The daily Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1961-current, August 25, 2022, Page 35, Image 35

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THE ASTORIAN • THuRSdAy, AuguST 25, 2022
SATURDAY, AUG. 27, 2022
ARIES (March 21-April 19). Edu-
cation doesn’t happen overnight.
It may feel like you’ll never learn
enough to do a job easily, or that
you just can’t satisfy your curiosity.
But finding out where the holes in
your knowledge are is essential to
filling them in.
SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21). Tal-
ented people cannot always bridge
the social gap in a way that lets
them share their talents. You will use
your social gifts to help someone
connect and navigate a world that
would be very difficult for them, if
not for your guidance.
TAURUS (April 20-May 20).
Instead of waiting around to be
invited, assigned or permitted, you’ll
just make the move. It’s risky, and
not always the most effective way
to go about things, but it will work
great for you today.
SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21).
A conflict between your head and
your heart can be mediated by the
imaginary judge of your conscience.
Set the stage for a negotiation in
your mind. Introduce the topic, then
sit back and observe the discussion
that follows.
GEMINI (May 21-June 21). A clash
of personalities may have you
feeling edgy and out of sorts. As
inconvenient and uncomfortable
as this may be, there are benefits
to the relationship that are not
yet apparent. Your soul is evolving
through these lessons.
CANCER (June 22-July 22). You
will choose colleagues for their abil-
ity, honesty and loyalty. But when
it comes to friendship, you’ll go for
the ones who make you laugh and
feel. You’ll let someone into your
heart, though you fully realize it will
change you.
LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). You’re so
busy trying to serve everyone else
that you just may forget all about
what you want out of the situation.
Take a breather to think about it,
and possibly even write a list so you
don’t accidentally leave yourself out.
VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22). Things
are done a certain way, but the
norms go out the window when
someone special contributes. You’ll
be that special person today and
the rules will bend to accommodate
your ideas and fresh take.
LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23). You have
ideas and the guts to be a leader
as well. Speak up and you’ll gain
support. Your exceptional intuition
about people will be tested. It is
possible that the one who is charm-
ing and flattering is also sincere at
CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19).
Success is simple. You determine
the goal then do the work. You may
be worried about doing things
right, but there is no right way,
only a wrong way: going in circles.
Consistently move in one direction
and you’ll get there.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18).
When others worry, you can clearly
see how unnecessary it is, but of
course it’s difficult to have objec-
tivity with your own worries, which
seem somehow much more valid.
Choose optimism.
PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20). It’s not
your style to make many demands,
so when you do make requests,
people really listen to you. You’re
not just thinking about you. You’re
thinking about the bigger picture
and what might be helpful for all
going forward.
27). Share the way you see the
world and what you want it to look
like too, and people will help fulfill
the vision. The more specific you
are about how you want to spend
your time, the more fun you’ll have.
More highlights: you’ll get your way
in a dispute and be rewarded with
what you ask for. A long shot will
come through, also romantic travel.
Sagittarius and Pisces adore you.
Your lucky numbers are: 1, 3, 33, 26
and 9.