The Hood River news. (Hood River, Or.) 1909-current, December 22, 1909, Page 2, Image 2

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A new lot. Just the kind of a present
any boy or girl would appreciate to the
fullest extent these cold days. All
sizes, colors and kinds for 25c, 35c, 45c
and 50c.
Ladies' Children's and Gentlemen's
House Slippers
Felt, leather or carpet. Men's slippers
for 45c, 55c, 75c, $1 and up. Ladies'
slippers for 35c, 55c, $1, $1.25 and up.
Children's fancy felt slippers, cushion
or leather soles, with fur tops, for 75c,
85c, 90c, $1 and up.
fancy Tics
In 4-in-hand, string or shield tecks or
bows, put up in fancy Christmas boxes
suitable for Christmas gifts, always in
order and appreciated, for 10c, 25c, 45c,
50c, 75c and $1.
Makes very nice presents. We have
just unpacked a new shipment of all
the latest in this line. .
Side and Bach Combs
and fancy hair ornaments. A new lot
to choose from for 10c, 15c, 2Cc, 25c,
50c and up.
fancy Kid Shawls and Scarfs
in wool and silk, circular, square or
Newport styles, plain and fancy colors,
some big values that would please any
one, for 50c, 75c, $1, $1.50 and up.
h Presents for Young, Middle Aged and Old
Santa Claus Makes His Headquarters Here
Finest Ass'mt Christmas
Goods in the City
fd( See Our Display on
12 Second Floor jTSSk
Plenty of Time
and lots of pretty,
appropriate and useful
on display yet for any
one you wish to
Have you looked
over our fine display of
Ladies' and Children's
5C ioc, 15c, 20c, 25c,
50c, 75c and $1
Look over the assort
ment of special priced
ones we are showing for
ioc. Your choice. They
are surely bargains.
aaaaooooooooi ri rex i ty
SFancij Kand-Paintec)
Berry Sets, Salad Dishes, Cups, Sauc
ers, Plates, etc. Biggest kind of val
ues. Second floor.
Gentlemen's and Boys'
in fine lisle thread and silk web, fancy
weaves, put up in pretty Christmas
boxes, making very attractive presents,
for 25c, 50c, 75c, $1 and $1.50 a pair.
Fancy Sox
6 Pairs of black and brown fine lisle
thread hose, put up in a neat Christmas
box ; would gladden the heart of any
man; the box, $1.
Hart, Schaffner & Marx
Suits and Overcoats
Manhattan Shirts, Dress Gloves, in
kid, silk lined or wool lined; Golf
Gloves of all kinds; Handkerchiefs,
of Japanette, linen or silk, plain or
initialed, and dozens of other arti
cles suitable for Christmas presents
for your friends.
of every description. Wagons,
Coasters, Sleds, Books--one of the
nicest lines of books you could wish
to see--for old and yonng, and at a
1'lne Grove Grange held a very In
teresting meeting at their Hall Sat
urday evening. Itecetnber lMh. It
being the night for election of officers
the tine program wan crowded out,
the worthy lecturer ban promised us
a better one for our first day of the
.New Year. We are all going to start
the new year right and attend thin
enthusiastic all day meeting, begin
mng HI a. ni.
After the iuHtallatlon of officers
Initiation of new member and oth
er matter or business, all will re
pair to tiie banquet hall, where
a sumptuous New Year dinner will
be nerved. Those desiring information
about the dinner will please confer
with Mr, A. I. Mason, chairman of
The greatest part of the afternoon
will be given over to worthy
lect ure.
Four new menilsrs were admitted
to the grange, viz.: Mr. and Mrs
Cameron, Thou. Cameron and Mr
L. Sllliman. State lecturer, J. J
JohnKoo. assisted In the ceremony.
I hree new candidates were pro.
poiwd, viz.: Mr. and Mrs. Thomp
son and Otto Kirch.
We Is-lleve the patron have chosen
an excellent corim of officer for the
coming year. 1 hev are an follow
Worthy Master j. H. Mohr.
Worthy Oracle M. Dragseth.
W orthy Lecturer Mrs. Clara Jar-
Worthy Steward Win. Stone.
Worthy Aunt. Steward I'eter J.
Worthy Chaplin Mrs. A. I. Mason.
w ortby Secretary Luella C. Hunt
Worthy Treasurer Carl Johnson.
Worthy Gatekeeper A. I. Mason
Ceres Mrs. James Taylor.
Pomona Mrs. Mark Cameron.
Flora Mrs. Win. Stone.
Worthy Lady Assistant Steward
Mrs. H. M. V annler.
Bro A. I. Mason read a letter ans
wering an attatk on the patrons of
husbandry by a lac a I newspaper,
and a committee of three, together
with worthy master and worthy
secretary, w as appointed to jsrfect
t he same.
Bro. J. J. Johnson, state lecturer
gave a spirited talk against the cal
ling of a constitutional convention
and pointed out several good and
Indisputable reasons why every
granger should work against It.
Rrs. Johnson Instills enthusiasm
where ever lie goes, and we, of I'lne
Grove Grange feel especially honored
to have had him with us again.
A committee was appointed to
look after the entertainment of visit
ing meiuls-rs of our neighboring
granges. Brothers and sisters Iss as
sured i.f a welcome at I'lne Grove.
The day meetings will Is? held on
the first Saturday of each month,
while the evening meetings will be
held as formely.
We expect to organize a ten rn for
Initiation purpose early In the year
that promises to ls one of the t
features of grange work. W. L.
Iter. Hklpworth. district superin
tendent of the Methodist conference,
ixrupled the pulpit Sunday morning.
There will Is? a Christmas tree and
program at the church Christ mas
Mrs. Swanson, sister of Mrs. J. O.
Mark, arrived from North llakota
the early part of the week and will
remain several week.
The social ami uper held under
the auspices of the Ladies' Aid was
very successful anil netted the society
about $22, Including receipts from
the bazaar.
Miss Ada Mark, who Is attending
school In Salem, is spending her va
cation with her parents.
Sam CuinpUU and wife are again
at home after an absence of two
Hoy Jackson and family are spend
ing their vacation with friends. Roy
Is attending the theological depart
ment of the Willamette University.
A little daughter was born to Mr.
and Mrs. King tienton Monday.
Miss Minnie I'aasch left the latter
part of the week for a stay of several
weeks with friends In l'ortland and
Miss MiiIk'I Robinson Is spending
her vacation with her parents.
Mrs. Howard Sms-maker returned
from Hood Kiver the early part of
the week, spending a few days with
her mother, Mrs Malloy, before going
to her new home.
Mrs. Mary Scots?? found a satchel
containing 25c worth of stamps and
some coloring material last week.
The owner will find It by applying
to Mrs. Scobee.
Hugh Lacey Is visiting his uncle,
J a me Lacey.
W. L. Grlbble was a passenger up
from Salem Saturday to attend to
the sale of his place at Mount Hood.
Mr. C. I. Thomas made a short
trip to The Dalles last week.
The Mount Hood Ladles' Aid met
with Mrs. Billing Dec. Mh and de
cided to take a short winter vaca
tion. The prweedrf from their
ThanksgUIng dinner aud bazaar
were about $120.
James Roberts of Portland came
up Saturday to look after his apple
ranch near Dee.
Miss Hattle Cooiht came up Satur
day to spend her vacation with her
parents at Mount Hood.
Misses Hazel Cartan and Zora
Puddy are spending their vacations
at home.
Mrs. ('. (). Rols-rts went to Hood
Kfver last Friday to do her Christ
inas shopping. She expects to spend
the winter In Portland.
The members of the Parkdale Sun
day school are preparing a program
for a Christmas tree and entertain
ment next Friday evening.
Sleighing Is quite good In the Cp
per Valley now. .
L. F. Collins was a Portland visit
or Saturday.
Melvln Collins was here recently.
School closer Monday for the holi
Cascade Lrs'k fs to Is lighted by
electricity. The Wind Kiver Lum-
ls-r Company Is wiring the town and
the lights are expected by Chrlsl mas
Mrs. H. W. Taylor returner Mon
day night from California after a
two months visit to her mother.
The postonVe will Is? moved to Its
former place the first of the week.
eonsumer are notified not to let the
water run to waste to prevent freez
ing, as It will necessitate shutting off
the Whole system
Light and Water Co.
Will Have Fine Program
Riverside Congregational Church
has arranged a program of special
merit for the holidays, beginntim
Thursday evening at "::U wlih
Chrlsmas tree and exercises, A. W.
Monosmitli, Supt.
Sunday at 11 a. m. sermon by the
pastor and music by the quartette
choir and a soloist, Mrs. C. K. Mar
shall, organist. At 5 p. in. the sec
ond annual vesper service by the
school will lie given. Pictures of
great interest have been secured to
add to this service.
On Sunday, January 2, at 7::tu p.
m. will occur the annual concert and
cantata which promises to Is- the
best of tile year.
Live Local Topics
The business meeting of the Bap
tist church will be held Wednesday
Dec. lMJth, at which a full attendance"
Is desired. On Fridav evening the
Christmas exercises will tie held at
which time there will Is a tree, a
program and a good time for the
little ones.
An attractive and entertaining
program has been arranged for the
( hristmas exercises at the Christian
church Friday evening, to which
everybody is Invited.
Miss Anna Fliim; of Albany, is vis
iting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. K.
K. Goff. Attorney Jack Lato'irette,
of l'ortland, Is also n guest at the
Goff home.
Miss Adele Goff has returned home
from l'ortland, where she was a
guest at the Assembly ball in that
The First National bank this week
adder another to the unusually
handsome calendars that aro being
distributed this year.
Ralph Savage lefr last week for
Goble, Ore., where he has taken
a position witli the Goble Milling
The Studeliaker Company last
week placed a mammoth and attrac
tive sign on the building occupied by
the Gilbert-Yaiiglian Implement Co.
Harper Rrumgard and Miss Kttu
Karstet ter of ( Idell were quietly mar
ried at iheCongregatioiial parsonage
Monday evening by Rev. W. (.'. Gil
more, in the presence of a few friends
Mr. and Mrs. Brumgard are recent I v
from Pennsylvania and will make
their home here.
The ladies of the PlneGrove church
through the News, desire to thank
all those who so kindly worked for
the success of the bazaar. Any
one WHO is sliy fi rllsli or pie pan Is
asked to communicate with Mrs. K.
K. Luge.
U. B. Sunday School Program.
Program to be rendered hy C. 15.
Sunday School Christmas Kve Dec ,
Song Glory to the New Horn King
Invocation superintendent.
Song Ring Sweet Bells school.
Responsive Reading school.
Pra yer pastor.
Song Welcome Christina Day
Junior class.
Recitation Birthday of Our King
Wllber Hin lies.
Song We W ish You a Merry Christ
mas Mrs. Brock's Class.
Recitation We Will All Is; Glad
Mattle Jensen.
Song Message of the Hells school.
Kxerclse Christmas Bells by Infant
Song Tell the Story O'er Again by
two girls.
Kxerclse Christinas Story by six
Song Glory In the Highest school.
Drill Snow Flakes are Falling. i
Kxerclse Song by four little girls. Recitation Oliver league
Primary. Dialogue live girls.
Duet Star of the Morning. .Song Mrs Burliness' class
Recitation Precious Gift Walter j Illsti ibutloii ,f presents.
I Gage Tool Co. Now eight dealers In
i Portland sell them. Honevman
j Hardware Co. and Columbia Hard
ware Co , Port land, but h have large
I freight orders at the factory In Vine.
Song Off to Slimmer Land Wilhma ; CarM'iiters: 1! and 20 years ago land, N. J.. Is-lng tilled. Have your
and Gladys. j Avery and Opilvkeof Portland ami dealer send for a few at once. Thev
Christmas Thoughts pastor. j Hall Rro. of Kast l'ortland, Oregon, I work easier, quicker, saving time,
Solo Orpha Wright. I sold the Self Setting Planes, made by I muscle, trouble and temper.
Of Value
Something not for a day or week, but
a reminder for the years to come.
Jewelry, Silverware, Clocks, Cut Glass
Hand PaintedChina, Toilet Sets, Watches
I show you an assortment of each
kind that you can't get elsewhere.
Hardware, Agricultural Implements
Corner First and Oak Streets