The Hood River news. (Hood River, Or.) 1909-current, January 05, 1910, Page 2, Image 2

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Hood River's Largest and Best Store
"Nemo" and "F. IV Corsets for
American Gentleman
and White Mouse
Shoe for men . .
$3.50 & $4.00
Special Men's
We have just out a
lot of regular $3.00
hats, broken lots, a
pood assortment of
styles and colors
hats that will give
you satisfaction
all good styles
your choice
Special Men's Storm Rubbers
Values up to 75c, large sizes from 10 to 11 1-2; to
clean them up, your choice the pair 4$c
Special Children's Storm Rubbers
A good run of styles; your choice while they last
the pair 25c
Special for One Week commencing
Thursday, January 6th.
In order to get you better acquainted with the
superior quality in materials, fit and finish of the
celebrated Manhattan Shirts, we have taken two
numbers and marked them away down that you
might take advantage of the opportunity and buy
one of them. They are guaranteed absolutely fast
colors, will not fade from washing or from light,
no matter what the color. After you once try
these you will want no other make.
Our regular $2.50 Manhattan Shirt special $1.85
Our regular $1.75 Manhattan Shirt special for one
week $1.40
Do not let this chance to get one of these shirts
go by.
Special Boys' Suits
Here is a big bargain even though you do not need
them right now.
Boys' suits of good grade, mixed suiting made
Russian style, nicely trimmed with braid, regular
sellers at $3-75
Boys' Corduroy Suits, double-breasted, of best
grade corduroy, in browns and greys, values $3.50,
all good winter weights and full of service, your
choice, ages 3 to 12 years $1.98
Boys' two-piece suits, double-breasted and sailor
styles, values up to $3.00; your choice suit $1.00
Special Men's Work Shoes
Drummers' Samples, worth at least one-third more
than we are asking, besides being made of selected
leather by the best skilled workmen.
Men's soft finished calfskin shoes, with two full
double soles, plain toe, congress, the pair $2.00
Men's medium heavy work shoes, two full double
soles pegged, unlined, seamless, plain toe, best of
service, the pair $1.00
Men's dress shoes, Goodyear welt of kid and
gunmetal leather, for $2.00, $2.50, $2.75, $3.00
Special prices on odd lots in about any kind of
shoes you want. Drop in and see.
Our business for 1909 so far exceeded in
volume of business any former year in our his
tory that we cannot but believe that our
has been the means to the end; but even with
that square deal policy we have an appreciative
host of customers to heartily thank for our great
increase in business in 1900.
You will find that a safe policy to trade un
der whenever you require anything from the
Drug Store and only under that policy is your
patronage solicited for 1910.
H. F Wait I here titt!tit friend
Mr. Otto of Hood Hirer rani op
ti v'vmi Ohrint m with ber mother.
Mr. ioOtenoti.
Tbe Chrtttua tree e ntertainroent
tfTen by the two Sunday cbooi
i weil attended and Tery one
wcwJ to carry t t NMr hare of
J tbe tsaoy frvrBt Santa ilaa k-ft
j yw iinww DutjCI an J two broth
er. tVaa and .;cy.;vot the holi
day week with their fvareat who
rv o coo car.
Friday noon. tWore ChrStr.ia. tbe
J'.I3leJ ad CV TV ix-.l 13
ft body dowa towa to CVOe tartrr
hop brt treat ol randw arvd
act jd hoft pre-oareJ for xtra t y
Tofcy lrv!ir oa it Ivwfcute to; t j. iKbm. Mj r rr'l 'o Mr.
ti!i with f faratfy. He t hd,,e room ibrfrp::
tbe arfiw to h fcw ra iri-i m(ta m Nviict of tbrtrnbool w,vk
r abo lb e.lw. whV-h be W :iU 1 wfej.-h w rery fvltea c?
Um Florence Johnson rae down
rrwai Durur to ee her '-ter.
Ftbei. who b twa Wk for onx
tioe. and toother tbey left for tbelr
hoax- la Portland Ut to ;rod
the holiday with their parent.
Mr F ". lTidt'.wr acd lAmily
wot to Portland to do or.e Oirit
m hof,'ir lat weei
Matd IVaWhata ! horj to i
orod hoisday with tr fatber
tta bee t S irr
Mr E. E. Freoervk coe boo
froca '. exct with tbe
The ladltVclub met with Mm. H.
l lAwden n Friday, and report
h very pleaxaut time, the good n)etQ
Ing enabling nearly every member to
be present. This wan the first full
dretw ocrnlou. made no la bonor of
Mm. Manilla' koIuh away.
J. R. Kins. wh(J "lent the holiday
In Portland, returned home Saturday.
About twenty-five couples attend
ed the New Year' party at Smith'
Hall on New Year' Eve, and a Tory
enjoyable time wsi had.
The I'lHlerwool poot office U mak
Ins a fine showing In tbe Increase of
bnlneM In the lat few month.
Hoth tamp and money order alf
have Increased over five time what
they were when the present pot
mater took charge of the office.
We notice with a good deal of
amuement that the "Hood" cor
respondent In hi effort to krep op
appearance. 1 In the habit of re
hearsing aoine of the Item In the
Underwood column, and labeling
them "Hood." Not all if u care to
.-ill under the "Hood" color, and
we whh to ca'.l tbe"Hod" man'
attention to the fact that when be
get out of 1cht of Ftndley' plpsen,
be I out of tbe city limit, and we
ak hlra to be a little more careful In
the future about tb territory that
be hunt In for new.
A good deal of lnter-t In road
matter ha teen aho-vn by Tnder
woh! people lately, ud a committee
4 Ave will attend tbe January meet
ing ot tbe county comtnliwtoDer In
orvler to Inaugurate ome chacg
In tne present rwd j tem that we
hope will tend to give u letter road
and niore ot them.
VALLE crest
School Nitan Monday after a
week' vacatioo for tbe holiday.
Ear! Newman wa a welcome cal-
t ler at VaVey Crvt. New Year.
Mr. Helen Helm returned home,
Monday a.'ter an eiieciej Tilt with
! relative in O-jrui.
E. V. iJrarcp ard family have
returnevl bme a.'tor a vi!t with
rt!at!vr la H.hxI River
( Mr. Jo. Gr 2 aad family pent
ieverjU day la Hvk1 River tbe rt
i.f lt week.
Ml Ada Mark returned to her
chool In Salem Sunday.
Mi Nettle Uleason pent her vaca
tion with her parent.
Mismo Marlon and Edith Sproat.
after a vacation of two week vlnlt
log their parent, returned to their
chool In Corvalll Saturday.
Mr. and Mr. It. F. Shoamaker vis
ited their son Howard and family
Mr. Hanson spent New Year with
hi tter In Portland.
Mr. and Mr. J. 1. Dnvl were i
agreeably urprled New Year' Eve :
byrwelvlnga vllt from their on
from NewU'rg returning Sundav
j afternom.
I C. H. Sproat left lat week on a !
i buiint" trip to New York.
The Ladle" Aid will hold their
ivgular elon at the home of Mr.'
E. E. I.age Wednesday afternoon it ;
thl week. j
A party of young people gave Mi '
Nina Redneld a pleasant urprlie 1
Tuesday evening of last week. '
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Irngeth en
tertained several of their friends;
Thursday evening. j
Mr. William, of Portland. Installed '
a hot air furnace In the school house
Inst week.
Mr. A. I. Mi on received a tele
gram from Marshfield Saturday
morning with tbe following an
nouncement: Mair Pano Matclll ha
arrived and weigh ten pound.
CfWrcA rXctic
Riverside Congregational
Rev. W. C. Ollmore, Pastor.
Worship and preachlugut 11 a. m.
Uradetl Bible school 10 a. in. Music
by quartet choir, Mrs. ('. H. Sletton,
illrector. Young People's meeting,
t:4.". evening service 7:.'!.
Rev. Arthur Hayes Sargvnt.
Regular mo'nlng service nt the
I'Dttarian church at 11 a. m., Sunday
scnool at :-.. esper service at a i
p. m.
Every lwidy is welcome to both the 1
Sunday school and preaching service, j
L'nited Brethren I
J. R. Parker, pastor. j
Regular service each Sunday a
follows: Preaching at 11 a. in. and
7u'W p. tn. Sunday school at 10 a. in.
a. m. Young People' meeting H:4." p.
tn. Midweek prayer servlee every
Wednesday night at 7::iO. The pub
lic generally Invited to all services.
Rev. J. R. Hargreaves, pastor.
Sunilav school !:." a. tn. Preach
ing at 11 a. tn and 7:.'10 p. m. Young
People's mertlng at 7 o'clix-k.
The reirnlar wekly s-rvlo-s are
Young People' meeting Tuesday
evening, mid-week prayer nnvting
Weiln-sday evening. Latlie Aid so
ciety Thursday afternoon.
Advertising did ill
Belmont Methodist Church
H. J. Wood, pastor.
Service next Sunday as follows:
Sunday school 10 A. M.; Preaching
service 11 A. M. Evening service 7-W
P. M. Prayer meeting Thursday 7:y
I. M. Everyone welcome at all ser
vices. Sermon topic next Sunday morn
ing "Christian ilvlng." Topic In
the evening, "Men and Sheep, a
Study In Relative Values."
Chrislian Church
A. J. Adams, pastor.
Regular services each Lord' Day.
Bible m hool nt 10 a. m.. sermon at
11 a. in. and I 'M n. ni. Chriutlin Kn.
da viip at 6::!0 p. in.
A cordial Invitation 1 extended to
all tcj attend any or all of these ser
vices. A aeries of evantrelistlc service will
Is-gln at the church Jan. tttb and will
continue each evening through the
week. Come and bring your friend.
Methodist Episcopal
T. B. Fonl. pastor. Residence BI8
State street. At home every forenoon
and Thursday afternoon.
Sunday services: Sunday school at
ID a. tn.; preaching, 11 a. m . and
7i!0 l. m.; Epworih league, 610 p.
in Prayer meeting Thursday even
ing. 7:.'to o'clock.
The Foreign Mission Society will
meet with Mrs. Cowley Wednesday
at 2M o'clock.
Friday evening at 7::t0 there will be
a meeting of officer at the church.
You saw this one-line ad.
My First Clearance Sale
la a x'r
Vim. Adai Z.c I'trti
,w of bee lateeet:7g IfC jrrrof ;
Wvl s-rs a Sasiay lvvree - la
it;;u asr to t'.eJ ivof.
Mr FMk-wa. S:re Sxjrt ix' 5i?iy
cfcooj ei tbe CXr:x iTtarv. rv
tx vrey lterrsiT sj titra:tiv
tVrr HVr i"rttxr w-.;4
K.'vc, rvtxn'r ta 1W ftj
cN4iplVv; by kw tWr. WK iirc.
W:sl rA her a Vw
c Ivws to t m-Or c4
VM.'ratV F-vMi mjw &ta Trcet
0. E. iJirJ ai M. E-
are ;-vVT!f a fw isxt at tV rrri
1 ttJ wee4.
Mm H W. HTs:'a V-Tj SjtirJy
B-va lor lVu ' Sbe exret to
vWt trx-i la PUa-i. Me. i
Hsvee'.U. Km.. J a"io 7e1 a V
it' N Yct. Heetfiet. va
V ittTrmtfi of cir SPAS. jit.
r vJ t tbe rJ Vp wMl a a
;.V day. aJ i eiprcta to Tif
ev7 r 4 tie ttss Kr H rz'.'z
of r r-V-J ht fcg S -1 if .
mbfT wTJ tv f.xr a few 4 ...
ai M r - Pt"."3.a to :tvJ
tls t. .rt fvi-w at tl AgrVxti-ai
Mr S4-J Mm H M
A a CHevt Lrw.
Fltor New Tbe .v:-.x!i ;t5ft
tioa at Tbe I;W i l"Comltg very
la:ere:irg aai f jraibe aa li'.jtra
l'tWkt tie IVavT power raa
io to ttwar: aJ jat law How it
w.:i iers!te reraaia to le
Tbe ;ia &ea aad l-rewer ozght
to 1 ai. ere locg to tbe
fcacd w r :ii os tbe waU aa3 ir.-vera
tbetaweiTe accw-itey. la ti f -s-ett
rl !t 4 t tiV cs-ii:'
Il.t wul f.t tr towi f'.'s:chV.: f
t w avf !i!rv stJkiue :,
Tbe '.et Kvrsa oi oa r-fv'.a:ia
t.f.Ka. J. M H.
Owing: to delayed shipments I am overstocked in
certain departments and in order to move these lines I
have decided to give !4 to l off on EVERYTHING in
mv stock of well selected
Diamonds, Watcnes, Cut fass
8iCerware, Cfocfts, Kand-Paintcd
Cftina, eweCrij, &tc., SDerytfting
in tne Store Reduced.
Per Cent off on SILVERWARE.
10 to cwl Ike fc..Viay ill rpet O-Htarfc w-: iMr c Si
Ni K:'y. rt'.t-frfi lea M.-ciny
A 5yir I AaJe.
i be caa Wot arosft S cm rrtvbe la
t w i yr tiw wis k a.! fr;:xx J
ajkae. a3 It 4 crea two oe .rr
a ti- it W 1 ti-j rf-ivY-i .
TlH j aa tiwveM.T Km ct a
Jy a;ry'.rE 0.sbf-"jk;a - i ' 1.
-v:el. a fxf a a rti
Hews eads in 5inc Printing
ffWw-i !a tb.x cr Wf-t
rs. tJ !a irxy rM" wttVi x.t
Rrr.ember, I har.dle nrst class poods. ALL NEW and EVERY ARTICLE
plain figures. Yoa the price and figure yxur discount. Come early and select
vrhile the stock is lare.
ft ptjt t trtl.
envsm: niun ranking a