THE HOOD RIVER NEWS, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1909 7 Whether it is Just a Little Powder SVyvv, k or some more important '. .3? Av&f Part of Milady's toilet it is here at its best and daintiest. Our Toilet Aids and Preparations are standard in every way. When you pay for THE BEST you .',yj! should receive it. We aim to sell the articles that we know are pure and the finestquality we can obtain. Yours to serve, Kier & Cass l'i RELIABLE DRUGGISTS U Smith Block, Hood River, Oregon The Mood River Banking & Trust Co. CORNER OP THIRD AND OAK STREETS j Conducts General Banking ;n All Branches Interest paid on time deposits. Savings depart- ment in connection. Domestic and foreign exchange. Safe deposit boxes; you carry your own key. Steam- j ship tickets to all European points. Call for infor- mation. We solicit your patronage and guarantee entire satisfaction. Open a Cbechlng Account wNb us. Sft mm Harness! Harness! A coii!i'tr lin" if till k I ii k of hnriH'KS coiintnntly mi IiiiihI. hut If .von prefer to luivc It imido to order tliU In our nim'cIiiIi.v. We iiImo Imve i line of Summer and Winter Lap Robes : THATlrANT UK BKAT! SADDLES, WHIPS, (iLOVES, ETC. GEORGE IRVINE wsw rvi msw mmw Oak Street Hood River Apple Vinegar Co. MANUFACTURERS PURE APPLE CIDER AND APPLE VINEGAR Wo are now receiving cider and canning apples. For growers located on the Mt. Mood Railroad and also at Mosler and W hite Salmon we will pay freight charges. Bring Us Your Apples and Patronize Home Industry H :zxxxxx: HOOD RIVER Manufacturing, Engineering Company (Sucowora to J. J. LL'CKEY) General Machine Work and Blacksmithing Phone 303 -M hood River, Oregon 7yyr7rrvr-'rr:z77ii:Y:zz:.77 t CEtN I kcAL MEA I MAl&Kh. I P. C. YOUNG, Proprietor Fresh and Cured Moats, Fish, Oysters BUTTER AND EGGS FliKK J.YV I'HOMrT DELIVERY I'hone Main 6 Mood River, Oregon S 1 First i First Class Livery Phone 5 fl I I'ransfcr aijd Livery Conjpaijy Agents Regulator Line Steamers Freight and IJaggage Transfer New RIrs New Harness Good Morses HOOD RIVER, OKEttOM. II J GO TO Dabney's Furniture Store You Can Got Anything You Want Either New or second Hand For Your home Very Cheap Agent for CHARTER OAK Stoves and Ranges Guaranteed Cheapest Outfitters Phone 1053 Opportunity is no longer bald, either in front or behind, but it might as well be if you don't see it and get your hooks in if you are blind and deaf to the fact that you are living in a world where there are always more great opportunities than there are great men. Mark Twain said he could have once bought St. Louis for six dollars; now six million wouldn't be a start. Next spring the woods will be full of hind-sighted Solomons, standing around with their hands in their pock ets, telling about the opportunities they missed. Now is the time to take your hands out of your pockets with your wad in them and make it go as far as you can. NO. 1. 150 acres of Ideal orchard liiuil, the Ix'fit location for a arge orchard In the Upper Vallej ; mile from Valley ('rent ttc-hool; under new (jlacler ditch; K) acre liruxh, balance llKht tlmher. 17,500. 40 acre of the above, with Im provement worth over $5,000, 17 acres cleared; Miitill yoiiiiK orchard; 7 room limine, new; wood lionwe, In me barn, Htock and Implement!, $!,IMMI. The Houtlienxt 50 nerex, unlinproT ed: front on county road; elegant dope. U0 per acre. Back (K) acrex, ,'J acre In alfalfa; lo. cation for orchard and bulldlnir un excelled. $h0 per acre. NO. 2 50 acren Upper Valley, 14 acren under cultivation. 2) acrex lu berilcM, 250 treex, 8 and 4 year; small lmtii-e and good barn, 100 IncheH free water, Home xtock and Implement. $5,500. NO. 3. 45 acren at Odell station 15 acres cleared, (iood, large houne Will Hiibdlvide. $12,000. NO. 4. 11 acren at lii Htatloii 10 net to Htandnrd treex; xinall houxe and barn. $1,400. NO. 7. 10 acrex adjoining "I5etter Fruit" ranch, 0 acrex in treex, 4 and 5 year, good Improvement. $8,000. NO. 8. Ten acre on wct xlde near Oak drove hall, xlx mile from Hood River. All level, cultivated and fenced. Nine acre Itt tree, Heven acre In live and xlx year tree. New houxe and barn. A beautiful home and orchard. 10,000. NO. 0. Fine residence ami lot ad joining Ir. Shaw', two block from depot. $2,600. NO. 10. Three fractional lot ad Joining "The Firs," near school houxe, unimproved. $1,000. NO. 11. Ouarter block buxlne proxrty, adjoining Jackxoii'x. ppo xlte court houxe. 10,5K). May Ik' sold separately at $ti,(MMI for the cor ner lot ami $5,5K) for the side lot. NO. 12. Residence lots, Sherman avenue and on top of hill. $175 and upward. NO. 10. 20 acre In Crupper district (i acre cultivated, 4 acres In 3 to 7 year trees, small house and barn. $4,500. Very easy term. NO. 1-S. 2ii acrex, aeroxx the road from new termlnux of Mt. Hood rnll road, and from new xchool houxe; 12 acrex In cultivation; 350 two year t rees, :t00 ready to bear, 150 bearing; acre of alfalfa, (iood new six room house; barn 14x24, woodshed ami chicken houxe. 10,000. NO. 21 SO acres, mile out on east xlde; 00 acres Al apple land; 10 acrex 1 to (J year trees; i acrex In potatoex; 7 acres partially cleared. 8,500. NO. 2:5. On Sherman avenue, three blocks from depot. Lots 9 Jc 12, lilock 24, Hood Kiver proper $iKI. Lots :l & IS, lilock 21, Hood Kiver proper. 550. Lots 2 & lit, lilock 24. Hood Kiver proper. $550. NO. 24 Idtewlld. Columbia Bench. Lot S, Block 22, $100. Lot U, " 500. NO. 20. .'100 acres of Deadpolnt Im provement Company; laid off in lo acre lots; $50 per acre on easy terms. NO. 27. Por sale quick. A lot and a half on Cascade. H), $tno cash. NO. 2!. 5 acres, .'( miles from town, all cultivated, 150 trees, house, barn, chicken houses anil yard. If yon haven't much to buy with, buy this. $4,500. NO. ,'i(l. Lot 14 and 15, Block 1-1, Barrctt-Sipma Addition. $800. NO. 31. 40 acres of brush back of Lyle. 50 per acre. We have some apple from that country that will take the sleep out of your eyes. NO. 32. 150 acres, three mile from Husum, unimproved. 3,200. NO. H3. 2li acres close to town, all In trees, buildings new and good. A neat, clean place, $.1,000. NO. 31. 70 acres, Upper Valley, small young orchard. 00 acres of good apple land, one million feet of lir and cedar timber. Adjoining the Huckaby quarter section that recent ly sold for $:14.000. $J,900. NO, 37. 10 acres, West side; 100 bearing trees, 200 four year, 1BI three year, 30 two year; raspberries, black licrrles, grapes, straw IsTrles, 2 acres of rich black soil, great for celery and onions, now In liny; line house. $10,000. NO. 3S. A summerland paradise we enn vouch for. Twenty-two acre In F.I Cajon Valley, California. Five acres full lu nrliiit oranges, nine acres muscat grapes, balance In ot her fruits and grain. Full particulars and ko. dak of bungalow and Held. 11,000. NO. 40. 7 Room house. 3 lota and a big barn, on the Heights. Will swap for Falrvlew, Oregon, property at $.1,000. 3,000 cash. Will rent furnished at $25 per month. NO, 41. 40 Acres, 7 miles out on east side. Some Improvements. 4,00-). NO. 42. 140 Acres, fir and oak, 8 mile out on west side. Very easy term. 15.400. NO 43. Two SO in 2 North 9, one at i), the other at 50. Half cash, NO. 45. (I Room house on Cascade, $2,2oo. (Jood term. NO. 40. Two lots and two houses thereon. Past part of town. S1.050. The lower one 5 room house and full lot, $050. NO. 47. 40 Acres unimproved, near Mt. Hood 1'. (., $2,500. Very easy terms. NO. 4S. 20 Acrex. (jood piece of land. 10 mile out on West side. 2,000. NO. 4!i. Ten acrex, three miles west of ball park. Seven acres In 5, 3 ami 1 year trees. A lot of small fruit. (Iood house ainl barn. ,000. NO. 50. 25 acres, 7 miles out on w est side. 2,500. NO. 52. A lot and a fraction and a house of live rooms and a fraction, on Sherman avenue. $2,500 (and a fraction ) NO. 53. 25 Acres near the Mount Hood postoflice. $100 per acre. NO. 55. Small house and 90x150 foot lot, on the Heights. $950. NO. 50. 5,600 acrex on the Colum bia; opposite The Dalles. A level bench of 2,000 acre enn be Irrigated by a 15o foot lift from river; 100 acres can be irrigated by springs; 300 acres of bench-like land, 700 acre of foot hill land; balance grtuing land. The soil I combination ot volcanic ash and disintegrated basalt and allu vium a warm, sandy loam Ideal cherry, peach and berry land. Stock and Implements go with It. Two houses, live bartix; all fenced and cross fenced. The location Ix one of the most beautiful on the Columbia, with a tnaifiibieent view of Mount Hood. $100,000. NO 57. 2o acrex miles from I'. ( .on state road. 12 acres cultivated, 0 acres In orchard. Admirable site fur a sanitarium or summer hotel. 000. . NO. 5S. 40 acres 2 tulles from town .'0 acres cultivated, 5 acres of old or chard, S acres of 5-year and 5 acre of and 3-year trees, S room houxe. $20,000. NO. 59- 7 acres. One of the most attractive places on the main west side road, 13 4 tulle from town. Orchard In full bearing; buildings worth $3,000. 1.500 per acre. NO. 00. Two nicely located resi dence lots close to business center. 000. NO. 01. Pour beautifully located lots on the Height overlooking the Columbia. $1,200. NO. (12. Pour good lay Ing lot on the Height. 1.000. No. 03. 40 acre near Odell. All but three acres In hay. One third Is orchard land, (iood house and barn. Small orchard. Free water. 110,000, one third cash. No. til. 75 acres, 1 1-2 miles from I'arkdale. 7 acres cultivated; 5 acres mixed orchard. SD.ono. No. 05. 40 acre near town on Cret school. 20 acres 2 cultivated, acre In straw berries; good log house. 1.000. NO. 74. 20 acres, unimproved, easy clearing; covered by new (ilacler ditch. 2 miles from Valley Crest school. Ideal location for summer home. t0x-raere. NO. 75. 40 acre 1 miles from the Valley Crest school; 5 acre cultivat ed, 2S0 three and four year trees, house, barn, woodshed and chicken home. $S,500. NO. (0. 40 acre 1 miles from I'arkdale; small clearing: on county road. No waste land. 5,000. 40 acre 1 miles from I'arkdale; unimproved; all good land, 4,000. NO. 77. 10 acres, 3 miles from town west side; 9 cultivated; 800 2-year trees, standard varieties; small build ing. 7,500. NO. 71. 11 acres, l miles west of town on the State road; all but I acre cultivated; 7 acre In 3-year Splt and Newtown; acre In ber ries and other small fruit; free water; gooil soil, no rocks; 7 room houxe. $Q,0o0. NO. 79. Two of the best lot on the Height. $050. John Leland Henderson ( INCORPORATED ) Old Butler Bank Building Hood River, Oregon DK. F C. BROSIUS Physician and Surgeon Rasidsne. Oak and Park. Offica. Oak and 3w 1 Offieahoura. 10 to 11 a m.. t to I and 7 to I p. m. Rooma 1 4 and S. Broaiua Block. Hood River. Or. Who. Is the Knocker? A communication recently received by J. C. Porter Indicate that we have among u someone who I swinging the hammer vigorously. Below w ill be fjuud the letter and Mr. Porter's answer. It says: Marlon. Ohio, Nov. 11, '09. Mr. Jo. Porter, Hood River, Ore. Dear Sir: I want to trouble you for little Information regarding a few matter which you are thoroughly familiar with I am sure. I visited Hood River last August and made a thorough au Investiga tion a my time would permit ami In comparing your valley with all other districts In Oregon and Washington, taking into conxideratlonevery point tenderfoot could raise, 1 liked It best of all. I am going to remove to the west In the near future and will be followed by several of my friends with their families. 1 have just sold out my furniture business here and leslre to engage In the fruit grow ing business. Now, to the point! A gentleman from Marlon visited Hood Rivera few week ago aud received from one of your professional men (also an apple grower) some Ideas widely at varlauce with the Impressions I jrot when I was there. Among other tiling this gentleman wa told that it was necessary to spray ten or twelve times a season as all kind pf pests were prevalent iu the vallev. He was also informed that the Hood Kiver orchardlxt packed but one third of their crop a the remaining two-thirds was imperfect and there fore unfit to market. It wan declared that many growers were withhold ing their crops and the Association therefore Ineffective. Are these things true? I like your climate, your scenery, your people and conditions generally and had decided to locate In the val ley ami 1 will not be convinced of the above miles I have It from one who would have no reason to state other than absolute facts. The party men tioned above went back to La lirande and Invested there, buying at a much lower tlnure than he would have paid at Hood River, and of course he advise us to do the same. In fairness to your lenutiful valley I hope you cau truthfully refute the statement made to him. I know from personal experience that one can always tind a knocker In any community and I am afraid yours ix no exception. Truxtinu: you can Klve me the In formation dexired without bothering you too much, and assuring you It will be appreciated, I am. Yours truly. Hood River, Ore., Nov. '09. Mr. Marion, Ohio. Dear sir: Your favor of Nov. 11. '09 at hand nnd note content. We sprayed three time this season ami four times the three seasons previous, and have had less than one percent wormy apples; 95 to 9n per cent sold for New York and Pnrope in mar ket, the balance on Pacific coast markets. This for ourselves. Now. friim mv ot isirvji t li itid ntnl fi-im rmly state road. 12 acre cultivated, tiioiven bv fellow orchardist In coin- acre in orchard. Beautiful location for summer home. $10,000. NO. (iii. 40 acres, mile from Val ley Crest school; soil, location :ind lay of land AL Small clearing and good log cabin. Will be covered by new (ilacler ditch. $75 per acre. N( . 07. SO acre In Mosler district; small clearing. $1500. NO. 09. so acres near Lyle: little waste, lays well; timber; small clear ing; $5,000. NO. 70. (K) acres miles from I'arkdale, 35 cleared, 15 In jirehard. Buildings good barn and tool shop: house newly remodeled, and all the furniture Including piano Farm Im plement, team, cow, chicken and hogs. $350 per acre. 40 acres unimproved. 150. NO. 71. A Southern Oregon Bar gain. 00 per acre for 159 acres at (iraiits Pass. 50 acres cultivated; small orchard; good buildings; cheap Irrigation water. This Ix a live one. NO. 72. SO acre of rolling brush land 2 mile from I'arkdale; under the Middle Fork ditch; Juxt as good soil a laud that xold thl spring for 150 per acre. $135 mt acre. NO. 73. SO acres under the new paring notes, about the same result are obtained w here the fruit ix prop erly taken care of. A to the ineffec tiveness of t he Association, there Ix nothing to justify such a statement as their success iu marketing and the prices received speak for themselves Now in conclusion, the person mak ing such statements as your com munication contained does not know what he Is talking about and 1 should like very much to know w ho he Ix. Yours truly, .1. C. Poll I KK. Ill Health Is More Lxpensive Than Any Cure This country Is now tilled with people w ho migrate across the conti nent In all direction seeking that which gold cannot buy. Nine-tent lis of tlietn are suffering from throat and lung trouble or chronic catarrh resulting from neglected cold, and spending fortunes vainly trying to regain lost health. Could every suf ferer but tmdo the past aud cure that first neglected cold, all t his sorrow, pain, anxiety and expense could have Itccn avoided. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy Is famous for Its cures and cau be depended upon. Use It and the more serious diseases inn lx avoided. For sale by all good deal- H. L. DUMBLE Physician and Surgeon Call promptly answered in town"or country, day or night. Telephones- Residence 611. Office 613. Office in the Broaiua Buildinc. DR. E. 0. DUTRO Physician and Surgeon Office orer First National Bank Home "phone. Rea.71B;.Oiflee phone 71 Hood Rirar. Oregon SHAW & BRONSON Physicians and Surgeons Eliot Block Phone 84 HoodRirer.'Orecoo (ilacler ditch; 1 mile from Valley cr. J. F. WATT,.M. D. Physician and SurgeonJ Office. Home phone 30. Residence. SOB Hood River. Orexon Dr. Edna U. Sharp SHARP Dr. M. H. Sharp DRS. Osteopathic Physicians Graduates of the American School of Osteopathy. Kirkaville, Mo. Office in Kliot Buildina; Phone-Office 102. Residence 102-B. Hood River. Oregon C. H. JENKINS, D. M. D. Dentist Office. Hall Building-, over Butler Banking Co Office phone 28. Residence phone 28-B HoodlRiver. Oregon H. Dudley W. Pineo, D. D. S. Dentist Office over First National Bank Office-Home phone 131. Residence-Home 131-B Hood River. Oregon M. E. WELCH Licensed Veterinarian Hood River. Oregon A. J. DERBY Lawyer Smith block Hood River. Oregon E. H. HARTWIG Attorney at Law Smith Block.Iover First National Bank Phone 168 Hood River. Oregon John Leland Henderson Attorney at Law Hood River, Oregon A. A. JAYNE Lawyer Hall Building Hood River, Oregon A. C. BUCK Notary Public and Insurance Agent Room 12. Brosius Block Hood River. Oregon HOCKENBURRY & BARTLETT ARCHITECTS Davidson Building HOOD RIVER, OREGON Thone 61 T. M. MORSE City Engineer and Surveyor MASAI. KH NKWE1.U Gcmsftt ft Walsh Davidson Building Hood River, Oregon G. H. CARRIER Dealer in i'ianos. Also Tuner and Re pairer. From Boston and Oberlin Con nervatory of Music. Permanent resi dence, 0 1 4 Eugene Street, Hood River. Phone 11 JM. W. G. ADAMS CONTRACTOR Plans Furnished When Desired Phone 183-1