The Hood River news. (Hood River, Or.) 1909-current, December 08, 1909, Image 1

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t The L. v)t0i.u."w iVlask' a story of the most alluring character in fiction, is proving popular
Bulk of Apple
Union and Davidson Companies About
Wind up Shipments-Some Still in Stor
age Steinhardt & Kelly Brace up Prices
With the end of last week the Imlk
of the Hood River apple crop wan
hipped out both by the Union arxl
the Davidson Fruit company. Tart
ot the force of men who have leen
employed at the Uulon warehouse
were laid off Saturday anil a iiuiuUt
employed by the Davldsou Company
at packing and In other capacities
.finished their work last week. There
U still a large (juautKy of nppleH In
storage In both plant and hho a
number of small lot distributed
around the lower and upper valley.
Most of these have been void and are
being held subject to shipment.
While the Union handled the bulk
of the crop the Davldsou t'oiupany
shipped out about tfO cars, Including
some ot the beitt ami lament orchard
of the valley. Scars & I'orter, a In
former yearn, handled their crop of
several car lndeteiiden(ly, and a
number of other Indiqiendent ship
ments were made.
The proportion of the crop shipped
across the continent was not so
large this year as In former years
owing to the fact that the choice, or
second (trade apples, amounting to
apteral thousand boxes were bought
by Page Son and other local buyers
and were shipped to Portland.
Just what the total shipment from
Hood l(lver wll lie this year cannot
a yet Ihj definitely stated, but It is
expected to lie about 2r, cars. Of
these mure than tw.Mnlrds have
been shliel out. The greater part
of the apples still held In storage are
Newtown which will not be shipped
until after the holidays.
So far the appla market on the
Atlantic oast has not Iteen a good
as was expected, but advices to the
Sw from Steluhardt & Kelly are to
the effect that It Is looking up ami
that they expect to end the season
with flying color. It l stated that
firms who have liandled II I Itlver
apples In the New York markets In
the past season ha v b-cn Industri
ously circulating reports to Injure
the sale of the valley's product but
have leen unsuccessful. The com
munication to the News Is as follows:
"For your Informal ion you will no
doubt Imj K'ad to hear that the apple
market at the present time Is lookiiiK
up a little. "it Is a great deal ls-tter
fhan It was and we expect to liuisli
f he season with Hying colors.
VWe have had a Kreat deal to con
tend with esKflally with some of
pur good friends who. have been In
te habit- of landlng some of the
According to the Portland Tele
gram Hood Itlver lias no county
records as a dispatch from here says:
"The time when Hood Klvcrcounty
will have records of Its own on
which to base the title of the land
within Its borders has again Urn
postponed and will probably be
at least three months licfore the
trancsrlpt of the Wasco county rec
cords dealing with the part from
which this county was formed will
Ik? available here. Hum Itlver
county was formed from a part ot
Vl'nsco county In July IMS. The
transcription of the record was
ijone by pontract and was finished
)ut June A. couple of months ago
A delegation of lawyprs, bnnkers.real
estate and business men palled on
Count' Clerk George I). Culbertson
and remonstrated lieenuse the old
n-cords were not available and also
because the work of the clerk's oillce
had fallen so far Isdiind that It was
Impossible to get satisfactory Infor
tnatlon from any of the n-cords.
"The county clerk was given extra
help at that time to catch up with
the buck work but It was only two
Weeks ago that he ticgnn to examine
Ihe transcript of the records. On a
rlcf' examination Clerk Culbertson
Blnnotjnces that It will s necessary
fo gq oyejr the enUte work icore be
wl) pertfy f the porreefness of the
transcript ni)d the complete compar
ison of the copy wth the od repord
frll kepp four experts busy for three
months. The. work wll probably Is
pom.niptccd next week and It Is est I
mated that It wll the comity
Bliout fl.'iOO,"
On VJay to Market
Hood Itlver fruit In the past years.
I hey have lieen circulating some
very nasty reports about the quality
of the Hood Itlver apples this year
and all efforts on our part to find
out the perpetrators of these nasty
and scurrilous calumnies have lieen
In vain. However we think, we
have t lie thing squelched now. There
certainly has Ix-eu some very nasty
work (lone on this end. It has Iteen
circulated around the market that It
was raining In Hood Itlver every day
and that in spite of that the apples
were being picked. This naturally
got the trade scared as they thought
If the apples were picked In the rainy
weather that they would not keep
which sounds very plausible. The
outcome of t all has lieen that we
have had very hard trouble to
sell the apples."
For the first time since the city
was Incorporated, says the Kveuliig
Telegram, Sumpter will fail to hold
its regular municipal election. No
tices calling for such election were
regularly posted and all preliminary
arrangements attended to, but resi
dents of the cty neglected to take
the usual steps for nominating can
didates for the otlices that would lie
vacant at the end of Jlecember were
the election to take place. Whether
this neglect I due to want of Interest
or satisfaction with the present city
officers has not Is-en determined. The
Sumpter city charter provides that
council men ami other officers shall
serve until their successors a re elected
and qualified.
E-iJ ip-y. w" niw y
Prizes For Christmas Cattle
The Portland Livestock Exchange
offers for the best Christmas cattle
shlped to the Portland Union Stock
Yards the following premiums:
Car steers, not less than It) head,
first prize f l.V). second $73.
Car cows, not less than 10 head,
first prize $150, second $".".
Best single steer, tlrst prize $1'.", sec
ond, $t..
Best single cow, first prlxe fii, sec
ond, $1".
Cattle to be judged morning of
licccinber 14th and sold at auction
that afternoon. Judges, John F.
O'Shea, Portland, Frank Brown,
Carlton. Ore., G. W. Gaminle. Port
land. This sort of encouragement
should be an Incentive for the breeder
and feeder ot cattle. It is In Hue with
the educational work undertaken by
tills company ami to which the press
of the Pacltlc northwest Is lending
valuale aid.
Nick Coclatto, who has the con
tract for constructing the Irrigation
ditch for the Oregon EumlsT Com
pany from the west Fork of the
Hood Itlver to the territory above
)eecameiii from camp Saturday ntn
went fo Portland. Theprov Is nqw
located it Camp Overall, having
completed oyer two and a half tulles
pf tim ditch. I'ntll Saturday, snow
had not Interfcrrcd with the work,
Imt It Is expected that t will now
have to be abandoned for the
I " I
jr., - 11;
Proposes Drastic Liquor
The Dalles city council at Its meet
ing Friday night was requested by
the Municipal League to pass an or
dinance which would rescind all the
present ordinances regulating the
sale ot liquors In the city, at the
same time putting Into effect several
new and radical la ws regarding the
liquor traffic there. Some of the pro
posed measures are: Iteduclng the
present .'SO saloons to 12; raising the
license from $m to KHK); authoriz
ing the council to revoke the license
of an accused saloon-keeper If he does
not give sufliclent cause why the
same should not lie revoked, this ac
tion being final, and the saloonman
having no redress; prohibiting the
council from Issuing 11 license to a
person whose license Is ouce revuked,
saloons to close at 10 o'clock; fronts ,
Through the agency of McGregor
& Bothtur of Mosler several Impor
tant additional sales were made there
recently. They are as follows:
Forty acres of land Including six
acres of young apple orchard situat
ed one mile from Mosler, being apart
of the Daniel Sturgess tract, to
Messrs. Os and Itoss for the sum of
Oue hundred and sixty acres of un
improved fruit land Ave miles south,
of Mosler, on the fork of Mosler
creek, tq Edward M. Strauss, of
Itlpon, Wisconsin, for the sum of
The above tracts are to be cleared
and planted to apple orchards as
soon as possible.
Sixteen acres fruit ranch one mile
from Mosler, on Mosler creek, several
acres of which are In liearlng, from
G. P. Hunter to K. C Chase of Port
land for the sum of f (1,000. 00.
McGregor 4 llothfur report several
good deals landing and the demand
for Mosler fruit lands and orchards
steadily Increasing.
- tt -.
Two gentlemen of the road who
gave their names as William Brown I
and William Ogden were haled be- i
fore Justice Buck Saturday and fined I
$l n piece for making merry with the'
cushions and stove In a passengers I
poach belonging to the Mt. Hood
Railroad Company,
It seem the night was cold and
frosty and Brown and Ogden In look
ing around for a place to sleep spied
the passenger coach back of the Mt.
Hood depot, which they Invaded, built
a roaring lire and were preparing to
wrap themselves In the arms of Mor
pheus on the cushions when night
marshal Shenk appeared on the scene
and took them to their lockup. On
their promise to leave town Imme
diately If not sooner the fine was
remitted. The state was represented
by IVputy District Attorney E. H.
Iartwlg and the railroad company
by A. A. J ay ue.
Good Sale in Upper Valley.
A good sale In the 1pper Valley
last week was "JO acres to It. F.
(((Midland a former North Yakima
man who purchased part of the A.
C. Htaten place through W. II. Mar.
shall. The land Is unimproved but
Mr. Goodland exptvts to clear It Just
as soon as possible nnd make his
home here. The price was $1,000.
For The Dalles
of saloons must be of glass from a
point four feet above the sidewalk,
there may be a clear view of the bar
from the sidewalk; no side rooms or
rear entrances to saloons allowed;
no table allowed in saloons.
The reform campaign Is the result
of the work of I). V. Poling, pastor
of the Congregational church, who
Instituted a movement to clean the
cltr. His statements from the pulpit
were disputed by Chief of Police Har
per, but the minister produced strong
evidence showing that minors re
ceived liquor In local saloons, and
from that time the citizens generally
supported Poling In his movement,
and at a recent mas meeting an
Immence crowd unanimously passed
resolutions endorsing Poling and hi
work tojbetter the city.
Memlier of Can by Post and the
Women's Itellef Corps held their big
Indoor picnic and dinner successfully
Saturday afternoon a large attend
ance from both organizations being
present. After partaking of a boun
tiful dinner and Indulgiug In reminis
cences of war times the annual elec
tion of the poet was held. The offi.
cers elected are:
pimmander Geo. P, Crowell.
Senior Vice-CommanderC F.
Junior Vice-Commander G. M.
Officer of The Day G. R. Castner.
Quartermaster John A. Wilson.
Adjutant S. F. Blythe.
Surgeon T. D. Tweedy.
Chaplain T. J. Cunnluz.
Otlieers of the Guard Frank Nobe.
The Installation will be held next
no. th.
Horn at the Portland Mitemitr
hospital Iec. "th, to Mr. and Mrs. J.
S. Booth, a daughter.
T , LI 1
Musical Club Meets.
The meeting of the Musical Club at
the home of Mrs. H. l. Dumble
Thursday afternoon was a very en
joyable and Interesting one. The
composer was Mrs. Carrie Jacobs
Bond. A sketch of her life was read
'' Mrs. C. D. Hlnrlch and Miss A.
Va'iHctt rendered the solo "Just
A wearying for You" by Mrs. Bond
'mt admirably. Mrs. S. G. Oxbor-
row and Mrs. Dumble also gave a
ditllcult plauo selection. Several
new members were present. The
next meeting will lie held at the
home of Mrs. C. D, Hinrlchs Thurs
day afternoon. The composers will
lie Coombs vocal nnd De Nee Instru
mental. The owuers of the manufacturing
Interests along the railroad In the
vicinity of the Apple Vinegar com,
pany are tin the war path tohave
something done to the street lei, ding
to their establishment. What they
want Is U street opened across the
short piece of ground Is-tween the
Vinegar Company's plant and the
warehouse of the Apple Growers'
I'nion In order to make heavy haul
ing possible In all kinds of weather.
At present It Is claimed that It Is al
most Impossible for a team to haul
an empty wagon up the hill that
lead Into Columbia avenue. It Is
said that the matter will be brought
to the attention of the city council
through a petition.
Opens Annual Meeting
Affair Characterized By Fine Exhibits
And Interesting Addresses Hood River
Sends Good Delegation to Participate
The 24th anneal meeting of the
Oregon State Horticultural society
opened yesterday morning In Port
land. The convention Is being held
In the auditorium of the Meier &
Frank Company's fifth floor annex,
where the apple display, according
to the Oregonhin, I resplendent.
Apples of almost every name and
variety are entered from all part of
western Oregon and the celebrated
Hood River and Mosler districts.
Among the varieties exhibited are:
Spitaenburg, Yellow Newtown, Bald
win, Ortley, Red Cheek Pippin, W'ag-
ner, Ben Davis, Northern Spy, King,
Winter Banana, Wlnesap, Hyde's
King, Golden Rnsset, Jonathan, Van-
derpool Red, Swaar and Rome
Prominent among the exhibitors
from the Hood River section are: J.
The most exciting game of basket
ball ever played at Hood River took
place last Thursday evening at the
gymnasium when the High School
Senior and Sophomore teams con
tested for supremacy. The Sophs
won after a bard struggle by the
score of 21 to IS. The attendance
was large and was enlivened by the
rooters for the teams who howled
their appreciation of the work of the
respective teams and individual
players. The Sophs had a little the
best of It In the noise making line as
the Juniors who were rooting for
them had provided themselves with
a variegated supply of cow bells.
When the Senior's boosters started
to encourage their representatives
they let loose such a din that the
yells of the Seniors could not 1m?
heard much to their chagrin. The
latter tried to rush the Juniors nnd
take their effective weapons away,
but were unsuccessful.
Spokane Man Buys Here.
G. Y. Edwards & Co. Monday sold
to C. Philip Beclie the Luther Dins
moor twenty acre ranch In the Oak
Grove District. Mr. Beelie, formerly
of Spokane, hns lieen In the valley
some little time looking over differ
ent sections. This place Is practical
ly all in fruit and one of the desir
able places In this section. Mr. Reebe
will make additional improvements
in this same neighborhood.
The Frultman's Guide, oDeofthe
prominent New York fruit papers. In
referring to several cars of apples
from the orchard of J. L. Duma
"When the Lafean bill, the substi
tute for the original Porter bill, came
up for discussion In Washiimton and
shipper from all over the country
gathered at the national capltol to
thresh out the measure clause by
clause the tine man to oppose it
tooth ami nail was J. I Dumas, of
Dayton, Wash. Mr. Dumas could
not see the merit of the Lafean bill
with a spyglass and raised a bitter
outcry against It.
"New York men do not wonder
today why Mr. Dumas was so vehe
ment In opposing the bill that dealt
with the packing of apples. They
had an object lesson in two of his
cars that came this week on the New
York docks, tine car consisted of a
variety known as the Ruby Red and
the other consisted ot Jonathans.
More carelessly or badly packed cars
of apples have seldom, if ever, ar
rived from the northwest In New
York. The fruit was under grade,
poorly nssorted. and light colored
and high colored apples were put In
to Immediate Juxtaposition.
The first car sold at from $1 .0 to
i and the second at from $1 to $2.2.V
If the cars had U'en properly packed
and the fruit properly graded there
would have been no dlttlculty In real-1
tr.lng from f2..'s to $:! for them, but j
the color was so Irregular, the fruit!
so 111 assorted and the pack so gener
ally negligent and, to put it plainly,
culpable, that the men looking for
fancy northwestern fruit and willing
L. Carter, F. t. Dethraan, L. E.Clark.
F. M. Jackson, B. E. Van Voorbles,
Kelly Brothers, J. P. Nauruer, Law
rence & Smith, Peter Mohr, F. L.
Davidson, John Hake). Charles W.
Reed and Cutler Brothers.
In bis annual address H. C. Atwell.
of Forest Grove, president of the so
ciety, strongly advocated holding In
Portland annually an all-Oregon
fruit display. It Is the opinion of
Mr. Atwell, that the Importance of
the fruit Industry to this state
Is such that some plan should be de
vised for one general exhibition
which would attract exhibitors from
all section of the state and Insure a
show which would surpass all simi
lar exposition on the Pacific coast.
On this subject, Mr. Atwell, In
his address to the horticulturist,
which was read yesterday says:
"I see great possibilities In this
suggestion. At the present time
Hood River, Albany and other com
munities, while doing all they can
to help our exhibit, naturally give
the success of their local enterprise
their first and liest thought. This
state of affairs prevents u from se
curing the best results from our ex
hibits because the energies of our
people are scattered and fruit, once
exhibited, never makes as good a
showing when exhibited the second
"If arrangements can be made for
concentrating at our annual meeting
all the exhibits of these various lo
calities, the energies of all our grow
ers will lie united to makeourexhibit
the biggest thing ot the kind on the
Pacific const. Our show will then
lecoiue the clearing house for th
Is'st fruit raised In Oregon. That
fact will secure the warm co-opera
tion of the city of Portland and of
the railroads and th" buyers will
tbiek to us from all over the United
States and Europe as they now do
at the Spokane fair. Shall we. yield
supremacy In this matter to Spo
kane, or shall we seize the opportun
ity to make the all-Oregon fruit dis
play the mecca for those seeking the
best In horticulture?
"I think we should hold our annual
meeting ami exhibit at an earlier
date and later in the week. I sug
gest the middle of November, or per
haps, somewhat earlier. I think we
should set Wednesday for the open
ing of our meeting nnd Thursday for
the arrangement of exhibits, so that
fruit sent here would not have to lie
delayed In this city over Suuday."
The convention will be In session
the rest of the week and several mat
ters Important to fruit growers are
expected to be taken up. The com
lietitlon for prizes is said to lie keen.
Want Guardian Appointed.
A hearing was held Thursday be
fore County Judge Ivrby iu the mat
ter of an application for the appoint
ment of a guardian for Mrs. Char
lotte Mills applied for by the Women's
Relief Corps. Mrs. Mills who op
posed the application was represent
ed by Attornay A. A. J ay tie. E.
H. Hartwlg was the attorney for the
corps. It Is claimed that Mrs. Mills
is Incompetent and unable to admin
ister her affairs. The allegation was
denied by the opposing attorney
and the hearing was adjourned ten
days to allow both sides of the case
ti tile briefs.
to pay a good price for It would
have no truck with these two cars.
Mr. Dumas Is president of the
Washington State Horticultural So
ciety. He Is also one of the directors
ot the Spokane Apple Show. He has
had trouble with his pack liefore ami
it has hail a black eye. The Irregular
pack during the past two seasons
was recently explained away by the
fact that the fruit hail been packed
by other parties and that Mr. Dumas
himself had had nothing to do with
It. It was stated on Mr. Dumas' lie
half that tills year the entire pack
would be under his personal super
vision and, occupying the prominent
position he did in the Northwest np
pie growing section, he would tui'i
out a pack that would be a credit to
the state of Washington. As n mat
ter of fact, the t o cars coming I i
this week would l a disgrace ti
any section. It can easily be under
stood hv a man who puts up fruit
In such style should so st reniiousl v
olijct to any legislation that woul l
tend to standardise apple packing.