COOKINGWITHCAMPICHE Photos by David Campiche LEFT: Lush, green carrot tops make a fi ne seasoning for gremolata. RIGHT: Salmon and cucumbers make up a salad dish beside a ripe watermelon. Refreshing salmon, cucumber and watermelon BY DAVID CAMPICHE The sun has crept out in full force. Inland, the landscape cooks, temperatures leapfrog- ging over past records. Along Washington’s ocean beaches, mist hangs over the seascape. To catch a salmon, we fi sh deep, arriving home recently with several beautiful cohos and one fair-sized king, a feast in mind. After fi lleting the salmon, I cut the fi sh into 2-inch-wide strips. I rubbed the fi l- let fi rst with olive oil and then sprinkled it with salt and sugar, coating the top side of the fl esh liberally, skin in place on the back side. I placed all into a shallow bowl, then poured 1/4 cup of white wine over the fi sh, fi nishing the process with chopped fennel, fresh from the garden. I placed the fi llets on an oiled baking sheet and cooked them for about 5 minutes at 350 degrees Fahrenheit. When beads of fat congeal and turn white, the salmon is SHANGRILA CREEK MINING COMPANY GO KARTS MINI GOLF GYROXTREME ROCK WALL KIDDIE RIDES MINING SLUICE AND MORE! SEASIDE, OREGON HWY 101 (1/4 mi South of Seaside) • 2735 S. Roosevelt Dr. • 503-738-2076 OPEN DAILY 11 A M T O 6 P M 16 // COASTWEEKEND.COM ready. For a hot summer day, Laurie and I decided to pair the salmon with a refreshing salad of watermelon and cucumbers. Salmon, cucumber and watermelon salad Ingredients • Two medium-sized cucumbers, sliced into thin rounds • 1 cup Japanese rice vinegar • 1/4 cup of water • 2/3 cup of granulated sugar • 2 cups of watermelon, cubed and thinly sliced Preparation Add granulated sugar to vinegar and water to dissolve it. Slice cucumbers into 1/8-inch pieces and add. Top with water- melon and refrigerate until cold. My neighbor shared a dozen small car- rots. These I cleaned and boiled in water until tender and then drained. In 1 table- spoon each of half butter and olive oil, I sauteed the carrots for a couple of minutes and added a tablespoon of honey, 1/4 cup white wine and a 1/4 teaspoon of ground cilantro and sauteed until the liquid nearly evaporated. I fi nished the dish with a lovely gremolata with carrot tops from the garden. Gremolata Ingredients • 12 small carrot tops, fi nely chopped • 3 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil • 1 teaspoon curry paste, married with 1 tablespoon warm water • 2 tablespoons lemon juice • 1/4 cup cilantro, fi nely chopped • 1/2 jalapeno pepper, minced • 2 teaspoons lemon zest, fi nely grated • Salt and pepper to taste Preparation In a 10-inch nonstick pan, combine cilantro, lemon zest, jalapeno and carrot tops. Briefl y saute in 2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil until soft and fl avorful. Sprinkle gremolata over carrots and serve with the salmon, cucumber and watermelon salad, preferably outdoors. The sun arrived for us in the late afternoon and the ocean air smelled salty and clean. A dry white wine heightened the repast. David Campiche is a potter, poet, writer and lifelong resident of the Long Beach Peninsula with a keen interest in adventure, fi ne and culinary arts. Find more about his work at davidcampiche. com.