The Hood River news. (Hood River, Or.) 1909-current, December 08, 1909, Page 2, Image 2

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You could hardly select a more suitable present 1 I TUF H 7Y PH C PAID IHits' Coats and Capes-useful and appro
than a nice Fur or Fur Set. We have an excep- I ML PMKlO I MIK pruUepresents. We have the largest line in the
tionally fine line. All kinds. Headquarters For X-maS Shoppers city to select from.
for the little folks amusing, use
ful and otherwise. Fancy China
Glasses, Toilet Sets, Albums (Photo
and Post Card), a very large line of
Post Card Albums of the very new
est designs, all prices; Shaving Sets,
Military Sets, Manicuring Sets,
Collar Boxes, Cuff Boxes, Glove
Post Card Boxes, Photo Boxes, Handkerchief
Books, Puzzles, and hundreds of other little
remembrances that will surely please. Rocking Horses,
Carts, Wagons and Sleds of all kinds for the little boys
and girls, and grown-up folks as well. Toques, Mit-
Presents jjm Playthings
for the WIN for the
Grown -Ups V3y Children
tens, Hoods, Leggins, Rubbers, Boots, Felts, High Top
Shoes for Men, Women and Children Shoes that will
stand the wear and wet weather; Felt Slippers for the
tUllUl Vllf j ,..-F o w w w
or son. One of the finest lines we have ever had.
Come in early while we have the full run of sizes.
Mufflers for ladies or gentlemen, beautiful lace and
embroidered; Handkerchiefs for ladies in linen and
silk; Initialed, Silk, Linen and Japanette Handkerchiefs
for Men; Silk Mufflers of all kinds and colors; Purses,
Handbags, Music Rolls, Pillow
Tops, Table Scarfs, Dress Pat
terns, Shirt Waist Patterns,
Collars, Gloves, and hundreds
of other articles that you can
select from.
A Nice Suit of Hart, Schaffner & Marx Clothes
or Overcoat would make your Father,
Husband or Brother the happiest of
men. A Present that would
be appreciated.
for Men are the highest grade made
guaranteed to hold their color under all
conditions. We have a splendid assort-ment-$1.50,
$1.G0, $1.75, $2 and $2.50.
Everybody Knows John B, Stetson Hats
There is nothing better made in Men's
Hats. We have what you want in these
from $3.75 up. Star Brand Hats for
Men and Boys from $1.00 up.
How's Your Corn Crop?
OEVENTY-FIVE Der cent of the
Cto Peple nave corns and will have
Qy o them as long as shoes are worn
unless they all hurry up and get a
package of
It's the first step towards comfort and
but two days from a cure and the kind
of a cure that cures them not to come
The Glacier Pharmacy
Kev. Chaffee of Cascade Locks filled
bin regular appointment Saturday
night and Sunday. Hereafter he wlil
hi here the 1st and :!rd .Sundays of
each month.
Tuesday evening after having fin
ished two mernts-rs In the mysteries
of Oddfellow-ship a luncheon wan
served. A nunilier of Keticccu's gave
the boys a little surprise at thin time,
bringing more good thing to eat.
hvery one had h good time.
The bazaar given by the Ladies'
Aid Thursday wan well attended
both morning and evening and every
one was tuny waiting on the cus
tomers. The guessing contest of how
many lieans In a pint jar afforded
much amusement. lr. Johnson,
guessing within four of the exact
numtsT, won the beautiful dolly
given as a prize. Miss Annie Hnarke
won the cushion as the most popu
lar young lady. The net pns-red
were $14:(.7'J which will Is; used for
church purposes.
Kliner Stroup came up from fort
land and spent a few days attending
to business aiid visiting friends, re
turning home the first of the week.
Mrs. John Lang try of Cascade
IH'ks HM-nt a few days this week
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. lieo.
J. N, Mosler went to Portland Fri
day to visit with his family.
The weather lieglns to remind one
winter Is here. Saturday It was cold
end Sunday morning the ground
was white with about eight Inches
of suow.
Miss Lois Taylor came down from
The Dalles Thursday to visit her
aunt, Mrs. Kohlnson, and attend the
Mrs. Iloliert Koss returned from
Portland Saturday evening after
having ent the week with friends
John Itoss has moted his family
out on his ranch recently purchased
from Ira Kvans. Sr.
Ilernlce Catherine, the fourteen
months old daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
ftowoe Miller, died Monday Novein
lr 19. of pneumonia. The parents
bare the most sincere sympathy of
their many friends about Udell.
J? Post, of Post, Oregon, is here
on a short visit with his sisters, Mrs.
J, Crosby and Mrs. IS. T. Young.
Kalph Caldwell and Miss Wilda
Ha gey were married at the home of
the bride, Decemlier the first. Their
many friends wish them success anil
Mrs. H. S. Johnson has returned
to the home of Mrs. Tousey after
spending her Thanksgi vlng vacation
in Cortland.
Miss Isattell Snider who has ls'en
ill with the grippe is improving rapid
ly and expects to be able to attend
school soon.
Mrs. J. Dun.iway has returned to
her home in I)uke's Valley after a
visit with her Ulster in Portland.
(Jlenn Young who has been ill with
typhoid fever at the Portland Sani
tariurn. Mt. Tabor, Is expected to
return to his home In Udell some
time this week.
Mrs. A. Kemp has ls-en rj ill t ill
since her return. Thanksgiving, from
visiting her daughter at Los Angeles.
She says Oregon Is good enough for
Udell can organize a flvit class
literary society. Shall we have an
organization this winter? Now
come the months of rest and long
evenings w ith plenty of time for In
tellectual pursuits, which a good
literary can furnish to the best of
advantage. The State Library
Commission will furnish material for
debates on a dozen or more iiies
tions. I am certain that bv Joining
forces we can make this a winter
long to be remembered In Udell.
Mr. London came up to his ranch
Mr. Uobln and Mr. Ilannaman have
gone to Portland on business.
John Harduian has returned to
Portland afier visiting his brother,
Henry Hardman and family, anil his
parents at Mount Hood.
Mr. and Mrs. I'cironnet have re
turned home after a short visit with
friends In Hood Klver.
Mrs. Ilelme has gone to California
for an extended visit,
A. T. Allen. Mr. Itatchelder and Mr.
Mosley were In this vicinity last
week looking at laud.
A baby boy arrived at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Uroff Pec. 4th.
1 The toll bridge which was wrecked
I by the high water Is so it can lie
used again,
i A crowd of neighbors turned out
.Saturday and gave .Mr. Welch a
wood chopping, as he is not utile t
get around much.
The roads are so one can travel
over them since the freeze up, but
liefore it was impossible to take
load over them at all.
There will Is a lecture at the hull
Friday evening PefeuilaT 17 to try
to arouse Interest along the gran
line of work. A. T. lSuxtou. state
grange master, or J. .1. Johnson
state lecturer, perhaps both, will be
present and address the meeting,
along with some good speakers of
the lower valley. Every one Invited
to attend.
The basket social at t he F'arkdal
school house Saturday evening wa
a success financially a well as social
Iv. Au Impromptu program wa
rendered which was enjoyed by all
liev. Spatildlng tilled his regular
appointment Sunday morning, also
preaching In the evening.
Mrs. peter Mohr, who has been on
the sick list. Is slowly improving.
Mrs. Sears, Mrs. K. K. Hawkes
mother, has been very sick but is
now recovering.
Mr. and Mrs. Walker, from (Jranyr
er, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Iloy C
A. 1. Mason left for Portland Mini
dav afternoon to attend the horti
cultural meeting and will visit othe
points before returning.
J. i. Jarvls went to Wushougal
Friday on a business trip.
Mrs. Jas. Malloy visited her ilaugh
ter, Mrs. Howard Shoemaker, in
Hood Klver Katuriluy.
Mr. and Mrs. Mouucljian will soon
U snugly domiciled In their tiew
The Ladles' Aid society of Pine
inive will serve a chicken pie dinner
In Hood Kiver Saturday of this week
A good patronage will lie gratefully
F.lwood Nenberg who came-hen
two years, with his uncle Pete, took
the KoseClty Ktamer from Portland
for San Francisco on the Ifrd enroute
for his home In Pennsyvunla. It
was with reluctance that he parted
with the many friends he lias made
since he came here to the valley
.Mid his mends were jut as sorry
to see him go. We hope to see til tit
return In the spring with the balanct'
of his fathers' family to make their
permanent home here.
Roy Kastman, who needs no Intro
duction or eulogy and who ha
lived here for twenty-one years, went
on the Kose ity with young Isei:
IsTg as far as San Fraiieiseo. Kov
expects to remain In California sever
al months, but we, who know him
best and miss him most, hope he will
change It to weeks and soon return.
that he may give an account, during
the long winter evenings, of Ids ad
ventures by land and by sea.
City Alderman S. W. Arnold and
his wife were visiting In the country.
on Sunday. They came out in their
slelgli. Mr. A J n old said the sleigh
lug was a little thin, but as el. 'lulling
is a luxury In this country he thinks
one should try to enjoy It If It has
not the union label on and marked
The new box factory at the Stan
ley-Smith planer Is Hearing com
pletion. This, when In operation,
will Increase the numls-r of laborers
at the planer. There are quite a
numls-r of dwelling houses There
now. If we Mini that there are not
too many of our voters have pledged
their support to Udell for the county
seat we may enter the race for It at
The Hev. Wood and wife gave a
social at the M. K. parsonage last
Friday evening which was very
much enjoyed by those who were
present. I have heard two young
men. who have lived In the common
Ity for a numls-r of years say that
they had to Is- Introduced fi more
than half of the people In in at
tendance. There are so many newcomers.
Storage room for rent.
(Jeo. I). Culls-rtson & Co.
Apply to
P. II. Martin, a former Crupper! te,
came up Sunday of last week from
his present home In Lane county, to
attend to his interests here and say
hello to old friends and neighbors.
James Wickham, who has been Up
in Idaho packing apples for the past
four weeks, returned Saturday,
Mr. and Mrs. II. II. Jautzeii, after
spending Thanksgiving week with
Mr. and Mrs. F. i. Church, ret iirned
home Saturday.
Quite a number of merrymakers
took advantage of the snow and
were out sleighing. Judging by the
sleighs tilled along the road there
have been several mishaps.
Fred Carnes, one of our popular
young bachelors. Is helping Q. A. .Mc
Curdy clear land.
Mrs. II unt and daughter left for
White Salmon Saturday to visit her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. II. S, Hall.
J. Warren, while attending evening
services in the city Sunday had the
liii.-f irtune to be minus a horse and
buggy after the services. Naturally
thinking the horse had gone home,
he came home afoot only to be dis
appointed. They have not been
found at this writing.
Herman Pregge was looking rather
blue the other day, as he thought
either a t wo legged or a fonr leuged
coyote had gotten away with his
big Christmas turkey. He was
swearing revenge, when a few days
later he went into the hen house and
to his great surprise spied Mr.Turkey
sitting on a perch looking crosswise
at him.
We are not quite snowed under If
we are getting a dose of the storm
that has struck the world In general.
Last Friday we were again con
nected with the outside world In the
way of freight transportation, by
the track being completed over the
washout on t he railroad and trains
going through. Passengers had ls-en
able to upiki! the trip, hut with con
siderable Inconvenience, having to
walk around t lit) slide.
Mrs. Urrlseii, of Hood Kiver, and
Mi" Hazel Curtail spent Thanksgiv
ing with the parents of the latter
living near Dee They returned to
Hood Kiver Sunday.
Miss Mildred Cooper was the guest
of Mr and Mrs. Thomas over Thanks
giving, attending with them the din
ner and bazaar at Mount Hood.
Martin (irlbble recently returned
from work on the Clackamas reserve
and has gone to Portland, where he
expects to remain for the whiter.
A. W. Stone left last Friday to
spend the winter at Ids home In buf
falo, N. Y. Mr. Harvey, recently In
the employ of Charles Heliner, Is re
siding on and caring for the place In
Mr. Stone's absence.
The Mlddlefork Irrigating Com
pany directors held their last regular
meeting for the season at the home
of the secretary, K. J. Mc Isaac, last
The Mount Hood Ladles' Aid will
meet at the home of Mrs. A IS. Itlll
lugs this ' week. A winter vacation
Is to be discussed.
A report from Portland Is to the
effect that It. Hone and Myron T.
ISruner. who Is' now In Chicago, have
closed a ileal With the Oregon J.llin
Iht Company for I.IKNI acres of fruit
laud ill the I'pper Valley
J. (1. Vogt Is selling his boys' and
young men's suits and overcoats to
size 04 for Just one half.
i I. .
The Jeweler
Begs to announce that his stock of Holiday Gifts in
Diamonds, Watches, Jewelry, Cut Glass,
Silverware, Etc.,
is now complete and displayed for your inspection.
Arthur Clarke
Hood River's
Hardware, Agricultural Implements
Corner First and Oak Streets