f The Lure of J$io' a story of the most alluring character in fiction, is proving popular THE HOOD RIVER NEWS VOLUME 6, NUMBER 1 HOOD RIVER, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 5, 1910 SUBSCRIPTION, $1.50 A YEAR Council Holds Meeting Happy Couples Pledge Jap Shoots Companion In Brawl Sunday Night Quarrel Took Place In Yashanari's Lodg ing House On First StreetVictim Goes To Hospital and Assailant Held for Jury Closing Year's Busines Vows In Glad New Year Session Short OneBond Mouse Says It Cannot Bid On Account of Competitive 5ystem--Laid 3,000 Feet of Cement Walk At the last regular meeting of the old council which hit held Monday evening the mutters taken up were of brief duration. The meeting wan characterised by u full attendance. Id connection with the forthcom ing Issue a communication of Interest was read from a bone house In Deu- ver In regard to bidding on bond to establish a competitive water sys tem. The letter was submitted to the council at the reiinent of the bond house by J. F. Uachelder. The communication Is as follows: Denver, Dec. 15, l'JOU. Mr. J. F. Batchelder, Hood Ulver, Oregon. Dear Sir: We are In receipt of and thank you very kindly for your favor of the 11th Inst, with enclosures as dated, and In reply thereto beg to state that we never bid on an Issue of water bouds for a comjx'tltlve water plant, as our thirty-three years experience In this line of business has taught us to avoid all local tights. We should be very glad Indeed to submit a bid for JJood Hlver water bond just as noon as the l'ty comes to an agree ment with the present private water company, but not before, and while we are speaking for ourselves, we do not believe that any "responsible" bond house that could take up the bondu will bid for bonds. with which to construct an opposition water plaut. We would refer your t'lty to Helena, Montana, who has been fighting the private water company there for the past fifteen years; also to the cities of Phieulx.-AilJ.V and Iwlston, Idaho, which are only a few of the municipalities that we could mention which have had a water fight on, and In nil of the cases mentioned, with the exception of Helena, the city has purchased the plant of the private company, and In the case of Helena last May, when the city advertised its water bonds for sale, they were furnished with a decision from the .state Supreme Court preventing them from selling the bonds. Our advice to all mun icipalities Is to pay the existing water company a little higher price than they think the plant is worth rather than to spend the same amount of iiiouey In litigation. You may rest assured that the present water company at Hood Ulver will fight the Issuance of bonds for the construction of an opposition plant on every move the city makes, and while this tight Is going on the city could le operating the plant and receiving the revenue. We do know what your position In the matter Is personally, but we are simply writing this letter hoping that you may show It to the City of ficials, ami while we have no Interest fut lie iiiatur whatever other than to submit a bid fur the city water bonds when the tight has twen nettled, we trust that ths letter will lie received U the same spirit It Is written. We trust that the Water Co. and the City may get together. Just as soon as the ('Hi au 1 the Water Co. have reached an agree ment and bonds for the purchase of the plaut are to be Issued we should appreciate it very much If you will TELEPHONE MEETING POSTPONED A WEEK The annual meeting of the stock holders of the Home Telephone Com pany which was set for Monday was postponed until next Monday owing to a mistake In calling the meeting on t lie w rong dale. The error was lot discovered until the meeting wns ii progress aad the minutes of the asf annual meeting were beln read, n which an amendment had desig nated the second Monday In January as the time Instead nf the first Mon day ns was orlglnnlly provided In Hie by-laws, On account of the fiu't that any business transacted would have IsTn Illegal the meeting was ad journed. Of the 455 shares of stock llftl were represented at thP meeting. Notices have ts'cn sent out calling the meeting for next Mondaj after noon at 1;.'W. kindly notify us of the fact. Again thanking you for your very complete letter, and with kindest regards, we remain, Yours very truly, E. H. Ei.i.ih & Son. The City Engineer's report showed that over 3, (MM) feet of cement walk had Is-cn laid during the past year, which Included curbing. A motion was carried providing forcoiiucil to meet next Monday night so as to have one more meeting le fore the newly elected couucllmen (lualilied. The usual bills were audit ed, and the treasurer's report for the year read, which showed the city's Indeteduess something over 13,000. Before adjourning Councilman Wright said he would like to have the opinions of the councllmen on the proper corse to pursue In getting right of way for the pipe Hue for the municipal water system. None of the memlM-rs had any suggestions to offer except Councilman Broslus, who said the matter should Ik- left to the city's attorney. The latter was called on to give an opinion and said that he believed that as near as posnlble the city should acquire the rights to the property line passed through Instead of trying to secure Its use by granting concessions to property owners, which he doubted the city had a right to do and which if It could, he considered Inadvisable. BIBLE CUSS ALMOST COMMITS MURDER Our representative was Invited to be present at a rehearsal of a play to be put on at the oHTa house, Jan. 10 by the young men's Itaraca Bible class. It was the most cold blooded and premeditated plau that has ever been foisted on a Hood Ulver news paper mau. Without warning he was plunged Into a whirlwind of mirth and laugh ter. Before he knew It he was caught up In the gale and at the etid of the rehearsal, It wns a toss-up whether to phone to the livery stable or to the undertaker to take away the re malus. Ulglit lu the midst of tills season of post mortem Christmas bills and bursting wuterplpes to U subjected to this belt bursting re hearsal was too much. It was not so much the sight of Harold Hershner ns a blushing bride nor of Cliff Boss as a demure maiden of 1!), nor yet of Lynn Young darning socks, but when Uoger Mk" as the deaf old boat builder, Is'gan describ ing his daughter as "fast," "tight," "painted" and "vnrnlshed," then It was that the damage was done. Too late our representative discov ereil that tin; old boat builder was talking of his new boat, while all the time the young lover was really try ing to ask the old man for his daugh ter's hand. In the dqll gray light of the morn ing after the reporter was enabled to tell what it was all about. It seems that this young men's Baraca class Intends to present to Hood Ulver this roaring farce comedy at the opera house. January 10. And if the stan dard set at the rehearsal Is main tained, as It undoubtedly will be, the only place to Is-January pi, will Is? the Inside of the opera house. We understand furthermore that although the boys have spent I'-'iHI on this production they hope toclear enough to establish a neat reading room and afford a comfortable, cheery, clean evening resort for the youth of Hood Ulver. The following boys take part In the play: HerlxTt Philips, 1. U. Atchison, Hoger Moe, Forest Moe, Donald On thnnk, Raymond Ingalls, Lawrence denies, Chester Hugglns, Harry Clapp, Earl Franj, Cliff Uosa, Harold Hershner, Lynn Young and Caul Manning. The Daughters of Uebekah held a public Installation of olnecrs lu Odd Fellows hall Monday night that was attended by many of the friends of the organization and It memls-rs. The visitors were much Interested lu the ceremony which was carried out smoothly, At Its conclusion those In attendance were served with re- treshmeuts, Shields-Wells. An attractive home wedding took place at 5:30 New Year's afternoon at the residence of Mr. Wm. Wells la this city, when his daughter Gertrude be came the wife of Mr. Henry Shields. The ceremony, which was performed by Uev. A. J. Adams of the Christian church, took place In the presence of the Immediate relatives and friends uf the bride and groom. After con gratulations a wedding dinner was served. Rles-Tompkins. In the presence of a large number of relatives and friends Miss Edua Tompkins, daughter of Mr. Harvey Tompkins, was married to Fred Ules, one of the Cpper Valley's well known and progressive residents, Wednes day, Decern ler 29. The ceremony was performed at high noon by the Uev. W. C. Gilmore at the home of the bride's father. After a bountlftl wedding dinner had been served Mr. and Mrs. Ules came to Hood Ulver and left on the afternoon tralu for Portland on a short wedding tour. On their return they will reside In the L'pper Valley. Shelley-Boyed. One of the prettiest and most bu pressive weddings of the season was celebrated Jannary 2, at 2:30 p. in., at the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. I). Boyed, when their daughter, Naomi Julia, was united In marriage to NEW YORK Where It Comes From And What It Costs : : $225,000,000 Would Not Cover Orchard Products And That Means Only a Portion of theXuantity of Fruit Used, Krora tha Nw The trade In hot-house grapes Is comparatively recent, but It Is grow ing even faster than the other branches of the trade. The habit of sending steamer baskets brings lu a pretty penny to the dealers in this fruit. The fine grapes sell any where from $J to $4 a bunch, according to the slae, and a few bunches go Into all steamer baskets. The price of these friendly offerings run from $10 ' to $50, One linn alone supplies about 200 baskets on each steamer day In the height of the season. As there are two or three nig uays a week and each basket contains an average i ' would Is? possible and even com of two bunches, you hnve over a j niendable to dwell on the virtues of thousand bunches a week going out j t,1, alligator pear or to speculate from one big house alone, an outlay w".v lork, w ith tig growing for hot house grapes of about f 2.500 1 countries right at Its door, so to a week. Taking In all deal-rs till' j "p-uk, eats so few of this most sue sum can lie more than doubled to culent fruit, but perhaps It is just as get some Idea of the amount sent by the city each week, merely to send grapes to departing friends. Nectarines are In the class with peaches as to expeuse, aud bring sometimes f2 apiece. Pears never rise to such a giddy height. They never Inspire any body above f 2 50 a dozen; that Is, they never have done so yet, but they have hopes. The al- NEW YEAR ECHOES FROM PINE GROVE GRANGE It was a beautiful day that the grange selected for their first all day mectlng. The first day of the New Year and the first meeting of Its kind to be held In Hood Ulver County. As the hour approached for the "(lathering of the Clans," grangers could be see n approaching from all ill rectlolis filled with the spirit of the day. The Happy New Year greeting gaily passed from one to the other until each heart responded to the touch of brotherly love. The sun took on a brighter glow that decor ated the fields and trees with spark ling diamonds and Jack Frost breathed the glow of health on the cheeks of the fair maids and matrons there sseiiibU'd, At 10:30 a. nt. the nice I lug w:is called to order by Worthy Master J. M. Taylor. During the usual routine of business the question arose as to the advisability of continuing the discussion between the Hood Ulver News and the grange, relative to the "assembly proposition." The result was a unanimous vote to add three more members to the committee. Albert Brayton Shelley by Rev. Frank Spuuldlng. Miss Eva Uoyed was mali of honor and J. M. Shelley groomsman. The bride was given away by her father and little Uosalle Ta Image acted as ring !earer. Miss Bertha Lafferty played the wedding march and Mrs. (J. M. Ta Image and Hope Shelley rendered two musical num bers. The bride was daintily attired In white messallne silk, carried white carnations and wore llllies of the valley In her hair. Miss Eva wore light blue silk and carried pink car nations. The rooms were tastefully decorated with Oregon grape, ferns and flowers. After the ceremony, which was witnessed by a uumlier of relatives and Immediate friends of the bride and groom, refreshments were served. The groom, who Is the son of Uev. Troy Sh'll-y of the East Side, Is gen eral manager of the Apple City In vestment Co., with ollices In the Board of 1 rade building, Portland. A branch oliice Is soon to be estab lished in this city. The happy couple expect to spend the the winter In Portland and will lie at home after January 10 at Madi son Park apartments, corner Madi son aud Park streets. Their many friends throughout the valley join lu wishing them all the happluess they anticipate. CITY'S FRUIT York Time. llgntor pear, too. Is socially handi capped by its choice of season. It simply wont ripen after January first, tielng a tropical fruit and hard to get Into money-making ways. So just when dinner parties Iwgln and the alligator pear might rise to eml nance It disappears from the scene altogether. This Is taken ns a ht sonal grief by the dealers, for the alll- gator pear has a way of making firm friends. "Finest fruit In the world," said one denier, eyeing it wistfullv. "but It's mighty hard to get It really into societ v. well to mention what it does eat and refrain from pointing out Its gastronomic lapses. To come down with a rush to the humblecranlerry, it Is astonishing to find w hat quan tities are consumed aud what a sum of money Is spent on them. Those of us who take cranberry merely ns a matter of principle 011 Thanksglv- (Oantlnued n ) 101 making a 'committee of eight for that purpose. At one o'clock a recess was de clared, an event hilariously wel comed by one and all, ns whispers been circulated about the hall that chicken pie was the head liner on the menu for the feast that day. And such a feast! Oh, you that are not grangers, better see to It that you are, before the next day meeting. The tables loaded With all the good things that good housewives could supply, were surrounded by glowing, happy faces, that seemed to have let all care slip from them this glad New Year. After all had paid ample trlbnte to the viands spread before them, they returned to the hall, aud while the older memls'rs Indulged In chat and cards, the younger people took ad vantage of the coasting privilege In the near vicinity. At 2: .'10 o'clock p. in. the meeting was again called to order, and turned over to our worthy lecturer, Clara Jarvls, who hail prepared a program worthy of the day. t&MitinucU on Vmgm 10) In a quarrel that took place lu the lodging house kept by K. Yasha narl, a Japanese, on First street, Sunday night, between two of the Inmates, Hyoto, one of them, was shot and dangerously wounded. The shooting was done by one of his companions, whose name Is given ns Nabuyr, and who In addition to us ing his gun ts-at up Kyoto badly about the the head. The latter was takeu to the Cottage hospital, where it was feared for a time he would die, but It Is now believed he w ill re cover. The brawl took place late at night and Is said to have been caused by the fact that both of the Japs, In company with a uumlier of others, were drunk from liquor furnished them by Yashanarl. On learning of the affair Officer Lewis and Deputy Sheriff Christy went to the boarding bouse and routed out a numlsrof sleeping Japs, two of whom were taken to the hos- STRANGER ISSUES WORTHLESS CHECKS H. S. Davis, who came to Hood Ulver Decemlier 19th and has lieen stopping at the Mt. Hood Hotel, Is wanted here for Induing several worthless checks to local merchants. Davis, who was accompanied by his wife and two children, was ostensi bly here to buy fruit lsud and had an appointment tod'iy with one of the real estate men to look at some property In the valley. The checks which were drawn on the Hood Ulver Banking & Trust Company were cashed yesterday by August Plath, Kier&Cass and Me (iulre Bros. The first two were for 15 each and the other for $4 50. This morning It was discovered that Davis had no account at the Hood Ulver Banking fc Trust Company, although he had deposited a draft there a few days ago on a Wichita, Kansas, benk for $:l,500. It was also discovered that he had disappeared without leaving any trace as to his whereabouts. Davis said his home was at Wichita. MANY ENJOYED SACREDJONCERT The annual sacred concert of Blver slde Congregational church, which was given Sunday evening at the church under the direction of Mrs C. H. Sletton ami Mrs. C. K. Marshall as organist, was the most successful In the history of these enjoyable af fairs. The church was crowded, many Wing unable to secure seats. The program was well rendered Those who took part were Miss Eva Brin k, Miss Bart mess. Miss Leila Badford, Miss Hester Harbi son. Miss Leila Hershner, Mls Adele Goff, Mrs. C. H. Sletton, Mrs. Charles Hall, Mr. Win. Chandler, Mr. A. W. Onthank, Prof. McLaughlin, -Miss Fay Orr, Mrs. E. O. Hall :;nd Mr. A. II. Lathrop. BOUGHnOOlCRES IN UPPER VALLEY The lb lltirouniT Company this week announces some land sales of Importance In the Mount Hood and Willow Flat country. One of the sales was the purchase from M. Du mas by J. U Putnam, W. J. Hare and L. K. Kelly of 200 acres of tiue fruit land which they will develop as soon as possible. Fifty acres of the tract are developed and have two houses, barns and other Im provements on It. It Is located about two miles north of the Mount Hood post otllce. The other was a forty acre tract of unimproved laud eight and a half miles from town, at Willow Flat, which was sold to Fred W. Wassoii through the Helllironner Company for W. F. Moore. Attorney Tift was here the first of the week looking after his proper ty Interests. pltal, where Nabuyr was pointed out by Kyoto as the man who shot him and was locked up. Later Yashanari was also arrested on a charge of Il legal liquor selling. It Is claimed that the latter has been selling liquor and allowing gambling In his place for some time. Owing to the fact that Deputy Dis trict Attorney Hartwlg was unable, through an Injury sustained by a fall, to take up the case Monday, District Attorney Wilson of The Dalles was notified and arrived here yesterday afternoon. This morning the Japs will be given a hearing, and it is expected that the cases will be presented to the Grand Jury when court meets next week. HOOD RIVER SCHOOLS HAVE8I7 PUPILS The mid winter school term opened wllb an enrollment of 817 pupils 400 of whom are boys and 417 girls. The school census at present shows gain over last year of 32. The new heating apparatus in the Park street school Is said by the school board to be giving good satis faction and Improved conditions In the other schools are expected to make pupils much more comfortable this winter than has heretofore been possible. The resignation of Miss Constance L. Heuderson of the seventh grade and Miss Delia Krelsler of the fourth have leen accepted and Miss Turney a sister of the Miss Turney of that name who is already teaching here will succeed Miss Henderson. Mis Gertrude Whlppo was appointed to. the vacancy made by Miss Krelsler' resignation Both the new teacher are said to be experienced and capable and are expected to be a valuable addition to the teaching; force. Miss Henderson's resignation was reclved with regret as she waa con sidered very competent and was much liked by the pupils. She re signed to make an extended southern and eastern trip with her parents. Miss Krelsler who was also a com petent teacher had to give up her position on account of bad health. DIED Ezra Henson Ezra Henson, father of Mrs. Uobt. Leasure. died at his home In the Up er Valley Thursday, IVccmtier 30th, aged "Shears Mr. Henson was born lu Sclo county, Ohio. Decemln-r 31, 1S31. At the age of ten years he moved to Iowa, and came to Califor nia In 14S. In ls50 he came to Silver ton, Ore., where he resided for some time and served through the Yakima Indian wars of ls"5 5'!. He afterward moved to The Dalles where he lived thirty years and came to Hood Uiver nine years ago. Besides Mrs. I-asure he Is survived by a daughter Mrs. M. E. Graves, at Canenah, Ore., and C. L. Hetisoti, a son, who Is chief forest ranger at CascinMa, Ore. The funeral was held Sunday, January 2. at the Presbyterian church at Park dale, services lieing conducted by Uev. J. Van Nuvse. Burlnl was made lu Mount Hood cemetery. Judge M. B. Searle Mrs. Electa M. Bryant, formerly of New York, but now a resident of this place, received word of the death of her brother, .Judge Searle, at St. Cloud, Minn., last week. The deceased was district Judge of the seventh judicial district of that state. lu which position he had served for twenty years. Judge Searle was of Scotch birth ami a lineal descend ant of Sir Walter Scott. He served in the war of ImII. engaging In many I notable battles, among them York ! tow ii. Bull l!u:i. Seven Fines. Fair 'oaks, A ii t if t ;i in and t Me seven days' j tight U'fore Uiclimoiul He wnsiv 'member of the Masonic fraternity. lieing a M ister Mason, a Uo.val Arch Mason tt n I Knight Templar; also a liii-ii i Ih'T of the Knghts ofP.ithla and au Elk. As a prominent niein jberofthe liraml Army of Kepubllc i he was very much Interested In Its welfare. At various times lie held I he i 'Hires of J mil or. Senior and final Iv IVi'.'irt iiiriit Coiiiuiaii.ler In his j home state, and few. If any. of Mlu Inesota's commanders were 'iiito I popular than Judge Sturle.