law
in. 'i kern do It all aud we run the risk
of lieing done,
The American people, ami especi
ally In Oregon, hae too much true
patriotic blood and too much inde
pendence to le whipped into oltedl
enee an yon assemblyltes are trying
to do. You admit that all the peo
ple are harder to buy than a few and
then you throw at tin the Insult that
we are so easily fooled by "clap-trap
and buncomb talk, circular letters,
etc." In the name of fairness, in the
name of Justice and In the name of
common reason, where would yon
das your last editorial on "The
lirange and the Assembly?" Could
It lie possible that Jonathan could
excel it In "clap-trap and buncomb"
Yea, you people do think that we
grangers and the multitude of pro
gressive voters are not quite capable
of selecting officers. Someone should
il i it for us. Oh, how kind you are.
If your definatlon of a Mugwump Is
correct they nre becoming quite pop
ular, especially in our national cou
gress. There nre many of us who
prefer to remember for what our
party has stood. To consider for
what it Is now standing, and to
have a voice in that for which It
Niiould stand In the future. Hut say
Mr. Kdltor, why not stick to our
SFcw cf Our meri
torious Grticies
Griffin's Magnetic Razor - $3.00
Our very best i qt felt Syringe 2.0Q
l.oone's sanitary Tooth Brushes 33c
Tree Weight Sidlcti powder iSc
Koliabte headache Remedy 25c
Dolly Varden Candy 75c
Hood River Stationery - 50c
William's Hair Tonic a dandruff
eradlcator ... 75c
Bath Brushes from $1.00 up.
Amandine Cream ... 25c
Mydrogre Peroxide, full pints 50c
Eastman Kodaks from 1 1.00 to $65.00
3A Stera cn lf Ccrtiar
Eipecltllr Prttcrlpllent
LESLIE BUTLER, President P. McKERCHER. Vic. Prcudcnl
R. T. COX. Director E. H. FRENCH, Director
f .ill
H. H.
W. E. Colby
III! fed
Electric Wiring and Fixtures i
All kinds of Electrical
Supplies at Moderate Prices
Office ind Display Room at J 17 State Street
snop rftonc in-. Kcsidcnce Phone M-L T
subject. Time forbids us .answering
all your witless RDd meaningless
phrases, all of your sarcasm which
adds nothing lo a debate and all
your many slurs, which aren't even
You say that "if you have any
thing to nay, you nay it direct."
Here in our hand on that proposi
tion. You started this scrap, and
we are on the defense and uuder obli
gation to make rebutai argument to
much of your foollBhnees.
Were It not for this fact, this arti
cle would be very short. You throw
a slur at our organization and the
one to whom you owe your existence
when you say that "No dignified pol
itician should hide behind the petM
conts of women." Many women
who are members of our order are
just as much interested In securing
better laws for the Hmelloratlon of
society as any man who ever ran for
an office. And there will not be an
other decade tiefore their political
independence will In?, not given, but
declared. Your sarcasm In compar
ing the last legislature with the one
that never organized Is simply too
childish for an editor to write. Fol
lowing your argument It would le
better to neterhavea legislature at
all, as you say ''It would be cheaper."
And then you place so much stress
upon the cost of our primary election"
Ihw. True, we also have a standing
army nnd a large navy to protect
this government which is quite ex
pensive. Though our primary law
Is expensive yet our political history
of this state tells us that it Is abso
lutely necessary to nominate our
officers through this system In order
that ninny of our politicians might
become ttetter law abiding citizens
aud society in general be better gov
erned ami protected. In your con
clusion you say "There has been no
effort to disrupt the primary law by
those who are espousing tne cause of
the assembly." And then you tell
us how the law has to be changed.
Oh, how accommodating you nre.
Why dont you tell us that you are
racking your brains trying to study
out just how you can get nominated
and elected the right men to do this
job for you at our next legislature.! You are such Innocent law
Abiding citizens, if we grangers were
trying to evade the intent of a la w,
as you assemblyltes are doing with
our direct primary law, what a set
of anarchists we would le.
Hut we care nothing about that
argument. Admitting you have the
legal right, which our primary law
says you have not, will yon please
tell us Just why you want to knock
out our primary law and go back to
that old convention or assembly
plan of nominating ohVers, when It
has proven to be so unsatisfactory,
so uncivil nnd so disgraceful. You
will not answer our objections to
your assembly scheme. We have
tried you twice and you dare not
tell us In what way you can prevent
the repllltlon of the many disgrace
ful political scenes we have had In
We have seen that double headed
convention with Its secessionists.
We have seen our Fulted States
senator pulled off the convention
We have seen a I.O DED DOFHLE
ItARREL SHOIGFN used as n per-
suider at a precinct convention in
North Porland.
placed on a HOT STOVE at a pri
mary ward convention in South
Portland In order to break up the
meeting so thnt the majority faction
could not elect delegates.
We have seen the same object ob
tained for the same purpose by using
ASAFtETIDA instead of cayenue
pepper In South Portland.
We have seen political parties split
so wide open that one faction would
often vote for spite and not for prin
ciple. We have seen our legislature meet
40 days and 40 nights and not organ
ize either house.
We have seen some of the most
vicious legislation caused by log rol
ling for senatorial votes.
We have seen many deadlocks in
our legislature so fierce over the elec
tion of a United States senator that
practically nothing was done, not
even legislate on "nine-foot bed
sheets nnd eight Inch hat pins."
We have seen many good, honest
voters so disgusted over party nom
inees that they would stay away
from the polls nnd not vote at all.
We have seen all of these wrongs
and many more similar ones, all of
which nre the results of the old con
vention system, and our direct pri
mary law with Its statemeut No. 1
has placed a check upon such dis
graceful scenes. You know these
statements ARE TRFE aud YOf
seems strange that any loyal citizen
would desire to go back to our old
system of nominating officers. Mr.
Editor, again we ask you wherein
we are wrong and how we are go
ing to avoid the repitltlon of these
same troubles after our direct pri
mary law Is knocked out. And we
would also like to know your honest
opinion of the objects nnd advan
tage of your assembly scheme. In
conclusion we desire to say that If
you cannot lay aside all that super
fluous "CLAP TRAP" TALK am:
IS AT AN END If you desire to
use solid argumentlve language iu
favor of the assembly scheme and In
opposition to our direct primary
law we shall be pleased to continue
tilts discussion; otherwise this Is our
last rebuttal article.
Jno. H. Mohh. Master.
Ll KM. a C. Ill st. Sec.
Approved by committee, of eight.
Pine Grove grange.
Miss Mary Nest lee. of Portland,
spent Saturday and Sunday of last
week with friends here.
Tom Munkers of Portland spent n
few days with his daughter, Mrs
.1. F. llosch, recently.
Dr. llosch has sold his residence
and six lots to Dr. Dtterhrant of
Forest Grove. Consideration $'"".
John Dutilap recently spent a few
days in Portland.
C. W. Thompson returned last
week after u visit In Portland.
Mr. and Mrs. W. A "liver of i n C, spent a week Mrlng
friends here. They st.ite tin- weather
was cold up t here.
II C. Levy left we. k for a trip
to New York