8 THE HOOD RIVER NEWS, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 29, 1909 A .HAPPY 1W YEAR TO YOU ML ppHE X-mas Season is just past and we want to thank you all for liberal xr patronage and we especially wish to mention the loyal little girls and their many friends who helped them to make our DOLL CONTEST A GRAND SUCCESS The result of which follows. We are sorry they could not all win first prize. my gratitude. Cloaks and Furs Clearance Prices Live Local Copies Fire thousand for Hood River In 1910. Karl Ootbaok came home (or the holidays Saturday morning. Bishop Roliert Paddock was here Sunday and held Christmas services In St. Mark's church. Maurice Jayne, who Is attending the Oresron State AfrrlculturalColleKe Is one of the Hood River boys who came up to spend Christmas and New Year with his parents. W. E. Clark of Mollne. 111.. bonht the Walter Grlnble 22 acres near the Mount Hood post office last week. He has moved onto the place with his family. W. H. Marshall negoti ated the sale. F. W. Radford left Wednesday for Sierra Madra, Calif., for a few weeks where he will visit his wife and daughter, who are spending the win ter there. He was accompanied by Mrs. H. S. Dano, who kos to Cali fornia to stay for the winter for her health. Wishing AH Our Friends and t A Happy And Prosperous New Year For 1910 Very sincerely yours, Devlin & f i v ebaugb LEADING DEALERS Bwetland Building PORTLAND, OREOON First Prize, Anna Dart, with checks amounting to $4523.25. Second Prize, Marie Bart mess, with checks amounting to $1004.45. Suzanne Kay came next, $942.97. Then Lillian Brock with $836.45 and Lillian Gerdes with $323.81. They all earned a doll and Sid Henderson la here from Eugene for the holidays. Ralph Savage came home from Goble to spend Christmas. Horn To Mr. and Mrs. Chas. K. Benton, In Hood River, Dec. ISth, a girl. Mrs. W, Ij. Adams and daughter, who spent Christmas at M osier with friend aud relatives, returned home Monday. The lot on Oak street adjoining the property of Sherman Frank has been purchased by E, O. Blanchar. Mr. Blanchar also recently purchased a very desirable property opposite the residence of Dr. Broslus. Rev. J. R. Hargraeves, the new pastor of the Baptist church will commence his pastorate Sunday, January 2, 1910. Mr. Hargraeves was formerly located at Iowa City, la , and comes to Hood River with strong letters of recommendation from his former congregation and associates In religious work. Customers H. R. B. & T. Co. Building HOOD RIVER, OREOON FRANK Attorney S. V. Stark and wife were Christmas visitors at the home of Mr. Stark's father at Mosler. Mr. and Mrs. W.G. Aldred returned from The Dalles Monday, where they spent Christmas. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Shoemaker were Christmas guests at the home of Mrs. Shoemaker's mother. Mrs. May Gil bert. Mrs. C. A. Bell returned from Fort land Monday, after spending several days visiting her sister and friends In Portland and Milwaukle. Mrs. E. H. Shepard, who tiecame suddenly 111 last week, requiring the attention of a trained nurse, we are pleased to say Is reported as recover ing. The Patterson Music Company sends us a new song which Is said to be popular entitled "Dear Old North Pole," The words aud music are both by Bishop B.McCarter, who has written a number of popular songs. Mr. and Mrs. Truman Butler, Mr. am Mrs. ('. II. V'aughan and Leslie Butler went to Centralla, Wash., Friday, where they participated In a family reunion Christmas, held at the home of the elder Mr. Butler's daughter. The gathering nuroliered seventeen, all the memlx-rs of the family Is-lug present. An old fashioned watch meeting will be held at the Methodist church Friday night. beginning with a prayer service at 8 o'clock. At 9 o'clock the crowd will adjourn for a social ses slou at the home of Mr. and Mrs. F. E.Jackson. At 10 o'clock they will go to the parsouage for another so cial hour, and at 11 o'clock will re turn to the church to await the com ing of the New Year. An Invitation Is extended to all to Join this pro gressive watch meeting at any time, List your property with Devlin & Flrebaugh. Coarse ground and rock salt at Whitehead's. Insure before the fire. Q. Y. Ed wards & Co., Agts. Try Red X Corn and Tomatoes at Wood & Hugglns. Mlsa Hunt, public stenographer Room 11 Hall building. Storage room for rent. Apply to Geo. I). Culls-rtson & Co. A. A. Jayne has money to lend at 6 per cent on good security. Fresh Oysters, Eastern and Olyni pta, In bulk at Ross & Richards'. Just received, .10 barrels of Blue stone. Prices right. Chas. N. Clarke. Dance and oyster supper at Pine Grove Grange Hall New Years's Eve. What more can you want. Hood River Vinegar Company will continue to receive cider and canning apples at the market price. $1,000 to loan. Calls for $500 on 15 acres, unimproved; and $630 on 1 50 cords of wood. John Leland Hen derson, Inc. C. W. Edmunds, M. I)., eye, ear, nose and throat diseases exclusively. Ollice hours 0:1.1 a. m. to 4 p. in. Phone 4:1. Res. :j:!12 L. Fresh Eastern and Olympla oysters at Ih-Bussey's Oyster House by pint, quart or gallon. Mount Hood oys ter cocktails In any quantity. l'lr valley I have 70 .'1 acres, small house and burn, nearly all good; arljolnes l.VI acre-tract Just cleared and set to trees. A buy. W. II. Marshall, Dee. A. CRAM S. W. Heppner was a Portlaud visitor this week. Fred E. Moore and Miss Etta Zlm merman were married December 2:)rd by Justice of the Peace A. C. Buck. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Rand were here for Christmas, Iteing guests at the home of Mrs. Rand's parents Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Smith. Miss Frances Bragg, who Is a stu dent at the Washington State Fnl versify at Seattle, Is spending the holidays with her father, R.B.Bragg Lou Baldwin came down from Mt. Hood with his Cadillac Friday, and several other have lieen out seedingon the snow covered roads during the last week. G. Y. Edwards has just purchased a new twenty horse power Bulck automobile which he has been run ntng around in the valley for the past few days despite the snow. The Chronicle notes that Miss Nel lie Mlchell and M'ss Jess E. King of Hood River arrived In The Dalles last week to visit friends and rela tives, and that Roliert McKanney of Hood River was In that city looking after business Interests. Dr. Ford and family will hold a New Year reception at the Methodist parsonage Saturday afternoon from 2 to 5 o'clock. A cordial welcome Is extended to all friends of thechurch to meet and exchange greetings dur ing these hours.' Rev. E. P. Lyon, Ph. I)., will con duct a series of evangelistic meetings In the Alliance chapel, beginning Dec, 31. at 8 p. in , with an old time watch night servlce.and continue each even ing until further notice. The public Is cordially Invited to attend. Rev. C. E. Perry, pastor. Rev. J. VanNu.vse, the new pastor of the church at Parkdale, held ser vices In the school house there Sun day, which were attended by a large congregation. Mr. VanNuyse comes from a prominent church In Pendle ton. He will be given a reception Thursday evening at Grlbble's hall. A man In a neighboring town who took a city paper In preference to a country paper tiecause he got more for his money, was attracted by the advertisement of a Are escape which would lie forwarded 'in receipt of $2. He sent the cash and In a tew days received a copy of the New Testa ment. A full line of poultry supplies at Whitehead's. Our specialty Is orchard lands. Dev lin & Flrebaugh. Try Burnett's Extracts, high qual ty. Sold by Wood & Hugglns. Jut received, 30 barrels of Blue- stone. Prices right. Chns. N. Clarke. Try Booth's Eastern Oysters In Fries or Stews at Ross & Richards Dance at Pine Grove Grange Hall New Year's Eve. You are Invited. A fresh oyster supper will lie served. Have buyers for some Improved and unimproved fruit farms. Call and list your place with Geo. D. Cul- hertsoti & Co. Insure before the fire. Only stand ard companies represented. Phenlx, London and Lancashler and others. ft. Y. Ldwards & Co., Agts. Hood River Yellow Newton Sweet Cider, made from hand sorted arid washed apples. Your grocer will de liver same fresh and sweet ut Xi per gallon. Will Chandler Is enjoying his holi day vacation at Tacoma. Assessor J. P. Lucas came up from the Locks Monday for a short stay IK'splte the heavy Christmas mall Postmaster Yates and the postottlee employes handled the busluess ad mirably. Hundreds of packages and other extra mall were received. A large amount of money orders were forwarded from Hood River and a goodly sum also paid out. The enlargement am new lit tings of the ollice helped considerably during the Christmas rush and Hood River Is said by several traveling men to have been much lietter served than a num lier of towns throughout the state. The vesper service held at the Con gregatlonal church Sunday evening was largely attended. A line pro grain had Ix-cn arranged for the c- casslon and special electrical dcora tlons In connection with the other decorations of the church caused a tMautlful effect. The musical num bers were admirably rendered and the other features of the program much enjoyed by the large congrega tion The Sunday school program. which was given Thursday evening was successfully carried out with a large attendance present, and the little ones made happy by presents given them by Santa Claus. For results, list your orchard laud with Devlin & Flrebaugh. Don't let the rabbits eat your trees. Buy your tree protectors at White head's. Upper Valley I have some good buys now In the Upper Valley. W. II. Marshall. Booth's Baltimore oysters In one quart cans or la bulk at Ross & Rich ards. Order early. Phone. If you want to enjoy yourself get your lest girl and attend the dance and oyster supper at Pine Grove Grange Hall New Year's Eve. The Hood River Apple Cider and Vinegar cwmpany Is now receiving cider and canning apples. We are re ceiving this year from Mosler and White Salmon. Wanted For customers now here. 20 to 40 acres of unimproved or part ly Improved land; also dwelling In town. G. Y. Ed wards & Co., Phone 22 L. Ollice next Mt. Hood hotel. Write your tire Insurance with the old reliable linn, Geo. D. Culliertsoii & Co., who write for the best old line companies. The Home. Royal, Liverpool, London & Globe, North America and Continental. Use Wood Fiber Stranahan & Clark GET YOUR MILK The Payson Dairy Supply Co. MOUNTAIN GLEN FARM Pure, Wholesome, Healthful, from Cows and Stables that are SANITARY. H. N. PAYSON, City Salesman TIIOS. CALKINS, Dairyman Phone 28 1 -X Overcoats Must Go Great Reductions Wyeth Allen went to Seattle Thurs day, where he will send the holt days with friends. Rev. T. B. Ford had the pleasure of having his son, who Uvea In Port land, with him Christmas. M. D. Ackley, of Portland, came up to spend Christmas At the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Bradley, return ing to the city Sunday evening. The new number of the Blue and the Gold, the school magailnegotten out by the students of Frankton has Just Iieen Issued and Is very creditable typographically and editorially. It pays to advertise. Rex Brand Stock and Poultry Food. Best In the world. The kind that brings results. Whitehead's. Booth's eastern oysters direct from Salt Lake City fresh. Same price as so-called eastern oysters grown on the sound. Ross & Richards For a good hot lunc' i.tlilitt Ross & Richards Oyster r :Tr-. II, ir clwood sweet cream serve I ';!. ir coffee, and also for sale In e.iv 'ji.ee tlty. A. W. MEYLRS Tonsorial Parlors Cigars, Tobaccos and Cinfsitiinarj Cascade Locks, Oregon Foust & Howe Mechanical Experts Automobilt and Bicycle REPAIRING uea Band Sawing, Gas and Steam Ea gines Rebuilt. Machine work of all descriptions. 8ith and Columbia Stracta. Pbona 10-x W. J. BAKER Real Estate Loans Insurance APPLE AND STRAWBERRY LAND A SPECIALTY Correspondence Solicited House Plaster