The Hood River news. (Hood River, Or.) 1909-current, January 19, 1910, Page 7, Image 7

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Physician and Surgeon
Raaidanea. Oak and Park. Offlea. Oak and Sacand
Officahoura, 10 to 11 a. m., t to land T to I p. n
Rooraa 1, 4 and a, Broaiua Block. Houd River. Or.
Physician and Surgeon
Call promptly anawarad in town'or country, day
or nla-ht
TUphonaa-Reaidanca'611.rOffloa 613.
Ofllca In th Broaiua Building-.
Physician and Surgeon
Offloa ovar rirat Natlonal'Bank
Bom'phoaa.fUa.TlB JOfflea phona Tl
Hood Rlrar. Oracoa
Physicians and Surgeons
Eliot Block Phona M
Hood River, Oregon
J. F. WATT, M. D.
Physician and Surgeon
Offloa. Home phona SO. Raaidanea, SOB
Hood River, Oregon
Dr. M. H. Sharp
Pr. Edna B. Sharp
Osteopathic Physicians
Graduates of the American School of Oataopathy,
Kirkrville, Ma
Office in Eliot Buildinc
Phono-Office 102. Reeidence 102-B.
Hood River. Oregon
M. D.
Offloa. Hall Buildinc. over Butler Banking Co
Office phone 28. Residence phone 28-B
Hood River. Oregon
H. Dudley W. Pineo, D. D. S.
Office over First National Bank
Office Home phona 131. Reeidence Home 131-B
Hood River. Oregon
Licensed Veterinarian
Hood River, Oregon
. Lawyer
Smith block Hood River. Oregon
Attorney at Law
Smith Biock.ov
Phone 168
r Firat National Bank
Hood River, Oregon
John Leland Henderson
Attorney at Law
Hood River, Oregon
HaH Building
Hood River, Oregon
Notary Public and Insurance
Room 12. Broaiua Block
Hood River, Oregon
David eon Building
Phone 61
City Engineer and Surveyor
NawKLU Gomrrr Wauh
David eon Building Hood River, Oregon
Trio Orchestra
Music furnished for all orraaiona.
InalrunvwtatKm from three pieeea to any num
ber deai red.
Address or phona
64-X or M-L Hood River, Oregon
Th Itsalng Confectlonlttl and lobaccalill
(Billiard Room and Bowling Alley in Connection)
Agency Portland Journal
Oak Street Hood River, Oregon
jfapancae iNovcltko
KutAne and Tokyo Dishes.
Bamboo Furniture.
4 Oil Strati, CoratT 1st Pbone 160
pon't lot the niMltm-nt your freen,
Huy your tree protectors nt White-lieatl'.
We sell not only the best
purchase goes a generous and
purest air above the earth.
same health restoring ozone
to be a rendezvous for airship
and make your selection now.
NO. 9. Fine residence and lot ad
Joining: Ir. Shaw's, two blocks from
depot. $2,600.
NO. 10. Three fractional lots ad.
Joining "The Firs," near school
house, unimproved. $1,000.
NO. 11. Quarter block business
property, adjoining Jackson's, oppo
site court houHe. $10,500. May be
sold separately at $0,000 for the cor
ner lot and $5,.rj00 for the side lot.
NO, 1:.'. IteHldence lots, Sherman
avenue and on top of hill. $175 and
NO. 2.'1. On Sherman avenue, three
blocks from depot.
Lots 9 & 12, Block 24. Hood Klver
proper $000.
Lots 3 & IS, Ulock 24, Hood Klver
proper. $.).
Lots 2 & 1!, block 24, Hood Klver
proper. $..)0.
NO. 27. A lot and a half on Cns
cade. S00,' $000 cosh.
NO. .TO. Lots 14 and !.", Block 13.
Barrett-Slprna Addition. $800.
NO. 40. 7 Boom house, 3 lots and
large barn, on the Heights. $3,000,
NO. 4.". 0 Boom hoiiHe on Cascade,
t,200. (Jood terms.
NO. 40. Two lots and two houxes
thereon. East part of town. $1,0."0.
The lower one 5 room houne and
full lot. $(V0.
NO. 52. A lot aud a fraction and a
hoiiHe of five rooms and a fraction,
on Sherman avenue. $2..00.
NO. 55. Small house and 90x150
foot lot, on the Heights. $!)50.
NO. GO. Two nicely located resi
dence lots close to business center.
NO. 01. Four beautifully located
lots on the llnlghts overlooking the
Columbia. $1,200.
NO. 02. Four good laying lots on
the Heights. $1,000.
NO. 79. Two of the test lots on
the Heights. $050.
NO. 3. 45 acres at Odell station.
15 acres cleared. (Jood, large house.
Will subdivide. $12,000.
NO. 4. 11 acres at Lenz station;
10 set to standard trees; small bouse
and barn. $4,400.
NO. 21 80 acres,8 miles out on east
side; 00 acres Al Rpple land; 10 acres
1 to 6 year trees; 5 acres In potatoes;
7 acres partially cleared. $8,500.
NO. 41. 40 Acres, 7 miles out on
east side. Some Improvements,
No. 03. 40 acres near Odell. All
but three acres In liny. One third Is
orchard land. (Jood house aud
barn. Small orchard. Free water.
$10,000, one third cash.
NO. HO. A good forty lu 2 N 11. $50
per acre.
NO. 7. 10 acres adjoining "Better
Fruit" ranch, 9 acres In trees, 4 and 5
year, good Improvements. $8,000.
NO. 10. 20 acres In Oak Grove dlst.
0 acres cultivated, 4 acres In 3 to 7
year trees, small house and barn.
$5,000. Very easy terms.
NO. 29. 5 acres. 3 miles from town,
all cultivated, 150 trees, house, barn,
chicken houses and yards. $4,500.
NO. 33. 21,' acres close to town,
all In trees, buildings new and good.
A neat, clenn place. $3,000.
NO. 37. 10 acres, West side; 190
bearing trees, 290 four year, 110 three
year, 30 two year; rnsplerrlcs, black
Ix'rrles, grapes, strawlerrles, 2 acres
of rich black soli, great for celery and
onions, now lu hay; fine house.
$ 10.0(H).
NO. 42. 140 Acres, fir nnd oak, H
miles out on west side. Very easy
terms. $15,400.
NO. 43. Two SO's lu 2 North 9, one
at $10, the other at $50. Half cash.
NO. 4S. 20 Acres. Good piece of
land. 10 tulles out on West side.
NO. 49. Ten acres, three miles west
of ball park. Seven acres In 5, 3 and
1 year trees. A lot of small fruit.
Good house nnd barn. $8,000.
NO fi7. 20 acres miles from I".
O.on state road. 12 neres cultivated,
(I acres In orchard. Admirable site
for a sanitarium or summer hotel.
NO. 5S. 40 acres 2 miles from town
iO nt' res cultivated, 5 acres of old or
chard, H acres of 5-year and 5 acres of
2 and 3-year trees. 8-room house.
NO. 59. 7 acres. One of the most
attractive places on the main west
side road, I 3 4 miles from town.
Orchard lu full lienrlng; buildings
worth $3,000. $1,500 per acre.
No. 05. 40 acres near town on
state road, 12 acres cultivated, 0
acres In orchard. Beautiful location
for summer home. $10,000.
NO. 77. 1 acres,.'! miles from town
west sldej 9" cultivated; N00 3-year
trees, standard varieties; small build
ings. $7,500.
Are Coming!
land on earth, but with each
never failing supply of the
This is not a lottery, the
goes with every piece. Bound
enthusiasts. Be forearmed,
NO. 78. 11 acres. 1 miles west of
town on the State road; all but 1
acre cultivated; 7 acres In 3-year
Splti and Newtowns; acre In ber
ries and other small fruit; free water;
good soil, no rocks; 7 room house.
NO. 1. 150 acres of Ideal orchard
land, the best location for a large
orchard lu the Upper Valley ; mile
from Valley Crest school; under new
Glacier ditch; 80 acres brush, balance
light timber. $17,500.
40 acres of the above, with 1m
provements worth over $5,000, 17
acres cleared; small young orchard;
7 room house, new; wood house,
large barn, stock and Implements,
The southeast 50 acres, unimprov
ed; fronts on couuty road; elegant
slope. $90 per acre.
Back 00 acres, 3 acres In alfalfa; lo
cation for orchard nnd building un
excelled. $M) per acre.
NO. 2 50 acres Upper Valley, 14
acres under cultivation. 2 acres In
Ix'rrles, 250 trees, 3 and 4 year; small
house and good barn, 100 Inches free
water, some stock and Implements.
NO. 18. 20 acres, across the road
from new terminus of Mt. Hood rull-
road, and from new school house; 12
acres lu cultivation; &) two year
trees, 300 ready to bear, 150 learlug;
X acre of ulfalfa. Good new six room
bouse; barn 14x24, woodshed and
chicken house. $10,000.
NO. 47. 40 Acres unimproved, near
Mt. Hood 1. O., $2,500. Very easy
NO. 53. 25 Acres near the .Mount
Hood post office. $100 per acre.
No. 04. 75 acres, 1 1-2 miles from
Parkdale. 7 acres cultivated; 5 acres
mixed orchard. $9,000.
NO. 00. 40 acres, mile from Val
ley Crest school; soil, location and
lay of land Al. Small clearing and
good log cabin. Will be covered by
new Glacier ditch. $75 per acre.
NO. 70. 00 acres 1 miles from
Parkdale, 35 cleared, 15 In orchard.
Buildings good barn and tool shop;
house newly remodeled, and all the
furniture Including piano.
plements, team, cow, chickens and
hogs. $20,000.
NO. 72. HO acres of rolling brush
land 2 miles from Parkdale; under
the Middle Fork ditch; Just as good
soli as land that sold this spring for
$150 ikt acre. $135 per acre.
NO. 73. 80 acres under the new
Glacier ditch; 1 miles from Valley
Crest school. 20 acres J2 cultivated
acres In strawberries; good log house.
NO. 74. 20 acres, unimproved, easy
clearing; covered by new Glacier
ditch. 2 miles from Valley Crest
school. Ideal location for summer
home. $40 per acre.
NO. 75. 40 acres 1 miles from the
Valley Crest school; 5 acres cultivat
ed, 2X0 three and four year trees.
house, barn, woodshed and chicken
house. $S,500.
NO. 70. 40 acres i miles from
Parkdale; unimproved; all good
land, $125 per acre.
NO. M. A ' short quarter-section.
2 miles from Valley Crest school, on
stage rond to the Inn; 8 acres cleared
small buildings. $50 per acre.
NO. S3. 71 acres, 3 miles south of
Valley Crest school; heavy timber.
NO. 24 Idlewll.l. Columbia Beach.
Lot 8, Block 22, $400.
Lot 9, " $500.
NO. 31. 40 acres of brush back of
Lyle. $50 ier acre.
NO. 32. 150 ncres, three miles from
Husum, unimproved. $3,200.
NO. 50. 5,000 acres on the Colum
bia; opposite The Dalles. A level
bench of 2,000 acres can be Irrigated
by a 150 foot lift from river; loo acres
can le Irrigated by springs; 300 acres
of ls'nch-llke land, 700 ncres of foot
hill land; balance grazing land. The
soil Is combination of volcanic ash
and disintegrated basalt and allu
vium a warm, sandy loam Ideal
herry, peach and Is-rry land. Stock
and Implements go with It. Two
houses, five barns; all fenced and
cross fenced. The location Is one of
the most beautiful on the Columbia,
with a inngnlacent view of Mount
NO. 07. SO ncres In Mosler district;
small clearing. $1500.
NO. 09. 80 acres near Lvle; little
waste. Invs well: tlmler: small clear
ing; $5,000.
NO. 81. Elirht room house on
Crookhnm avenue; close to car line
and close In. Will trade for Hood
Klver ranch properly. $3,ooo.
John Leland Henderson
Old Butler Bank Building
Hood River, Oregon
The regular stock company of act
ors of I'atlie Bros, moving picture
establishment of France comprises
over one hundred ieople, while ttiey
engage for the leading parts artists
whose names are known all over
Europe and lu the greater part of
America, drawn from the Comedle
Francalse, Theatre Kejane, Theatre
Atheues, Theatre Itenalssance, Au
tolue Theatre, Sarah Bernhardt
Theatre, vaudeville and the gyin
nase. Among them are found Messrs.
Le Bargy, Albert Lambert, Henri
Kraus, Sllvaln, Severln, Max Dearly,
Mounet-Sully and Miles. Atrae Tes
andler, Barat, Roblnne, Feulllade,
Cecil Sorel, Bartel. Megard, Genlat,
Eugenie Nau, Catherine Fontenay
and Trouhanowa.
Pat he Bros, have offices In all the
leading cities of the world and are
represented by picture ouf.iUs In ev
ery country of the glolie. Tiiey lead
all producers In every variety of film
production, and are the only ones
who have solved the colored picture
problem. Many of the films manu
factured by them are put on here at
the Oak and Invariably give satis
The Oregon Lumber Co. Mr. Lucas
and Mr. Marshall.
Impression having gone out that
through a letter I had written to be
published lu the Glacier (but refused
by It lecnuHe the publisher said he
did not wish to antagonize the Ore
gon Lumber Co.) doing Dur assessor
great injustice I wish to disabuse the
notion that the letter was personal
to anyone. It simply stated facts
that existed at'that time, and was
for the purpose of arriving at an
euitab)e adjustment of the taxation
of lands In the Upper Valley. During
this time I had talks with Mr. Lucas
and his one purpose was to do the
fair thing by all concerned. I had
supposed that the matter had drop
ped. Owing to the fact, however,
that an article was recently pub
lished In the Journal distorting the
facts the letter, which Is as follows,
Is published below:
To The Taxpayers of Hood River
It will soon be time for the Board
of Equalization to meet, the first
Monday In October, to adjust differ
ences and errors which may have oc
curred lu making up the assessment.
I, myself, have a "growl" aud as It
anVcts every taxpayer In the county,
I write an open letter as many may
Ini-Tnbt hearof It In any other way.- -
I live in the South part of Hood
River valley, known as the Upper
Valley. Mr, Dlmmlck was the depu
ty assessor in that district. His in
structions, so he told me, was to as
sess all individual holdings, but that
the Lumber Co.'s property was to be
assessed by Mr. Lucas, tiie assessor,
himself. He knew of no reason why
this be should sc, but as he was In
structed to put In young orchards,
uot bearing, at $250.00 per acre and
cleared land at from $25.00 to $50.00
per acre, It occured to nie there
might be a very good reason.
It will be several years before most
of the young orchards will bring In
revenue. It will also lie the mll
lenlum before any of the Individual
holders of timber laud will get a
revenue from their holdings, anil
If they cut It t'owu and burn It
up as they will have to do If they
get their land cleared, what Is the
lucentlve, as It Immediately conies
Into the high valuation class with
out revenue? With the Lumber Co.
It Is differeut. Their lands are pro
ducing revenue. They only took the
best timber when they made their
selections, nnd as they cut it off they
not only get the crop of timber but
from $75 to $100 per acre for their
land, nnd yet I will venture the
statement that I do not liellevc they
are assessed $50 per ncre on any tim
bered land they own.
As nn Illustration of the situation,
last fall I sold ton Mr. A. W. Stone
45 acres of tltnlier land within two
miles of the Lumber Co.'s mill. To
day he has 25 acres of fine young
orchnrd on It and he Is clearing up
the balance. On what he has cleared
he' got nearly a thousand cords of
wood. He can't dispose of his wood
at any profit, and as the Mill Co.
would not take his timber he Is burn
ing up everything on the balance of
the land he Is clearing, and as soon
as this Is done It will Immediately
enter the $250 class for taxation pur
poses. Now the laud adjoining him
belongs to the Lumber Company nnd
has a line crop lu sltiht, and as soon
as It In removed the land Is salable nt
$100 per acre; at least It will be unless
jH'ople are compelled to find out that
by buying this land they, with land
already cleared throughout the val
ley, will stand an undue proportion
of the taxes. W. II. M aiisiiai.i..
Stomach Trouble Cured.
If you have any trouble with your
stomach you should take Chamber
lain's stomach and liver tablets. Mr.
J. 1. Kioto, of Edlna, Mo., says: "I
have used a gieat many different
medicines for stomach trouble, but
find Chamlierlaln's stomach anil liver
tablets more Itonoflchil than any
other remedy I ever used. For sale
by all good dealers.
Whether it is Just a Little Powder
that we know are pure and the finest'quality we can
obtain. Yours to serve,
Kier 8 Cass
-Smith Block, Hood River, Oregon-
The Hood River Banking & Trust Co.
Conducts General Banking 'n All Branches
Interest paid on time deposits. Savings depart
ment in connection. Domestic and foreign exchange.
Safe deposit boxes ryou carry your own key. Steam
ship tickets to all European points. Calf for infor
mation. We solicit your patronage and guarantee
entire satisfaction. Opei I Checking Account lilt is.
Warm Robes
More than half the pleasure of driving; Is In being comfortable
when driving; a person wants to keep warm. I do, and I believe
you feel the same as I do.
Doesn't make much difference whether you drive for pleasure
or business you need a good, warm robe, anyway one that you
can wrap yourself up in and feel comfortable that is the kind I
want to show you. Drop In and see the robes and get prices.
Yours for more business,
Harness and Saddlery
Hood River Apple Vinegar Co.
We are now receiving; cider and canning apples. For growers located
on the Mt. Hood Railroad and also at Mosler and White
Salmon we will pay freight charges.
Bring Us Your Apples and Patronize Home Industry
Manufacturing. Engineering Company
(Successors to
General Machine Work and
Phone 305 -M
P. C. YOUNG, Proprietor
Fresh and Cured Meats, Fish, Oysters
Phone Main 6
First Class Livery
Transfer aijd
Agents Regulator Line Steamers
Freight and Baggage Transfer
New Rifts New Harness
(Jood Horses
Fancy and Staple Groceries
Preferred Stock, Heinz's 57 varieties Tickles, Krout,
Mince Meat, Catsup, Apple Butter, Etc. Splendid
line of canned Tomatoes and Corn at IO cents
...Your orders will receive onr best attention...
or some more important
part of Milady's toilet it
is here at its best and
daintiest. Our Toilet
Aids and Preparations
are standard in every
way. When you pay
for THE BEST you
should receive it. We
aim to sell the articles
Hood River, Oregon
Hood River, Oregon
Phone 5
Livery Coiqpaqy