The Hood River news. (Hood River, Or.) 1909-current, December 29, 1909, Page 3, Image 3

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Physician and Surgeon
EaaUanaa. Oak and Park. Offlca. Oak and Saoaad
Offlca houra, 10 to U a. m., t tu I and 7 Uj 8 p. m.
Boom I. 4 and i, Broalua Block. Hood Bivar. Or.
Physician and Surgeon
Calls promptly anawarad In town "or country, day
or night.
TalephofMa-Raaidanec&l.f'Offlca 611
Offlca In tha Broaiua Building.
Physician and Surgeon
Offlca over Flrat National Bank
Boma phona.!Raa.71B;Offleaphona 71
Hood Rirar, Oracoa
Physicians and Surgeons
Eliot Block: iPhona M
Hood Rlvar, Oracon
J. F. WATT, M. D.
Physician and Surgeon
Offlca. Horn phona 30. Reaidanea. MB
Hood Rirar. Oncon
Dr. ML H. Sharp Dr. Edna U. Sharp
Osteopathic Physicians
Gradoataa at tha Amariran School of Ostaopathy,
Kirkavilla. Mo.
Offlca In kltot Building
Phooa-Othca ICS. Residence 102-B.
Hood Kivar. Oraaon
Offlca. Hall Building, over B J tier Banking Co
Offlca phona 28. Raeidence phona 28-B
Hoodlltivar. Oregon
!. Dudley W. Pineo, D. D. S.
Offlca or or Flrat National Bank
Offlca Horoa phona 111. Reaidanea-Homa Ul-B
Hood Rlvar, Oregon
Licensed Veterinarian
Hood River. Oregoa
Hood River, Oreg-oa
Attorney at Law
Smith Block.VTer Firat National Bank
Fhone 1 Hood River, Oregon
John Leland Henderson
Attorney at Law
Hood River, Oregon
Hal) Building
Hood Birar, Oregoa
Notary Public and Insurance
1 Room 12, Broalua Block
Hood Rirar, Oregon
Davidom Buikling
Phona tl
City Engineer and Surveyor
Nrwbll, Gomrrr A Walh
Davidaon Building Hood River, Oregon
Dealer In Pianos. Also Toner and Re
pairer. From Boston and Oberlln Con
servatory of Mask. Permanent resi
dence, 9 1 4 Eugene Street, hood River.
Phone 22JM.
Plans Furnished When Desired
Phone 183-1
Your Choice
Berry land, peach land, apple land, wheat, grazing
and dairy land, vine, orange and olive land; even the bogs
where groweth the festive cranberry Oregon, Washing
ton and California.
Hood River, Mosier, Lyle, White Salmon; just the
same as Hood River, just as good as Hood River; near,
close by, east of, opposite, Hood River.
Our Choice
is apple land in Hood River Valley.
East Side, West Side, Pine Grove, Oak Grove. Odell,
Willow Flat, Barrett, Belmont, Ruthton, Frankton; Lower
Valley, Middle Valley, Dukes Valley, Upper Valley,
Valley Crest
Some like one, some another; we like it allit's all
good and we will show it all to you and do what we can
to aid you in finding what you like best.
NO. 1. 150 acres of Ideal orchard
IhuiI,-the best location for a larne
orchard In the Upper Valley; mile
from Valley Creat school; under new
Glacier ditch; 80 acres tirunh, balance
light timber. $17,500.
40 ucreM of the above, with Im
provements worth over $5,000, 17
acres cleared; small young orchard;
7 room houne, new; wood house,
la ri;e barn, stock and Implements.
The southeast 50 acres, unimprov
ed; fronts on county road; elegant
slope, f 00 per acre.
Back CO acres, 3 acres lu alfalfa; lo
cation for orchard and building un
excelled. 9 so per acre.
NO. 2 50 acres Upper Valley, 14
acres under cultivation. acres in
(terries, 250 trees, 3 and 4 year; small
house and good barn, 100 Inches free
water, some stock and Implements.
NO. 3. 45 acres at Odell station.
15 acres cleared. Oood, large house.
Will subdivide. $12,000.
NO. 4. 11 acres at Lenz station;
10 set to standard trees; small house
anil barn, f 1,400.
NO. 7. 10 acres adjoining "Better
Fruit" ranch, 9 acres In trees. 4 and 5
year, good Improvements. $8,000.
' NO. 8. Ten acres on west side.
near Oak Grove hall, six miles from
Hood River. All level, cultivated
and fenced. Nlr," acres In trees, seven
acres In five and six year trees. New
house and baru. A Iteautlful home
and orchnrd. f 10,000.
NO. 9. Fine residence and lot ad
olnlng Dr. Shaw's, two blocks from
depot. $2,600.
NO. 10. Three fractional lots ad
olnlng "The Firs," nenr school
house, unimproved. $1,000.
NO. 11. Quarter block business
property, adjoining Jackson's, oppo
site court house, f 10,500. May be
sold separately at $6,000 for the cor
ner lot and $5,500 for the side lot.
NO. 12. Residence lots, Sherman
avenue and ou top of hill. $175 and
NO. 10. 20 acres In ( rapper district
acres cultivated, 4 acres In 3 to 7
year trees, small nouse anil imru.
$4,500. Very easy terms.
NO. 18. 20 acres, across the road
from new terminus of Mt. Hood rail
road, and from new school house; 12
acres In cultivation; au two year
trees, 300 ready to ltear, 150 learlng;
X acre of alfalfa. Good new six room
house; barn 14x24, woodnhed aud
chicken house, f 10,000.
NO.21. 80 acres, 8 miles out on east
side; CO acres Al apple land; 10 acres
1 to 6 year trees; 5 acres In potatoes;
7 acres partially cleared. $8,500.
NO. 23. Ou Sherman aveuue, three
blocks from depot.
Lots 9 & 12, Block 24, Hood Ulver
proper $(100.
Lots 3 & 18, Block 24, Hood Hlver
proper. J.mO.
Lots 2 & 19, Block 24, Hood Ulver
proper, $.h0.
NO. 24 Idlewlld. Columbia Beach,
Lot S. Block 22. $400.
Lot 9. " $500.
NO. 2(1. 3(H) acres of Deadpolnt Im
provement Company; laid off In 10
acre lots; $50 per acre on easy terms.
NO. 27. For sale quick. A lot and
a half on Cascade. $H00, $(500 cash.
NO. 29. 5 acres. 3 miles from town,
all cultivated, 150 trees, house, barn,
chicken houses and yards. If you
haven't much to buy with, buy this.
NO. 30. Lots 14 nnd 15, Block 13,
Bnrrett-Slpma Addition. $800.
NO. 31. 40 acres of brush back of
Lyle. f 50 per acre. We have some
apples from that country that will
take the sleep out of your eyes.
NO. 32. 150 acres, three miles from
Husum, unimproved. $3,200.
NO. 33. 2!- acres close to town,
all In trees, buildings new nnd good.
nent. clean place, $3,000.
NO. 37. 10 acres, West side; 190
(waring trees, 200 four year, 118 three
year, 30 two year; raspberries, black.
Is-rrles, grnpes, strnwlicrrles, 2 acres
f rich black soil, great for celery irtul
onions, now In hay; fine house.
NO. 3S. A summerland paradise we
can vouch for. Twenty-two ncres In
El Cnjon Valley, California. Five
acres full Is-arlng oranges, nine ncres
muscat grapes, balance In ot her fruits
and grain. Full particulars nnd ko
daks of bungalow and field. 14,000
NO. 40. 7 Room bouse, 3 lots and
a big barn, on the Heights. Will
swap for Falrvlew, Oregon, property
at $3,G00. S3.000 cash. Will rent
furnished at $25 per month.
NO. 41. 40 Acres, 7 miles out on
east side. Some Improvements,
NO. 42. 140 Acres, fir and oak, 8
miles out on west side. Very easy
terms. fl5.400.
NO. 43. Two 80's lu 2 North 9, one
at $40, the other at $50. Half cash
NO. 45. 6 Room bouse ou Cascade,
$2,200. Good terms.
NO. 40. Two lots and two bouses
thereon. East part of town. $1,050,
The lower one 5 room bouse and
full lot. $050.
NO. 47. 40 Acres unimproved, near
Mt. Hood P. O., $2,500. Very easy
NO. 4S. 20 Acres. Good piece of
land. 10 miles out on West side,
NO. 49. Ten acres, three miles west
of ball park. Seven acres In 5, 3 and
I year trees. A lot of small fruit,
(iood bouse and barn, $6,000.
0. SO. 2o acres, 7 miles out on
west side. $2,500.
NO. 52, A lot and a fraction and a
house of live rooms and a fraction,
on Sherman avenue. $2,500 (and a
NO. 53. 25 Acres near the Mount
Hood postofflce. $100 er acre.
NO. 55. Small house and 90x150
foot lot, on the Heights. $950.
NO. 50. 5,600 acres on the Colum
bla; opposite The Dalles. A level
ttench of 2,000 acres can be Irrigated
by a 150 foot lift from river; 100 acres
can be Irrigated by springs; 300 acres
of ttench-like land, 700 acres of foot
hill land; balance grazing land. The
soil Is combination of volcanic ash
nnd disintegrated basalt and allu
vium a warm, sandy loam Ideal
cherry, each and berry land. Stock
and Implements go with It. Two
houses, five barns; all fenced and
cross fenced. The location Is one of
the most Iteautlfnl on the Columbia,
with a magnlaceis) view of Mount
Hood. $100,000.
NO 57. 20 acres miles from l".
O.on state road. 12 acres cultivated,
6 ncres In orchard. Admirable site
for a sanitarium or summer hotel.
NO. 58. 40 acres 2 miles from town
20 acres cultivated, 5 acres of old or
chard, 8 ncres of 5-year and 5 acres of
2 and 3-year trees, 8 room house.
NO. 59. 7 acres. One of the most
attractive places on the main west
side road, I 3 4 tulles from town.
Orchard In full bearing; buildings
worth $3,000. $1,500 per acre.
NO. 00. Two nicely located resi
dence lots close to business center.
NO. 61. Four beautifully located
lots on the Heights overlooking the
Columbia. $1,200.
NO. 62. Four good laying lots on
the Heights. $1,000.
No. 63. 40 acres near Odell. All
but three acres In hay. One third Is
orchnrd land. Good house and
bnrn. Small orchard. Free water.
110.0(H), one third cash.
No. 64. 75 acres, 1 1-2 miles from
Parkdale. 7 acres cultivated; 5 acres
mixed orchard. $9,000.
No. 65. 40 ncres near town on
state road, 12 acres cnltlvated, 6
acres In orchard. Beautiful location
for summer home. $10,000.
NO. 60. 40 ncres, mile from Val
ley Crest school; soli, location anil
lay of land Al. Small clearing nnd
good log cabin. Will be covered by
new Glacier ditch. 75 per acre.
NO. 67. 80 ncres In Mosier district;
small clearing. $1500.
NO. 09. 80 acres near Lyle; little
wnste, lays well; tlmlter; small clear
ing; $5,000.
NO. 70. 60 acres miles from
I'nrkdale, 35 cleared, 15 In orchard.
Buildings good barn nnd tool shop;
house newly remodeled, nnd nil the
furniture Including piano. Farm Im
plements, tea in, cow, chickens aud
hogs. $350 per acre.
40 ncres unimproved, $150.
NO. 71. A Southern Oregon Bar
gain. $60 per acre for 159 ncres at
Grants Pass. 50 ncres cultivated;
small orchard; good buildings; cheap
Irrigation water. This Is a live one.
NO. 72. SO acres of rolling brush
laud 2 miles from Parkdale; under
the Middle Fork ditch; just as good
soil as land that sold this spring for
$150 er acre. $135 per acre.
NO. 73. 80 acres under the new
Glacier ditch; miles from Valley
Crest school. 20 acres J2 cultivated
acres In strawlerrles;good log house
NO. 74. 20 acres, unimproved, easy
clearing; covered by new Glacier
ditch. 2J miles from Valley Crest
school. Meal location for summer
home. $40 per acre,
NO. 75. 40 acres 1 miles from th
Valley Crest school; 5 acres cultivat
ed, 280 three aud four year trees,
house, barn, woodshed and chicken
bouse. $8,500.
NO. 76. 40 acres 1 miles from
Parkdale; unimproved; all good
land, 12o per acre.
NO. 77. 10 acres, 3 miles from town
west side; 9 cultivated; 800 2-year
trees, standard varieties; small build
Ings. $7,500.
NO. 78. 11 acres, 1 miles west of
town on the State road; all but J
acre cultivated; 7 acres In 3-year
Spitz and Newtowns; acre In Iter
rles and other small fruit; free water;
good soil, no rocks; 7 room house.
NO. 79. Two of the best lots ou
the Heights. $050.
NO. 80. A good forty In 2 N 11, $50
per acre.
NO. 81. A short quarter-section,
2Ji miles from Valley Crest school, on
stage road to the Inn; 8 acres cleared
small buildings. $50 per acre.
NO. 82. A quarter section two
miles south of Valley Crest school; 9
acres cleared, small DuiKiings, an
acre of (terries. $W per acre.
NO. S3. 71 acres, a miles south of
Valley Crest school; heavy timber.
John Leland Henderson
Old Butler Bank Building
Hood River, Oregon
We hear so much about Central
Oregon that those who do not know
from actual experience get confused
In their estimate of that great em
pire, aud many strange and weird
stories gain credence of the extent
and value of it, says the The Dalles
We notice advertisements running
In the Portland dally papers where
in the advertisers agree to locate
settlers on homestead lands 1n the
"Central Oregon country," which ads
were certainly written by a person
or (tersons who had neer Iteen there.
These ads hold out the Idea that It
Is a good place for the poor men to
get a home and rear a family, which
Is not true save perhaps In one case
out of a hundred. There may be Iso
lated claims where a jterson could get
convenient fuel and water, and
would le near enough to school to
educate bis children. But such cases
are very, very rare. The editor of
The Optimist 1s pretty well posted
on the entire area west of the Cas
cades and east of the Snake, from the
Blues down to Nevada. And he
knows of not over a half a dozen
such locations.
Centrnl Oregon Is not a poor man's
country at the present time. it
might Ite If one could get a location
contlnguous to a railway that was
sure to lie built In a few months.
But even then It would require con
siderable capital to make the ven
ture. For the man with money
enough to get unto the land, get
water and build himself a house
say from one thousnud to two
thousand dollars fine openings may
be found. But the newcomer should
lie wary. For the water question Is
vital one, nnd the fuel problem one
to well consider. Over great areas
one cannot get good water without
going to a depth of from three to six
huudred feet. Many ieople now
there haul wnter two, three and five
miles, and very many others use
water that Is so strongly alkaline
that Is very disagreeable to the taste
and Injurious to the health.
We advise the Intending settler to
take time enough to study well the
surroundings before locating. Do
not take the word of those who
know nothing about the country.
Insist upon Wing shown. The Mis
souri doctrine Is a mighty good one
In making a location, for once made
It Is troublesome and costly to make
the chnnge
Naval Corps for Washington
Another attempt Is being made by
the federal government to Interest
the State of Washington In establish
ing a naval mllltla corps. California
and Oregon, ns well as most of the
states bordering on the Atlantic
coast matntaln such organizations.
The legislature must authorize the
action. As the constitution docs not
grant the power, past efforts In this
direction have been unsuccessful.
There are many young men In Wash
ington who would be glad to take
up the work. In time of nerd they
would prove a valuable reserve
Whether it is Just a Little Powder
or some more important
part of Milady s toilet it
is here at its best and
daintiest. Our Toilet
Aids and Preparations
are standard in every
way. When you pay
m tt n t n ri m
vu." ior i ii tu a il, a i you
Jv-V should receive it. We
Bv.Y''' aim to sell the articles
that we know are pure and the finestquality we can
obtain. Yours to serve,
Kier & Cass
h.BT W XeV - a.
Smith Block, Hood River, Oregon
The Hood River Banking & Trust Co.
Conducts General Banking ;n All Branches
Interest paid on time deposits. Savings depart
ment in connection. Domestic and foreign exchange.
Safe deposit boxes ryou carry your own key. Steam
ship tickets to all European points. Calf for infor
mation. We solicit your patronage and guarantee
entire satisfaction. Opco 1 Checking Account with as.
Harness! Harness!
A complete line of all kinds of harness constantly
on hand, but If you prefer to have It made to
order this Is our specialty. We also have a line of
Summer and Winter Lap Robes
Oak Street gj
Hood River Apple Vinegar Co.
We are now receiving cider and canning; apples. For growers located
on the Mt. Hood Railroad and also at Mosier and White
Salmon we will pay freight charges.
H Bring Us Your Apples and Patronize Home Industry
Manufacturing, Engineering Company
(Successors to J. J. LUCKEY)
General Machine Work and
Phone 305 -M
Hood River, Oregon
P. C. YOUNG, Proprietor
Fresh and Cured Meats, Fish, Oysters
Phone Main 6
Hood River, Oregon
-r A
First Class Livery Phone S
Transfer aijd Livery Conpaijy
Agents Regulator Line Steamers
Freight and Baggage Transfer
New Rlns New Harness
Uood Horses
Dabney's Furniture Store
You Can Get Anything
You Want Either
New or second Hand
For Your Nome Very Cheap
Agent for CHARTER OAK Stoves and Ranges
Guaranteed Cheapest Outfitters
Phone 1053