The Hood River news. (Hood River, Or.) 1909-current, January 26, 1910, Page 4, Image 4

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noon ton. Oregon
Subscription, $1.50 a Year in Advance
Entrl M aecood-clua matter. Feb. 10. IMS. at
th. pact (Me at Hood Hirer. Orcsoo.
ur3r th Act of March S, ltrtt.
Pardon the pun, but wa
that YOU'RE TOO WI3E to
go through tha coming yoar
without having this papar in
your homo.
Why not subscribe today ?
It is admitted by everybody
who ha. given the matter any
thought that this should be Hood
River's banner year, and signs are
not lucking for ground for this be-lief.
Xo winter in recent years has
Wen more favorable for fruit trees
during the dormant period;, the
rainfall has been plentiful and so far
there has leen no extreme cold
weather. With proper care Hood
River's fruit crop this year should
be the largest and best ever shipped
out. The markets of the world
were never so wide open for it and
it was never so well known.
Orchard development will un
doubtedly eclipse all former efforts
and demand for fruit land be far
heavier than in the past years.
In other development it is al
ready evident that building opera
tions will reach top notch figures
in both city and valley. Construc
tion operations by county and city
on a large scale are planned and
possibilities seem good for electric
transportation. Industries of va
rious description already in opera
tion will naturally grow, imputa
tion increase and new capital come
in. In fact, everything should
grow and prosper and it will.
The time was never more oppor
tune for a Greater Hood River
in which everybody can help if
thev will.
kind of a father. Of course, if the
father is the right sort helps
a lot, but if there is to be any
shortage in the paternal pair it
will be to the Unt fit of the afore
said man to have it occur in his
honored sire. However, once more,
this is not what we started out to
say. What we started out to
say, and what we are now saying
is that the intelligent and enter
prising interest that the progres
ive women of Hood River are
taking in its affairs speaks louder
than anything we know of for the
high standard of its citizenship.
Interested and eager to help in
every progressive charitable and
educational movement, they are
keeping pace w ith the times, strik
ing for higher ideals and making
Hood River a better place to live
I'ordiinil, Ore., Jan. -."i (Special)
Completion of the Nat rou-Klaniath
line ot the Southern i'acitte within
the coming is months Is promised
by Jurie W. I). Fenton, council for
the liarriuiitu road, who says that
at the end of that time trains of his
company will be running letween
Portland and San Frauclwco over
the new route, which will hare a
maximum grade of one per cent.
Work U going ahead on i" tulle ot
the new route and the remainder will
be completed as soon ns possible.
The building of the Natrou line will
not only open up a large new terri
tory that Is now without railroads,
but will give a low-grad? freight line
that will eliminate the heavy grades
of the Siskiyou mountains. The
Krora our Scattla eornapondent.
Seattle, Jan. 25. With the Inaug
uration of a through service via the
Oregon & Washington (and the
Southern I'ailflc railways. It Is now
posxltile to travel ttetweeu Seattle
and San Francisco In thirty-tour
hours. This Is fourteen hours short
er than the time formerly required,
when It was necessary tochangecara
at Portland. The traveling public
gains considerable by the new ser-
vice and It promises to be deservedly
popular. The fast train Is known as
the "Shasta Limited."
Mount Hauler Is to be featured by
the advertising matter of the Mil
waukee railway this year, and It Is
predicted that before long It will be
the goal of hs many tourists as Pike's
Peak and other well known western
mountains. A handsome booklet of
Hauler is In preparation and It will
le distributed eiteuslvely through
the eastern and central states.
Western Washington lumbermen
will establlxh a system to keep a
record of the dally rail trade ship
ments of some 500 sawmills. Seven
otHces will 1m? opened at Helllngham,
Everett, Seattle, Tacoma, Centralla,
Aberdeen and South Uend. Each
week these branches will report to a
central oflice which will compile and
nnalyse the shipments, thus keep a
check on the trade. Formerly the
ruilroads furnished this Information,
but now the lumbermen will do It
Following the recent proposal
of State Tax Commissioner T. A.
Parish that government railroad
grant and lieu lands. In unsurveyed
ereas, be made subject to taxation,
a protracted legal battle may ensue.
Suggestive questions on the Suu
day school lesxou by Itev, lr. Llnscott
for the luternatloual ."Newspaper HI
ble Study Club.
January Ml, 1910.
Some laws of the Kingdom. Matt
5-1 7, 1M, UN-4.S.
lioldeu Text. Be ye therefore per
fevt even hs your Father which Is In
tieaveu Is lierfect. Matt. o:-M.
Verses 17:1K) In what sense did
Jesus fulfil the law and the prophets?
How many persons can you recall
from the Scriptures or otherwise
who did the perfect will of Uod, other
tbuu Jew us.'
There are those who teach that It
Is Impossible for any man to keep all
the commandments ot God, what
reason Is there to suppose that these
are anions the number whom Jesus
calls "the least lu the kingdom of
hea veu;
What was the righteousness of the
scriU-s aud Pharles?
What are the reasous how etc etc
which lead us to believe thut all all
God's commandments are reason
able aud keepable by all Christians,
aud that those who do not keep the
in are very cuiplabie:
by Is a man who, out or an an
gry revengeful heart, calls his broth
a fool, aud would like to consign
til in to the worst of angering, In dan
ger of suffering himself that to which
he would consign another?
erses 1M L' V hy cannot a mau
truly worship Uod, or enjoy the love
and favor of Uod while he has bitter
ness In his heart to another.
According to the teaching of Jesus
w hat is our duty toward a erson
wlio is angry with us, either w ith or
without Just cause?
erses .ts-41 Are these precepts to
lie taken literally aud if not what do
thev mean?
See Ex. 21:24-25, Lev. 24:20, Deut. 10:
21, and say If these laws are In har
mony with the teaching of Jesus.
Are these precepts of Jesus given
as rules of conduct, or ns underlying
principles, and what Is the difference
In the two Ideas?
Never content to rest idly when
there is a prospect to obtain some
thing of benefit to Hood River, its
energetic citizens have taken up
the matter of locating a state nor
mal school here. There is no
doubt that the location of such a
school here would be beneficial to
Hood River, but wo believe that
if properly equipped and conduct
ed its benefits would be much
greater to the state at large. To
keep abreast of other states it is
not possible for Oregon to be with
out an institution of this character
and where could be found a better
place to put it than Hool River?
Centrally located, with transjKirta
tion and climate second to none
its scenery an inspiration for life
the instructors who would matric
ulate within its walls should go
forth to teach the gentle art of the
young idea how to shoot, with an
optimism that would know no such
word as phale because there isn't
Of course we want the normal
school at Hood River, the rest of
the state wants it here also, with
the possible exception of a few
crouches, and we believe we are
going to come pretty near getting
Woman lias always played an
imjiortaiit part in the world's
affairs, and at no time has she
played a more important part
than at present. To be sure there
are scoffers now as in the past in
retard to the ability of women to
take a serious part in weighty
affairs, but ccol!Vr, like the
jioor, are always with us. As to
whether women are so constituted
as to engage in a business or polit
ical battle with men, we will leave
for those who can talk fast, a long
time and dodge flying crockery.
We are sati"fied, however, that if
a man has c gosl, strong, intelli
gent mother he can have most any
There will be more building in 1910 than in any previous year on record. During
1908 and 1909 hundreds of new houses were built, also a few handsome business blocks.
This was only a starter. You will witness real progress this year.
Now is the time to get busy and buy some of these bargains that are available.
Don't wait until the other fellow buys the property you wanted, but INVESTIGATE
TODAY. Here are a few splendid bargains in city property:
Lot 50x100 on south side of State street, with beautiful view of the Columbia
river and Mt. Adams, 5-room house, running water, electric light and sewer connec
tions. For two weeks at present price $1,200. Cash.
100x150 corner lot on south side of State street, with beautiful view. Several
handsome shade trees. $1,500. Terms.
100x100 on south side of State street. Good residences on both sides. Fine
view of the Columbia and Mt. Adams. $1,500. Terms.
100x100 corner for business property on Cascade avenue, with good 7-room
house. A fine bargain. $5,500. Terms.
100x100 corner on Oak street. Good business corner. A fine bargain. $9,000.
We have a number of residences that are real bargains. '
The Reliable Dealers
budget for the new equipment for
the Harrlman lines In this territory
for the year 1910 has been made up
and Is In excess of the money asked
In any previous year for rolling
stock. The budget calls for over
$2,000,000 for new freight and passen
ger cars and locomotives.
Low one-way colonist rates from
all parts of the east to I'nclflc coat
terminals are offered by the railroads
from March 1 to April 15. The op
portunity to bring thousands of new
settlers to Oregon Is a valuable one
and commercial organizations of the
state will take advantage of It to
the fullest extent. The attractive
literature sent out during the past
year and the wide publicity given all
parts of Oregon have been fruitful of
results and Inquiry about this state
was never so general as at the pres
ent time. BecailHe of this widespread
IntereMt In Oregon It mny lie expected
that the state will receive a large
Immigration during the coming
The long continued cold weather
of the winter has not had a bad ef
fect on crops, as might have leeii ex
pected, but has leen rather IxTicfkinl
to them, according to reports from
different parts of the state. Fruit
prospects throughout the.Northwest
are now the brlghtent In years. It la
said, the cold weuther holding back
the buds so long that there Is little
fear of damage by late fronts. This
Is shown particularly In the apple
and pear orchards, where the crop
during the past year was the small
est In several seanons. The snowfall
of the winter Is said to have lHen
generally ample to protect fall sown
grain, except In some sections of t he
Willamette valley. I snow, too.
has added moisture to the ground In
the drier sections.
At the Spokane convention of the as
sessors of Wnnhlngton, counties Mr.
Parish called attention to the fact
that there were many corporate
holdings In this state which escaped
taxation. Regarding this as unfair
to the remainder of the taxpayers,
he recommended petitioning the fed
eral authorities for a sjieedy survey
of such lands, to the end that thou
sands of ncres mny le made to con
tribute to the upbulldlhg of the
All previous fishery records were
broken by Washington last year.
This Industry alone produced In ex
cess of $1.1.000,000, according to the
reports of the state fish commission
er. In 1MW Washington fish products
amounted to $."2.",000, showing the
rapid growth. Latest reports from
the Atlantic coast are to the effect
that the fishing Industry Is declining
there, so that Washington now
stands at the head of the list among
the states, In fisheries as well as lutn
lie ring.
Fruitgrowers of the Northwest are
Interested In the protest against the
Lafean bill now In congress, which
was adopted at the recent conven
tion of the Washington Kate Horti
cultural Association. This measure
was prepared by the eastern fruit In
terests for standardizing apple pack
ing boxes. In a manner unsuited to
the superior fruit of the Northwest.
The box now in general use in this
section Is tiest adapted to Washing
ton and Oregon apples, and the
growers are reluctant to give it up
for a substitute that will not eriiilt
them to make a satisfactory pack.
A delegation will be sent to the nat
ional capital to oppose the Lafean
Can you mention supposed cases
where it would te wise to literally
carry out these precepts of Jesus. and
other cases where It would violate
the spirit of Jesus' teaching to do so?
What motive would corn pel a child
ofOod to literally carry out these
precepts of Jesus, when, and as often
as. The Holy Spirit should Indicate?
Verse 42 What attitude should the
Christian always take. In the matter
of giving or loaning money to those
In need?
Verses 4;i-4-l What are the advan
tages of loving our enemies, and the
disadvantages of hating them?
What does it imply, practically, to
love our enemies, and Is It possible of
performance by every t hrlstlan?
Verse 4."i Why does God treat the
evil as well ns he does the good, In
the matter of sunshine and rain, and
the similar common blessings of life?
Verse 4l 47 Which gets the greater
good out of life and why, the gener
ous and forgiving, or the harsh and
those who render evil for evil?
Verse 4H What does Jesus mean
hy the commandment, to be perfect
as Ood Is perfect ;
(This question must lie answered
In writing by members of the club.)
!sson for Sunday, Feb. 6, 1910.
Almsgiving and prayer. Matt.
: 1-15.
How's this?
We the undersigned will nnv one hun
dred dollars reward for any case of
catarrh that we cannot cure. F.J.
Cheney &Co.,Toledo,0. We.t he under
signed have known F. J. Cheney for
the last l.i years, and is-neve mm
perfectly honorable lu all business
transactions and financially able to
carry out any obligations made by
Ids firm, w aiding, tvinnnn Mar
vin, Wholesale druggists, Toledo, O.
Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken Internal
ly, acting directly upon the blood
and mucous surfaces of the system.
Testimonials sent free. 1'rlce 75 per
bottle. Hold by all druggists. Take
Hall's family pills for constipation.
Money to loan on Hood Itiver rest-
dence pros-rty. John Iceland Hen
derson, Incorporated.
JOHN LELANO HENDERSON, Prldtnt; Attorntj at Law aits' Notary Public
A. T. ALLEN. Vlca Prailttnt I0I1N M. ANDREWS. Sacratarr-Traaaarar
John Leland Henderson
Law, Real Estate, Loans
Con veyancing
Conveyancing and Surveying a Specialty
The President of the Company is prepared to do Surveying
and Civil Engineering Work of all kinds
Home and Pacific Telephones
J. IS1. SGM MELTZER, Saoratary
Abstracts, lasariiet, Coivegaiclig aid sorcfi mis
We'have'Jhe only complete set of Abstract Books in Hood
Itiver County and are in position to execute all work with
promptness and accuracy.
We represent some of the best old line Fire Insurance Com
panies doing business in Oregon, and can give the fire insurance
obta in-able for the money.
Our reputation as conveyancers is known to all. will of our
work is guaranteed.
Come to us when you want Surety Bonds of any description.
OMca la tha DAVIDSON BUILDING, N. E. Carnar Caacata Atanaa t4 Third Strttl
Capital, $100,000.00
Surplus, $20,000.00
Get the Banking Habit
It Pays
The more bank depositors there are in a commu
.nity the more prosperous that community will be,
both as far as the Individual citizens are concerned,
and also as regards the community as a whole.
Large bank balances mean much prosperity. Take
- the advice of men who are respected on account of
their success ask them the best way of keeping
money and they will tell you to deposit it In
5he 5frrst Hational Bank
F. S. STANLEY. Prcwknl
E. O. BLANCHAR. Cuhtcr
V. C. BROCK. Aut. Cuhtar
Successors to JACKSON & JACKSON
N We have just put on our shelves complete
new stocks of
Canned and Bottled Goods,
Teas and Coffees
and are prepared to give prompt attention to orders.
Smith Lumber
Wholesale and
Retail Lumber,
Lath. Shingles
Etc. Lumber
delivered to
any part of the
t ,
5-Gallon Heavy Galvanized Oil
Can, with patent pump guar- g
anteed. Price o
Get one quick.
The Star Grocery