The Hood River news. (Hood River, Or.) 1909-current, January 26, 1910, Image 1

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The lJ,,l,J",,i!ilcMask, a story of the most
A Bigger Than Ever
Commercial Club Arranges For 30,000
Copies of Handsome New Booklet and
nany Thousand Pieces Other Literature
A contract which the board of (11
rectors of the Hood HI ver Commercial
club entered Into with the (. It. & N
company Saturday for publicity
work will give the valley the widest
distribution of advertising literature
ever attempted here. The greatest
feature In connection with the work
will be 30,000 copies of a new com
munlty booklet that In expected -to
ecllme anything of thin character
ever distributed on the count. The
contract also Includes about 100,000
piece of other literature and u page
ad In Sunset Magazine.
The work will le takeu up under
the direction of President Chan. Hall
and Secretary Skinner and Win. Bit
tie Wells, manager of the Home
seeker's Iturenu of the O. It. & X. and
Southern Pad lie.
An entire new net of picture will
be made, a new publicity story
written ana the booklet gotten up
Id a way that tt Is expected will
prove the grentest advertising fea.
ture Hood Iliver had ever kuowu.
In a letter asking the people of
Hood Itlver to take an Interest In
thin work Secretary Skinner says:
"The Commercial Club linn placed
Its order with the(). K. & N. Co. for
a new booklet descriptive of the val
Memltem of the Woman's Clul met
In I. U. O. F. hall, January 19th, Mrs.
J. K. liatchclder, president, in the
Current events was the first topic
on the program, Miss Ooff presenting
some of the IntereMting events occur
ring at thecnpltol. WaHhlngton. 1. C.
(Tub business came next. The re
ports from the committee on ar
rangements for Scholarship Loan
Fund Day were heard. There is great
preparation for thin meeting, with
the hope of making it the greatest
day of all the year, In fact this Is to
be a red letter d:iy throughout club
dom Wednesday evening. Jan. UOth.
Mrs. J. W. Itlghy was given nn op
portunity to bring U'fore the club
the object, benefits and aim of the
Woman's National league, and es
pecially the advantage of meeting
the requirement necessary in obtain
ing a chapter house, where we could
enjoy our meetings In a cozy home of
our own. .
The meeting was delighted at this
time by the rendition of a solo by
Miss Amy Walton, Mrs. Sletteo pre
siding at the piano.'
The chairman of the civic coimnlt
tee, Mrs. Noble, presented the follow
ing pictures of homes: Mrs. Hatch
elder, "Her old home In Virginia,"
Mrs. Ooff, "Her home In California."
Mrs. Whitehead, "The home of Iew
Wallace In Indiana." MIhs David
son, "The home of Joaquin Miller."
Mrs. Nolle, "Her New England
home." These word pictures were
so rent that you could see the long
porch, the clinging vines and luscious
fruit, equal to Hood Itlver's liest.
Mrs. Noble closed the program th
reading the following poem:
By Eu.n 11.11
From th weather-worn houM on the brow of the
Wo are dwelling afar In our riuon today:
But we eee the ok) gablee and hollyhorka ntill,
Ae they looked Ionic sjro 'ere we wandered away.
We can aee the tall well-sweep that elands by the
And the sunshine that fleams on the old oaken
We ean hear the sharp creak of the farm gate
And the loud cackling hens in the gray barn
near by;
W4th its broad. saaKin floor and its scsfTolila of
And ita rafters that once seemed to reach to the
We behold the arreat beams and the bottom lew bay.
Where the farm bnys once joyfully jumped on the
We see the old cellar where apples were kept.
The garret where all the old ruhhinh was thrown.
The homely okl kitchen, the broad hearth of stone.
Where applea were roasted all in a row,
Where our grandmothers notified and knit long airo.
From the weather-worn house on the brow of the
We are dwelling afar In our manhood today:
But we eee the old gables and hollyhocks still.
As they looked as we left them to wander away.
But the dear onea we kived in the old long ago.
In the old tillage churchyard sleep under the
Farewell to the friends of our bright childhood's
To ths beautiful yalea, once delightful to mam;
To the fathers, the mothers, now gone from our
From the weather-worn house to their heavenly
Where they wstch, where they wait, and will wel
come us still.
As they waited and watched In the house on the
Publicity Campaign
ley. This booklet Is. to le without a
doubt the fluent piece of advertising
literature ever gotten out. The cover
Is to be In four colors and embossed
The pictures will lie In two colors.
"We want the reading matter to
be as Interesting as possible aud to
do this the apple growers of the val
ley are asked and urged to send to
the secretary of the club any story of
success or experience while In Hood
Itlver. In fact, any bit of informa
tion (N-rtalnlng to the valley that
will be worth while. We would like
to have this done as soon as possible
as work on the booklet Is to tie
pushed rapidly. Tell us about your
big crop, your real luside experience.
the people through the entire I'nlted
States ar anxl ills to be Innoculated
with the western bug and we want
to lead them to Hood Itlver.
" 1 tie Interest in Oregon Is now
greater than California ever had,
which means we have them coming,
and we have work ahead to make
them see the advantages of Hood
Itlver.' This means we want the
help of the fruit growers. It Is to
your Interest, and our work will go
hand In hum). So give lis this infor
mation in any shape you care to,
only do It and do it now.
The Hood Itlver Commercial Club
through ttie columns of the News has
this request to make to the people of
the valley aud the town. The photo
graphs In t lie new booklet want to
be made as Interesting reading mat
ter as the text. They want to tell a
story and show the valley in its dif
ferent phase. A photographer Is
coming here as soon as possible to
begin the work of getting new views
of the valley for the uew booklet. If
you have a view in your ticlkchhor-
hood or on your place that you
think will lie Interesting, drop a
postal to the secretary of the club
and the photographer will tie sent
out and the view taken.
The people of the valley also have
individual collections of photographs
of their places aud of the valley, and
are requested to send these with the
description of the view represented.
Write your name and date of the
picture on the back. If you request
It they will tie returned to you anil
If not will find a place in the photo
graph allium that will In- put in the
new club rooms to lie shown to vis
itors. Send them in and If they can lie
used they will tie placed In the new
booklet the booklet that will go
out the finest edition that ever ap
peared. A booklet th;t people will
tie glad to keVp In their library for
time to come. It will lie worth while
to get a view of your place In the
WAS HEIR TO $20,000
Believing that Frank Dethman, a
well-known Hood Itlver apple-
grower, whose picture he saw In
some moving pictures or the Hood
Itlver Valley In Philadelphia, Is his
long-lost brother, entitled ton $J0,(XK)
share in an estate, J. E. linage, a
resident tif the tjuaker City, writes
the Applegrowers' 1'nlon here for In
In tlie pictures Mr. Dethmnn Is en
gaged In packing apples. Dethman
says, however, that much to his re
gret he cannot establish his relation
ship to Mr. Haage,
The pictures In question have lieen
the cause of many letters ttelng re
ceived at Hood Itlver from cities all
over t lie United States. Some of the
writers insist that the scenes are
fakes, as the writers declare they
have never seen apples or orchards
like those In the pictures.
Crapper Estate Settled
A land sale of -'."i,(KK) through -the
agency ol J. II, Hellbronner Co.
which was Involved In the settlement
of the II. I.. Crapper estate culminat
ed this week when the property was
conveyed to W. 11. Allen. The prop
erty consists of !i0 acres which Mr.
Allen Is extensively improving and Is
situated In the Oak drove district.
For Kent An elegant front olllce
or sleeping room In the Davidson
building. Steam heat. Apply at
room N or at Light & Water office.
Hood River Man Will
Debate on
Burleigh Cash was chosen as one
of the six men to repreeut the Uni
versity of Oregon In the trl-state de
bating league at the try-out held In
Eugeue last Friday night.
The places on the uulverslty de
bating teams were unusually strong
ly contested this year. Five of the
eight men, selected at previous try
outs, to take part In the final held
Friday, won the gold "O" In years
past, aud one took the alumni medal
for debating last year.
Last year, while In his freshman
year, Cash tried out and made the
position of alternate. This year he
is well up among the best debaters
In the university. Debate Coach
Boehen has not yet announced the
arrangement of the teams, but It Is
rumored about the campus that lie
will place Cash at the head of one of
the two teams.
Cash has always taken a promi
nent part in student affairs. He was
twice leader of the high school de
bating team, and president of his
class. He was re-elected president of
the Alumni Association at its last
meeting and he Is the president of the
Grange Continues Argument
Against Holding Assemblies
Kditor News: It Is with some re
grets that we are compelled to an
swer your editorial on "The Grange
and Assembly," in your issue of Jan
uary 12th. Had you treated the
question In a strong and argumen-
tlve manner It would have been a
pleasure to us to make a reply.
There are so many things that you
think are funny, so many things that
you think are cute and so much that
most people do not care to wuste
lime in renuing, mat. we uaruiy
know what part of your "Dodge-the-
questlon" article to tackle first; but
presume we had Itetter dingnone
your dose as It was given.
You say. our committee was ap
pointed to "drub" the News. Not
at all. We were appointed to nn-
swer your attack upon tne grange
and to show why we were opposed
to the assembly scheme, and to bli
ther reply to your opposition to our
direct primary law. It Is quite
amusing to notice how lamented
you nssemblyltes are becoming tie-
The most tieautlful and expensive
collection of rugs ever exhibited In
Hood Itlver is now being shown at
Stewart's store by Atlyeh Bros, the
well known Portland firm of Import
ers One of the brothers Is in charge
of the collection and Is taking a great
deal of pleasure in showing these
handsome floor coverings which in
clude everything from the diminu
tive door rug to those of mammoth
proportions. Iu the collection are to
be found specimens of the rug mak
ing art for a comparative small sum
to a gorgeous silk plush affair worth
$1,200. The designs, colorings and
texture of these Wautlfiil rugs are
tteyond description and can liest lie
appreciated by a visit to see them
which Is worth while.
Mr. Atlyeh Is showing them to
many and Invites everybody to call.
He will lie here until Saturdav.
Sarah Koplin.
Miss Sarah Koplin, member of a
former well-known Hood lifver fain
Uy. died Tuesday, January lsth.froni
the effects of nn operation underwent
In a Portland hospital. Miss Koplin
formerly lived at Hood Itlver, but for
a number of years had been a valued
employe of Llpman, Wolf Co., In
The funeral was held here Thurs
day afternoon, services ttelng held In
Hartmess chapel, conducted by Itev.
W. C. Ollmorc. The body was In
terred In Idlewlld cemetery Is-sldc
that of her brother, who passed j
away a short time ago. The remains
were accompanied to Hood Itlver by
Miss Koplln's sister and M In Caro
line Barnum, nn Intimate friend.
Piano for Sale Foster A Co., high
grade, cost fl.0, almost new, bean
tiful tone, massive ttcvel walnut case,
not a scratch on It. interior bird's-
eye maple; piano scarf, stool ami
music cabinet, -'7.". Tel. 4 X. 4-7 p
alluring character in Fiction, is proving popular
U. of O. Team
Hood Itiver Club at the university.
He was one of the chief factors in the
organization of the Hood Itlver Bach
elors' Club at the university, a club
of Hood Itlver boys who last year
bought a lot near the uulverslty and
built a house on It, where they keep
bachelors' hall at about half the or
dinary expense. In addition to this
their property has already nearly
doubled In value.
The trl-state debating league Is
comported of the state universities of
Oregon, Washington and Idaho.
Each university has two teams, one
at home and one away. This year
Oregon sends a team to Seattle to
meet the Uuiversity of Washington,
and debates the University of Idaho
at Eugene. The question for debate
is, resolved, "That all corporatlous
engaged In Interstate commerce
should be required to take out a fed
eral charter, it being mutually eon
ceeded that such would be constitu
tional and that federal license not be
offered as a substitute." Two weeks
ago Oregon easily beat the Univers
ity of Utah on almost Identically the
same question.
caurte the grange has gone Into poll
tics. And oh, how you would like
to see us sit Idly by and let you fel
lows do our thinking, talking and
voting. We have never, since our
organization denied ourselves the
right, privilege and duty to discuss
any question which you call political
that will better the condition of
jTt was our order that placed upon
Oregon's statutes some laws which
me musses desired, yet vou
say '".!
percent don't want them" and we
are "the laughing stock of the
world." If we have any laws not
wanted by so many why are they
not repealed. If we, us nn organiza
tion, were sincere In securing these
laws, why should you object to our
defending them? Our direct nomlna
Hon aud direct legislation laws are
two of those laws, aud you think it
so naughty of us to try to protect
them. Don't worry about politics
In our order. We nre moving for
ward, not buckward. You try to
tell us something about the downfall
of the grange In Kansas and Iowa
Home ten years ago. Say, Mr. Kditor,
you have forgotten some things
about politics. Why, that was the
the Populist party that you have
on your brain. Permit us to give
you a little history
of the downfall
of the grange. About 30 years ago
i the grange had a relaxation In Its
j iiicmlicrsbtp caused by Inexperienced
management of cooperative stores,
etc. But the grange today Is far
j stronger, not only In those two
'states, but In every state lu the I n
j Ion, than it ever was at any time
; since it was organized. "The grange
j In Oregon has reached Its zenith."
1 1 lur last annual report read at our
state convention did not Indicate It,
a ml we will volunteer to supply you
j with our next annual report in order
j that you may be able (?) to write
our "Obituary."
You ask, "Of what use are princi
ples without parties to enforce
them?" What party gave us our
direct nomination and direct legisla
tion laws of Oregon: and what party
gave the law creating Hood Itiver
county? If the new tax bill which
was referred by our last legislature
to the voters of Oregon ever becomes
a law what party will do It? If
party Is nil that Is necessary why
Mt. Mood Orange Meets
The Mt. Hood Grange held Its regu
lar meeting January 'Ji'nd with Mr.
Miller In the chair and tli" other olll
ce rs In their respective places. After
the routine business had been trans
acted n communication from the
State secretary was read. During
the meeting it was decided to elect a
new set of directors to take charge Larwood was
appointed to post notices and call a
meeting for that purpose. The resig
nation of John Yauthlers as treasur
er was accepted as he expects to be
absent for some time. W. Gregory
was chosen to fill the position. The
next meeting will he held Feb. 11th
at 7:30.
Strawberry Growers
Dissolve Fruit Union
Its Affairs Will Be Wound Up by Board of
Directors and Property Turned Over to
Powerful Apple Growers' Organization
After a successful career of 17 years
the Hood Itiver Fruit Growers' Un
ion was dissolved Saturday.
The defunct organization originally
handled all the fruit at Hood Itiver,
but for several years has shipped the
strawberries and small fruits exclu
slvely. It was the oldest on the
Pacific coast.
Its dissolution was brought about
in order to turn all the fruit business
handled Uy organized growers over
to Its sister union conducted by the
apple growers.
The dissolution of the lierry union
was not accomplished without a
strong fight In which the forces were
evenly matched, those In favor of
dissolution finally winuing by the
small majority of four votes out of a
total of 135. The property of the
Iterry union, consisting of a ware
house, trackage site, office furniture
aud shipping outfit will tie turned
over to the Apple Growers' Union
for the sum of $720, agreed on by a
committee from the two unions.
The share holders will receive their
pro rata share or the same and the
parent union, which has been respon
sible for making Uood Itlver fruits
famous the world over, will lie- no
more. It Is thought that, with the
large warehouse and cold storage
Clad only In a suit of newspapers
barefooted and without money, N
It. Grantham, wireless telegraph
operator on a Cunard liner, who left
New York August 22ul, on a 10,000
mile walk, yesterday arrived at the
News office.
Grantham started on his long jour
ney through a wager of $."i000 lo $i"00
that be could not walk around the
United States in a year. From here
he will go to Portland, from there to
San Francisco, on to New Orleans,
and from there to New York, where
he must arrive In 365 days from the
time he left.
Grantham arrived at Hood Itlver
five days ahead of his schedule and
left for Portland this morning. The
conditions are that he must earn or
beg money to support him aud must
leave ench town without a penny
In case he has any money when he
leaves he must send It to New York
In each town he has to obtain the
signature of the mayor, railroad
agent or some other prominent per
The Normal school mass meeting.
which the committee from the Com
mercial Club wns Instructed to ar
range for, has been fixed for Friday
night at the Opera house. Arrange
ments have lieen made for a list of
Interesting speakers, the Hood Itlver
band will enliven the occasion, and
school boosters and others will lie on
hand to say something good for this
desirable enterprise. This Is a mat
ter that interests all, one that we
cannot afford to overlook, and every
body that can get out of lcd should
lie present to lend a helping hand.
The laiiles nre of course extectcd to
turn out lu force, a goodly sprink
ling of Hood Itlver's efficient and
handsome school teachers Is ex pec ted.
and the rules will Ik1 suspended and
ministers of the gospel allowed to
attend, provided they behave. Turn
out and start the Normal school pro
ject with a whoop. A good start
means success.
(lave Double Social Event.
Two delightful social functions
were given last week when Mrs. W.
J. Baker and Mrs. Harry iH'WItt held
afternoon and evening receptions and
card parties, Thursday and Friday,
for their lady friends. The hostesses
wen assisted In receiving by Mrs.
Seneca Fonts of Portland. The dec
orations were cut flowers, potted
plants, Oregon grape and umbrella
plants. Whist and .VHI were played,
the favors being both dainty and
handsome. In serving the elaborate
refreshments Mrs. IH'WItt and Mrs.
Fonts were assisted by Miss Uoff and
Miss F.atou.
plant which the Apple Growers'
Union recently completed, that the
small fruits will lie handled to better
advuntage for the growers.
It Is stated that the berry'growers
were Influenced In voting to turn
over the business to the larger union
by the fact that the latter was pre
paring to ship berries this year,
whether It absorbed the smaller or
ganization or not.
The opposition to the dissolution
was due to the fact that some of the
memliers thought the amount at
which the committee had agreed to
sell the property was not high
enough ami because they believed
the berry growers shouid hae some
representation In the handling of
their fruit. One mem lie r advocated
an exchange of stock In the two con
cerns on the basis of its comparative
value. Another Idea that the oppo
sition wanted to try was to have
the Apple Growers' Union takeover
the business aud handle It for a year,
deferlng the transfer of the property
until It was ascertained whether the
latter was successful In marketing
the berries.
The principal asset which the Fruit
Growers' Union turns over is the
trackage site, on which it has a long
lease. It Is expected that the adjust
ment of Its affairs will take some
time as some of the shareholders are
scattered about the country and will
have to be located.
The Hood Itlver Fruit Growers'
Union was organized In 1S93 and Its
Incorporators were among the men
who helped to organize the North
west Fruitgrowers' Association. Ita
Incorporation papers were written
by T. It. Coon and for many years
It had a stormy career. It was or
ganized to centralize the output of
the valley and maintain prtces.whlch
were ttelng cut by independent ship
pers. The record of Its doings show
ranny changes In management at
tended with bitter fights until the
organization was finally put on a
business basis.
In the past few years this has been
done away with and the union
brought to its greatest degree of
success under the management of K.
H. Shepard and E. N. Benson, and
Its shipments have run from 50,000 to
100,000 crates and growers have pros
pered. The closing of its affairs was
placed In the hands of E. X. Benson,
E. H. Shepard, X. Tostevln, C. S.
Metcalf and It. J. Mclsnae, the board
of directors.
Musical Club Growing
The meeting of the Thursday Musi
cal Club last week was held at the
home of Mrs. S. K. Walton and was
characterized by a large attendance.
Mrs. C. H. Slet ten presided at the
business meeting. Mrs. C. K. Mar
shall, the secretary, reported the ad
dition of four uew members. It was
voted to postpone the often meeting
until the return of Mrs. H. L. Duni
lile, the club's president. The next
meeting will lie held with Mrs. Du
tro Thursday, February 3rd.
After the business meeting the us
ual musical program was rendered,
the composers lielng Grieg and
Cowan. 1 he Instrumental selection
was Grieg's "Humoresk" which was
given faultlessly by Mrs. S. G. Ox-
borrow. "The Mission of the Hose,"
by Cowan, was sung by Miss Wal
ton. Biographies of the composers
were read by Mrs. Slet ten and Mrs.
( ixborro w.
The nicmlicrshlp of the club Is
growing rapidly and It will soon
have fifty members, many of whom
are among Hood Itlver's most tal
ented musk-Inns. It Is expected later
to organize a glee club and a quartet.
$17,000 FOR 13 ACRES
A laud sale of more than ordinary
Interest at Hood Itlver was the pur-
hase last week of the thirteen acre-
place belotilug to l-i-e Mnitli by I apt.
J. H. McCoti, a St. Louis man, for
fl7.itMi. The land consists of four
acres lu bearing orchard, some in
young trees ami hay land. Itlsun-
rstood that ( apt. Mcdm bouyht
the place for a country home and
will make some extensive Improve
ments on it.