The Hood River news. (Hood River, Or.) 1909-current, January 12, 1910, Page 8, Image 8

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Live Local Copies
1. D. Hall wai a visitor here Mon
ti a. v.
Attorney A. A. Jayue spent the
latter part of last wevk lu l'ortland
on u professional errand.
State uator Xlck Slnnott Is here
thl week In attendance at the ses
sion of the Circuit Court.
Mr. and Mr. . C. Brock returned
from a week eud visit to Portland
C. L. Roger who ha been luxur
iating in Portland hotel for tome
time wai here on business on Mon
day. Chu. T. Karly who recently re
turned from a business visit to Salt
Iake City, left Thursday for Salem
and Portland, returning Saturday.
R. H. Wallace went to Portlaud
Saturday to spend Sunday with Mrs.
Wallace who U making an extended
stay there with her sister.
The Sans Souci club met last week
with Mr. Geo. Stranhan at her hand
some new home and spent a very
pleasant afternoon. Twenty mem
ber were present and five new mem
ber were admitted to this rapidly
and popular organization. The
next meeting will lie held with Mrs.
Ilert Stranhan and the succeeding
week with Mrs. S' W. Stark.
Mis Ivy Ford left Monday for
Portland fur a visit with relatives.
W. 11. Kccles Hfter spending the
holidays at Ogden returned to Hood
River last week.
Mr. aud Mrs. L. E. Ireland arrived
here Sunday from Mlnneaprlls and
are stopping at the Mt. Hood Hotel.
August Plass agent tor the Star
Brewery stopped off here Saturday
for a short social visit with friend.
Ralph Reed, who Is now in the em
ploy of the Wind River Lumber Com
pany at Cascade Lock came up from
there Saturday for a short visit with
C. W. Parker, formerly In charge of
the Western I'ulon code system west
of the Missouri river has bought an
Interest In the real estate busiuess of
Mrs. Marlon McRae, who Is now in
the east and will le associated with
her In the business in the future. The
name of the new firm will lie the
Marlon MacRae Realty Company
which will continue to have Its office
with the Wuucoma Abstract and
Investment Company. Mr. Parker
Is not a stranger to Hood River hav
ing leen here several times. He
owns a large tract of land of unde
veloped land lu the Green Point dis
trict. Mr. Paker Is accompanied by
Mrs. Parker.
Mr. E. E. Coad returned Monday
from a visit In the Willamette valley.
Good dry body fire wood for sale,
i $0 tier cord. Phone A. Whitehead,
Letters In answer to ads addressed
to "A" and "K" are at the New
City Engineer P. M. Morse wV a
Portland visitor over Suuday a the
guest of hi father.
The Ladle Guild of St. Mark's
church will meet with Mr. Robt.
Pratt thl week.
Mr. Lora C. Little returned Satur
day from The Dalle where she gave
one of her lecture ou health culture.
Among the many Improvement
being contemplated In the upper
Hood River Valley thl coming spring
Is a high line ditch on the East Side.
The Dalle city council passed an
ordinance Monday night, calling for
an appropriation of f 10,000 for the
purpose of building a public dock
aud Incline for the Portage railroad.
The Thursday Musical Club held
a very successful and enjoyable meet
ing last week with Mr. C. D. Hln
rlchs. During the afternoon dainty
refreshment were served. The next
meeting will be held with Miss Wal
ton January 20th. The composers
will be Homer Norrls and William
Sherwood. Arrangements are being
made for an open meeting to which
men friends of the memler will te
Invited and which it is expected will
be held at the home of Mrs. Truman
Butler Thursday January 27.
One -Half Million Dollars' Worth
In the Hood River District were sold by us during the year 1909.
We wish to take this opportunity of expressing our
appreciation for the liberal patronage and many
courtesies extended to us during the past year by
our friends and customers throughout the Valley.
Notwithstanding the fact that our business has been
highly satisfactory for the year just past, we are
laying plans for an increase of
200 per cent during 1910
Watch this Space for
further announcements
H. R. B. 4. T. Building,
Attorney Klddell of Portland was
here this week In attendance nt
John Middle ton came up Monday
night from Portland for a short busl
uess visit.
Mr. and Mrs. tleo. 1 t'rowell are
at Long 1 teach, Calif., where they
will spend the rest of the winter.
tieneral Superintendent Huckley of
theO. It. & X., was one of the wit
nesses who was summoned toapH'ur
U'fore the grand Jury here this week
In the railroad wreck case.
Marlou MaeKa telegraphs me from
Chicago that her Eastern trip Is Just
the greatest possible suceess. Every
one eager to know about Hood
HIver. Her lectures and Informal
talks are producing keen inquiry,
unbounded enthusiasm and sales,
real old bona-flde-bank-cashler-smlle
produelng-sales. To fill the demand
for all classes of property that she Is
creating and to take care of that,
that always, more or less Insistently,
keeps knocking nt our door, It will
be necessary for us to very largely
Increase our listings. If you are dis
posed to sell send us a description of
your orchard or fruit land, the price
and the terms. C. W. Parker, Man
aging director, MarlouMcKae Healty
Company, Elliot Block, Tel. SSltlv.
Hood River Student Plants Orchard
Oregon Agricultural College, Cor
vallis. Jan. 10, 1910 Carl F. (Jalllgan
of Hood Klver has already started In
his career as a horticulturist by plan
ning, planting and superintending
the new orchard of Virgil E. Waters
a local real estate deuler. The or
chard consisted of twenty acres and
Involved many (litllcultles. Mr. (ial
ligan, who is only twentj-one years
old, ha an extensive knowledge along
horticultural lines and his future suc
cess In this branch of ngrleulture Is
Inevitable. He Is a conscientious
student, well liked by his fellow class
men, and ha already had a great
deal of practical experience both at
the college and nt his home in Hood
IUver. Mr. Ualllgau Is a member of
the Delta Theta Sigma, an honorary
agricultural fraternity, and an active
worker In the literary and debuting
List your property with Devlin &
Coarse ground aud rock salt at
Storage room for rent. Apply to
(ieo. I). Cullertson & Co.
A. A. Jayne ha money to lend at
6 per cent on good security.
C. W. Edmunds, M. I)., eye, ear,
nose and throat diseases exclusively.
OHice hours 9:1.1 a. m. to 4 p. in.
Phone 4:5, lies. 3.J12 L.
Wanted One, two or three shares
of stock In East Fork Irrigation Co.
(Jive lowest price and amount offer
ed. Address XYZ, care Hood IMver
For a good hot lunch call In nt
Ross & Richards Oyster rooms. Hhz
elwood sweet cream served with our
coffee, and also for sale In any quan
tity." Upper valley I have 76 3 acres,
smull house and barn, nearly all
good; adjolnes 1.10 acre-tract Just
cleared and set to trees. A buy. W.
H. Marshall. Dee
Xow have forty cords of wood
ready for delivery. Orders should Is'
given at once while roads are in
good condition for hnuling. A. T.
Fuller, phone 9X.1 Odell.'
The Government Pays Railway Mail
Clerks $800 to $1,200 and other em
ployes up to $2,500 annually.
I'ncle Sam will hold spring exam
inations throughout the country for
Railway Mall Clerks, Custom House
Clerks, Stenographers, Rook keepers,
Departmental Clerk and other Gov
ernment Positions. Tbousauds of
appointments will be made. Any
man or woman over Is, In City or
Country can get Instruction and free
Information by writing at once to the
Rureau of Instruction, l.V8 Hamlin
Rulldlng, Rochester, X. Y.
Grubbing Outfits
Prefer Faultless No. 2 but
No. 1 will do if price is right.
State condition and price.
Address J. 0. Goldthwaite,
R. D. R. No. 2. 'Phone
Odell 8X2.
Lane s-
Confectionery, Cigars
Fishiot Tackii
Spauldinf's Sporting Goods
All Klatfs of Soft Drinks
Oak It. apposite Smith Block. Huod Kivcr, Or.
Japanese pjovelties
Kutane and Tokyo Dishes.
Bamboo Furniture.
4 Oik Street, Corner 1st
Phone 160
Will sell at cost my entire
stock of shoes till all is sold.
Rubber Heels a specialty.
Oppoaitc Poatofflc Hood Riw, Oreon
Contractors in Stone, Brick and
Concrete Work
Hood River, Oregon
House Moving and Raising
We lw hand! all kind! of
Heavy Machinery tnd Smokotackt
Phone 137-K Hood River, Oregon
Contractors and Builders
Phona 2M Hood Rivirr. Oregon
Contractor for Grading, Exca
vating and Teaming
Ruth Phone
You'd Like Running Water
throughout your house and grounds, would you not? And
not being in close proximity to the city water mains, you're
wondering how to get it? Well that's easy, for a
Leader Water
Supply System
will furnish at all times, an ample supply
of hot or cold water for your house, your
lawn and your stable if desired.
The Leader System Is of unequaled effi
ciency and economy In operation, and
guaranteed to give complete satisfaction.
Ask your dealer to tell yon all about the
Leader System or write to us for booklet,
How I Solved the Water
Supply Problem."
' A-
Apple Land & Orchard Co.
Office, No. 9 Oak Street. Phone 26 or 2002-X
A Hot Water Bottle at Your Feet
Cold art mora th rua than th mxciplion now -a-day:
We have a hot water bottle made of extra thick close-grained
rubber, which holds the heat for several hours. Just the thin
for these told nights. Toast your feet with one and feel good.
Prices $1.50 and Up.
Plath's Drug Store
Especially Prescriptions.
The Store on the Corner.
Canby Post Install Officers
At the Joint Installation of ollleers
of I'm n by Itellef Corps and faulty
Post, !. A. It., the following ollleers
wer Installed for the f orps by l'nst
President Katharyn (Jill:
President Clara lilytlie.
Senior Vice President Nancy Wil
son. Juuior Vice President f lara lloine
wooil. Treasurer Lucy Harbison.
Chaplain Martha Ilby.
Conductor Abble linker.
Guard Nettle May
Secretary May Feruald.
Press Correspondent Lydla Sum
ner. Patriotic Instructor ARiies Cuu
nlng. Musician Gertrude Iujralls.
Assistant Conductor Carrie Bailey
Assistant Guard Mary Savage.
Color Hearers No. 1, Katharyu
Gill; No. 2, Amanda Henry; No. 3,
Allila Shoemaker; No. 4, Florence
For the Poxt. Pant Commander
Newton Clark olllclated us mustering
olllcer. Geo. P. Crowell, commander
elect, In In Calllornla. C. F. Waldo,
Heiilor vice commander, heads the
lint of otiieers Installed and will Ite lu
command until the return of Com
rade Crowell. The other otiieers In
stalled were:
G. M. Wells. juuior vice.
T. I). Tweedy surgeon.
T. J. f uniting chaplain.
G. It. Cant iter olllcer of the day.
Johu A. WIIhoii quartermaster.
S. F. Blythe adjutant.
Frank Noble olllcer of the guard.
Annual Meeting of Riverside Church.
The Congregational people met
Friday noon at the pnrminnge to
attend to the business of the annual
meeting. Diuner wax served at
noon. The report for the most part
were encouraging and Indicate a
steady healthful growth of the
church and nerved to show that
churches today are Inline nchig the life
of the community In every depart
ment of enterprise, civic and religi
ous. The Sunday School has grown
Mpcrceut, the average attendance
was D4 a Sunday, Including five Sun
days, when other public services re
duced the attendance greatly. The
Bible school is partly graded and
the teaching equipment good. The
Ladies' Aid report was a happy sur
prise and gives a goodly sum In the
treasury. The pnstor reported four
teen baotlsmalH and 34 inemlters re
ceived during the year nnd pastoral
work Increasing. A. C. Buck, treas
urer, reported salary of pastor paid
in full and $21.00 in the treasury.
A. W. Onthnnk was elected deacon
to serve with the former deacon.
The trustees are: K. K. Guff, C. 1).
Thompson, F. II. Morlan. Truman
Butler and P. M. Morse, Lee Klugs
ley, re-elected clerk.
The iueinbers of ltiverslde Congre
gational church extends fraternal
greetings to nil and thanks for the
prompt and effective support given
In the work of the Master,
M. L. Ki.nosi.kv, Clerk.
Our steclalty Is orchard lands. Dev.
Ilu & Firebaugh.
Don't let the rabbits eat your trees.
Buy your tree protectors at White
head's. Upper Valley I have some good
buys now In the Upper Valley. W.
II. Marshall.
Hex Brnuil Stock aud Poultry
Food. Best In the world. The kind
that brings results. Whitehead's.
Have buyers for some Improved
and unimproved fruit farms. Call
and list your place with (ieo. I). Cul
bertsou & Co.
Now have forty cords of wood
ready for delivery. Orders should lie
given at once while roads are in
good condition for hauling. A. T.
Fuller, phone 0X5 Odell.
Write your fire Insurance with the
old reliable tirm. Geo. I). Culbertson
& Co., who write for the liest old
line companies. The Home, Itoyal,
Liverpool, London & Glotie, North
America anil Continental.
National Life Insurance Co.
of U. S. A.
Established 1868
Over One Million Dollars of
Insurance in Force in Hood
River County.
For rates or information apply to
J. M. Schmeltzer
Local Representative, or
A. B. Combs
State Manager, Portland
Foust & Howe
Mechanical Experts
Automobile and Bicycle
Band Sawinjr, Qas and Steam En
gines Rebuilt. Machine work of
all descriptions.
Sixth and Columbia StrMta. Phona 10-x
Use Wood Fiber House Plaster
Stranahan & Clark
We Drilling;
', Successful
Olflci, Na. 9 Oak Slreal
Phanai. 28 ar 2002-X
New White
Sewing Machines
$5.00 Down
$1.00 per week
at cash prices
Sewing Machine Needles and Supplies
Funeral Director and Practical Embalmer