The Hood River news. (Hood River, Or.) 1909-current, January 12, 1910, Page 4, Image 4

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mumD wsntnoAT Mournta T
Hood Rivsm. Ouaon
.... Edttob
. Manaou
Subscription, $1.50 Year in Advance
Kntarad u aacond-claaa aiattar. Feb. 10. 190. at
tlx post offica at Hood Imr, Onfta,
andar tba Act of March a, 187.
The Weather
Weather report for week ending
January 9, 1910, furnlnhed by H. L.
Haabrouck, local observer:
J an
10 la
It teemi that Piue Grove grange
or at least the committee which
was appointed to drub the News
for upholding the right of political
parties in the state to hold assem
blies, has taken its attitude very
much to heart.
Scarcely had the ink dried on
the issue announcing its stand
when the grange let loose a howl
that would make a Peruna loaded
Siwash's utterances seem like the
cooing of doves. The fact that the
article that gave so much offense
to the grange was along general
lines and advocate! a privilege
that every intelligent, fair minded
American citizen considers his
own and his neighbor's birthright,
made no difference to the belli
cose Patrons of Husbandry the
estimable sons of the soil, who
aspire to conduct the affairs of the
state and nation, but who, they
say, are not in politics. Right
here might be a good place to say
to these members of the grange
that it would be the most fortun
ate thing that could happen for
this organization in Oregon if it
would, to use a current phrase,
get out of politics. The grange
in Oregon, has reached the zenith
of its power. Not now, but the
minute it became a factor in poli
tics outside the lines of its own
organization. Its history in Iowa,
Kansas and some of the other mid
dle western states is evidently
about to be repeated in Oregon.
Something near a decade ago its
influenbe in the states mentioned
was powerful, but politics, parti
san, bitter and green eyed politics
crept into the order and was its
undoing. The same thing hap
pened that always happens to a
fraternal, social or similar organ
ization that attempts to play the
political game it was bursted
wide open. These astute grangers
tell us patronizingly that they
nave ceased to discuss men and
parties, and devote their oratory
to principles. Of what use are
principles without parties to enforce
them? The place for a granger or
any other man who aspires to play
politics, is out in the open with
the party of his choice, whether he
be a Republican, Democrat, Popu
list, or member of any of the also
on-the-ticket parties. At least no
dignified politician should hide
behind the petticoats of women.
One of the questions the grange
committee is more than anxious
to have the News answer is how
we are going to avoid such scenes
as having a United States senator
pulled off the convention platform
by his whiskers. YYe have given
much thought to this and have
finally come to the conclusion that
the best preventative we know of
is to have the aforesaid senator
appear at the convention without
whickers. If a senator will wear
whiskers, however, he must take
the consequences. Of course, there
is another way that this catastro
phe could be prevented; to have
the grange work the referendum
making it unlawful to wear whis
kers. The latter, however, is only
a suggestion, which the News is
niont happy to gratuitously turn
ever to the committee.
"You seem to think that the as
sembly is all we need to purify
Oregon politics," says the board
of strategy appointed by the
grauge, "but you have not told us
how you are going to bar out the
ward heeler, the liquor element
and corporation influence." We
are not going to tell you how to
do this. What's the use, when
you know already, the direct pri
mary. Of course. It removes all
grease spots, stains, corns, bunions,
bunco, political corruption (we
dont't think) and costs the state
twice as much to elect its officers.
In addition it bomboozles the un
informed voter into voting for a
candidate who can announce him
self as a Republican, Democrat or
what-not, and may be most any
thing from a Mugwump to a Suf
fragette. Now a Mugwump, kind
Oranger,is a man without a party.
He doesn't have to be a senator to
be a Mugwump. In fact, he can
be a granger and a Mugwump at
the same time. He is a kind of
cross between everything from a
Oreenbacker to a Coxeyite, as
long as he gets office. "And we
mean to say," to quote, that a sen
ator who is elected by part of the
vote of the majority party, and
part of the vote of the minority
party is a Mugwump and has no
influence because he hasn't either
party behind him. As to the silly
method of electing senators pro
vided for in the constitution of the
United States, we know the board
of strategy of the grange has a
much better method, but unfortun
ately 98 per cent of the rest of the
been a granger who performed this
inglorious deed? Perish the
Wise legislators refusing to give
you the "scramble of ballots" you
took it to the people who,. unwise
in statecraft, voted in a law that
is the laughing stock of the world
at large. A law on the near beer
order; a law that acts on the al
most nearly plan and forces the
weak kneed to believe that it is
necessary to belie their party to
get elected. If we are to have a
direct vote for United States sena
tor let us have th real thing; let
us either have two Republican or
two Democratic senators elected
by the majority vote of their par
ties; and with their undivided
We tion't sneer at the "lat legisla
ture's work because a large part of
the representatives were elected un
der the primary law." In fact, sneer
ing is not In our line. If we have
anything to say we ay It direct
not with the back action directness
of tbe direct primary, but right from
the shoulder. The work of tbe legis
lature was Ineffective because It
failed of party allegiance and was
composed of disorganized factions
who seemed unable to grasp the ne
cessity for an; kind of legislation
that was above nine-foot bed sheets
and eight-Inch hat pins. It Is to be
regretted that our suggestion as to
making it unlawful to wear whiskers
could not have been submitted to
tbe last legislature. We believe It
would have settled this momentous
As to the comparative .'rating of
SugtfeMtlve (lUtKtlons on the Sun
day school lesson by Itev. Dr. Llnscott
for the International Newspaper III
ble Study flub.
January ltt. UHO
The Ileglnulng of the Uallleau Min
istry. Matt. 4:12:25.
(olileu Text 1 he people which sat
In dark lies saw great light. Matt.
Verse 12. Why did Jesus depart
for Ua It lee when he heard John was
Imprisoned? Was It for fear of per
sonal arrest?
Why should a good men nut un
necessarily expose himself to danger.
Verse 13. Describe, or polut out
on the map, tbe situation of Nazar
eth and Capernaum and state at
least one thing for which these cities
are noted?
Verse 1416. State your reasons
for either theory that Jesus went to
(I well In Capernaum puposely to ful
fill the prophcy of Isaiah, or that
his going there was an unconscious
fulfilment of this prophecy?
Why, or why not, do any of the
events which Hod says are going to
happen, depend upon the help of
Why Is It that the advent of Jesus
Into any heart, or into any commun
ity, Is like a great light bursting out
In dense darkness? (This question
must be answered In writing by
ineinlxTH of the club.)
W hat Is the literal meaning of the
figures of light and darkness, as In
verse slxteeu?
Verse 17. What, If any, was the
difference bet ween John's preaching
of repentance and that of Jesus?
(See Chap. 3:2.)
Compare say Abraham and hunch
of the Old Testament, with the
Apostles John and I'aul of the New
Testament, and then compare the
four with an equal iiuiiiUt of like
godly men now, and then say If there
is any essential difference In the way
that they each entered Into the king
dom of God?
Verses l-22. How can you explain
that these fishermen so promptly
There will be more building in 1910 than in any previous year on record. During
1908 and 1909 hundreds of new houses were built, also a few handsome business blocks.
This was only a starter. You will witness real progress this year.
Now is the time to get busy and buy some of these bargains that are available.
Don't wait until the other fellow buys the property you wanted, but INVESTIGATE
TODAY. Here are a few splendid bargains in city property:
Lot 50x100 on south side of State street, with beautiful view of the Columbia
river and Mt. Adams, 5-room house, running water, electric light and sewer connec
tions. For two weeks at present price $1,200. Cash.'
100x150 corner lot on south side of State street, with beautiful view. Several
handsome shade trees. $1,500. Terms.
100x100 on south side of State street. Good residences on both sides. Fine
view of the Columbia and Mt. Adams. $1,500. Terms.
100x100 corner for business property on Cascade avenue, with good 7-room
house. A fine bargain. $5,500. Terms.
100x100 corner on Oak street. Good business corner. A fine bargain.
We have a number of residences that are real bargains.
The Reliable Dealers
people seem to think differently
Cheer up, however, we have the
direct primary.
The contention between the
Hon. Jonathan Bunco Bourne and
the equally distinguished but more
honorable Mr. Scott doesn't inter
est us. Mr. Bourne ?ays he did
and Mr. Scott says he didn't, with
the preponderance of veracity in
Mr. Scott's favor.
We said, as you say, that "Just
as much wire pulling in milder
form, etc.,"waB used in the election
of Chamberlain. And we still say
so. It was done, but you didn't
see it. It took place in the night
whilst you slept and dreamed of
the millenium of the direct pri
mary. It was done in the beauti
ful city of Portland, in that first
election one of the two that helps
reduce the taxes.
We have no fault to find with
the benighted eentlemcn who
stuck by their pledges to support
the celebrated statement, but there
was certainly some expert political
hurdling just before election.
We now arrive at the lamentable
admission, although not in politics,
that the grange has been repre
sented in every convention for the
ast fifteen years. Exactly, John
ny on the spot, and still you failed
to prevent a desecrating hand
being laid on that United Slates
senator's whiskers. Could it have
tbe last legislature "with the one
that met forty days and forty night
without transacting any business,'
we believe that the odds are In fuvor
of the latter. At least It was less ex
pensive for the state to pay Interest
on UDpald warrants than to pay for
two elections and appropriate the
state's money for purposes most
fearful and wonderful. Is It possible
that any of the niemtiers of the
grange had any of those unpaid war
".Now honest," It Is not possible
perhaps to buy all the people as
easily as a few, but the former are
more easily fooled with claptrap and
buncombe and can be bought cheap
er with a few high sounding circa
lar letters, for Instance, about the
will of the people," "direct legisla
tlon," "corrupt influence of corpora'
tlons," "party bosses," etc.
la conclusion, there has been no
effort to disrupt the primary law by
those who are espousing the cause
of the assembly. As the writers of
the grange communication must
know, the primary law can only be
repealed by the same method It was
enacted. L'ntll such time as an effort
Is made to repeal it, it Is therefore a
waste of time and space to discuss It.
As to the assembly, its supporters
are clearly within their rights and
the grunge, or any other organiza
tion, which attempts to prevent
them from being held Is, a we have
said before, arrogating to Itself pow
ers that are not vested In It and with
which it has no concern other than
as Individual memlM'rs of the party
to which Its members may assume
to belong.
A full line of
poultry supplies at
gave np their busiuess and followed
What can be said for, or agalnnt,
the Idea, that they had heard Jesus
frequently ond had thoroughly con
vinced thetnselvee of his authority,
find that then they took sufficient
time to dispose of their business af
fairs? Give a reason to your answer as to
whether God In these days, or ever,
calls upon men and women to do er
ratic things, such as, neglecting their
business or their families, In order to
do religious work?
How many a man of God recognize
the cnll of God to new work, when
It comes through the medium of an
other man?.
Will a true Christian, nt the com
mand of (J oil. give up the business In
which he may le engaged In order to
do gospel work?
W hen God calls a man to devote
himself to gospel work, Is It always
to Is3 presumed that It Is a life long
Most teople recognize that a spe
cial call Is necessary for the gospel
ministry, but If this Is so, why Is not
a special call necessary for any occu
W hy lor example snouiii not a
Christian blacksmith, have as clear
cut conviction, as that of a pastor of
a church, that he Is doing his divinly
appointed work.
II you are not sure mat you are
where you ought to Im. find are no.
tng what God wants you to do,
what reason Is there to Is-lleve that
you are not living in some degree
separate from God.'
Verse 2.1. Why Is every Christian,
to the extent of his opportunity,
under an much obligation to minist
er to the spiritual, social, arm phys
ical needs of the people as Jesus win?
Verse 24 Hid Jesns heal all the
sick In the community?
Verse 2". Is n faithful man pcpiul
to Im prnlsed whether he Is popular
or unpopular?
Ieson for Sunday, January LMnl,
1910 True lilessedness, Matt. 5:1-11.
It pay to advertise.
T. ALLEN. Vic Prttld.itt
r.slitM; AHora.f at lm ant N.Urj Paklle
EDIIH M. ANDREWS. facratarj-Tratiur.r
John LelaniJ Henderson
Law, Real Estate, Loans
Conveyancing and Surveying a Specialty
The President of the Company is prepared to do Surveying
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Home and Pacific Telephones
J. M. SCHM ELTZER, Seoratary
Abstracts, insurance, Coivcganclog aid Sorcl Boi4s
We'.haveZthe only complete set of Abstract Hooks in. Hood
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We represent some of the best old line Fire Insurance Corn
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Our reputation as conveyancers is known to all. All of our
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Come to us when you want Surety Bonds of any description.
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Capital, $100,000.00
Surplus, $20,000.00
Get the Banking Habit
It Pays
The more bank depositors there are in a commu
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Large bank balances mean much prosperity. Take
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their success ask them the best way of keeping
money and they will tell you to deposit it in
5he thirst national Bank
F. S. STANLEY. Prcvdcnt E. O. BLANCHAR. CaWf
J. W. HINRICHS. Vice Pridnl V. C. BROCK. Am. Cuhter
Successors to JACKSON & JACKSON
We have just put on our shelves complete
new stocks of
Canned and Bottled Goods,
Teas and Coffees
and are prepared to give prompt attention to orders.
Smith Lumber
Wholesale and
Retail Lumber.
Lath, Shingles
Etc. Lumber
delivered to
any part of the
Buckwheat Cakes and Pure
Maple Syrup for These
Cold Mornings
t i
Our Buckwheat is fresh, direct from New
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The Star Grocery