THE HOOD RIVER NEWS, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 15, 1909 3 Trio Orchestra Music furniahcd for all occaaiona. Inatrumentati'Mi from thro piocm to any num ber dtairwJ. AdilreM or phon. C O. NEWMAN 64-X or ftJa-L Houd Kiv.r. Oregon ' MUSIC TEACHER Bertha l.afferty, an experienced teacher of piano and harmony, a gradu ate of Columbia Conservatory, of Au rora, III., will take a limited number of pupils. Terms very reasonable. Ad dress: Hood River, R. D. No. 2. JOHN C O W LEY SHOE SHOP Will sell at cost my; entire Btock of shoes till all is sold. Rubber Heels a specialty, Oppoaita Poatoffica Hood River, Oraon JOHN Q, ZOLLS A SONS Contractors in Stone, Brick and Concrete If'urk Hood River, Oregon RANDALL & DUKES House Moving and Raising We alio hindlc ill kind, of Heavy Machinery and Smokestack, Phone 137-K Hood River, Oregon STRANAHAN &. SLAVENS Contractors and Builders B9TIMATK8 Fl'RNUlHED Phone 2X0M Hood River. Oregon ROSS S RICHARDS CjGAR STORE Jba l.adlng Conlectionitti and Tobiccoiitt (Billiard Rxim end Bowline: Alley in Connection) Atfency Portland Journal Uak Street Hood River, Oregon f, Q. AUDREP Contractor for Grading, Exca vating and Teaming Roth Phones National Life Insurance Co. of U. S. A. Established 1868 Over One Million Dollars of Insurance in Force in Hood River County. For rates or information apply to J. M. Schmeltzer f.ocal Representative, or A, li. Combs State Manager, Portland Lane & L Confectionery, Cigars Fishing Tackle Spaulding's Sporting 6oods All Kinds of Soft Drinks Oak SC. opposite Smith Block. Hood River, Ore. A. W. MEYERS Tonsorlal Parlors Cigars, Tobaccos and Confectioner) Cascade Locks, Oregon Foust & Howe Mechanical Experts Automobile and Bicycle REPAIRING ue Hand Sawing, (las and Steam En gines Rebuilt. Machine work of all descriptions. Sixth and Columbia Streets. Phone 109-x LOCAL NEWSPAPER BIBLE STUDY CLUB KlljEtfeMtlve qiD'HtloiiM on Hit' Sun iliiy Ht-iiool It'MHiin ly Itf v Dr. LiiiMt-ntt fur tlit International Newinier 141 hle Study Milt). December l'Jth, l'.HHt. lie view. Hidden Text for the (jiinrter I lutve foujilit a food finht. 1 htive tin Inlieil in v i-onrm-, I liave kept t lie faith. li Tim. Iv:7. The fidlowlnu (inchtloiiH tan lie iixeil iih a new anil complete Ii-hmihi h well im for a review of the eleven pre feeding lection. The (late anil title of each letnton ami where founil, the (iolilen Text, anil one t) Mention from each of the eleven iireeedllHf lem in follow; Oct. 8 1'aul a I'rUoner The Ar rent. Acta xxl:17 to (iolilen Text; Thou therefore endure hard iieHa ax a itood noli Her of Jeaun ChrUt II Tltu 11:8. VerwH 24 In lirliliclnir the two iliHpeiiKloiiM la It likely that (iod, no to wpeak, winked at the a otlen try ing to graft the law of Mime Into Curlritlanlty, or wan It (Jod'a plan that Jewlrdi I'ltrWtlaua aliould wt ill keep the law? October JO Paul a Prl-ouer The Plot. Acta xxll:8U to xxill:8.'i. (iolilen Text: I will nay of the Lord He Im my refuse and my fort ream, my (iod; lu Him will I tniHt. PhiiIiii )l:. Verne 11 There In no way to take the mtraculourt out of the New Ten tameut without deHtroyliitf It. Now lu view of that fact, why (lid not (iod reHcue Paul, In thin liiHtnm-e. a He did from the prlnon at Phlllppi? (k-tolier 17 Paul a Primmer He fore Pell x. Act xxlv. (iolilen Text: Herein do 1 exerclrie luynelf. to have al waj'M a clean coliHcleuce void of of fence toward (iod and toward men. At tn xxlv:l. Verncn -i l!7 What wan the liexet tltiUHluof Felix, and how do you eHlliuate the character of a man who wantH to le bribed to do right? Oct. L'l Paul a Primmer Before Kent un and Arlim. Acts xxv:(i 1J, chapter 'M. (iolilen Text, 1 know whom have lielieved, and am per minded that he Is able to keep that which I have committed unto him that day. II Tim 1 11 Verne "Jl :tJ Why did not Fenttm and Agrlppa Im it li turn to Hod, nee Inif that they were clearly convinced of the truth of Clirintianity and their need of nal vatlou',' OctolMT l'mil a Prlnoner The Voyage. Acta xxvll:l-L'tl. Hidden Text: Commit thy way unto the Lord, trunt alno in him and he nliall lirlntf It to pann. Pnalm :t7:.i. Vernen HI I'd What reanon In t here toll elieve from tliln narrative that when we fall to tine, and it In too late to adopt (iod'n lient plan he will mill Uraclounly provide a kooiI one which we may ad iit? ( Thin quention munt lie annwered lu writing liy meinliern of the dull. ) November 7 Paul a Prlnoner The Shipwreck. Actn xxvil:l'7 to xxviil:10. (iolilen Text: The Lord redeemeth the Houl of hln nervantn and none of them that trtint in him nliall tie d'-Ho-late. Pnalm 34:-. Vernen a.1-3Shr May praying and fasting, when .vol) ought to lie eat lag and working lie an great a practical crime an Nciltrling the nhlpV Nov. J4- Paul a Prlnoner in Home. Attn xxviii:)! (iolden Text; I am not anhamed of the tfoKpel of ChrUt, for It la the power of Hod tintonalva t (ii) to every one that believe! h. Ho- Belmont Ladles Aid will serve Stmt?r K. of P. Hall SATURDAY, DEC. 18, 1909 ..MENU.. will consist of Chicken Noodles Meat Loaf Mashed Potatoes Turnips Baked Beans Cabbage Salad Bread and Butter Jelly Pickles Doughnqts Tea and Coffee Mince Tie Apple Pie Price, 35 Cents ALL ARE INVITED maim 1:10. Verne SKi In It ft law of (iod that xin deaden the conncience and pervertn the Judgment, hence, can a man living in any kind or Hln, trunt hln Judgment on pernoiinl, moral and npi ritual n ilenth inn? Nov. 21 Paul'M Story of Hln Life. II Cor. xl:l'l to xil 10. (iolden Text: Henuld unto me, My grace In MUlllcl ent for thee, for my Htreiigth In made erfect in weaknenn. II Cor. xlt:U. Chapter xll:l If What in the only real proof of (iod, of immortality and of the windom of the nplrilual life? Nov. 1H Paul on Self Denial. Ho- maim xlv:10:.'l. (iolden Text: It m good neither to eat tlenh nor to drink wine, nor anything whereby they brother Htumlileth. Uomatm xlv:21. Vernen 13-16 If. vou enjoy and drluk your glann of wlnt) when you kuow that wine drinking la doing vuntl.v more harm than jfood, what aort of a pertion are you? Iteceml er 6 Paul tin the Grace of Giving II Cor. vlll:l 15 Golden Text Iteinember the wordn of the Lord Jenun. how he aald. It In more hlenned to give than to receive. Actn xx:il5. Verne 13 What reaaion In there to lielleve thut If we give nj nteinal Ically to (iod'n caune tliat we ournelvea nliall never lack? Dee. 12 Paul'n Lant Wordn. II Tim Iv:l-1H. Golden Text: For me to live In Chrint and to die In gain. Phil. 1:21. Vernen 3 4 Why In It that burglars gauiblern, eounterfeltern, liarn, drink em and other bad men and women often pernuade tliemnelven that they are right? Iennon for Similar. Dec, 2(ith. l'.HI'J. The liirth of Chrlnt. Matt. 11:1-12. llNDERWOOD P 1. Packard, the county fruit In npector, wan in Stevennon lant week, looking after Home nhipmeutn of nurnery Mock. The new fitwmill made Itn firut de livery of IihiiIkt lant week. The Ladlen' Club met at Mrs. II. A Hunney'n on Friday of lant week aud report a very pleanatit time. Cardn are out announcing the mar riage of W. A. Wendorf and Helen L. Dickover, of Portland. Mr. Wendorf In one of I'liilerwoiid'a early nettlern and han one of fhe hnent placen In thin aectloll. Mr, and Mm. G. C. (irlttith are re joicing over tlie blrt li of a daughter, Arabella. All are doing nicely. Mr. and Mm. W. F. Canh were In Portland on buniuenn recently. Mm. Conover, of Cancade Lookn, han In-en vlnltlng Mm. It. H. Adatnn. P. I Packard wan In Portland on bunlnenn for a couple of days lant week. We note with interest that accord ing to a report filed at Olympla the North Hank road han In-en a paying proposition from the ntart, with the exception of tlie dining car nervice, which han fallen $10 a day nhort of paying expeunen, while a ntiiall or chard on the right of way oil an ex penditure of $U returned an income of $24 Harry Cnmiulnn. o Hood Uiver, expects to move aver and nn-nd the winter in improving hln place here. Mm. Loucku, of Portland han ln-en n ending a few with her hun band, who In hiiildiiitf the Wenneln holme, I'nderwood han about Is I nchen of the 'teaullful,"andnonieof tiienledn I conntructed hantlly, in order to make tine of It, are workn of art, at leant o their ownern think. Some of the public spirited cIMzenn In tlie Hamlin neighborhood, lniilt a big nnow plow aud gathering up all the homes t". reach, opened up the road f-',r the rallnvid to go through on time. K. C. Hamilton witii In Mtevcnnon Thurnday lit leiiilin.; teachern exaiii lliittiona. rilieriff Knox, of Stevennon, wan in town one day thin week. Mr. Hrunton, of the Dement Hron , Milling Co , of Walla Walla, who art preparing to build the big Flouring Mill at thin place, wan here on tlie Uth, accompanied by Mr. Gone the attorney for the Company. After at tending to mime liuninenn here they went up the lUver and inspected the nlte of tlie power plant, and returned to Hood Kiver that evening. We unilemland that work will be begun an noon an the conditioim will permit. Shurtliff & Goepel. w ho ha ve been cruining tlmlx-r in tin- Norway coun try In the Inti-rent of the county, have been compelled to lay off on account of tlie hiiunv- Anion Ciiilcrwuni! celebrated hin 7iith blrt Inlay on Deceiuber loth and In company with neveral of liin frleiidn enjoyed a npread at Hie hotel. ''Pncle A me" wan one of the very llrnt to nettle on thin nlde of the river, nnd han ninny Inlen-ntiiig talen to tell of early along the Colum bia. G. C. Corlle went to Portland Tuenday returning on Friday. No. (!, the "North Hank" local changed time again Sunday, leaving EASTMAN'S Kodaks Papers Tank Enlarging Machines HOME PHONH 6a Especially Prescriptions PALMER'S Soaps, Perfumes Toilet Waters Sachet Powders Cold Creams Tooth Powders PLATH' The Drug Store on the Corner FLEMISH ART CO.' S Outfits Wood to Burn Jewels Paints Brushes Free Delivery XM AS STATIONERY McDonald's Dolly Varden CANDIES Portland half an hour earlier, arrlv- lug Here at 7 p. m. All other tralim atop here an In-fore. Mr. H. W. Hamlin, Harrv Stleknev and II. W. Arlnn expect tojeuve the tlie year for Pullman to at tend t lie nhort coiime In ngriclut lire at the agricultural college. A. .1. Ilavnen han In-en amunlnir himnelf thene ntormy by teach- I lug hin new ganoline niiriiylng outfit ! to naw wood. ' ! The ladien' club will meet wiih W. Canh on next Fildav, tlie 17th. I a upera House tl One Night MONDAY, DEC. 20 Frank 0. Ireson The Eminent Actor In the Best of All Down East Plays UNCLE DAN'L THE MESSENGER I ROM Jarvis Section SPECIAL SCENERY ' FINE ORCHESTRA FUN, music and specialties Band Parade at 12 Noon Reserved Seats on Sale at Clarke's To Exchange Equity in Portland resi dence' for Hood River fruit land. Balance of purchase price can be 1 taken up by monthly payments. Telephones 145 and 289. 1 MARION MAC RAE NURSERY STOCK Fur big. well maturwi apple tree, standing ( rum 5 to 7 fern tn row. Newtona and Spita, call or wnia S. W. HEPPNER Two Milea West of Town Opera House Friday Evening, Dec. 17, 1909 In Slyoming'' By W1LLARD MACK CAST OF CHARACTERS: Bob Rlcketts, from back In Pennsylvania Cecil Kirke Steve Gordon, from Joplln Frank B. Fanlnjr Dave Dalby, owner of the ranch Georg-e Thompson Willie Settle, who aells wringer Burt C. Crowell Hank Jones, from Missouri Frank Patton Chug; Wilson, who stands In Dean Selah Spotty, who Is going to be married Sidney Well Bossy Jones, Hank Jones' gal Anna Gardiner Mrs. Dalby, who runs the ranch Cora Bennett Jennie Summers, who teaches school Bessie Fisher SYNOPSIS: Act 1 The exterior of the Dalby ranch house, located near Casper, Wyo., fifteen years ago. Act 2 -The living room of the ranch house. Act 3 Same as Act 1. Act 4 The foothills of the Big Horn Range, about forty miles from the ranch. Time between Acts I and 2, one week. Between Acts 2 and 3, three weeks. Between Acts 3 and 4, eight hours. Scenery from Lyceum Scenic Studio. Properties, production, etc., built by James Laundergan. S. EI. BARTMESS Funeral Di.ector and Practical Embalmer ESTABLISHED 18 YEARS MOOD RIVER, OREOON ABSTRACTS, LOANS, CONVEYANCING, SURETY BONDS, FIRE, LIFE, ACCIDENT, PLATE GLASS, LIABILITY, BURGLARY INSURANCE. .ILL U'Ol.'K (I CAR. LXTEED Waucoma Abstract & Investment Co. (Inc.) First Door South of Hood River News Office H. L. HOWE, U. S. Commissioner. Land Office Practice eoing iHlachines The Stewart Hardware and Furniture Company are now the sole local agents for Hood River and Vicinity for the world famous 1910 Model WHITE Sewing Machines. Several of our special representativesfrom our Sewing Machine Department will call upon and demonstrate to all the local residents of Hood River, the many new points of this wonderful ball-bearing, lock and chain stitch machine. If our special men happen tooverlook your home during this demonstration, call in at our store at your convenience and see Mr. Win. Isenberg, the manager of our Sew ing Machine Department, and he will be pleased to show you some of our 1910 Models. If you live in the country, write for a catalogue to the Stewart Hardware and Furniture Company HOOD RIVER, OREGON