THE HOOD RIVER NEWS, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1909 9 Orchard Lands Wanted DAVIDSON BUILDING Live Local Tropica K. W. lUilfonl and U 1". ISrljrK. Hi-nt tlie llmt of tlit' wtt-k In Cort land. full line of poultry HiippllcH at Wlilti'lifadu. J. 1'. Mati'lit'ldt-r wait rv IhihIiii-hm vlHitor In Portland t lie latter part of hint week. ( 'mi rue icroiind ami nx-k Halt at Whitehead. Mr. and Mih l.niiuir, who have tfvn vlnUhic their daughter. Mrn. Truman llutler, returned to tlielr home In Kiiiihiih laHt week. Don't let the raldiltneatyour tre'H. Buy your tree protector at White head "h Ladlen' A lil Hoelety of the ChrlHthin I'huri'h will meet at the home of Mtm. IViikIi, corner ll'th and Kueiie hIh. All ladlen are welcome. Hex Itrnnd Stock and Poultry Food. BeHt In the world. The kind that lirlnM renultM. W hitehend'H. The Mount Mood railroad which wan put out of commiHKlou by the Hood, reHUiued service lat week. The point where the waxhout oc curred linn heeu luldned with piling, limklnita recurrence of the troulile unlikely. "The tieiu" moving; picture theatre which hari lieen conducted for Home time I iv Win. IiivIh. Iiiim lieen (lln piixed of by 1 1 1 in IiiC. I'. Hiikln, who will have chnrt;e of it In future. It I iimlerHtooil that Mr. HmvIh will o to Vale, Ore., where he expect to open a picture nhow. FOR MEN AND BOYS Pocket Knives Watches Safety Razors gbavjng: Brushes Shavinjf Mupn Razor Strops Carvintr Sets Fish Poles Rifles Shotguns Revolvers fool Chests Coaster Wagon Sleds Electric Tocket Lamps Steins Tobacco Jars We have customers for one twenty acre tract of young orchard, for one ten acre tract mostly in bearing and for several tracts of brush land or partly improved lands. If you have land for sale and your price is right we can sell it. B. E. DUNCAN & CO. HOOD RIVER, OREGON I. oil DliiHiiiore, who old hi place Monday will leave till week with hi family for French Lick Spring, Ind., where they will vlnlt during tlie winter. Mr. Mary Kenton, Mate prewldent of the Chrlvtlan Kndeavor, will H-ak In the ChrlHtlan church Thurday evening. All young people' ocletle of the city are Invited. K. II. Shepard, who ha heen con fined to hi home for Home time with an attack of grip wa aide to get out Monday and upend a few hour at hi otltce. II. V. Perry who I Intereuted in a tract of fruit laud In the Oak J rove dirttrlct. arrived Monday for a nhort Htay. Mr. Perry ha Jut returned from a trip to l.'oo Hay where he aw K. K. Lyon and neveral other Hood Klveritc who are making an extended vlnlt there, The recording fee received liy the county during t lie mouth of Novem Im'P were the largewt Hlnce the county ha leen in exlutence, the amount being $J.1.!)5. The amount I naid to lie In the neighborhood of $1D0 more than wa received by Wam-o county during the name period. The ladle of the I'ultariaii church announce a big C'lirlntuiiiH Hale, lunch ami candy demoiiHtratlou at the Htore on State ntreet formerly occu pied by the Nichol Drug Co. Friday and Saturday of next week. Home made ChriHtmaH gift of varlou de Hcrlptlon will be placed on Hale and a buxlue men' lunch. coiiHlHtlug of chi hi chowder, doughnut. Hand wich e and coffee will be nerved. A dein oiiHtratioti of candy making will alo lie given with a nale of t hrUt ma candle the week following, an announcement of which will be made later. HOILDAY GOODS of a sensible nature and of thoroughly reliable quality can be found in large quantities at this popular trading place. Our stock comprises a large assortment of articles suitable for Christmas Gifts for old and young. We are glad to show them to you and make deliveries at any desired time. Community Silverware Holmes & Edwards Silverware Hexican Silverware Keen Kutter Carving Sets Ever Wear Aluminum Cooking Utensils Old Abey French Handpainted China Hammered Brass Goods Fancy Table Lamps Cut Glassware Ml m For renult, llt your orchard land with Devlin A Flrebaugh. George Irvine ha Hold hi harneH and Haddlery bUHiue to A, K. Sal licky, an experienced harue maker formerly of Albany, Or. Mr. Salticky took poHMeHHlon Mnday. The city tiiarl)al call the atten tion of property owner and renter to the ordinance relating to the cleaning of nldewalk and Htate that he ha lieen luxtructed to enforce aine. The (Jeo. W. Minion tied ul here Monday night owing to the heavy hiiow Htorm, which prevented Cap tain M. Nelson from keeping the Hturdy little nteaiuer In the channel after dark. Among theme who are In attend ance at the horticultural meeting iu Portland are .1. L. Carter, A. I. Mil hoii, 1. S. and Frank Davidon, the Cutler DroH,, C. D. ThompHon, and F. II. Uenberg. L. 15. Steven, proprietor of the ci gar Htore on the height. I in a criti cal condition from having taken an overdone of Htryihnlne. Mr. Steven, who wa In a nervou condition, wa taking the drug and took too much. Ken Kalmon, of the I'pper Valley, left Monday night for l.atirande, where he will upend a day or two looking at Home fruitlaud In the (Jrand Konde valley with a view to purchUHing. (Jeo. Irvine, after a renidence at at Hood Kiver of about a year, and who hix jilHt ilinpoHed of hU liarnt'HH liiiHineHH will make hi future home In Seattle. Mr. Irvine made many friend while here and Htate that he regret to leave, but expect to en gage In biiMlne on a larger ncale than wa poxHihle here. COUNCIL PASSES ON IMPORTANTMTTERS At the regular un-etlng of the Com mon Council Monday the ordinance providing for the bond Immiih wa tin ally paHed with an amendment In troduced by Councilman Hall mnk tug the inti rcHt rate f innp-ad of percent. The amendment wa unan imoiiHly concurred in by the other member of council. Tlie date for opening bid I February l"th. The report on the entlmate for the wewer In DiHtrlct No. 4 wa accepted and a recommendation that the newer lie coiintructed lu accordance with the Niiinv. wa panned. A bond from W. (j. AM red la con nection with hi contract to macad amize 12th Htreet wa accepted The bond 1 for $Vxwand the contract for $10,000. PINE GROVE GRANGE Although the weather wa Htortny Pine Grove Grange held a very Inter etlng meeting Saturday night. The number who look forwnrd to thee meeting with plcauure and nee the lienetlt gained therefrom, I Increa Ing every month. One new member wa elected at thi meeting and nix new application promUed for the next meeting. (Jood road were di ciiHHed and arc alway a live topic, although all of u do not favor a 10 mill Hpeclal tax for that purpoHc, thinking thin a little high for our prenent annenntnent. Kilt all favor a good county levy for permanent road-building. The program pre pared for the grange of the Htate by Governor Kciihoii, State School Supt. Ackerman, State Librarian, MIhh Marvin and the State Grange Lecturer .1. .1 Johnnou, are proving very Inntructive and educational Several live topic of the day are re ceived from the Oregon Library Coin miHHloil and Htudied and dincunned every month under the able manage ment of our worthy lecturer. Mm. Clara J. Jarvl. At our next meet ing all point in favor of and againnt "Proportional Iteprenentatlon" will lie dlncunned. The topic "Koys and Girl on the Farm" will hIho be ably handled, benide which our lecturer promine an Interenting program of Hong, recitation, etc. Our next meeting. December Is, will be the time for our annual election of offi cer mid nil member nhould attend and help elect a net of olllcer who will work for the bewt interent of the Grange nth) the community. I'nder the guidance of our prenent ;nnter our gr uige ha been H'eadily gaining In Htreiigth and I cloning a very Hiiccennful year. M. J. H. " Subncribe for the .New. Perculators Scissors Fireleaa Cookers Roasters Brcadmixers Baking Dishes Silver FemDishes ChinaFern Dishes Brass Candle Sticks Brass Jardiners Nut Crackers and Picks Dishes Hand Fainted China Chocolate Sets Salad Sets Fruit Sets Chop Flates Fancy Jups Doulton Ware Silver Knives and Forks FOR j) WOMEN i AND GIRLS 6 CHRISTMAS STAMPS ARE GOING LIVELY Tin Hale of Chrlntma ntjimpn un der the aunplce of the Woman' Club I U-ing conducted Hiiccehnfiilly and Indication are that the amount that will be received from their nale will U much larger than It wa hint year. The committee appointed, and alno many of the other member of the club are taking a great deal of Interent lu the work. -Next Monday a table with a hand Home young lady In charge will le placed In the poHtofllce for the Hale of Htarnpn, and a soon a the Chrlnt tua nhopper commence Mending package they will lie conveniently HUpplled with Htainpn. CLASSIFIED COLUMN REAL ESTATE AND RENTALS A Kid rooming houae to sell at 312 1-2 Oak street. Can ba run for tjfrdinv. Hu ifoud furniture, dining room, kitchen and pantry. Doing good busmen. 44-41 pW Sala-160 acre of land in upper Hood River valley. 1 1-2 imlea northeast from Mt. Hood poatofflca. Enguira J. L. Carter, phone 1D7-M. 47-60-p YVnted-Scrip or half a section. Address A. " News omce.iH-61-p por Sale-3 room house, lot 50x130 to 10-foot A alley, fenced all around, water in. trees; price IIS"; ti.- cash, balance monthly payments. Phone !2-M. 4K-01-P P"or Sale-Beautiful buildinir place extending Columbia to Durham, near 12th; high, dry and aiirhtly; overlooking the (Columbia; excellent view of Mt. Adams; altogether the most scenic si-ot in the world. Good neighborhood in the famous Kiverview Park Addition. Hood Kiver. Address B.News office. 48-52-p yntd'ro trade for gxjd apple orchard -2400 " acre timber tract in Lincoln County. Oregon. Prefer bearing orchard. Full description of tim ber tract furnished. Submit full particulars and price on your tract in your first letter to me. J. D. DifTenbaugh. Monmouth, III. 4H-52-C HORSES, COW8, PIQ8, CHICKENS, ETC. Tlorse for Bale-Gentle and broken to work "single, double or under the saddle R. H. Wallace. Shadow Brook Karm. Phone 1H0M. 46-9 tlorse to let for its feed. Address 717 Eugene "street. Hood River. 4S-49-D T have a few chic; ens and turkeys for sale. 'Phone Miss Markley. 345-L. After 6 p. m.. 44-B. 47-50-p TTave good gentle farm team I would let some responsible person have for their feed this winter. S. J. Frank. 47-50-c FOR SALE Por Sale-Milk. Phone Mrs. H. A. Moore, 159-M. A 4t-t-c por Sale Cheap Good second-hand top buggy, $Ji; also two-seated canopy top surrey, 4.10. Apply at 1012 Hull street, at rear of Baptist, church. 46-4-c TTor Sale Good Raddle horse, weight 90 pounds: also good single driver. A bargain. Telephone 1K3-L. 4K-52-C For Sale-Good Saddle, Cheap. Telephone 223. 49-52-p EMPLOYMENT VTanled A man and family to take charge of ""an improved fruit farm. l'K) acres, good house and barn, and who will also buy an interest there in, (ierman or Skandinavian preferred. Enquire of John Let&nd Henderson. Incorporated. 4-tf-c VVanted A position by a man and woman on '"a ranch. Either to hire or to rent it. En quire it News office. 46-49. Japanese school boy want a position in a private family, or in any place before and after achoul hours. Phone 34S-L. boi 2x2. 4WIS.p A Japanese boy wants any kind of day wurk. 2-"c an hour. Call up 34 3 L or write P. U. box 22. IR-51-C anted An experienced man with small fam ' " ily wanta employment on a ranch. Inqu-re or write H. F. Cooper. S9 Wilson street. Hood River Oregon. 47-;Yi-c 8PECIAL NOTICES Stockholders Meeting VALLEY ELECTklO RAILWAY COMPANY, otice is here'py iriven that the annual meetinir 'of the sloekholdera of the above named com pany will be held at Grange Hall. Mount Hood. t)reiron, un the i:)th day of llecemner, lHoy. at 10 o'clock a. m., at which meeting will be held the annual electiun of the Board of Directors, reading of the President's report, ami such other business as may properly be brought before such meeting. Pated and published this 24th day of November, H. B. LANtilU.E. 47-49-e Secretary. 'anted Bids for 30 ricks ok and 91) ricka fir wood for the ensuing year will be received as late as 7 o'clock p. m. Dec. Is. IHuh, by the under signed or by the directors. Said wood to be 3 feet long, cut from live, sound timber, and delivered between July 20th and Sept. 1st at Pine Grove school, and ricked in basement and wood shed. R. H. Waugh, Clerk School District No. 7. 4'iO-c LEQAL AND OTHER NOTICE8 Tn the County Court of the State of Oration, fur Hood River County. In the Mat;r of the En tat? of KNOCH CORN KLU. lWrea.wd. Notice is Hereby Given by the undersigned. Cors Cornell, executrix of the estate of Enoch CWnell. decvsi-e!, to the crediUrs and all eronii having claims airainst tha estate of aaid decvawd, to present tiiuir claims with proper vouchers within six months after the first publication of this notice, to aaid executrix, at Room 14. Hall Bloc k, in the City of Hood Kiwr, tn raid county and state. 1'ateoi ruuhcation Nov. 17. r. 44-&0-C CORA CORNKI.L. Executrix. Notice For Publication FVEPARTMENT of the Interior. U.S. Ind Office at The Dalles, Oretron, November 22m.. IX. Notice is hereby Riven that EMERY H. WAESH. of Mount Hood, Oregon, who, on July 21st. li0S. made Homestead, No. (.C7S. for ln 1. 2 and SE1-4NE1-4. Section 4, Township 1 South. Katire 10 East, Willamette Meridian, has tiled nuttce f intention to make Final Commutathtn I'roi f. to estahlij-h claim to the land aNivv decribel. before Henry L. Ilne, United Slate Commis-ioner. at his office, at Hiwd River, Uretfon. on the 3rd day of January. k Claimant names as wiincsws: John Hoats'land. of Homi River. treT'n. Edward Rok1. wf Ml. Hum, Oregon. Adam tiasman. of Mt. Hood, Orvaon. William Smuilrn. f Mt. Hod, Oregon. C. W. Mt KU M-."k2-c Kva'ltT Notice fur Publlr.qtUo T)epartment of the Interior, V- S. Land f'tTiee at The Dalles, (trvtfiu.. November lt h. n. Notu-e is hereby given that Hmnah rairfnwl, of lHe, trea"on. who. on June 3nth, 1 made Homestttad. (Serial No. iHII. No. fur W l-HNEl-4. W1-2SEI-4. Stc:ion 7. Township 1 North. Ranre 10 East, V illametto Meridian, ha file 1 notice of intention to make Final Commuta tion ,'roof. to establish claim to tlie lami almve di'ttcribeal. before the Rejnc'ter and Kih-oivit of the United Mates Iand Ottn-e. at The la!ies, Oregon, on the 27ih day of !ceiiiber, 1 ;;. Claimant names as witnesses: C t. RoU-rts. Allert Schiller. W. H. Marshall. John K. Mackie. all of Pee, Oreifon. C. W. MOOKK. 4T-S41-P Kttf is!r. Admintstrator's Notice Totice is herby Riven that the undersigned hu A heen duly appointed by the Hon. County Court of the State of Oregon for Hoil River County to le adminitr;itor with the will annexsl of the estate of I'ETER KlU'KE. deceal. Ail i-n-ons havina claims aurainst said estate are hereby noti lie, to present the same, duly ventied, to me, at the oltiee of A A. Jayne, in Hml River, Or'iron, within six months from the date of the first jmb lication of this notice. WM. EH :CK. Atlnunistrator with the Will Annexevl of the Estate of I'efer Ropke, iNveasoI. Date of First VuUn'tation Nov. 17. 1 :!, Notice fur Publtuatlon. nEPARTMFNT of the Interior. IV S. I Jind otr,ec I7atThe Dalles, Oregon, Novendwr 2th. Notice is hereby given that Mada D. Hirks. wh.w iMmt otVu-e address it Hid River. trewon. did, on the Xlni day of Msrrh t tile in this otVu-e Sworn Statement and Application No 04iI24. to pun-ham NE 1-4 SE 1-4. Setion I. Township 1 north. Hanre 10 east. Willaim tte Meridian, and the tiniU-r claim thereon, under the pros isiotm of the act of J me 3. I'?', and acts amendatory, known as the "ThuUt snd Stone Ijw." at such value mintit le fiel hy appraisement, and that, pursuant to nuch ap plication, the land and timber thereon have leeli appraised, ihe timber estimate! 4o.iHhi l.rni feet t $ 7.") per M. and the land $'HMo; that aid ap plicant will oiTer tinal proof in support of his ap plication and sworn statement on the bth day of February, 1110. brfor Henry Ifc Howe. Unite! Statis CommisHtitiir, at Hod River, thvn Any pemon ia at ltierty to prut est this purchas leftire entry, or initiate a Ctnitest at any tune fore pateue issues, by tiling a corrot'tstit) arbda vit in this otbee. allowing facts whii-h would tie feat the entry. C. W. MOi'KK. 4l-i-C Retiisler. Motlct Af Publlcitloi. rjKI'ARTMENTof the Interior. U. S. I .and offlVa at Tna iMhaa, Or-gon. Nuvember 27in. ltw Notica ia herebr given that Arthur 8. Sialey. whiass p.t-tfre aldress is a Eat 7th St.. Pft land. Oregm. did. on the l.tth day of February. file in this office Sworn Statement and Ai -plication. No. nam. to purchase the SW 1-4 NW 1-4 iw.l SE t-4 NW 1-4. Section township 1 North. Range a East. Willamette Meridian, ai 1 tha timber there. n. under the provision of the act of i S. 17. and acts ammrndatory, know -i as tha 'Tiniber and Ktone jiw"at auch valua ss might be Axed by appraisement, and that pursu atit to such application, the land and timber t her on have been appraised, the timber antimate 1 S-1 b.air.1 feet at II 00 per M. and the land 111. in: that aaid applicant will otfer flnal pra.f in stipi.ort of his application and sworn statement on the loth day of 1'ebriiary. law. before the Re gister and Receiver, tniti-d State I-nd (Mnre. The Ialle. Oregon. Any person is at liberty to Protest this purchaae before entry, or initiate a contest at any time befure patent uauea. by tiling a corroborated affidavit in thia ottic. alleging facU which would defeat the entry. W. C. MOORE. - Regiater. BUSINESS NOTICES pr Sale-A few choice brown Leghorn hens and cockerels of best layi- g strains. Enquire, 1. L. Carter, phone 1W-M. 47-5"-p Wanted-A new irnK-h cow. R. W. Subbina. ' ' Phona ln(2-U 47-6-c OAKDALE GREENHOUSE Rosea, Shrubs and Vines in good assortment for fall planting. Peonies 1 and 4-year old. 85c to tl (W each. Hordy Pheox. Bell Flowers. Cuapan you. iriental Poppies, rdy now. A full line at pot plant at Frani'. phone for cut ftowera. FLETCHER A FLETCHER MEN WANTED To contract clearing 5 and 10 acre tracts or brush land. Inquire of U. J. CALKINS, Hood River Vinegar Co. MUSIC TEACHER Bertha Lafferty, an experienced teacherof pianoand harmony, a eradu- ate of Columbia Conservatory, of Au rora , in., will take a limited number of pupils. Terms very reasonable. Ad dress: Mood River, K. D. No. 2. Trio Orchestra Music furnished for all occasions. Instrumentation from three Diec La ti y nam ber desired. Address or phone C. O. INi EWIV1 AIM W-X or 269-L Hood River, Oregon A. W. ONTHANK NOTARY PUBLIC Dealer in CITY PROPERTY Legal Papers carefully drawn. Money loaned on hirst Mortgages Fire Insurance in best Companies. Surety Bonds of all kinds. Stenography and Typewriting. Business promptly attended to. 305 Oak Street Hood River Duffy & Zimmerman fresh Bread, pico and Cahcs daily SFanctj and Wedding Co fie ITsade to Order Model Bakery Successor to T. H. Williams if2 i ra-oJl! n M Poultry H l am prepared 10 lurnisn ana deliver to the people of the city u Live and Dressed Poultry at W 11 market prices. Phone ill-L for delivery at any time. M M W. M. ROOT M Foust & Howe Mechanical Experts Automobile and Bicycle REPAIRING Ufi Band Saw inc. Oas and Steam Kn gines Rebuilt. .Machine work of nil descriptions. Sixth an.l Columbia StrwU. Phon M9-X "THE ; Drug Store When making out your Xrnat Shopping Litt don't forget KODAKS. A com plete iloci at Plath's Drug Store Especially Prescriptions EE y ass