THE HOOD RIVER NEWS, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 1, 1909 7 Whether it is Just a Little Powder r or some more important part of Milady s toilet it is here at its best and daintiest. Our Toilet Aids and Preparations are standard in every way. When you pay for THE BEST you should receive it. We aim to sell the articles that we know are pure and the finest quality we can obtain. Yours to serve, Kier & Cass S RELIABLE DRUGGI3TS Smith Block, Hood River, Oregon- Tiie Hood River Banking & Trust Co. CORNER OF THIRD AND OAK STREETS Conducts General Banking in All Branches Interest paid on time deposits. Savings depart ment in connection. Domestic and foreign exchange. Safe deposit boxes; you carry your own key. Steam ship tickets to all European points. Calf for infor mation. We solicit your patronage and guarantee entire satisfaction. OpcB a Checking Account ulID us. Harness! Harness! A complete line of nil kinds of harness constantly on hand, tint If you prefer to have It made to order thin In our Hpeelalt.v. We hIno have a line of Summer and Winter Lap Robes - " THATCAN T BE BEAT! SADDLES, W HIPS, GLOVES, ETC. GEORGE IRVINE Oak Street uuuu ivivci tyJi v iiicui wu. MANUFACTURERS PURE APPLE CIDER AND APPLE VINEGAR We are now receiving cider and canning apples. For growers located on the Mt. Hood Railroad and also at Mosier and White Salmon we will pay freight charges. Brincr Us Your Apples and Patronize Home Industry zzzzzzzzzzzzzz:zzz:zzz2 HOOD RIVER Manufacturing, Engineering Company (Succcmo to J. J. LL'CKEY) General Machine Work and Blacksmithing Phone 305-M Hood River, Oregon K CENTRAL MEAT MARKET ft P. C. YOUNG, Proprietor Fresh and Cured Meats, Fish, Oysters BUTTER ANT) EGGS FliKK .l.YD rilOMTT DELIVKliV Phone Main 6 Hood River, Oregon Whitehead's Feed Store Tirst Class Livery Phone 5 Transfer aijd Livery Conjpaijy Agents Regulator Line Steamers freight and Baggage Tran5fer i New Rigs New Harness . (iood Horses HOOD RIVI R, ORIIOON. $50 Land In Hood River Valley! Sure there is hadn't you heard about it? $50 land, with small percentage of waste, irrigation water cheap and abundant, transportation assured, telephones working (occasionally), schools, church, settled by people it is a de light to know, raises Hood River apples that can be mar keted from two to four months later than lower Valley apples Gravensteins at Christmas and Newtowns all summer. If you want a home, in the most beautiful, healthful and prosperous place on the planet, buy it now "before speculators add their profits." If you want an investment with quick returns, buy now, before other speculators add their profits. NO. 1. 120 acre of Ideal orchard land, tbe best location for a large orchard lu the Upper Valley; mile from Valley Crest school; under new (iliicle r ditch; SO acres brush, balance light tlmtx'r. flOO per acre. NO. 2 M acres Upper Valley, 14 acres under cultivation. 2 acres In berries, 250 trees, 3 and 4 year; small hotiHe and good barn, 100 Inches free water, some stock and implements. $5,500. NO. 3. 4.5 acres at Odell station. 1.") acres cleared, (iood, large bouse. Will subdivide. $12,000. NO. 4. 11 acres at Leux station; 10 set to standard trees; small house and barn. $4,400. NO. 7. 10 acres adjoining "Better Fruit" ranch, all In trees, 4 and 5 year, good Improvements. $8,000. NO. 8. Ten acres on west side, near Oak Grove ball, six miles from Hood River. All level, cultivated and fenced. Nine acres in trees, seven acres in five and six year trees. New house and barn. A beautiful home and orchard. $10,000. NO. 9. Fine residence and lot ad joining Dr. Shaw's, two blocks from depot. $2,600. ' NO. 10. Three fractional lots ad joining "The Firs," near school house, unimproved. $1,000. NO. 11. Quarter block business property, adjoining Jackson's, oppo site court house. $10,"00. May be sold separately at $,0K) for tbe cor ner lot and $.",r0 for the side lot. NO. 12. Residence lots, Sherman avenue and ou top of hill. $175 and upwards. NO. 16. 20 acres In Crapper district 6 acres cultivated, 4" acres In 3 to 7 year trees, small house and barn. $4,500. Very easy terms. NO. IS. 20 acres, across the road from new terminus of Mt. flood rail road, and from new school house; 12 acres In cultivation; 3j0 two year trees, 300 ready to bear, l.V) tearing; acre of alfalfa. Good new six room house; barn 14x24, woodshed and chicken house. $10,000. 1 NO. 21. SO acres, S miles out on enst side; 00 acres Al apple land; 10 acres 1 to 6 year trees; 5 acres In potatoes; 7 acres partially cleared. $8,500. NO. 23. On Sherman avenue, three blocks from depot. ,ots 9 & 1L lllock 24, Hood River proper $iih). Lots 3 & 1, Itlock 24, Hood River proper. $.k0. Lots 2 & 19, Block 24, Hood River proper. $..i0. NO. 24. Idlewlld, Columbia Beach. Lot S, Block 22, $400. Lot 9, " $KH. NO. 20. 3( H t ac res of Pea d point Im provement Company; laid off In 10 acre lots; ."0 per acre on easy terms. NO. 27. For sale quick. A lot and a half on Cascade. $S00, $C00 cash. NO. 29. .r acres, 3 miles from town, all cultivated, 150 trees, house, barn, chicken houses and yards. If you haven't much to buy with, buy thls. $4,500. NO. 30. Lots 14 and i:, Block 13, Barrett-Slpma Addition. $800. NO. 31. 40 acres of brush back of Lyle. $."0 per acre. We have some apples from that country that will take the sleep out of your eyes. NO. 32. l."0 acres, three miles from Husutn, unimproved. $3,200. ' NO. 33. 2' acres close to town. all in trees, building new and good. A neat, clean place. $3,000. NO. 34. 70 acres, I'pjier Valley, small young orchard. 00 acres of good apple land, one million feet of fir and cedar tltnlsT. Adjoining the Huckaby quarter section that recent ly sold for $31,000. $3,900. NO. 37. 10 acres, West side; l!K) bearing trees, 290 four year, llfl three year, 30 two year; raspberries, black- lerrles, grapes, strawlx-rrles, 2 acres f rich black soli, great for celery and minus, now In hay; fine house. $10,000. NO. 3S. A summerland paradise we can vouch for. Twenty-two acres In F.I Cajon Valley, California. Five acres full Inuring oranges, nine acres muscat grapes, balance in other fruits and grain. Full particulars and ko daks of bungalow and Held. It. 000. NO. 40. 7 Room house, 3 lots and a big barn, on the Heights. Will swap for Fnlrvlew, Oregon, property at $3,000. $3,000 cash. Will rent furnished at $-." per month. NO. 41. 40 Acres. 7 miles out on east side. Some Improvements, $4,000. NO. 42. 140 Acres, fir and oak, 8 miles out on west side. Very easy terms. $15,400. NO. 43. Two SO's In 2 North 9, one at $40, the other at $50. Half cash. NO. 45. (J Room house on Cascade, $2,200. (iood terms. NO. 40. Two lots and two houses thcreou. Kabt part of towu. $1,050. The lower one 5 room house and full lot. $050. NO. 47. 40 Acres unimproved, near Mt. Hood I ()., $2,500. Very easy terms. NO. 4S. 20 Acres. Good piece of land. 10 miles out on West side, $2,000. NO. 49. Ten acres, three miles west of ball park. Seven acres In 5, 3 and 1 year trees. A lot of small fruit. Good house and barn. $6,000. NO. 50. 25 acres, 7 miles out on west side. $2,500. NO. 52. A lot and a fraction and a house of five rooms and a fraction, on Sherman avenue. $2,500 (and a fraction ). NO. 53. 25 Acres near the Mount Hood postoflice. $100 per acre. NO. 55. Small house and 90x150 foot lot, on the Heights. $950. NO. 56. 5,600 acres on the Colum bia; opposite Tbe Dalles. A level bench of 2,000 acres can be Irrigated by a 150 foot lift from river; 100 acres can le Irrigated by springs; 300 acres of bench-like land, 700 acres of foot hill land; balance grazing land. The soil Is combination of volcanic ash and disintegrated basalt and allu vium a warm, sandy loam Ideal cherry, peach and berry land. Stock and Implements go with It. Two houses, five barns; all fenced and cross fenced. The location Is one of the most beautiful on the Columbia, with a magnlacent view of Mount Hood. $100,iHK). NO 57. 20 acres 1 miles from V. O.on state road. 12 acres cultivated, 6 acres In orchard. Admirable site for a sanitarium or summer hotel. $s,ooo. NO. rS. 40 acres 2 miles from town 20 acres cultivated, 5 acres of old or chard, 8 acres of 5-year and 5 acres of 2 and 3-year trees, S-rooru house. $20,000. NO. 59. 7 acres. One of the most attractive places on the main west side road, I 3-4 miles from town. Orchard In full tearing; buildings worth $3,000. $1,500 per acre. NO. 60. Two nicely located resi dence lots close to business center. $600. NO. 61. Four beautifully located lots on the Heights overlooking the Columbia. $1,200. NO. 02. Four good laying lots on the Heights, $1,000. No. 63. 40 acres near Odell. All but three acres In hay. One third Is orchard land, (iood house and barn. Small orchard. Free water. $10,000, one third cash. No. 64. 75 acres, 1 1-2 miles from Parkdale. 7 acres cultivated; 5 acres mixed orchard. $9,000. No. 65. 40 acres near town on state road, 12 acres cnltlvated, 6 acres In orchard. Beautiful location for summer home. $16,000. NO. 60. 40 acres, 4 mile from Val ley Crest school; soil, location and lay of land Al. Small clearing and good log cabin. Will le covered by new Glacier ditch. $75 jht acre. NO. 67. SO acres In Mosier district; small clearing. $1500. NO. fis. Iirge new house and four lots In Wlnans addition; convenient to business part of town. $2,000 cash. Will trade for Portland city or ranch property. Will rent for $10 a month. NO. 69. so acres near Lyle: little waste, lays well; tlmler; small clear ing; $5,000. NO. 70. 00 acres 1 miles from l'arkdale, 35 cleared, 15 In orchard. Buildings good barn and tool shop; house newly remodeled, and all the furniture Including piano. Farm Im plements, team, cow, chickens and hogs. $:I50 per acre. 40 acres unimproved, f 150. NO. 71. A Southern Oregon Bar gain. $60 per acre for 159 acres at Grant Pass. 50 acres cultivated; small orchard; good buildings; cheap Irrigation water. This Is a live one. NO. 72. 80 acres of rolling brush land 2 miles from Parkdale; under the Middle Fork ditch; just as good soil as land that sold this spring for $150 per acre. $135 per acre. NO. 73. SO acres under the new Glacier ditch; 1 miles from Valley Crest school. 20 acres cultivated, 2 acres In strawberries; good log house. $1,000. NO. 74. 20 acres, unimproved, easy clearing; covered by new Glacier ditch. 2 miles from Valley Crest school, ideal location for summer home. $40 per acre, NO. 75. 40 acres 1 miles from the Valley Crest school; 5 acres cultivat ed, 20 three and four year trees, house, barn, woodshed and chicken bouse. $3,500. NO. 76. 40 acres 1 miles from Parkdale; small clearing; on county road. No waste land. $5,000. 40 acres i mllesfrom Parkdale; unimproved; all good land, $4,000. John (.eland Henderson (Incorporated) OLD BUTLER BANK BUILDINS For Shippers of Christmas Packages. If you expect to send your mother, sweetheart or friend a Chrlstniaa present this year It will be well to bear In mind tbe following suggestions submitted by an express man. First: Ship your package early, by the 15th to lSth of December If possible. The express company will give you a small label to paste on the package reading: "Don't open until Christmas." This will Insure the package reaching Its destination before Christmas and give tbe addi tional pleasure to tbe recipient of tbe gift of having It on Christina morn ing. Second: I'se wooden boxes for packing. This Is especially Impor tant for glass or other fragile articles. Third: write the address In full, state.county, city, street and number on the box or package with Ink or crayon. Tags are frequently torn off and lost. Fourth: If you want to prepay the charges mark the words "Paid" In large plain letters on the pack age. Fifth: Insist on a receipt, and see that the amount paid Is marked on the receipt and package, and the value of the package declared there Sixth: Write your own addres in full somewhere on tbe package. Seventh: Enclose a card In each box or package containing your own and the consignee's address. Eight: If not convenient to ship In wooden boxes, use strong wrap ping paper (not newspaper) and tie with a strong cord. Nluth: If package contains any thing of perishable nature, write the word "Perishables" in large plalu letters on the package. O. A. C. Won Many Prizes. The Oregon Agricultural College won more prizes at the Alask-Yukon-Paclnc Exposition than any other exhibitor and double the number of awards granted to the next closest competitor for college exhibits. The College exhibits won the gold medal offered for the best general educational display and seven grand prizes on the separate departmental entries. The exhibits taking the highest awards were those In dom estic science, domestic art, soli ana lysis, mechanic arts, machine work machine design nud poultry hus bandry. The work which received thls'splen dld recognition was that of Oregon boys and girls who are In attend anceattheCollege The work was all planned and perfected by the stu dents. This splendid compliment has a far reaching significance. Catarrh Cannot be Cured with local applications, as they can not reach the seat of the disease. Catarrh Is a blood or constitutional disease and In order to cure It you must take Internal remedies. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally, and acts directly on the blood and mu cous surfaces. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is not a quack medicine. It was pre scrllicd by one of the best physicians in this country for years and Is a reg ular prescription. It Is composed of the In'st tonics known, combined with the best blood purifiers, acting directly on the mucous surfaces. The perfect combination of the two In gredients Is what produces such wonderful results hi curing catarrh. Send for testimonials free. F. J. Cheney & Co., Props., Toledo, O. Sold by druggists, price 7.V. Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation. W ill Become Public Park. The campus of the university of Washington Is to become a public park, under the Seattle Park Board. A lease has been elleeted with the regents, covering the period of sever al years. During this time the city will expend flO.Ooo to main tain the landscape gardening fen tures, which made the Alaska-Yukon-Pacific exposition grounds the admiration of all visitors. Had the city not stepjH'd In, they would have been lost. DR. F C. BROSIUS Physician and Surgeon Residence. Oak and Perk. Office. Oak and Sseond Office hours, 10 to U a. m.. t to I and 7 to I p. at. Rooms t, 4 and S. Broaiua Block. Hood River. Or. H. L. DUMBLE Physician and Surgeon Caila promptly answered in towa or country, day or nicht Telephones- Residence 61 L Office Office in th Broaiua Building. DR. E. O. DUTRO Physician and Surgeon Office over First National Bank Hots phono. Rea.TlB:!Offlee phono Tt Hood River. Oregon SHAW & BRONSON Physicians and Surgeons Eliot Block Phono M Hood River. Oregon J. F. WATT, M. D. Physician andSurgeon Office.' Ham phono 30. Raaidenea, SUB Hood River, Oregoa Dr. M. H. Sharp Dr. Edna U. Sharp DRS. SHARP Osteopathic Physicians Graduates of the American School of Oataopathy. Kirksville. Mo. Office in Eliot Building Phone-CtSce 102. Residence 102-B. Hood River. Oregon C. H. JENKINS, D. M. D. Dentist Office. Hall Building, over Butler Banking Co Office phone 28. Residence phone 28-B HoodlRiver. Oregon II. Dudley W. Pineo, D. D. S. Dentist Office over First National Bank Office-Home phone 131. Residence-Home 131-B Hood River, Oregon M. E. WELCH Licensed Veterinarian Hood River. Oregon A. J. DERBY Lawyer Smith block Hood River, Oregon E. H. HARTWIG Attorney at Law Smith Block. Ver First National Bank Phone 168 Hood River, Oregon John Leland Henderson Attorney at Law Hood River. Oregon A. A. JAYNE Lawyer Hall Building Hood River. Oregon A. C. BUCK Notary Public and Insurance Agent Room 12. Bros! us Block Hood River, Oregon HOCKENBERRY & BARTLETT ARCHITECTS Davidson Building HOOD RIVER. OREGON Phone 61 P. M. MORSE City Engineer and Surveyor Newell, Gossett A Walsh Davidson Buildmjr Hood River. Oregon The Biggest Snap of the Season 160 Acres of fine fruit land only $10 per acre, six miles southeast of Hood River. Right in the Apple Belt. Six acres cleared and a cabin 14x16, balance 2 1-2 million feet fir timber. Run ning water through the place. For further informa tion write the owner, J. E. 0'Donnell, 5. N. 16th Street, Portland, Oregon.