s THE HOOD RIVER NEWS, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 19v 1910 January Clearance Sale Now On REMNANTS OF ALL KINDS OF PIECE GOODS AT HALF PRICE. WINTER GOODS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION WILL BE SOLD REGARDLESS OF COST. NO MATTER WHAT YOUR NEEDS MAY BE, "IF IT'S TO WEAR" JUST COME TO CRAM'S, WHERE RELIABLE GOODS, INTELLIGENT SALESPEOPLE AND MODERATE PRICES PREVAIL. WE COUNT OUR CUSTOMERS BY THE THOUSAND. Don't Overlook Our Great MUSLIN U N DERWEAR SAL EI HOOD RIVER AGENTS FOR lOc and 15c BUTTERICK PATTERNS MMWBMiiiKH mm hmmmmhmmmw FRANK A. CRAM HOOD RIVER AGENTS FOR Dry Feet NAP-A-TAN SHOES Live Local Copice Mr. and Mrs. John Otten were week end visitors In Portland. Mr. and Mrs. V. E. Sherman left Thursday (or a visit a Portland and Salem. Mrs. Fred Newby went to Port land Thursday for a few days' visit with friends. Mr. and Mrs. O. L. Vanderbllt were guests at the hotel Shtpberd at Its opening Wednesday evening. Secretary Skinner spent the day In Portland Thursday visiting the offi cials of the commercial organiza tions. C. A. McCarger on his way to Mosler couldn't resist the tempta tion to stop off and say a good word about that rapidly developing District. Stranaban & Clark announce the receipt of a large quantity of fertilizer among which are Potash, Nitrate of Soda, Bone Meal, Tankage Blood Meal, Super Phosphate. The Oregon Life Insurance Com pany Is a splendid advertisement for the state of Oregon. Its low death rate shows the health condi tion of Oregon as nothing else possib ly conld. Orrgonlans can well afford to unite In giving Oregon LUe preference. C. K. Marshall attended the meet ing of the Scottish Kite Masons held In Portland last week. Mr. Parrlsh, brother of Mrs. Avery, left Wednesday for Los Angeles, Cal., for a week's visit among friends. S. S Thompson, fomerly of Hood River, who Is now living at (Jresham, Ore., spent Sunday here visiting friends. Mr. and Mrs. Cnstner left Friday for Los Angeles, California. They will Join Mrs. Chas. Castner who preceded them by a few days. The January sale put on by Mor lan & Goodman Is still on and Is at tracting a good many buyers who are taking this opportunity of seeur Ing goods at low prices. A communication to the News from John Goldsbury who Is visiting In St. Paul states that he recently at tended a banquet of real estate deal ers there and that at each plate there reposed a big Oregon apple. The "Gem" moving picture show has had an eltctrlc sign placed In In front of the show house. The management of the Gem Is provid ing a different class of pictures and songs from that of the Oak. As an economical evening's entertainment the Gem Is proving popular. W. II. Weler of Chicago, who Is Interested In the Mosler district, was here Friday. A. P. Batcham of Mosler was a business visitor last week on his way to Portland. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Dano returned Sunday from a visit to their daugh ter who Is now residing at Marsh field, Coos Bay. Ralph Savage has taken a position temporarily at the county clerk's office to assist In comparing the county records. J. D. Matthews and family will leave today for Portland where Mr. Matthews will engage In the confec tionery business. Uncle Dave Cooper and C. T. RolM-rts went to Portland Sunday to see Harry Lauder, the celebrated Scotch comedian, who gave two performances In that city Monday In the Armory. Nine thousand tickets were sold for one performance to see Lauder and the greatest gathering of the natives of the land of tin kilt and heather ever knowu In Oregon was present. A full line of poultry supplies at Whitehead's." For results, list your orchard laud with Devlin & Flrebaugh. Lost A brooch with turquoise setting. Finder return to News Of fice and receive reward. Lost Saturday evening probably In postofflce, Lady Maccabee ring, spider mount. Suitable reward for return to Mrs. Lynn at this office. $1,500,000 Sales in 1910 Is Our Goal We are laying plans to take care of a business of this magnitude in Hood River orchard lands during 1910. In making this statement we fully realize that we have no small task at hand. We have inaugurated a campaign of advertising throughout the East and Middle West unprecedented in the Hood River district. We have es tablished a correspondence department and are in touch with a great many people whom we will have the pleas ure of showing over the valley next spring and summer. We have engaged the services of three additional, thor oughly reliable and competent salesmen for this end of the business, by April 1, making SIX EXPERIENCED SALESMEN devoting their time exclusively to Hood River property, thus giving those listing property with us the advantage of by far the largest and most efficient sales force in the Valley. Watch for our .announcements in following issues of this paper in order to satisfy your self that we are justified in expecting to make sales amounting to $1,500,000 during the year 1910. DEVLIN & FIREBAUGH THE LEADING DEALERS Swcctlano Building, PORTLAND, OREGON H. R. B. A. T. Building, HOOD RIVER, OREGON it ,MflM, M, O. Lowtisdale, the well known orchardlst of Lafayette was here for a short visit last week. C. H. Vaughan, of the Gilbert Vaughan Implement Company was a bustuess visitor In Portlaud Monday C. H. Stranahan returned Monday from Portland where he had been In attendance at the meeting of the Scottish Rite Masons. Rev. J. R. Hargreaves, of Iowa arrived last Saturday and filled the pulpit of the Baptist church Sunday morning and evening. A large con gregatlon greeted the pastor at both services. Frank Power, secretary of the State Hortlcltural Society, Informs the News that the meeting of fruit growers to consider amendments to the state horticultural laws has been postponed until June. W. K. Comans, who has loen made general freight ngeut of the O. R. & N., passed through here Sunday In company with J. II. O'Neal traveling passenger ugent. Mr. Miller, former ly freight agent, has been given the position of traffic manager. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Shomaker were called upon to mourn the loss of an Infant child which died the lat ter part of last week and was burled from the home of li. F. Shoemaker, Interment being made In Idlewllde Cemetery. A very enjoyable sleighing party recently went to the home of Mr, and Mrs. V. L. Nichols where It was hospitably entertained. The party Included a number of Hood River business men and their wives who returned very much pleased with the evening's entertainment provided by Mr. and Mrs. Nichols. In order to provide better service for local patrons a new trnln was put on Sunday. It Is known as The Dalles local and arrives here from Portland at 5:4 p. m., leaving the latter city at .t::t0. Westbaound It reaches Hood River at 7:43 In the morning arriving In Portland at at 10::i0. The new train schedule now gives Hood River six trains each way dally. List your property with Devlin & Flrebaugh." Coarse ground and rock salt at Whitehead's. Storage room for rent. Apply to Geo. I). CullsTtson & Co. A. A. Jayne has money to lend at 6 per cent on good security. C. W. Kdmunds, M. I)., eye, ear, nose and throat diseases exclusively. Office hours 9:13 a. m. to 4 p. m. Phone 4.1, Res. .T!12 L. Wanted One, two or three shares of stock In Fast Fork Irrigation Co. lve lowest price and amount offer ed. Address XYZ, care Mood River News. For a good hot lunch call In at Ross& Richards Oyster rooms. Hui- elwood sweet cream served with our coffee, and also for sale In any quan tity. l'per valley I have 70 .1 acres, small house and barn, nearly all good; adjolnes l."0 acre-tract Just cleared and set to trees. A buy. W. II. Marshall, Dee. Now have forty cords of wood rendy for delivery. Orders should lie given at once while roads are In good condition for hnullng. A. T. Fuller, phone UX5 Odell. i. ('. Ruff left for Portland Mon day after a visit in the l'per Valley. lilowers Brothers announce a spe cial sale of heating stoves In another column. Owing to the moderation in the weather work was resumed on the New Waucoma Hotel Monday. J. D. Warren, of the Oak (Jrove district, Is making an extended visit at Kugeue. A. E. Franz Is attending the con vention of hard ware and Implement men In Portland this week. Malr Dano. who is now located at Marshtield. arrived here Monday for a few days' visit with friends and relatives. JoeVogtls holding a special sale In Mosler this week. The sale Is In charge of Irwlu Parkins aud George Baker. It Is doubtful If a more handsome or better nunilier of "Better Fruit" was ever Issued than the current one which came to us this week. It brings to even the westerner, to whom big things are a matter of course, with striking force the mag nitude of the fruit Industry. Page after page of beautiful Illustrations showing boxes of apples by the thousands, accompanied by articles on every phase of the apple show, from Judging to nailing, furnishes a completeness that nccounts for the success of this most extraordinary fruit paper. - The Clare Vaughan Wales Concert Company Is the next attraction In the high school concert and lecture course, and will lie given at the opera house Thursday evening. The com pany, which comes well recommend ed consists of Miss Clare Vaughan Wales, reader, Miss Florence Adele Benson, pianist anil soprnno, nnd Harry Longstreet. baritone. The musical numbers are said by the press to lie excellent anil "A Pair of Lunntlcs" which clows the entertain ment Is pronounced one of the clever est things that has been seen In a long time. Our specialty Is orchard lands. Dev lin & Flrebaugh. I'pper Valley I have some good buys now In the I'pper Valley. W. II. Marshall. Rex Brand Stock and Poultry Food. Best In the world. The kind that brings results. Whitehead's. Have buyers for some Improved nnd unimproved fruit farms. Call and list your place with Geo. I). Cul- iM-rtson & Co. Mrs. ,1. L. Henderson Is the guests of friends In Portland this week. The Woman's Club will hold Its meetings In future In the Odd Fellow Instead of the K. of P. hall. Samuel Hill, brother of J. J. Hill a prominent railroad man and known to national fame as a great exponent of good roads, was a visitor here Friday. J, K. McGregor and H. F. Bothfur came dowu from Mosler Monday for a short visit. The new schedule on the O. R. & N. makes It conveni ent for Mosler residents to visit Hood River. Now have forty cords of wood ready for delivery. Orders should le given at once while roads are In good condition fur hauling. A. T. Fuller, phone 0.." Odell. Write your tire Insurance with the old reliable firm, Geo. D. Culltcrtson & Co., who write for the Ix-st old line companies. The Home, Royal, Liverpool, London '& Glo!e, North America and Continental. A Sprained Ankle. Asa rule a man will feel well satisfied If he can hobblearound on crutches In t woor three weeks nfterspralntiiK his ankle, ami It Is often two or three months before he Is fully recovered. This Is an unnecessary loss of time, as by applying Chumttcrlnln's liniment, as directed, a cure may as a rule lie effected In less than one week's time, and In many cases within three days. Sold by all good dealers. National Life Insurance Co. of U. S. A. Established 1868 Over One Million Dollars of Insurance in Force in Hood River County. For rates or Information apply to J. M. Schmeltzer Local Representative, or A. L$. Combs State Manager, Portland Foust & Howe Mechanical Experts Automobile and Bicycle REPAIRING Las Band Sawing, (las and Steam En gines Rebuilt. Machine work of all descriptions. Sixth and Columbia Strecta. Phonl 109-x REYNOLDS & POWELL Plumbing and Tinning We install Heating Plants of all kinds Hood River Heights Well Drilling; DONE WITH A Quick ! Successful Satisfactory STAR WELL DRILLING OUTFIT- FOR PARTICULARS ADDRESS APPLE LAND & ORCHARD COMPANY HOOD RIVER, OREGON Offlc. No. Oik llrttl Phonii, 26 tr 2002-X