The Hood River news. (Hood River, Or.) 1909-current, January 19, 1910, Page 3, Image 3

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The formal opening of The Ship'
herd enya The Dulles Chronicle, while
an Informal - affair, proved to be
oue of the big social event of the
season for ti representative gather
lug of citizens wan present at the
fuctlon last Wednesday evening. To
ay that It wan great success In put
ting It midly. It n un a most eujoy
able affair aud wan a pleasing way
for those prewent to fully and better
appreciate the fact that The Dal lei
ha an Institution which all lta cltl
lens may be greatly and Justly
proud of.
About 130 people attended the ban
quet, marching Into the dinning room
at 9:45 to the strains of the delight
ful music played by IMrgfcld's orches
tra, which furnished iduhIc through
out the evening. George C. lilakely,
president of the board of dlrectors-
of The Dalles Hotel Company pre
nlded us toastuiaster during the ban
quet hours In a pleasing way.
The following responded to toasts:
Frank Menefee. "The Directors;" E.
M. Wlugate, "The Dalles;" A. E.
Lake, "Wasco County;" J. 1j. Kelly,
"The Field and Farm;" J. M. Fater
sod, "The Business Men's Associa
tion;" C. J. Crandall, "The Arch
itect;" J. T. I'eters, "The Promo
tion of the New Hotel."
The following were among those
called upon for Impromptu talks: X.
K. Clarke, E. II. Shlpherd, E. O. Mc
Coy, J. D. Porter. J. A. Douthlt, V.
O. Hufford. W. E. Walther. It was
10 o'clock before the banquet was
over but noth withstanding the late
hour the people lingered for some
time to further enjoy being In the
new Shlpherd for It Is Indeed gratify-'
lug to upprecltlate such a place In a
small city like The Dalles.
The guests present from other
cities were: Mr. and Mrs. Oscar
Vauderbilt. of Mood Itlver, Mr. and
Mrs. V. M. Seward, Mr. and Mrs.
Camp, C. W. Stringer, J. A. Veb!er,
Mr. and Mrs. F. T. Hoyson. Edward
Schiller, J. T. Anderson, J. E. Fait,
J. M. leavens, W. U. Hufford, and
C. H. Mitchell of Portland. E. P. Ash
of Stevenson, Washington, M. C.
Clark and !'.. E. Townsheml of Con
don and Dr. T. A. HusHell, of
Minnie Eby
Minnie Eby, daughter of W. A.
Eby, died Friday at the home of her
parents on the west side, of pneu
monia, aged 14 years. Miss Eby,
who was a bright and attractive
girl and bad mauy friends, Is sur
vived, besides her parents, by several
brothers and sisters. Her father, a
highly esteemed resident of the valley
Is now seriously sick with the disease
which caused his daughter's death.
The funeral of Miss Eby, which
was very largely attended, was held
Saturday afternoon from her late
residence, services la-lug conducted
by Hev. Adams of the Christian
church. Interment was In Idlewlld
Upper Valley Lands.
I want more of them to sell. Ev
ery property excepting two mat 1
have undertaken to sell, ami that
was listed with me, I have sold. My
work Is entirely In the I'pper
Valley. I believe In It and am per
sonullv Interested In Its settlement
and In the well doing of my clients
This has been the basis of my success.
At fair prices there will be activity
and I believe holders of large tracts
should let go of at least part of their
holdings, In-cause the country can
progress without eopie and irt-opie
won't come unless they can buy.
W. II. M a huh. w.i. .
Established 1900
Butler Banking .
Interest Paid on Time Deposits
Safe Deposit Boxes
Your money's worth
LESLIE BUTLER, PtcuJtm F. McKERCHER. Vic Prttidcnl
R. T. COX. Director E. H. FRENCH, Director f
SUNDRIES HERE. All Goods Guaranteed.
Plath's Drug Store
Especially Prescriptions. The Store on the Corner.
Stranahan & Clark
Nitrate of Soda
Bone Heal
Blood Heal
Super Phosphate
Ready nixed Fertilizers, Kanit, Land Plaster,
Lime, Cement.
Crates and Fruit Fackages of all kinds. Band Saw
ing and other Wood Work given special attention.
Don't Leave the Hood River District
Mosier Valley
Natural blvantmn for fmit vrnwinr
unexcelled. lnd price have doubled In
lant two years but are not half that aiiked
for similar land In other sections. Buy
now before speculators add their profits.
Commercial Cluh of Mosier
6 Miles East of Hood River, Oregon
A Correction
I 'I in? Grove tirangc. Jan. 17, 1'JlO
la it recent Issue of your paper an
article Binned "Short Flue" contains
mo much untruth, sarcasm aud spite
fulness that the grange In ull fairness
to it memlers and the public In In
duty hound to answer; otherwise It
would Im ignored a coming from
the pen of oue who ku.a'ks every
thing that tendH to the enjoytnent
and progresslveness of a coniii) unity
We have never tried to express the
opinion of anyone at Fine drove
outtilile of our order. Neither have
we tried to "steer" the editor of the
News, but only defended ourselves
against an attack made upon the
grange by htm. We have simply
told through the New our own
opinion and action upon the assera
bly scheme, lie state a pernicious
falsehood when he says that we
"strenuously Insisted" upon an addl
tloual prize to be given for our bene
(It by the committee on award at
Hood Itlver lant Fourth of July. The
following copy of a letter received by
us explain Itself:
Hood River. Ore., Jan. 15. 1909
J. H.Mohr, Master Fine Grove Orange
Fine (irove. Ore.
Dear Sir: 1 have your letter In re
gard to the awarding of prize lant
Fourth of July, eHpeclally the sweep
stake prize a warded to Flue (Jrove
grange. Will say that the Judge
were somewhat In doubt a to their
Instruction and on taking up the
matter with the executive committee
they were unanimous that the sweep
stakes prize for the lient float be
longed to Fine (irove grunge aud so
awarded It, and as far a the com
mittee wa advised everybody was
satisfied and we cannot understand
why anyone who apparently had no
Interest In the matter should raise
the question now. Yours truly.
1). McDonald, Chairman,
4th July Committee.
Fine Grove grange entered the pa
rade to help makethe Fourth of July
celebration a success and not for any
pecuniary reasons, and we feel that
our efforts were appreciated. We
wonder what "Short Fine" and his
klud ever did to make a success of
anything. There are some minds so
selfish that they are like the Dutch
man said of such people, but who
got slightly mixed In hi language:
"Bird ui it one feather flocks by him
self." We are thankful that there
are but few of "Short Fine's" calibre
In Fine (Jrove who see nothing but
the fault of others and are ever
ready to retard any good cause.
They are simply a nonentity to the
community in which they live. The
most cowardly, the most sneaking
aud the most Insulting epithet In hi
article Is In his language which says
The iHTsounel of the Fine (irove
grange should Ik? thoroughly known
In your city, so that they might re
ceive all the plaudits to which their
meritorious act and deeds entitle
him." This language Is an attempt
at sarcasm used for the purpose to
suit and create personal hatred
toward our meinlH-rs.
The personnel of Fine Grove grange
I pretty well known In your city and
"Short Flue" will Investigate he
ill find on our list 51 men ami
women oi which (ii are over i'i yearn
age; 42 are realty owners and 41'
are legal voters; fourteen are between
the ages of li and 21 year. The per
sonnel of Fine Grove grange I com-.
posed of both men and women and
we are proud of It, and none of our
mem I ers are so cowardly that they
onld make a personal attack upon
their fellow citizens under a nom dc
plume. The personnel of Fine (irove
grange Is such that Ity a united effort
we now have nearly $"ihh) Invested
land and buildings, all of which I
not only creditable to us but adds
alue to all other surrounding prop
The IHTsounel of our grange.
through the assistance of our state
grange, ha studied ami discussed
many iuesttons during the past year
that have lc'U extremely U-netlclnl
to all of lis, both old and young. Miid
i-e Imagine, Judging from the st.t le
f "Short Fine's" writings that he
too might have Immmi benefitted If his
presence could have been secured.
1 he personnel of I'ineGrove grance
cooperation with all other granted
the county did their full share
toward securing Hood Klver county.
and we might add right here that all
f us are Indebted to t he state grange
if Oregon for the law which made It
possible to create Hood Klvereounty.
I he IHTsounel of Tine (irove grange
Is Just as ready and willing now, as
It always has been In tin past, to
assist In any progressive movement
for the Itettermcnt of all the people.
especially In our own state and
The personnel of Fine (irove gruime
stands ready to assist the resident
of your city In any public movement
for the promotion of our mutual in
terests and such Interests nre many.
We now have a communication sent
from our grange to the Hood ItUcr
Commercial Club asking for cooper
ation In securing better roads, and
we also nre the recipient of u letter
(hut a few hour old) from one of
Hood Klvcr's licet business firms
asking for our cooperation In a local
public issue which 1 of vital Impor
tance to both the city and country.
Ferhaps If "Short Fine" was a mem
ber of our farmers social educational
and business club (the grange) he
might have a better feeling toward
those who are not only ltctterlng
their own condition, but are also
bettering his. In conclusion we de-,
sire to say that this answer to
"Short Flue" Is Itnal, unless he is
manly enough to write over his own 1
signature, and will discuss principles
and Issue and omit falsehoods and ,
personal Insults.
.1. II. Monti. Master.
I.l Kl.l.A ('. Ill NT. S.v.
Approved by committee of eight. I
I Bragg Mercantile Co.
A Fine Stock of M erchandise
for You to Select From.
Staple and Fancy
Our Ladies' and Gentlemen's Furnish
ing Departments are Up to Date,
in charge of experienced clerks.
Be Sure to See Us!
The Stewart Hardware
and Furniture Company
are now the sole local agents for Hood
River and Vicinity for the world famous
1910 Model WHITE Sewing: Machines.
Several of our special representativesfrom
our Sewing Machine Department will
call upon and demonstrate to all the local
residents of Hood River, the many new
points of this wonderful ball-bearing:,
lock and chain stitch machine. If our
special men happen to overlook your home
during: this demonstration, call in at our
store at your convenience and see Mr.
Wm. Isenberg, the manager of our Sew
ing: Machine Department, and he will be
pleased to show you some of our 1910
Models. If you live in the country, write
for a catalogue to the
Slcwon Hardware and Furniture Company