The Hood River news. (Hood River, Or.) 1909-current, February 02, 1910, Page 10, Image 10

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This Will Interest You
Mr. Farmer and Property
Owners of Hood River
There are many important conditions for you to consider when listing your property for sale. In the first place, property values have advanced very rapidly dur
ing the past few years and now it requires capital to purchase HOOD RIVER land. This brings a class of moneyed men here, men who are accustomed to large deal
ings. Such men usually inquire into the standing of the real estate firms they go to.
In order to merit the confidence and support of the public, a Real Estate business must be built up on the same broad lines as a mercantile establishment
Honest Values, Truthful Statements and Courteous Treatment
It is needless to tell the residents of Hood River anything about our past. Ask those who have had dealings with us.
Mr. W. B. Dickerson of Minneapolis, who has large interests in this valley, will be associated with our firm and will make his home in Hood River early in Feb
ruary. We have opened several new agencies in the east and now have representatives in New York, Chicago, Indianapolis, St. Paul, Minneapolis, St. Louis, Butte
and Portland.
Heretofore we have specialized on high class improved properties in the lower valley, but from now on we will exploit the entire Hood River District, and will
have an extra salesman for the Upper Valley. We already have a number of orders for High Class land. Here are paragraphs taken from letters received this month
which speak for themselves:
J. H.
Jan. 15, 1910
Lafayette, Ind
Heilbronner & Co.,
Hood River, Ore.
. . . . I just met my classmate, M
from Chicago, who with his brother
go to Hood River this spring with about $10,000 and
want to buy a bearing orchard if they can get it.
With them is coming a friend, P C , who
I feel reasonably certain will locate at Hood River.
He will have up to $40,000 to invest if he finds any
thing to suit him. I have recommended your firm to
both of these men as being perfectly reliable, and they
will depend upon you in making a choice and rely upon
your judgment These are all fine
fellows and will make good citizens, so I hope you can
find places for them
Iron wood, Mich., Jan. 3, 1910
J. H. Heilbronner & Co.,
Hood River, Ore.,
I have some things to talk
to you about and will probably see you in a few
weeks. In the mean time describe to me some
thing promising in the way of a 10 acre orchard
six or eight years old. or full bearing, giving me
a conservative estimate of a probable revenue to
expect in 1910, naming price, location, etc.;
something you would be willing to put your own
money into. I want a place for a home, so it
must be well located and in good neighbor
hood .
Seattle, Wash., Jan. 15, 1910
J. H. Heilbronner & Co.,
Hood River, Oregon,
Messrs & o f
Hood River, gave me your name as a dependable source
for reliable information about Hood River property. I
recently sold my place for $20,000, and if I can find
something attractive in the way of apple orchard,
wherein I can see good profitable returns on the invest
ment, I am ready to do Dusiness. &
spoke very highly of your firm and were well pleased
with the property you sold them. I want to place my
self in your hands and want you to keep me posted on
what you have that is a decided bargain. I will be
able to come over within short notice, so you can either
telegraph or write me to the address below. I want at
least 40 acres and can handle more if there is a chance
to dispose of it at a profit
Our new automobile is here, ready for spring business, and we are now fully equipped to show land in all parts of the valley. We take this occasion to thank O
you for the liberal patronage accorded us in the past and solicit all those who have land to sell to list it with us.
Remember that we work strictly on a commission basis' Your lowest price will be our price. No padding or unfair dealings.
Jj Davidson Bldg.
li-li 1QI MO
Hood River, Oregon
W. B. Dfivlilrion hint the nilHfurtune
to have a limb full ami lilt hlrn a
glancing Mow on the head, Hhmilder
ami arm while fcllinu tree. He whh
not wrloiinly hurt, however.
The rumor In afoot that Frank
Iavl(Mon nan puri-hined the Kunhke
farm conMlntlnii of 170 ncreri for $'22,-.-h.
Suitress to you Frank.
Karl Newman made a lninliies
trip to Df-e Wednesday, then to JeMMe
Davldtfon'i ami fpent the night, re
turning to Pine irove Thursday
Bert Sandman had the luuk to get
another lynx the fore part of the
Jan. Jonea returned to Hood Klver
after neveral days In the Mount Hood
Mr. Clark got home with a team of
fine hornet and a new ranch wagon
the fore part of the week, but Mr.
Clark naytt she can drive an automo
bile lietter than a team of horsea uh
it will mind her better.
There will tie a dance at the Mount
Hood hall February 12. A good time
Ih expected.
The Davldnon boye report a good
time t the reception at Hotel Dee,
given tiy Wni. F-ccIch, Jr., and wife
Saturday evening, January 211.
Waucoma Abstract & Investment Co. (Inc.)
f irst Door South of Hood River News Office
H. L HOWE, U. S. Commissioner. Land Office Practice
' " " ' " Cfturcft HcticgJ " " " " " j
St. Mark's Episcopal
Service every Sunday at 11 a. in
Sunday nchool at 10 a. in.
Riverside Congregational
itev. V. C. Gllmore, Pa h tor.
Worship ami preaching at 11 a. m
(jraded Bible fchool 10 a. m. Mimic
by quartet choir, Mr. C. II. Sletton,
director. Young People'n meeting,
:. evening nervlce :.!0.
Christian Science
ChrUtlan Science Society holdx wr-
vices at the reading room .No. h Dtiv
Idxon building, Caxcade avenue and
:!rd Htreet, Sunday 11 a. in. WedneH
da v evening at 7:"o.
Subject next Sunday -Spirit."
I Unitarian
i Itev. II. A. MucDonald, paxtor.
Begular moaning service at the
t'nttarlan church at 11 a. m., Sunday
! Hchool at 10 o'clock. Vesper service
I at ") p. m.
hvcr.tbody Ih welcome to both the
Sunday school and preaching services
The spirit of our liberal church Is
that of the pioneer. e stand at the
front In our search for truth, tni-aiine
we try to heed (iol h call to come up
higher, to learn all we can about
Him. To know iod better Is the
essence of religion.
New White
Sewing Machines
$5.00 Down
$1.00 per week
at cash prices
Sewing Machine Needles and Supplies
United Brethren
.1. It. Parker, pastor.
I'.egular services each Sunday as
follows: Preaching at 11 a. m. and
7:M p. in. Sunday school at in a. m.
a. tn. Young People's meeting !:!.' p.
in. Midweek prayer service every
Wednesday night at 7 Sin. The pub
lic generally Invited to all services.
Itev. J. It, llargreaves, pastor.
Sunday school !:."0 a. in. Preach
ing at 11 a. tn. and 7:-'S0 p. in. Young
People's meeting at 7 o'clock.
The regular weekly services are
Young People's meeting Tuesday
evening, mid-week prayer nnvtlng
Meiincmja.v evening. Limit's a m so
ciety Thursday afternoon.
Christian Church
A. .1. Adams, pastor,
Itegular services each Lord's I lay.
Illlile school at 10 a. m . sermon at
II a. in. and ':'') p. m. Christian Hil
da vor at W.'.'M p. tn.
A cordial Invitation Is extended to
all to atteixl any or all of these ser
vices. Belmont Methodist Church
II. J. Wood, pastor.
Services next Sunday as follows:
Sunday school 10 A. M.; Preaching
service 11 A. M. Kvenlng service 7iKI
P. M. Kveryone welcome at all ser
vices. Special evangelistic services will
Is-gln February l.'t, ami continue
three week. The pastor will le as
sisted by Itev. It. II. Chaffee of Mosler
and Itev. W. ,. Alrheart of lleppner.
While a good attendance of adults
1 desired at the service next Sunday
morning the sermon will ls chiefly
to the boys and girls, and the music
will lie furnished by the Junior choir.
Methodist Episcopal
T. B, Ford, pastor, Itesidence 616
State street. At home everv forenoon
and Thursday afternoon.
Sunday services: Sunday school at
10 a. m.; preaching, 11 a. in., ami
7 -M) n. in.; Kpworth Ieague, U::tO p.
in Prayer meeting Thursday even
ing. 7:.'!0 o'clock.
Junior church at '! o'clock each
Sunday. All children welcome.
fanny Post, G. A. R.-Meets at the K.
Df P.
'-'hall the second and fourth Saturdays of the
month at 2 p. m. G. R. Caa trier, commander: S.
F. Wythe, adjutant.
Can by W. R. C. No! 16-Meeta second and fourth
Saturdays of each month in K. of P. hall at 2
p. m. Jeonis Bentley, president; Abbia J. Baker,
Court Hood River. No. 42. F. of A. .'meets every
Thursday evening in K. of P. hall. Visitinjr
Forest: ,rs always welcome. Wm. Flemming. C.R.;
F. C 4roeius. K. S.
X.' uod River Commercial Club Meets every sec
' ond Monday in each month at 8 p. m. in the
.rub rooms over Jackson's atore. Chaa, T. Early,
president; W. H. Walton, secretary,
llorid Kiver Valley Hjmane Society -Phone" 1HB.
1AE. H HartwiK. president;'. G. Cos, secretary;
Leslie Butler, treasurer.
Mood River Lodire. No.' 106." A.' T.'Il K. M -iAMeets
Saturday eveninir on or before each full
moon. L. N. Blowers, W. M.; D. McDonald, secre
tary. Uood'River 'Chapter." No. O.'E. S-Meets
second and fourth Tuesday evenings of each
month. Visitors cordially welcomed. Kathryn
Dumble. W. M ; Idel Wood worth, secretary.
Hood River Camp! No. 7702. M.'W.'A.-Meeu'in
I. O. O. F. hall every Wednesday night. A. R.
Crump. V. C; E. S. Mayes, clerk.
Hood River Camp. No. 770. W. 6. W.-Meets at
K. of P. hall the second and fourth Saturday
nights of each month. A. C. Staten. C. C; F. W.
McKeynolds. clerk.
Hood River Circle. No. 624. Women of Woodcraft,
-Meet at I. U. O. F. hall II rut and third Sat
urday nights, each month. Visitors welcome.
Mrs, Wm. (ienger, N. G.; Alice Shay, clerk.
Tdlewilde Lodge. No. 107. I. O. O. F.-Meeta' in
Fraternal hall every Thursday evening at 7:00.
at the comer of Fourth and Oak street. Visiting
brothers welcomed. 1. M. Wood. N. G ; G. W.
Thompson, secretary.
Kemp Lodge. No. 1X1. I. O. O. F.-Meets in
the Odd Fellows hall at Odell every Saturday
night. Visiting brothers cordially welcomed. J.
WWilnon, N. G.j Hymn Smith, secretary.
Tiurel Reivka I-odire No. M7, I. O. O. F.-M.'els
lirMt and thinl Mondays in esch month. Ther
esa M. Cantner, N. G.; Nettie Mones, secretary.
l ount Hood I-odge. No. 206. I. O. O. P.. meets
ilpvery Saturday evening iu Grihhle's hall,
Mt. Hood. A. M. Kelly. N. G.; G. W. Dimmick.
M"un tain Home Camp. No. l9. R. N. A.
Meets at K. of P. hall on the second and
fourth Fridays of each month. Mrs. A. Crump.
().; Mrs. Klla Dakin, recorder.
0 lets A seem lily. No." 106, V.A. Meets in their
hall the f)rt and third Wednesdays, work;
second and fourth Wednesdays, social. C. D.
Henrichs. M. A.; W. H. Austin, secretary.
Qreiron Grspe Rebcksh Ilge No. 1MI, I. O. O. F.
Meets every second snd fourth Wednesdsys
in each month in Gnbhle's hall. Mt. Hood. Or.
Josephine Vsuthiers, N. G.; Minnie L. Larwood,
Riverside Lodge. No. X, A. O. U. W.-Meets In
K. of P. hall the firm and thinl Wednesday
nights of the month. Visiting brothers cordially
welcomed. K. K. Chapman, W. M.; Chester
Shute. recorder.
Vr,,,com t",g". No. 30. K. of P.-Meets in
their Castle llall every Tuesday night, when
visiting brothers are fraternslly welromed. Jos.
Kraner. Jr., C. C; II. T. DcWitt, K. of R. & S.
Wanna Temple Pythian Sisters. No. 6 Meets the
first snd third Tuesday of each month at K. of
P. hall. Geurgina Iscnberg, M. E. C; Kate M.
Fredrick. K. of K. C.
Attend ihe Meeting
.or THE.
(ilichiiai County Development League
At Goldendale, Feb. 10, 1910
From all S. P. & S. Railway Stations Portland to Roosevelt, Inclusive.
Ticket. on Sale I eh. 9 and H). Final Limit Feb. 13.
s. e:. bartmess
Funeral Director and Practical Embalmer
Davidson Fruit Company
We will handle Strawberries and other Fruits again this season
as usual and will give our customers the benefit of our long experience
In marketing Mood River Fruit.
Call at our office or phono us
General Office Phone 65 Ice Factory and Cold Storage Plant 65
Davidson Fruit Company