THE HOOD RIVER NEWS, WEDNESDAY. JANUARY 12, 1910 FOUND A purse containing money; left in this store a few weeks ago. Owner can have same by proving property. THE PARIS FAIR Hood River's Largest and Best Store WE Q1VE Some Big Bargains in Men's Hats and Shoes on our Bargain Table. You can make good money by looking these over. ular price is a low one to commence with and has not been "juggled," thus making this special sale an at tractive one. A CARD OF APPRECIATION WW Our business for 1909 so far exceeded in volume of business any former year in our his tory that we cannot but believe that our "PUTTING OUR CUSTOMERS AHEAD OF OURSELVES POLICY" has been the means to the end; but even with that square deal policy we have an appreciative host of customers to heartily thank for our great increase in business in 1909. You will find that a safe policy to trade un der whenever you require anything from the Drug Store and only under that policy is your patronage solicited for 1910. CHAS. fJ. CLARKE otTespotiQencjg CASCADE LOCKS The most elaborate social affair ever held In Cascade Locks wan the New Year's liall Riven by Mr. and Mrs. Harry Clav Levy. and Mr. and Mr. Jack Spratt White, at the Odd Fellows Hall, which had leen been transformed to a bower of green, the Hood Hirer orchestra furnished the dance music, and were separated from the dance floor by a hedge of Oregon rape, and pine Intermingled with mistletoe. Japanese lanterns and red bells, were suspended from the celling, and shades of green cov erings on the lights, shed a Im-h ti t tf u I mellow light over the dance hall, where from the centre celling a huge ball of mistletoe was held by scarlet ribbons. The two hostesses received their guests until nine thirty when the ball was started in full swing. Mrs. Ijhvy looked charming In a decolette toilette Nile green crepe de chine, with trimmings of duchess lace and embroidery, the gown was enhanced by a shoulder drape of silver, and she carried a huge bunch of rlolets. Mrs. White appeared In a white princes rots? of lingerie, carrying long stemmed American beauties. Among the guests were: Mr and Mrs L K Moore, the Misses Hilda Hexter, Mae Wilson, Horence Slrnon- ton, Jyols Lang, Messrs Koscoe Hurst, Ted W ood, ( has .Ionian, K li Loudon. Jack i'erry all of Tort land, Miss Muriel Massey of Spo kane, Messrs Kphle Karnes, Sumpter, Klston Parties, Biggs, Ore, I'oss Stendmnn and Andy Chappei i Oswe go, Jim Simpson am K L Youninns of Stevenson, Wash, Mr and Mrs Clark Thompson. Mr Mort Thomp son, Mr and Mrs J 1' Lucas, Mr and Mrs Nels Olsen, Mr and John rates, Mr and Mrs J K Hendricks. Mr and Mrs Kay Osborne, Mr and Mrs Dllla boy. Mrs Clem Woodward, Mr and Mrs AHrt Meyer, Mr and Mrs Win La hey, Miss Lda Iverson.MIss Kunlce 3fie Hevos eacls Special Here is a chance to get your self a first-class Overcoat, 1909-1910 style, heavy, me dium and light weights, cra vanetted, which not only makes them warm but also makes them rain proof. Nothing re served in winter coats. Come early while you can have first choice, and remember our reg The Home of Hart Schaffner & Marx Suits, Steel, Mr and Mrs Chns Hegbloom. Miss Hendricks, Miss Bessie Hen dricks, Miss Irma Yettlck, Mr Allen Adams, Jr. Mrs C A Iirolller, Mr Irwin I'.rolller, Mr and Mrs Capt Nelson, Mr and Mrs A M Cooper, Mr (has '1 horn. Mrs L K Moore cf Portland looked regal In an elaborate gown of shell pink satin and gold trim mings. Miss Hilda Hexter, princess robe of Irish crochet lace over rose pink silk. Miss Mae Wilson, decolette gown of pale blue chiffon, Miss Sl inonton Imported toilette of Plna cloth over pink flowered chiffon, Mrs. John P Lucas handsome gown of black and white striped satin with Jeweled trimmings, Mrs Clark W ihompson sage crepe de Paris, Mrs. John fates pink mousseline de sole lace trimmings, Mrs Nels Olsen lavender silk dotted mull. Miss Thompson white organdie pink trim filings. Miss Massey pink ombre silk garniture of tiny rose buds, Mrs Kay Osborne, green strliwd vollle black velvet trimmings. Miss Kunlce Steel pale mull and silk, Mrs A Meyer princess gown of green vollle and black velvet, Miss Kda Iverson black cloth with pale blue satin waist, Miss Hendricks white silk and lace. Miss I'.ertha Hendrlck white lingerie, Miss Yettlck whltedotted silk mull. Dainty refreshments were served during the entire evening. 1 he hostesses were the recipients of numerous cut flowers that were sent In by their friends. Mr. ami Mrs. Harry Clay I-vy, were hosts at a large dinner party on Sunday. January i, following the New Year's ball of the preceding evening. Woodmen Install at M osier The Modern Woodmen and Koyal Neighbors held their Joint Installa tion Saturday evening. Mrs. Cham berlaln was Installing officer for the Koyal Neighbors and K. L. Hoot for the Woodmen. After Installation the foresters gave their drill work, which Is very pretty and shows the team Is well drilled. A scsdal hour was spent In games. in 3ine Printing $ 8. 00 Overcoats, 16.50 Overcoats, 16.00 Overcoats, 15.00 Overcoats, 12.00 Overcoats, 10.00 Overcoats, 5.50 Overcoats, 5.00 Overcoats, 4.75 Overcoats, 3.50 Overcoats, now... now now now now now now now now now Boys' Coats Just the time of the year when they need them most, and then they will do for next winter also. $5.00 Overcoats for . -$3-35 3.50 Overcoats for 2.59 3.00 Overcoats for 2.35 2.75 Overcoats for 2.25 VALLEY CREST P. H. Mohr has returned to his ranch on China Hill. K. V. (i ramps has ts?en hauling a car load of har from Dee. Jan. V. Cnndee made a business trip to Hood Hirer Thursday. Mrs. P. J. Starks, who has been visiting at Mount Hood, returned to her ranch Wednesday. S. B. Sutton and son Avon left Tuesday for Uresham, Ore. E. A. Brown was a business caller In Hood Hirer Thursday. ti. H. rou Dunn, who has leeu spending the past month in Califor nia, returned Monday and says there Is no place like the Hood Hirer val ley. PINE OROVE Alphonse Mohr Is attending a busi ness college iu Portland. Dr. and Mrs. Jenkins and children were guests of, Mr. and Mrs. K. -li. Lage Sunday. The W. C. T. l will meet with Mrs. Wm. Kerr Friday afternoon of this week. All are cordially invited to atteud. The Ladles' Aid society held an interesting meeting at the home of Mrs. Mabel Lage Wednesday after noon of last week. It will meet again, In regular session, next week Wednesday, with Mrs. Ben Lage. J. O. Jarvls and wife entertained friends from Hood Hlver Sunday. Do not forget the entertainment entitled "TheUuv'nor"' at the grange hall Friday evening, January 14th. The young men of Hood Hirer who participate are working for a worthy cause and should Is? liberally patron ized. Howland Wiley and Miss Orva .Mnglll. loth of Hood Hirer, were married Monday at high noon at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. A. I. Mason Her. Frank Spauldlng olliclating. ODELL Mr. anil Mrs. James Knglish and llctle son went to Portland Monday to risit relatives and friends, return lng Saturday. Last week Mane would s pony slipped orer a bank near ner home badly Injuring Its leg. Mr. and Mrs. F. P. Friday went to the Kose I ity I uesday. K. S. Kleiner's barn and Jap house are now complete. 1 he contractors. (. ' F. and F. li. Coe are ready to Ik- gin tne liungulow. Mr. Karstetter Is hauling lumber for a temporary house on his land one mile south of Summit station. He Is contemplating building a con crete bungalow In tiie spring. The snowfall of Thursday night Mocked the way of the Mount Hood train, It getting no farther than Sum mit. Sleighs from Dee conveyed the passengers to their destination. Mr. Conley returned to Odell Tues day, his sister accompanying him. She returned to Joseph Friday Mr Conley will ls In Odell and Hood Hlver until after the auction of his household goods, which will take place Friday, Jairuary 14th, at his former residence. J. S. Wheeler, of Portland, was In Odell last week to make arrange ments for clearing the remainder of his twenty-acre tract of land at Sum mit. K. L. Klemer ami wife ha ve Isen In Portland a few days and while there had the pleasure of hearing Madame Sernbrleh. A card received from Clair Crockett and wife stntes that they are now at Teme, Art., which place they like much ls-tter than 1'uscon. They are getting along well and enjoying nice warm weather. The F. and N. Club enjoyed a good meeting Thursday at the home of Mrs. Kiiodes. The next meeting w III ls held two weeks from that day with Mrs. Dora Boyd. ROSS & RICHARDS CIGAR STORE Th( Ltsalitf Conftctlcnliti mi Tobtecsliti (Billiard Room and Bowlinr Alley in Connection) Agency Portland Journal Oak 8trt Hood River, Oregon $15.00 14.00 13-00 12.50 10.00 8.00 4'o 3-Qo 3-50 2.75 Manhattan Shirts MARRIED Wledeman-Stewart A very pretty wedding was cele brated Thursday, Jan. (ith, at the home of the bride's parents, when Henry K. Wledeman, of Morchead, Minn., and Miss Isnhclle Harris Stewart were married by Iter. W. C. (lilmore. Promptly at '2.:0 p. m. Mrs. Margaret Campbell was seated at the piano and the wedding party took their places to the strains of Lohengrin's wedding march, Willie Stewart, brother of the bride, being groomsman and Miss Alta Ordway bridesmaid. The bride was given away by her father, Wm. Stewart, and Miss Anna Vaunett sang "I Love You Truly." The bride wore a dress of cream albatross and carried cream roses. After congratulations a rare dinner was served. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Stewart, Willie. John, Pearl anil (!ruce Stewart, Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Nicholson and Kay. monil Nicholson, Mr. and Mrs. Onan of Snbln, Minn., and Adric Onan. Mr. and Mrs. S. (J. Campbell, Misses Alta and Edythe Ordway, Miss Jenny Forey, Capt. and Mrs. Crandall, fieo. Crandall, Mrs. Mary and Miss Anna Vannett, Her. and Mrs. W.e.Oilmore, Kd Vannett. After an hour of wedding merri ment and old fashioned Scutch songs by Miss Vannett and Mr. Onan, with violin accompaniment, Mr. and Mrs. iedeman left for a tour of Southern California, to return to their exten sive land Interests at Sabin, Minn. Notice of Special Stockholders' Meeting Notice Is hereby given pursuant to call of the president of the Hood Kiver Fruit Growers' I'nlon that a Seelal meeting of the stockholders of said corporation will be held at the opera house In Hood Hlver, Ore gon, at the hour of '2 o'clock p. rn. on Saturday the L'l'nd day of January, 11)10, for the purpose of considering and acting upon t he following ques tions: (1) The sale of entire corporate proerty at the highest and best priced obtainable therefor. (2) The election of a board of five directors for the ensuing year, and until their successors are elected and qualified. (:) To consider and act upon the question of the dissolution of the cor poration, and the distribution of Its assets and winding up of Its affairs In whatever manner may be deter mined by the stockholders of said corporation. I his notice Is published In the Hood Hirer News for one week, being two Issues thereof, nnd the date of the first publication Is January .", l!tl). 1 his notice is also posted In three public places In the city of Hood Hirer for the period of 10 days, nil of which Is pursuant to the bylaws of said corporation duly enacted. j 1-2 K. II. SiiKPAUK, Secretary. ARTHUR CLARKE HOOD fly Christmas trade Honest Ladies' All-Wool Sweater Coats On our Bargain Table, values up to $3.00; your choice while they last $1.00 These have been damaged slightly by water. , Furs and Fur Sets Special Per Set of Persian Lamb, satin lined, a good value at $18.00, special price $12.00 Siberian Squirrel Scarf worth $1.50; special 75c Astrican Scarf and Muff, scarf trimmed with 6 tails, regular seller at $8.00; special $575 $3.50 Scarf, slightly damaged $2.50 $3.50 Scarf... $2.75 $30.00 Genuine Mink Scarf, trimmed with two heads and six large tails; special only $16.00 Children's Furs and Fur Sets 1-3 off. Do not let this chance slip by. and John B. Stetson Hats. 1 Crturcrt notices Riverside Congregational Hev. W. C. (illmore. Pastor. Worship and preaching at 11 a. in. Graded Bible school 10 a. in. Music by quartet choir, Mrs. C. H. Slctton, director. Young People's meeting, ti:4.". evening service T:-'I0. Unitarian Hev. Arthur Hayes Sargent. Regular morning service at the Unitarian church at 11 a. in., Sunday school at !):4.1. Vesper service at p. in. Everybody is welcome to both the Sunday school and preaching services. United brethren J. H. Parker, pastor. Kegular services each Sunday as follows: Preaching at 11 a. m. and 7::i0 p. m. Sunday school at 10 a. in. a. in. Young People's meeting :4. p. m. Midweek prayer service every Wednesday night nt ":.'!0. The pub lic generally invited to all services. Baptist Hev, J. H. Hargreaves, pastor. Sunday school !t:."il a. in. Preach ing at 11 a. m. and 7::i0 p. in. Young People's meeting at 7 o'clock. The regular weekly services are Young People's meeting Tuesday evening, mid-week prayer meet lug Wednesday evening. Ladies Aid so ciety Thursday afternoon. Methodist Episcopal T. 15. Ford, pastor, Kesldence fill! State street. At home every forenoon and Thursday afternoon. Sunday services: Sunday school at 10 a. m.; preac hing, 11 a. m . and 7:-'IO p. in.; Lpworrh league, Ii::t0 p. m Prayer meeting Thursday even ing. 7:.'!0 o'clock. Junior church at .1 o'clock each Sunday. All children welcome. Chrislian Church A. J. Adams, pastor, Kegular services each Lord's Day. Bible school at 10 a. in., sermon at 11 a. m. nnd 7:-'to p. in. Christian l',u davor at i::io p. in. A cordial Invitation Is extended to ail to attend any or all of these ser vices. The church is making a splendid growth. Nine additions last Sun day and all departments of the work are taking on new life. Belmont Methodist Church H. J. V'ooh, pastor. Services next Sunday as follows: Sunday school lo A. M.; Preaching service 11 A. M. Evening service 7:.'I0 P. M. Prayer meeting Thursday 7:-'M) P. M. Everyone welcome at all ser vices. Neither preaching service nor Sun day school will Is- held next Sunday as t he Interior of t lie church Is Is'lng repaired and Improved and the pas tor Is assisting in revival services at Heppuer. Kegular services will U' resumed Sunday, Jan The pastor's wife desires to meet all women of the congregation and neighborhood at the parsonage next Friday afternoon from two till live. BIVEB'S RHJHOLE JEWELER was Immense, which shows that the Mood River people appreciate ?oocls at Honest How's This? We the undersigned will pay one hun dred dollars reward for any case of catarrh that we cannot cure. F.J. Cheney & Co., Toledo,!). We.t he under signed have known F. J. Cheney for the last l." years, and Is-Ucve him perfectly honorable In all business transactions and financially able to carry out any obligations made by his linn. Walding, Klnnan & Mar vin, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken Internal ly, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Testimonials sent free. Price 7.1 per bottle. Sold by all druggists. Take Hall's family pills for constipation. VV. C ADAMS Contractor and Builder Personal Attention Given All Work. Phone 307.K. Residence. 720 June Street, HOOD RIVER, OREGON Real Estate Bulletin $i 7.V).00-Ten acre one mile out, eiirht acres in tree, two acre in bearing-, balance one to four years old; one acre of berries between trees; two acres pasture with running water. Five Inches of water. tT.& acres, Ave miles out; eiitht acres in trees three to five years old; balance all fi-ood apple land: small house and ham. well three inches of water. This adjoins one of the best orchards in the valley. I.500.00-Twenty acres in Pine Grove Kintrict: six acres in three-year-old tree balance good apple land, not a foot of waste (round. Una soil slope; close to school, church, store and railway. The fourteen acres uncleared can be cleared and set t trees for less than 1100 per acre. INSURE P.EEORE THE EIRE. We rcpre-nt standard companies only, mich as the PHKN1X. I.O LION and LANCASlllKIt and may others. G. Y. EDWARDS & CO. Office next Alt. Hood Hotel FHOKI 22H-L A Sprained Ankle. Asa rule a man will feel well satisfied if he can hobble around on crutches In twoor three weeks nftcrsprainlng his ankle, and It Is often two or three months before he Is fully recovered. This Is an unnecessary loss of time, as by applying Cin mlierlaln's liniment, as directed, a cure may as a rule be effected In less than one week's time, and In many cases within three days. Hold by all good dealers. Prices