The Hood River news. (Hood River, Or.) 1909-current, December 01, 1909, Page 8, Image 8

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Young Men's ''Kennood'
Ederhcimer, Stein & Co.
Believes it's half the battle to have the
right appearance. The other half is in
living up to it.
One feels like living up to genuine Quality. It inspires
one to be his level best. Friends of ours, frequently tell us that
the satisfaction of dealing with a clean up to date store keeps
their trade, at home.
Our stocks of Hen's and Boys'
Suits, Overcoats, Shoes, Fur
nishings, Etc.,
are gennine, the very best we can secure in the world's markets.
Men's Suits, $10.00 to $25.00
Men's Overcoats, $10.00 to $25.00
Boys' Suits, $2.00 to $15.00
Boys' Overcoats, $2.50 to $15.00
Ml i
maty 1
Live Local Copies
Five thousand for Hood Illver In
Miss Ruth Conover Hpent Thanks
giving with the home folks.
Storage room for rent. Apply to
Geo. D. Culbertjon & Co.
M. D, Ackley, of Portland, spent
Sunday with Hood River friends.
Miss Jessie Davis was a Thanks
giving vlwltor In Portland.
Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Mark returned
from a visit In Portland Sunday
Mrs. Anna McDonald, who Is vlwlt
lug her parents here, Is quite seri
ously ill.
The Methodist Ladies Aid will
meet Friday afternoon with Mrs.
Cowley. .
Miss Ivy Ford, who has leen in
Portland for some time, returned
home last week.
Hood River Yellow Newton Sweet
Cider, made from hand sorted and
washed upples. Your grocer will de
liver same fresh and e weet it :."i per
Mr. and Mrs. K. C. lirixk spent the
week end In Portland visiting friends.
G. V. IModgett, after some time
spent In the Upper Valley, left for
Southern California Friday.
Rev. and Mrs. Gtltuore and children
spent Thanksgiving In Portland
with Mrs. Gilmore's parents.
List your property with Devlin &
C. L. Gilbert spent Thanksgiving
iu Portland with his mother who is
under the care of an eye specialist
Have buyers for some improved
and unimproved fruit farms. Call
and list your place with Geo. D. Cul-
bertson & Co.
Chris Greisen and Jos. A. Wilson
who are at Chicago in attendance
at the United States Land and Irri
gation Kxposition semi word to the
New s that the Hood River display Is
6 ACRES 1 1-4 mile, from town. 4 acre, in 4-year-old commercial orchard with
atrawberriea between the row.: plenty of water; amall houM. Price $5,000. Can ar
range terma.
10 ACRES 1 mile from town on main road. 1-2 acrei in .trictly commercial orhard
moitly 6 year. old. 6 acre, in atrawberrie. between the tree, one half acre iu pine
tree, and 6 large oak., making a magnificent building site. Price 112.000.
22 ACRES-All flint-clan, fruit orchard land; .mall houne; 3 acre, under cultivation,
balance .lashed and burned: on main county road, only 4 mile, from town; worth MOO
per acre. W. can aell it for H.000. $3,500 will handle it. A .nap for someone.
X ACRES-8 acre, under cultivation. 6 acre, in orchard; 8 acre. more, partly cleared.
Free water, fine id ring and creek. New houae and outbuildings Well located, A bar.
gain for $7,500, Term..
45 ACRES-20 acre, under cultivation, S acre, in commercial orchard; large houne,
fine apring; within half mile of railroad, and 40 acre, of it ia very bent of orchard land.
Offered at $15,000 for ahort time only,
Devlin & firebaugh
Bwetland Building
H. R. B. fe T. Co. Building
creating a sensation and leads In the
display of fruit.
Our specialty Is orchard lands. Dev
lin & Firebaugh.
Mr. and Mrs. II. I). Parkins, of
Lyle, Wash., spent Sunday with the
former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. M.
Parkins of this city.
Miss Hunt, public stenographer.
Room 14 Hall building.
James T. L'rquhart state Dairy
Inspector of Washington, spent sev
eral days here last week visiting his
mother, Mrs. W. J. Nichols.
For results, list your orchard land
with Devlin & Firebaugh.
M. V. Gait, the civil engineer, who
has been making some surrey for
the Stanley-Smith Lumber Company,
left Friday for the Deschutes where
he will take up construction work
A. A. Jayne has money to lend at
6 per cent on good security.
Mrs. W. H. Eccles, who lias been
at Ogden for sometime, returned to
Hood River last week and In coin
pany with Mr. Kccles Is spending a
few days In Portland.
Try Iiurnett's Extracts, high ipial
ty. Sold by Wood & Hugglns.
Mrs, Maude VanTuyle and (laugh
ter, Velda, returned to ihelr home In
Portland Sunday evening after
spending the Thanksgiving holidnys
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. K. it.
Fresh Oysters, Eastern and Olym-
pla, Iu bulk at Ross & Richards'.
W. J. Frost, formerly connected
with the Menominee LuiiiIht Com
pany and well known here, spent
several days at Hood River last
week visiting friends.
The next meeting of the W .C. T. I.
will lie held Tuesday afternoon, Dec.
7th, with Mrs. J. W. Rigby. A full
attendance Is desired by the presl
dent, Mrs. Wm. Kerr.
T. Eruest Oates, the popular trav
ellug man with Wadhams, Kerr &
Co., was here last week supplying
the grocery trade. Mr. Oates Is back
on his territory after several months'
leave of absence.
The third of the series of sacred
concerts at Riverside Congregational
church was given Sunday evening
under the direction of Mrs. Sletten.
Notwithstanding the bad weather a
large congregation was present.
Mr. and Mrs, A. E. Cutler, who
have leeii spending some time with
their sons on their east side ranch,
left Monday for Los Angeles where
they will spend the winter, Miss
Cutler will remain with her brothers.
The annual meeting of the Com
mercial Club for the purpose of elect
ing a board of seven directors will
meet at the club rooms Tuesday
evening, Dccemlier 7th, at H o'clock.
The regular monthly meeting will be
held at the club rooms Monday even
ing, Dec. ilth.
W, McDougal, who owns a fruit
ranch In the valley, sent the News a
copy of the Sunday edition of the
Chicugo Tribune of Nov. 21st an
nouncing the opening of the Land
and Irrigation expoxltioii. Mr. Me
Dougal expects to return to Hood
River next spring.
A very enjoyable reception was
given at the home of Mrs. E. O. Illan
char last week In honor of Mrs,
Palmer and Mrs. Iteauiiiont, who
have recently come to Hood River.
Guests were received from three to
four In the afternoon, and from H to
10 in the evening. The decorations
for the occasion were handsome, and
dainty refreshments were served.
John Otten went to Portland Mon
day on a business trip.
Just received, ,'K) barrels of Rlue
stone. Prices right. Chas. N. Clarke."
Born To Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Shoe
maker, Nov. I'ti, a girl, Winifred Shoe
maker. The Musical Club will meet Thurs
day afternoon at the home of Mrs.
H. L. Dumble.
Miss Merle Rlngdon Is nursing an
Injury to her arm which she received
last week at the skating rink.
J. A. Goodman returned Monday
from Heppuer, his former home,
where he spent' a few daj s visiting
The fireman's ball, which was held
Thanksgiving night, was well at
tended and an enjoyable time had by
all w ho were present.
C. W. Edmunds, M. D., eye, ear,
nose and throat diseases exclusively.
Ollice hours 9: 1.1 a. ru. to 4 p. in.
Phone 4:!, Res. :M2 L.
"Spec" Hartness, the star base ball
pitcher of the Portland base ball
team, was a visitor here Sunday, re
turning to the city Monday.
Rev. Mr. Warren, rector of the
Episcopal church at The Dalles, held
services in St. Mark's church Sunday.
Rev. Mr. Collins officiated at the
Episcopal church In 'I'll" Dalles.
Wanted The address of someone
who can and will give Instructions
in swinging Indian clubs. Preferably
someone who lives on the heights.
T. L. Patterson, Phone 21JJ K.
The Hood River Apple Cider and
Vinegar company Is now recel lug
cider and canning apples. We are re
ceiving this year from Mosler and
White Salmon.
Ladles' and gentlemens' suits am
clothes cleaned, pressed and repaired
with neatness and dispatch. Gray's
Tailor Shop, Eliot building, second
floor. Phone :J4JL.
Write your fire Insurance with the
old reliable firm, Geo. D. Culbertson
& Co., who write for the lest old
line companies. The Home, Royal,
Liverpool, Loudon & Globe, North
America ind Continental.
J. L. Henderson, as retiring presi
dent of the Cornell University Club of
Portland, was the principal orator
at a banquet given by the club In
Portland Thanksgiving eve. W. J.
Kerr, president of the Oregon Agri
cultural College succeeds Mr. Hender
son as executive of the Cornell Club.
The doll contest Inaugurated by
Frank A. Cram Is causing a great
deal of Interest among the little girls
of t lie city and valley and their ad
mirers. The contest Is a lively one
and the persuasive powers of the
contestants lose nothing from the
fact of their youthful enthusiasm.
The Ilutler Ranking Company Is
preparing to distribute to their pa
trons a very handsome art calendar.
The subjects of the designs are the
heads of typical American girls In
colors by celebrated American artists.
There Is nothing suggestive of adver
tising about the calendars and the
Ilutler Company, in anticipation of a
rush for them announces that It will
lie necessary for customers to regis
ter at the bookkeeper h window to
secure one for delivery from Dec, 20
to Jan. 1st.
Butler Banking Company, of Hood River, Ore.
At the Close of Business, November 16. 1909.
Loans and Discounts $411,001.21
Bonds and Warrants 15,703.01
Office Fixtures and Furniture 5,737.80
Cash on Hand and in Other Banks 172,000.40
Capital Stock
Earned Surplus and Undivided Profits
I 50,000.00
February 5th, 1909 -Deposits.... $389, 143, 01
April 28th, 1909-Deposits. ... 398,121.20
June 23rd, 1909-Deposits.... 430,014.26
September 1st, 1909-Deposits.... 478,798.03
November 16th, 1909-Deposits 516,016.66
Through Train Service via
Spohane, Portland and Seattle Railway
Train 2 leaves White Salmon 11:55 a. m.
Through Standard and Tourist Sleepers daily be
tween Portland and Chicago via S.P.& S, N.P., C.H.&
Q., also observation cars, first class coaches and dining
cars. Train 4 leaves White Salmon 9:43 p. m.
Through Standard and Tourist Sleepers daily be
tween Portland and Chicago via S.P.& S., G.N., C.B.&
Q. ; also observation cars, first class coaches and dining
cars. Also
Through Standard Sleeper daily between Portland
and Omaha via S.P.& S., In. P., C.B.& Q.; connecting at
Spokane with through Standard and Tourist Sleepers from
Spokane to Denver and St. Louis; also first class coaches
and dining cars.
For Passenger Fares, Sleeping Car Reservations, etc., see any S.P.& S. Agent
The Payson Dairy Supply Co.
Pure, Wholesome, Healthful, from Cows and Stables
that are SANITARY.
H. N. PAYSON, City Salesman THOS. CALKINS, Dairyman
Phone 28 1 -X
Successors to JACKSON & JACKSON
We have just put on our shelves complete
new stocks of
Canned and Bottled Goods,
Teas and Coffees
and are prepared to give prompt attention to orders.