The Hood River news. (Hood River, Or.) 1909-current, December 01, 1909, Page 2, Image 2

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We have the largest and best assortment of
late books we have ever had. Call and look
them over. They always make nice gifts.
When You Want the Best Cor
set Made Buy a NEMO. They
are the Best.
The Store that Gives You the Best Values
l 1 :
i 3 1
til CtfSto
Why not buy that new suit you have been go
ing to get for Christmas now. We are selling
lots of these HART SCHAFFNER & MARX
suits and overcoats and you should call now and
select what you want while the stock is com
plete. They give satisfaction in wear, in appear
ance and in comfort. There is a lot of satisfac
tion in knowing that you have on the Best Brand
of Clothes made.
Hart Schaffner & Marx Overcoats and Suits
for $16.00, $18.00 and $20.00.
A dandy line of other makes for $5.00, $8.00,
$10.00 and $15.00.
Boys' 2-piece Suits and Overcoats for $2.00,
$2.50, $3. CO and up to $10.00.
Furs and Fur Sets
We can supply you with one of the most
reasonable priced lines of furs you have ever
seen, any kind you wish from the small set for
the little girl up to the finest grade for ladies.
Furs from $1.00 up to $35.00.
Men and Boys' Shirts
Some cotton and some wool, in values up to
$2.50. These are seconds and have some dam
aged places in them. We have bunched them
all together and you can take your pick for only
50 cents.
House Slippers
We have never had a finer lot of house
slippers as we have this year. Dan'l Green's
make for ladies' gentlemen and children. Now
is the time to select these for your Christmas
gifts while the stock is complete and you have
the assortment to choose from.
eJfie Heme cf Hart, Scfiaffner & ffiatw CCctfting, ITCanfiattan Sfiirts and $cfin B. Stetson Hats
How's Your com crop?
OEVENTY-FIVE per cent of the
people have corns and will have
Jvo them as long as shoes are worn
unless they all hurry up and get a
package of
It's the first step towards comfort and
but two days from a cure and the kind
of a cure that cures them not to come
The Glacier Pharmacy
From a Special Correspondent.
Hood Klver. Nov. 2s, '().
Ldltor .Nrwn:
Why Is It that we have no corres
pondent from Franktou; are we not
worthy of notice?
Our road to town I in such bad
condition that It in aim out Unpads
Julio Crawford, who had lieen In
the employ of Mr. Iiellart, has re
turned to hln old home in Kansas.
Chan. Wheeler In building a horse
barn and la making many improve
ments. He says he In determined to
keep up with hln neighbors. He is a
a (food worker and a good neighbor.
i. Miller, non In-law of Chan.
Wheeler, ha vacated the Scott 1'oor
iujiii ranch and in living for the pren
eut with bin fattier-ln la w.
J. It. 1'hllllpH, owner of the Haw
mill at the top of the fall on I'helpM
creek, Im doing a good business and
has recently added a planer and In
ready to do all kind of work, both
Hawing ami planing at a reasonable
Warren Miller In Improving and
making hln home very attractive by
building and painting. He It alno
erecting a fine fence around the home
aud han net out many kind of flow
ers and rones.
Kolcrt Hand ban built a new fence
In front of 111 home and decorated
the tops of the posts with round
basalt, of which there in a great
plenty. Knoiigh to decorate all the
poNtH from Hood Hlver to New York
A wedding at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. I). C. (iarrabrant. The young
est (laughter wan married to liruce
Morton. 1 lie writer wan not there
but an the cavalcade panned towardn
town with all klndn of white ragn
fastened on the carriage we guenned
it wan the happv couple. The two
are well known here and are both
above ptir.
Mr. Kdltor, the writer han had a
very nad experience the pant week
and It In Imponnlble to keep it. Mur
ing the three davn of cold weather
my wife linked me In a very, very
nice totie tocarrv the mattrenn down
ntalrn. Oh yen, I can do that very
easily. Nerving mywll for the en
counter I grabbed the northeant cor
ner to double It up. "Oil." nhe nay,
"do not double It up, for that spoils
It." Then I grabbed thenouthwent
corner. I5y thin time I had forgotten
what latitude or longitude I wan In.
1'hen I slipped It off over the foot of
the In-d on my back and ntarted for
the ntalrn. There tin? trouble began.
It wan too wide for the ntalrn, al
though I pulled and hauled. Of
&fectricaC urnisflers
H. R. Banking & Trust Bldg.
course I sat down on every step,
with water streaming from my face.
I finally landed at the bottom, then
through the hall way Into the dining
room. There trouble began again.
Ily having the mattrenn on my back
I could not nee what happened be
hind. I he chairs, table and every
thing In the room were dancing, first
on one end then on the other. Just
the name, but worse than the crazy
house In 1'ortlaud. Well, I got
through and Into the bedroom, but
the question now wan how to get
the mattress on the bed. an 1 wan
not an strong an when I ntarted, but
being an athlete 1 turned a sotner
sault and landed the mattress on t lie
bed. but I went under the lied my
self. Just then my wife appeared at
t lie door and wanted to kuow what
wan the trouble. sue said. "1 neer
heard such a rumpus nluce 1 left old
Missouri, Come out from under the
bed and look at thin room." Well, I
had one eye nhut and, looking cross
eyed with the other, I crawled out
very slowly. She grab lied me by the
neat of honor aud back hair (there
wan nolle on top) and threw me on
the lounge face down wuru. I know
what In the trouble," you have tieen
up town drinking that nasty spring
water and you lire full of mlctoben
ami other bugs and information has
net In. I will put on you a fly blister
to draw out the Information." She
placed it ou my back junt opposite
my abdomen, or a little too low for
my comfort, and It drew me out o
the house and all over the back yard
I have learned thin, that when there
In a mattrenn to move I will throw
it out through the window and hire
a I'ray to haul It around to the
wood nhed door and nome one else
to take it In. I will not.
Minn (trace Hodge came up from
Hood Hlver Wednesday to spend a
few days with her friend. Miss Irma
i'hllllpn, and attend the Thanksgiv
ing dance at Stroup n hall.
The school han had a two days'
vacation, Mm. (Jove spending the
time with home folks In Hood Hlver,
Mr. Ons han moved his family out
to his ranch south of town. He ex
pects to do quite a lot of clearing
thin winter.
Sid M. Nickol spent a few days here
thin week moving bin pemonal effects
to Ids ranch near Hood Hlver.
J. C. Kvans sold eight acres of or
chard land during the week to Port
land parties for $.KXK). W. T. Mc-
I'lure nold N) acres to W. I). Mathewn
for .KHK), Will Kruger sold UK) acres
on the Thomas hill for $.'000.
Miss J race Duvall and brothers
Dean and iuy left Thursday after.
noon to siietid their vacation with
their parents who are on a cook car
between here and Portland.
Mr. ami Mrs. L. I., (ioodwlu will
noon leave for Oakland, Cnl., where
they will reside.
Mensem. Leslie Hoot, Orrle Hodge,
Don Llttlepage and Henry Duns-
more rode over to Pine (irove Thurs
day evening to attend the dance at
that place. They report having a
hue time.
The Ladles' Aid will hold their
bazaar Thursday afternoon and
evening at Stroup's hall. They will
have for sale all sorts of things and
will nerve lunch anil have other en
tertainment, so if you miss going
you will be the loner.
I-,. II. Wood aud family siient a few
days with Mr. Wood's parents the
lant of the week.
Mrs. John Kvans Is visiting her
daughter, Mrs. Macey, In Hood
How dlil you enjoy Thanksgiving?
l-evvln Hhoades returned from the
O. A. C. to spend Thanksgiving with
his parents, anil Incidentally to get a
look at old Sol.
Austin Lock man returned from
Portland Wednesday.
i he teachers and pupils hail two
lays of rent Thanksgiving week.
The young people enjoyed Thanks
giving evening at J. H. Crosby's.
Minn Gertrude Croshv proved a prin
cess at entertaining young ieopl
."some ol the pupils nay they are
not engaged In road building If they
do sling a great deal of mud. We
hope that our country road builders
will have many occasions to visit
our burg while our road Is In such
fine (?) condition.
The ('. K. entertainment given the
21th Inst, was a grand success. The
rendition of music, by each partici
pant, was of that higher order that
causes an elevating inspiration to
pervade the audience. We have en
joyed many a treat from the Odell
talent, but consider thin one the bent.
If you enjoy soul stirring music junt
attend any recital glveti by the Odell
young people and we are sure you
will say an one of old, "It In good to
lie here." The receipts of the evening
were about Tills will be lined
to purchase new song books for the
The Inclement weather causes the
teachers and pupils a great deal of
close confinement. We haven't any
room in which to exercise. The
question Is being agitated elsewhere
an to tlie feasibility of building a
room in which the pupils can exer
cine and Hot be exponed to the
weather. It would lie tine to have a
room in which to eat the noon-duy
lunch. Only those who are housed
up day after day In a close room can
understand the need of such a build
ing. We care not for any public
gymnasium, but a place In which to
pass our intermissions For t lie pu
pils to be out In the rain and nnow
in very detrimental to their health.
We hope the patrons will give thin
subject due consideration.
Mrs. P. I. Packard returned from
Portland Wednesday In time to par
take of Thanksgiving dinner with
Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Ilussey, who also
entertained Mr. and Mr. H. ('.
Mr. Al Johnson an old time
Alanka friend of Mr. P. I. Packard
han I wen visiting there for the last
few days.
C. M. Fowler, traveling agent of
the "North Hank" wan In Under
wood one day thin week.
ILirry Cummins and wife of Hood
Hlver, are visiting his parents at
their ranch in Hlvcrnlde Park thin
Mm. A. J. I lav lies han been spend
ing a few days with friends at
Something like a carload of trees
han Iteen distributed from thin point
in the last week or so. and there are
more to follow. It Is really aston
ishing to nee the amount of
Improvement that have been made
In the I'nderwood section In the last
few months.
Mr. 10, H. Cobb han Ills new house
so far completed that he mured Into
It this week. He certainly has n
very neat little home.
We understand that the Wind
Klver Company lost quite a lot of
i logs from the sudden rise of the Co
' 1 ti in I i a . Some of the logs Jammed
! against the bridge over the White
Salmon ami left It In a bad shape.
Mr. and Mm. Hamlin entertained
'Mm. Greluer, Mr. G. C. Griffith. Mm.
jstlmpnou. Mr. ami Mm. F. C. Cuin
I mlns. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cummins
'and Harry Stlckney on Thursday.
I Mm. Love left on Wednesday for
i Tacoma, where she expects to spend
! the winter.
, Henry Love left Thursday for
Chicago, and does not expect, "to re
turn until spring.
Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Hlne and
Messrs. lyeithauser, Ditmer, Hogg
and Meggn ate Thanknglving dinner
with Mr. and Mm. W. F. Cash.
Fred Lutzey id Wanliougal In as
sisting our merchant, M. S. Smith,
business having Increased so that
extra help was required.
Mrs. Krnent C. Smith, who In at
the Cottage hospital suffering w It li
an attack of typhoid, Is, we are
pleased to note, reported as some
what better.
The Jeweler
Begs to announce that his stock of Holiday Gifts in
Diamonds, Watches, Jewelry, Cut Glass,
Silverware, Etc.,
is now complete and displayed for your inspection.
Arthur Clarke
Hood River's
Hardware, Agricultural Implements
Corner First and Oak Streets