THE HOOD RIVER NEWS, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 12, 1910 3 DR. F C. BROSIUS Physician and Surgeon Raaidtvea. Osk and Psrs. Office. Oak andSoeand Offica hours. 10 to 11 a. m.. I to 3 and T to 1 p. m. Rooma I. 4 and S. Proalua Block. Hood Rlysr. Ora. H. L. DUMBLE Physician and Surgeon Calls promptly ajiawerad In towa'or country, day or nlrht. TsWptoiMS-Residsnes'tl IT Office 611 Offlca In tha Broaius Build inc. DR. E. O. DUTRO Physician and Surgeon Offlea ova Firat National Bank Homa"phona,Raa.TlB;"Omca phono Tl Hood Rirar, Oracao SHAW & BRONSON Physicians and Surgeons Eliot Block FborwM Hood RiTer. Orsfon J. F. WATT, M. D. Physician and Surgeon Offloa, HonM pbona 90. Raaidanoa, SOB Hood Rirsr, Oregon Dr. M. H. Sharp Dr. Fdna B. Sharp DRS. SHARP Osteopathic Physicians Graduates of tha American School of Oateopathy. KirkKTille. Mo. Ornre in Kliot BuiWins Phons Office 102. Residence 102-B. Hood River. Oreron C. H. JENKINS, D. M. D. Dentist Offlea. Hall Building, over Butler Ban kin Co Office phone tt. Residence phone 28-B Hood River, Oregon H. Dudley W. Pineo, D. D. S. Dentist Office over First National Bank Office-Home phone 131. Residence-Home 1S1-B Hood River. Oregon M. E. WELCH Licensed Veterinarian Hood River. Oregon A. J. DERBY Lawyer Smith block Hood River. Oregon E. H. HARTWIC Attorney at Law 8mith Block,over Firat National Bank Phone 168 Hood River. Oregon John Leland Henderson Attorney at Law Hood River. Oregon A. A. JAYNE Lawyer Hall Building Hood River, Oregon A. C. BUCK Notary Public and Insurance Agent Room 12. Brosius Block Hood River. Oregon HOCKENBERRY & BARTLITTT ARCHITECTS Davidson Building HOOD RIVER, OREGON Phone 1 P. M. MORSE City Engineer and Surveyor MANAGES. N swell. Goaan-T Walsh Davidson Building Hood River. Oregon G. H. CARRIER Dealer In Pianos. Also Tuner and Re palrer. From Boston and Oberlin Con servatorv ol Music. Permanent resl dence, 9 1 4 Eugene Street, Hood River. Phone 22JM. Trio Orchestra U..-J. ...MULaJ tn all nMlnnS- Inatrummtauon from three pieces to any num ber desired. Address or phone C. O. NEWMAN U.IK 26ft-L Hood River. Oregon MUSIC TEACHER Bertha Lalferty, an experienced teacher of piano and harmony, a graau ta nf Columbia Conservatory. Ol Au rora, III., will take a limited number of nunlls. Terms verv reasonable. Aa Sressi Hood River, R. D. No. i. For results, list your orchard Inn with Devlin A Flrt'liaugh. HOOD RIVER IS BUILT ON A BLUFF of the Columbia, and it is a big idea that this burg and vale We know how to slide our own hrough it, but "a fancy label and a loud spiel don t get the money you have to deliver the goods in apples as in other things." And back of our claims are the demon strated facts of a marvelous soil, water and climate pro ducing fruit surpassing the Apples of Hesperides. NO. 1. 130 acres of Ideal orchard laud, the beet location (or a large orchard In the Upper Valley ; mile from Valley Crest school; under new Glacier ditch; 80 acres brush, balance light timber. 117,300. 40 acres of the above, with Im provements worth over $o,000, 17 acres cleared; small young orchard; room house, new; wood house, large barn, stock aod Implements. $9,000. The southeast 50 acres, unimprov ed: fronts on county road; elegant sloe. f 'JO per acre. Hack CO acres, 3 acres In alfalfa; lo cation for orchard and building un excelled. $M) per acre. NO. 2 SO acres Upper Valley, 14 acres under cultivation. acres in berries, 250 trees, 3 and 4 year; small house ami good barn, 100 Inches free water, some stock and Implements. $S,50O. NO. 3. 4.1 acres at Odell station. IS acres cleared, tiood, large house. Will subdivide. $12,000. NO. 4. 11 acres at lz station; 10 set to standard trees; small house and barn. $4,400. NO. 7. 10 acres adjoining "Uetter 'rult" ranch, 9 acres In trees, 4 and 5 ear, good Improvements. $8,000. NO. 8. Ten acres on west side. nenrOnk (Jrove hall, six miles from Hood Klver. All level, cultivated and fenced. Nine acres In trees, seven acres In five and six year trees. New house and barn. A lteautlful home nd orchard, f 10,000. NO. 9. Fine residence and lot ad joining Dr. Shaw's, two blocks from depot. $2,600. NO. 10. Three fractional lots nd- jlnlng "The Hrs," near school house, unimproved. NO. 11. Quarter block business property, adjoining Jackson s, oppo site court house, f 10,500. Muy be sold separately at $6,000 for the cor ner lot aud $5,500 for the side lot. NO. 12. Kesldence lots, Sherman avenue and on top of hill. $175 and upwards. NO. 10. 20 acres In Crapper district acres cultivated, A acres In 3 to 7 year trees, small House ana itaru. $5,000. Very easy terms. NO. IS. 20 acres, across the road from new terminus of Mt. Hood rail road, and from new school house; 12 acres in cultivation; w two yeur trees, .TOO ready to Itear, 150 liearlng; acre of alfalfa. Good new six room house; barn 14x24, woodshed aud chicken house, f 10,000. NO.21. K0 acres, S miles out on east side; 00 acres Al apple land; 10 acres 1 to 6 year trees; 5 acres In potatoes; 7 acres partially cleared. $8,500. NO. 2.1. On Sherman avenue, three blocks from depot. Lots 9 & 12, Iiloek 24, Hood Klver prowr $t"O0. Lots 3 & IS, Block 24, Hood Klver proHT. $..o. Lots 2 & 1!. Block 24, Hood Klver proer. $..o. NO. 24 Idlewlld, Columbia Heach. Lot S, Block 22, $400. Lot 9. " f 500. NO. 20. 300 acres of Pend point Im provement Company; laid off In 10 acre lots; $50 jmt acre on easy terms. NO. 27. For sale quick. A lot and a half on Cascade, f soo, $000 cash. NO. 29. S acres. 3 miles from town. all cultivated, 150 trees, house, barn, chicken houses and yards. If you haven't much to buy with, buy this. $4,500. NO. 30. Lots 14 and 1, Block I I, Barrett-Slpma Addition. $800. NO. 31. 40 acres of brush back of Lyle. 50 per ncre. we nave some apples from that country that win take the sleep out of your eyes. NO. 32. 150 acres, three miles from Htisuin, unimproved. $3,200. NO. 33. 2,'i acres close to town. all In trees, building new and good. A neat, clean place. $3,000. NO. 37. 10 acres, West side; 190 bearing trees, 290 four year, liu three year, 30 two year; rnsplierrles, black lrrlns. irraoes. strawlHTNes, acres of rich black soli, great for celery and onions, now lo hay; fine house. $10,000. NO. 3S. A summerland paradise we can vouch for. Twenty-two ncres In F.l Cajon Valley, California. Five acres full U arlng oranges, nine ncres muscat grapes, balanceln other fruits and grain. Full particulars nnd ko daks of bungalow and field. 14.000. NO. 40. 7 Koom house, 3 lots anil n. Mir barn, on the Heights. Will swap for Falrvlew, Oregon, property nt $3,000. 11.000 cash. Will rent furnished nt $25 per month. NO. 41. 40 Acres, 7 mile" out on east side. Home Improvements, $1.00-1. NO. 42. 140 Acres, fir and oak. I miles out on west side. Very easy terms. $15,400. bluff; but don't get the have no other foundation. trombone and pump wind NO. 43. Two SO'a In 2 North 9, one at $40, the other at $50. Half cash. NO. 45. 6 Room house on Cascade, $2,200. Oood terms. NO. 46. Two lota and two houses thereon. East part of town. $1,050. The lower one 5 room house and full lot, $050. NO. 47. 40 Acres unimproved, near Mt. Hood P. O., $2,500. Very easy terms. NO. 48. 20 Acres. Good piece of land. 10 miles out on West side. $2,000. NO. 49. Ten acres, three miles west of ball park. Seven acres In 5, 3 and 1 year trees. A lot of small fruit. Good house and barn. $6,000. NO. 52. A lot and a fraction and a house of Ave rooms and a fraction, on Sherman avenue. $2,500 (and a fraction). NO. 53. 25 Acres near the Mount Hood postofllce. $100 per acre. NO. 55. Small house and 90x150 foot lot, on the Heights. $950. NO. 56. 5,000 acres on the Colum bia; opposite The Dalles. A level leneh of 2,000 acres can be Irrigated by a 150 foot lift from river; 100 acres can be Irrigated by springs; 300 acres of bench-like land, 700 acres of foot hill laud; balance grazing land. The soli Is combination of volcanic ash and disintegrated basalt aud allu vium a warm, sandy loam Ideal cherry, peach and terry land. Stock and Implements go with It. Two houses, five barns; all fenced and cross fenced. The location Is one of the most beautiful on the Columbia, with a magnlacent view of Mount Hood. NO 57. 20 acres miles from I O.on state road. 12 acres cultivated, 0 acres In orchard. Admirable site for a sanitarium or summer hotel. $s,ooo. NO. 58. 40 acres 2 miles from town 20 acres cultivated, 5 acres of old or chard, 8 acres of 5-year and 5 acres of 2 and 3-year trees. 8-room house, $25,000. NO. 59. 7 acres. One of the most attractive places on the main west side road, 1 3-4 miles from town. Orchard In full Iwarlng; buildings worth $3,000. $1,500 per acre. NO. 60. Two nicely located resi dence lots close to business center. $ooo. NO. CI. Four beautifully located lots on the Heights overlooking the Columbia. $1,200. NO. 62. Four good laying lots on the Heights. $1,000. No. 63. 40 acres near Odell. All but three acres In hay. One third Is orchard land. Good house and barn. Small orchard. Free water. $10,000, one third cash. No. C4. 75 acres, 1 1-2 miles from Parkdale. 7 acres cultivated; 5 acres mixed orchard. $9,000. No. 65. 40 acres near town on state road, 12 acres cnltlvated, acres In orchard. Beautiful location for summer home. $16,000. NO. 66. 40 acres, mile from Val ley Crest school; soil, location and lay of land Al. Small clearing and good log cabin. Will le covered by new Glacier ditch. $75 per acre. NO. C7. 80 acres In Mosler district; small clearing. $1500. NO. 69. 80 ncres near Lyle; little waste, lays well; tlmlier; small clear ing; $5,000. NO. 70. CO acres 1 miles from Parkdale, 35 cleared, 15 In orchard. Buildings good barn and tool shop; house newly remodeled, and all the furniture Including piano. Farm Im plements, team, cow, chickens and hogs. $350 per ncre. 40 ncres unimproved. $150. NO. 72. 80 ncres of rolling brush land 2 miles from Parkdale; under the Middle Fork ditch; just as good soil as land that sold this spring for $150 er acre. $135 per acre. NO. 73. SO acres under the new Glncler ditch; miles from alley Crest school. 20 acres .2 cultivated acres In strawlHrrles;goodloghouse. $4,000. NO. 74. 20 acres, unimproved, enny clearing; covered by new Glacier ditch. 2 miles from Valley Crest school. Ideal location for summer home. $40 per ncre, NO. 75. 40 acres miles from the Valley Crest school; 5 ncres cultivat ed, 280 three and four year trees. house, bnrn, woodshed nnd chicken house. $8,500. NO. 76. 40 ncres 1 miles from Parkdale; unimproved; nil good land, $125 per acre. NO. 77. 1(1 acres, 3 miles from town west side; H cultivated; 8(H) 2-yenr trees, standard varieties; small build ings. $7,500. NO. 7S. 11 acres, 1 miles west of town on the State road; all but acre cultivated; 7 acres In 3-year Spits and New towns; acre In 1st- rles and other small fruit; free water; good soli, no rocks; 7 room house. $6,000. NO. 79. Two of the Is-st lots on the Heights. $650. NO. Ml. A good forty In 2 N 11. $50 per acre. NO. 81. A short quarter-section, 2 miles from Valley Crest school, ou stage rniid to the Inn; 8 acres cleared small buildings. $50 jter acre. NO. 83. 71 acres, : miles south of Valley Crest school; heavy timber. $3750. Modern house, close in to trade for unimproved land. John Leland Henderson, Incorporated. We have a very desirable residence property on Columbia street, and another on Sherman avenue, to'trade for ranch property. John Leland Henderson (-.INCORPORATED) Old Butler Bank Building Hood River, Oregon Objects to "News" Being Regulated Editor News: Incidents occurlng at Intervals dur ing the year Just closed render It ap parent that the newspapers and business men generally of the city of Hood Klver are Influenced In many ways by the Impression that the or ganization known asthe"PlneGrove Grange," In Its various activities, represents and voices the sentiments and opinions of the people collective ly resident in the territory known as "Pine Grove." This Impression was illustrated with convincing clearness on the Fourth of July last, In the action of the committee on awards. When an additional priae was asked for by those representing the grange, and strenuously Insisted upon, the com mittee graciously yielded, disregard ing their own convictions of what was fulr and just, and assuming the extra burden Imposed by the raising of additional funds. This was done, as members of the committee subse quently stated, for "business rea sons," deeming it to the commercial Interests of the city to maintain plenxant relations with the "people of Pine Grove." The misconception again becomes appurent In your issue of the News of the 22d ult., when you treat edl torlally, with so much elaboration, dignity and courtesy, a communica tion said to be authorized by 'Tine Grove Grauge.'Mn which that august body of wise and honest statesmen etk to regulate the political policy of the Hood Uiver News. Now, the writer does not wish to be understood as objecting to the ac ctlon of the grange In the matter re ferred to. If it Is a political organiz ation, ns Its action seems to certainly has a consistent right to protest against having the '-Assembly" plan annexed to the present primary methods of securing candi dates for public office, and also, by its superior wisdom, direct the News editor clear of the rocks and shoals of grave political error. It has an unquestioned right to make such application as suits Its pleasure of the overworked quota tion, "What fools these mortals be," and ascribe its parentage to the funny paper "Puck." It exercises a glorious American privilege when It undertakes to flay the News editor for his political weaknesses, mental aod moral, even though Its criticisms glaringly dis play a disgusting over-abundance of verbosity of the cheaper and coarser quality. As has lieen lutimnted, this writing Is not Intended as strictures upon the 'Pine Grove Grange" for "pernicious activity" politically, but to impress the News editor, and many others who may be Interested, that the or ganization named Is not the voice, only In small, very small part, of the full-grown men and women of the district known as "Pine Grove." The ersonnel of the "Pine Grove i i range" should be t horoughly known In your city, so that they might re reive all the plaudits to which their meritorious acts and deeds entitle them; as It now Is non-members are frequently the recipients of unearned honors, for which they haven't the slightest use. A Shout Pink. Upper Valley Lands. I want more of them to sell. Kv cry property excepting two that I have undertaken to sell, and that was listed with me, I have sold. My work Is entirely In the I'pper Valley. I believe In it and am per sonnlly Interested In Its settlement and In the well doing of my clients. This has leen the basis of my success. At fair prices there will lie activity and I In-Hove holders of large tracts should let go of nt least part of their holdings, licvnuse the country can't progress without people and people won't come unless they can buy. W. II. Mahuiiam Stomach Trouble Cured. If you have any trouble with your stomnch you should take ChnmN-r-laln's stomnch and liver tablets. Mr. .1. P. Klote, of l'.dlna. Mo., says: "I have nsed a great many different medicines for stomach trouble, but find Chamls'rlnln's stomach and liver tablets more bencllclnl than any other remedy I ever used. For sale by nil good dealers. Whether it is Just a Little Powder 8 that we know are pure and obtain. Yours to serve, Kier & Cass RELIABLE DRUGGISTS & -Smith Block, Hood River, Oregon 8 The Hood River Banking & Trust Co. CORNER OF THIRD AND OAK STREETS Conducts General Banking ;n All Branches Interest paid on time deposits. Savings depart ment in connection. Domestic and foreign exchange. Safe deposit boxes ;you carry your own key. Steam ship tickets to all European points. Call for infor mation. We solicit your patronage and guarantee entire satisfaction. Opu a Checking Aecomt with ns. Warm Robes More than half the pleasure of driving Is In being comfortable when driving a person wants to keep warm. I do, and I believe ; you feel the same as I do. iz Doesn't make much difference whether you drive for pleasure C? or business you neea a good, can wrao vourself up in and feel want to show you. Drop in and see the robes and get prices. Yours for more business, FRANK SAL-RICKY Harness and Saddlery tlUUU KIVbK. UKtUUIX Hood River Apple Vinegar Co. MANUFACTURERS PURE APPLE CIDER AND APPLE VINEGAR We are now receiving claer and canning apples. For growers located on the Mt. Hood Railroad Salmon we will Bring Us Your Apples and HOOD RIVER Manufacturing, Engineering Company (Successors to J. J. LUC KEY) General Machine Work and Blacksmithing Phone 305-M CENTRAL MEAT LYIAR.KE I 3 a Fresh and Cured BUTTER a FJiEE .i.YD PROMPT DELIVERY Phone Main 6 F First Class Livery Transfer aijd Agents Regulator Line Steamers Freight and Baggage Tran5fer New Rigs New Harness tiood Horses WOOD & HUGG1NS Fancy and Staple Groceries Preferred Stock, Heinz's 57 varieties Tickles, Krout, Mince Meat, Catsup, Apple Butter, Etc. Splendid line of canned Tomatoes and Corn at IO cents SOLE AGENTS F-OR ...Your orders will receive onr best attention... or some more important part of Milady's toilet it is here at its best and daintiest. Our Toilet Aids and Preparations are standard in every way. When you pay for THE BEST you should receive it. We aim to sell the articles the finest.quality we can warm rope, anyway one inai you comfortable that is the kind and also at Mosier and White pay freight charges. Patronize Home Industry Hood River, Oregon P. C. YOUNG, Proprietor K Meats, Fish, Oysters 3 i AND EGGS Hood River, Oregon Phone 5 Livery Conpaiiy HOOD RINER, OREGON. PURE WHITE FLOUR