The Hood River news. (Hood River, Or.) 1909-current, December 29, 1909, Page 7, Image 7

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By the way-Commence the New Year right by opening an account with
Trio Orchestra
Musi. furnlshd for til occasions.
Iiutrumwitum from thrM piacat to njr Burn
Bar dasirad.
Addnss or phon
4-X or a-L Hood Rivsr. Oron
Bertha I.affcrty, an experienced
icicnorui piano anu narmony, a gradu
ate of Columbia Conservatory, of Au
rora. 111., will take a limited number of
pupils. Terms very reasonable. Ad
dress: Hood River, R. D. No. 2. '
Will sell at cost my entire
stock of shoes till all is sold.
Rubber Heels a specialty.
Opposite Pustofflc. Hood River. Oracoo
Contractors in Stone, Brick and
Concrete Work
Hood River, Oregon
House Moving and Raising
Wc slw hsndl. ill kinds of
Heavy Machinery and Smokestacks
Phone 137-K Hood River, Oregon
Contractors and Builders
Phon 28M Hood River. Oregon
The Ltsalnf Conleclienlsli ana! Tobacceuti
(Billiard Room and Bowling: Alley in Connection)
Agency I'ortland Journal
Oak Street Hood River, Oregon
Contractor for Grading, Exca
vating and Teaming
Both Phones
Lane &
Confectionery, Cigars
Fishing Tackle
Spauldlng's Sporting Goods
All Kinds of Sofl Drinks
Oak St. opposite Smith Block. Hood River. Ore.
For Eczema, Tetter and Salt Rheum
The Intense ItchliiK chiirni'tt'rlstlc
of these nilnicnts In aim out Instantly
allayed by ('tiamUrlnlu's Salve.
Many severe ruses have Is-en cured
hy It. For sale by all good denier.
Suggestive question on the Sun
day school lesson by Jtev. L)r. Lluscott
for the International Newspaper Bi
ble Study Club. .
January 2nd, 1910
John the Forerunner of Jesus
Matt. 111:1 12.
U olden Text The voice cf one cry
ing In the wlliluerness: I'repnre ye
the way of the Lord, make his paths
straight. Matt. lll:;i.
Verne 1 What were the days re.
ferred to in verse one?
What are the fart concerning John
the baptist, hit) parent, the time and
place of hi birth, his early training,
the commencement of Mm mlnlHtry,
his characteristics and the nature of
IiIh preaching?
Where and what wan the wilder
ueH of J uilea?
Verne 2 What did John want the
people to do when he urired them to
Why was It then, anil w hy In It
now, Impossible for any person to
enjoy the favor of (iod without re.
pent a nee?
What did John mean by Haying
" I lie kingdom of Heaven mat hand?
1 1 mm the Kingdom of Ilea veil leen
established on earth, and If ho who
are It citizens?
Verne 3 What did Ksalas (Inalah)
foretell concerning John, aud where
In the pannage to be found?
In what hc tine aid John prepare
the way for Jesus?
Verne 4 Why did John dress In
niich a plain way and eat such wimple
To what extent should good xo
ple, today, take John for an example
in the matter of food and clothing?
To what extent does (iod care an
to what we eat and what we wear?
If all you know of a man In that
he In fastidious In the matter of dress
and an epicure In hin foot), how
would you rate him iu to pernonal
Can men work ns hard, think as
clearly and accomplish an much, or
more. In all department of life on a
vegetable an on a meat diet?
Verses 5-6 How do you nccount
for the wonderful I liferent which
John' preaching crented?
If John were the iiermnileut pantor
of a church, In till town, do you
suppose that he would In? able to
conntantly keep up hucIi a preat re
vival as thin ntory records?
What did John' baptism signify?
Wan baHlsm then, and In baptism
now for adults of any avail without
a full confession of sin?
Verne 7 When a member of a
church Is not a devoted man 1 he
better or worse than any other sln
ner? If a minister of the gospel In not a
truly good man, whose word Is an
good as hi bond, how would you
compare him with a layman of simi
lar character? .
What I the tendency of the office
of a puntor or of a bible das teacher
a to making Its tucuinlent a truly
noble and an all-round morally ami
financially trustworthy man?
1 a pantor of a church under any
greater obligation to 1 a truly de
voted man thnn hin mem tiers? Why,
or why not?
These scribes and plinrlnees were In
thone day what our pantor and
church o'ltkials are In these days.
How do you account for the fact
that they were such bad men?
Verses' S-"J W hat are the fruit of
genuine repentance? (This question
must lie answered In writing by the
mem 1st of the club. )
To what extent does the fact that
Established 1900
Butler Banking
Interest Paid on Time Deposits
Safe Deposit Boxes
R. T. COX, Director
F. McKERCHER. Vice President
E. H. FRENCH. D.rector
Don't Leave the Hood River District
Mosier Valley
Natural advantages for fruit srowins
unexcelled. Lnd prices have doubled in
last two years but are not half that asked
for similar land In other seetiona Buy
now before speculators add their profits.
Commercial Club ok Mosier
MOSIER, OREGON 6 Miles East o( Hood River, Oregon
a man has a noble anil devoted an
cestry recommend him to (iod?
Can any person la saved because
of his parents' goodness?
Verse 10 Is It a fact, and why,
that Incompetent men fall and that
bad men always come to grief?
Verne 11 What I the difference lie
tween the personal results of John's
baptism ami that of the baptism of
the Holy Spirit from Jesus?
Verne 12 What reason in there for
the belief that men anil women make
their own hell or heaven?
lesson for Sunday, January 9, 1910
The Uxptlsui ami Temptation of
Jesus. Matt. 111:1.1-17; 4:1:11.
H. W. Hamlin and A. J. Haines
were I'ortland visitors Tuesday.
The ladles' club met this week with
Mrs. H. C. Lowden at 2 p. m. Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Arlns spent
Christmas with relatives In I'ort
Mr. and Mr. It. II. Adams spent
Christina with Mr. Adams father at
Cascade Locks.
Mr. A. J. 11 ay new and Mr. W. F.
Cash spent a couple of days in Port
land thin week.
Mr. and Mr, r. I. Packard went
to I'ortland Tuesday expecting to
stay for two or three weeks.
The Ladles' Club met with Mr.
W. F. Cash on Friday of last week
and report a very pleasant time.
llev. H. C. Lowden held a special
Christmas service at the school house
at which there was a large attend
ance. Mrs. (J. C. Griffeth and the new
daughter (Aratielln) came up from
Portland last week, going out to the
Mlns Beatrice Stuart, of Portland,
Oregon, In spending the holidays
with her brother, L. J. Stuart, at
Frank M. Seeley, who has been
spending a few weeks with his broth
er at Pomeroy, Washington, Is home
again for the holidays.
Mrs. II. W. Hamlin, start for the
East Saturday night over the
"North Hank." She expects to be
gone about three months.
Ilev. H. C. Lowden has let a con
tract for clearing some 10 acres of
his place and hopes to linve some 20
acre ready to plant this spring.
Harry Stlckney, who wan hurt ta
ttle breaking of a singletree on the
stumppuller I having quite a serious
time with hi knee, which struck by
the sweep.
Harry Stlckney who ha charge of
the Ballard tract of 120 acres, lias a
crew of men and three stump pullers
at work, and 1 making good time In
spite of the snow.
Walter Fralne, who some twenty
year ago hail a sawmill In the
Seeley lie Ighorhood, was In Under
wood a few days .igo looking up old
friends, very few of whom he had left
Santa Clans spent a good deal of
time In I'nderwood this year.
Among those whom he left happy
was our mall carrier, who found a
Christmas present of $1 In every mall
box on the route.
Mr. and Mr. E. M. Cummin went
over to Hood Klver Frldav to spend
Christmas with their son Harry, who
ha a ranch In the ( rapper district.
but who Is planning to move over
here In the near future.
W. B. Ill ne has made arrangements
for the clearing of part of hi place
a soon nn the weather will allow,
and will plant It to Spitz, Newtous.
Arkansas Blacks, (Irtleys and (irtmes
(iolden. The last three mainly ns
Our school, under the able manage
ment of Mr. Iceland Bristol In show
ing a decided Improvement. I'mler-
wood Is certainly very fortunate In
Becuring the services of so able a
man, we are glad that he has bought
here and will be a permanent resi
lient of I'nderwood.
The Christ man entertainment at the
school house Friday night was well
attended. A telephone had been
placed 111 the school house for the
occasion, and connected with the
main place of business of Santa
Chilis at the North Pole. "Cook"
and "Hood" keiit "listening In" but
after getting t lie line cleared, a very
instructive tain was nail.
The estate of Edward Underwood,
deceased, ha finally taken Its course
through the courts, and the !I0 acre
of laud adjoining the Morrow-Packard
Orchards have been sold to Mr.
P. I. Packard. It was originally In
tended a an Investment, but Mr
Packard, having sold her Portland,
property, has decided to hold and
develop the tract. It will Ik' planted
to Newton, Spltx and Ortley apples
as soon ns arrangement can lie
made for clearing the uncleared part
of the place.
III Health is More Expensive Than
Any Cure
This country in now filled with
people who migrate ncros the conti
nent In all directions seeking that
which gold cannot buy. Nine-tent lis
of them are suffering from throat
and lung trouble or tiiroiile catarrh
resulting from uegltvted cold, anil
spending fortunes vainly trying to
regain lost health. Could every suf
ferer but undo the past nnd curt that
first neglected cold, all t 111 sorrow,
pain, anxiety and expense could have
Imimi avoided. Chamberlain's Cough
Hemedy I famous for It cures and
can lie depended upon. Use It nnd
the more serious diseases may lie
avoided. For sale by nil good deal
ers. You Raw this one-line ad.
Portland, Ore., Dec. 22, 1909
Hood River News,
Hood Itlver. Ore.
Dear Sir: The fruit growers of Rogue
River are asking the State Horticul
tural Sixiety to call a special meet
ing about January 19th to talk over
and discus a proposed amendment
to our horticultural laws to lie
placed upon fultiatlve at next elec
tion. Thin Is a matter that should
receive free discussion If placed before
the voters on Initiative aud we
would like to have you give due pub
licity to It In Hood River valley and
have your growers ad vine me wheth
er thin date would lie convenient, aud
to try and agree among themselves
what amendments If any they would
propone. If such u meeting I called
I would want to see every district
represented. Under our by-laws we
must call a special meeting whenever
15 or more members petition In writ
ing to do so. Yours truly, .
Frank W. Power, Sec'y.
The News will lie pleased to hear
from grower In regard to the above.
Catarrh Cannot be Cured
with local applications, an they can
not reach the seat of the disease.
Catarrh Is a blood or constitutional
disease and in order to cure It you
must take Internal remedies. Hall's
Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally, and
act directly on the blood and mu
cous surfaces. Hall's Catarrh Cure
Is not a quack medicine. It was pre
scribed by one of the best physicians
In this country for years and Is a reg
ular prescription. It Is composed of
the lient tonics known, combined
with the lient blood purifiers, acting
directly on the mucous surfaces. The
perfect combination of the two In
gredients Is what produces such
wonderful results In curing catarrh.
Send for testimonials free. F. J.
Cheney & Co., Prop., Toledo, O.
Soli liy druggist, price 75o. Take
Hall's Family Pill for constipation.
National Life Insurance Co
of U. S. A.
Established 1868
Over One Million Dollars of
Insurance in Force in Hood
River County.
For rates or information apply to
J. M. Schmeltzer
Local Representative, or
A. B. Combs
State Manager, Portland
To Exchange
Equity in Portland resi
dence for Hood River
fruit land. Balance of
purchase price can be
taken up by monthly
payments. Telephones
145 and 289.
You'd Like Running Water
throughout your house and grounds, would you not? And
not being in close proximity to the city water mains, you're
wondering how to get it? Well that's easy, for a
Leader Water
Supply System
will furnish at all times, an ample supply
of hot or cold water for your house, your
lawn and your stable if desired.
The Leader System is of unequahd effi
ciency and economy in operation, and
guaranteed to give complete satisfaction.
Ask your dealer to tell you all about the
Leader System or write to us for booklet,
now I bolved the Water
Supply Problem."
Apple Land & Orchard Co.
Office, No. 9 Oak Street. Phone 26 or 2002-X
Funeral Dii ector and Practical Embalmer
euing Machines
The Stewart Hardware
and Furniture Company
are now the sole local agents for Hood
River and Vicinity for the world famous
1910 Model WHITE Sewing Machines.
Several of our special representativesfrom
our Sewing Machine Department will
call upon and demonstrate to all the local
residents of Hood River, the many new
points of this wonderful ball-bearing,
lock and chain stitch machine. If our
special men happen to overlook your home
during this demonstration, call in at our
store at your convenience and see Mr.
Wm. Isenberg, the manager of our Sew
ing Machine Department, and he will be
pleased to show you some of our 1910
Models. If you live in the country, write
for a catalogue to the
Stewart Hardware and Furniture Company