ROASTOFTHECOAST Craft your own coff ee in Seaside Burly and the Bean off ers personalized coff ee experiences BY GREGORY ZSCHOMLER Express espresso is just the thing when in a hurry, but coastal life has a slower pace. Other brewing options, though more time-consuming, create a smoother cup of joe. However, few coastal coff ee shops off er alternatives like French press, AeroPress or pour-over preparation. Burly and the Bean, a new coff eehouse in Seaside, off ers all three brewing alter- natives. Visitors also have the opportunity to roast their own beans in the shop’s fl uid bed coff ee roaster. The experience includes choosing single-origin raw beans, roasting See Page 5 The Illahee Apartments Burly and the Bean 1545 N. Roosevelt Drive and 1803 S. Roos- evelt Drive, Seaside Open 7 a.m. to 4 p.m., evening hours on occasion www.burlyandthebeancoff Downtown Astoria’s Most Respected Apartment Complex Since 1969. 1046 Grand Avenue Astoria, OR 97103 503-325-2280 4 // COASTWEEKEND.COM Photos by Gregory Zschomler TOP: Justin Boone, co-owner of Burly and the Bean, stands in front of the Seaside shop. ABOVE: A fl uid bed coff ee roaster at Burly and the Bean. RIGHT: Roasts from Burly and the Bean in Seaside include the medium-dark “No Depresso Espresso.”