A5 THE ASTORIAN • SATURDAY, AUGUST 6, 2022 OBITUARIES Yvonne Buckman Dwight Allan Caswell Jr. Astoria Feb. 1, 1951 — June 24, 2022 Astoria May 20, 1944 — July 8, 2022 Yvonne Buckman, 71, of Astoria, passed enjoyed going to the movies and the Astoria peacefully in her sleep on June 24 in Aquatic Center with her grandchildren, the Portland. loves of her life, Rogelio and Hana, whom Born Feb. 1, 1951, to Laura- she spent most of her free time nce and Barbara Nephew, she was with. Yvonne was the best nana, the youngest of their four children. and never missed a chance to Yvonne spent the fi rst year of her spend time with them; she attended life in Longview, Washington, every sporting game and practice, before moving to Astoria, where as well as school and community she lived until her passing. events. They were her world. She graduated from Astoria Yvonne is preceded in death High School, and later worked as by her parents. She is survived by a waitress in Warrenton and Asto- her husband, Randy; her children, ria restaurants until her retirement. Eileen (Prissy) and Blake Buck- She made a lot of lifelong friends Yvonne Buckman man, Robert Williamson and Jay in coworkers throughout the years. Williamson; grandchildren, Rog- She was very family oriented and spent elio and Alejandra (Hana) Ruiz, and Ian, her life taking care of her children and Ruby and Henry Williamson; and her sisters, grandchildren. She was very much in love Janyce Saxberg, Laurie Warner and Carolyn with her husband of 43 years, Randy. They Buckman. stuck together through thick and thin. Their A celebration of life will be held at 2 p.m. love was unconditional and strong. Aug. 13 at the Warrenton Community Cen- She loved reading. She was never without ter. Food and drinks will be served. Feel a book, magazine or newspaper. free to bring your favorite dish. Everyone is Along with going to the library, she welcome. Dwight Allan Caswell Jr. was born May He loved sailing and fi shing, spending 20, 1944, in Washington, D.C., raised in more than 20 years sailing his Eric son 26 Oregon and California, and died July 8 in in San Francisco and Tomales bays. He had Portland. an abiding love for all God’s cre- He carried God’s word with ation, and was deeply involved him in his heart with a desire to in conservation, preservation minister to all through his car- and land use issues his whole ing presence and, at times, in the life, including acting as presi- offi cial capacity of pastor. He dent of the Oregon Coast Alli- received his bachelor’s degree in ance and Sonoma County Farm- lands Group. psychology from Stanford Uni- He also wrote throughout his versity, and his master’s degree life, with work ranging from in theology and Ph.D. in ministry practical information in sailing from the University of Chicago’s Dwight Caswell magazines, the wonders of the Divinity School. desert or ocean in the New Mex- He served as pastor to the ico and the Oregon Coast maga- Kenwood Community Church zines, and what’s to do locally in in Sonoma County, California, The Astorian’s Coast Weekend. in the 1990s, and was still minis- At his death, he had several tering to his beloved fl ock at Pio- works in progress, variously neer Presbyterian Church in War- based on Neolithic monuments renton at the time of his death. and the shift of community sur- He gained a love of photog- rounding them, historical fi c- raphy at a very early age, learn- tion based on native and pioneer ing more of his chosen art from dynamics in the Northwest, and Wynn Bullock and Ansel Adams. He traveled far and wide photographing a compilation of his sermons as they fol- oceans, deserts, forests and mountains for lowed the three-year cycle of church scrip- ture. He also has an unpublished comical the rest of his life. He was the owner and director of a pho- murder mystery. He is preceded in death by his parents, tography gallery in Saratoga, California, exhibiting his own work, along with both Dwight Allan Caswell Sr. and Doris Helen that of promising new photographers and Rayburn; and two brothers, Chris and John Caswell. well-established masters. He is survived by his brother, Philip He insisted that he had a “low boredom threshold,” as his various activities and Caswell; sister, Mary Walsh; wife, Rhonda occupations attested to. He spent almost 15 Grudenic; stepsons Nicholas, Michael and years managing his family’s farm and vine- Galen Grudenic; and step-grandchildren, Eli and Leah Grudenic. yard, producing award-winning wines. He loved well and was deeply loved. Having a deep love of the folk music His memorial service is at 11 a.m. Aug. of the 1960s, he started a folk festival in 1987 that ran until the late 1990s. He then 27 at the Charlene Larsen Center for the became deeply involved with the Astoria Performing Arts, 588 16th St. A reception Music Festival after relocating to Astoria follows at around 12:30 p.m. at The Loft at the Red Building, 20 Basin St. in early 2000. Joyce Lynn (Earls) Norris Astoria April 13, 1954 — March 6, 2021 Our beautiful, vivacious, talented, intel- son, Matthew Norris. ligent Joyce Lynn (Earls) Norris left us last A graduate of Warrenton High School, this year, and now, fi nally, we are able to cele- would have been her 50-year class reunion. brate her life at 2 p.m. Aug. 13 In high school, Joyce was a cheer- at Mission Christian Fellowship, leader, president of the h onor s oci- 525 N.W. Warrenton Drive in ety and senior prom queen. Warrenton. Her work career was extensive Joyce is survived by three of in the food service industry. Joyce her four sons, Derek, Darren and and Charlie were owners and oper- Michael Konidakis; grandson, ators of Clatsop Catering, special- Cooper Konidakis; granddaugh- izing in military food service con- ter, Lacy Konidakis; her brothers, tracting, and Kilroy’s Pub & Grill Bill and Scott Earls; her husband, at Camp Rilea. Joyce was also an Charlie Norris; and her extended avid quilter, golf fan and gardener. Joyce Norris family. Joyce is much loved by many, She is preceded in death by her best friend to many, and had the parents, Bill Earls and Rose Sturgeon; and a most infectious laugh ever. SPORTS OBITUARY POLICY The Astorian publishes paid obituaries. The obituary can include a small photo and, for veterans, a fl ag symbol at no charge. The deadline for all obituaries is 9 a.m. the business day prior. Obituaries may be edited for spelling, proper punctuation and style. Death notices and upcoming services will be published at no charge. Notices must be submitted by 9 a.m. the day before publication. Obituaries and notices may be submitted online at DailyAstorian.com/obituaries, by email at ewilson@dailyastorian.com, placed via the funeral home or in person at The Astorian offi ce, 949 Exchange St. in Astoria. For more information, call 503-325-3211, ext. 1257. We’ve gone ABOVE & BEYOND to make sure you are COMFORTABLE & SAFE at your next dental visit. Clatsop Clash softball The 12U and 14U Clatsop Clash softball teams team up for a photo after winning national titles last weekend. National titles for two local softball teams The Astorian Two Clatsop County youth softball teams scored national championships last weekend. The Clatsop Clash softball teams com- peted in the North American Fastpitch Asso- ciation Nationals in Newberg, a four-day tournament that included 27 12-and-under teams and 16 14-and-under teams. It was a double-elimination tournament, but neither Clatsop Clash team lost a single game, both fi nishing 7-0. The 12U team scored victories of 7-3, 12-1, 11-2, 8-2, 6-3, and the fi nal two wins over the North Coast Merchants, 7-6 and 10-3. Players for the 12U team are Allie Corder, Maggie Falleur, Mackenzie Haag, Olive Hopkins, Jahzara Marshall, Chloe Painter, Hadley Painter, A.J. Sterkel, Berkley Sturgell, Lila Thornburg and Gracie Walker. The team is coached by Nicole Sturgell and Jennifer Haag. Games involving the Clatsop Clash 14U team were not even close, with the Clash winning by scores of 13-1, 14-0, 18-3, 3-1, 9-2, 13-1 and 15-0. Coached by Adam Svensen, Alina Hughes, Chris Corder and Greg Cameron, the 14U team includes Aryana Adams, Kate Barendse, Ella Brenden, Finley Cameron, Lyla Carlson, Carly Corder, Kendall Ewing, Augusta Hayrynen, Lili Miller, Cecilia Rodriquez and Hailey Svensen. SEVENDAY FORECAST FOR ASTORIA TODAY SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY We have Infection Control Procedures in place for your safety & ours. ** In addition to a filtration system, external vacuum systems, air purifiers, and foggers, we have added negative pressure to all operatories. The safety and comfort of our patients has always been a priority at Klemp Family Dentistry. We are very proud of these innovations. Thank you for your continued confidence in all of us. Thank you Diamond Heating and JJ Electric Service LLC for completing our negative pressure system. Excellence in challenging conditions. Diane G. I saw the highest standard of health safety practices in effect during my hygienist appointment today—much higher precau- tions than I’d seen in a local hospital when having tests last month. The new sanitation equipment and attention to patient safety at Klemp Family Dentistry is in keeping with a dental practice I consider cutting edge with respect to all my dental needs. It’s wonderful having a world class dental practice here at the coast, one where I can have procedures performed for which I used to have to travel to a specialist in Portland. I have been a patient of several local dentists in the past, but none had the skill and, more importantly, the attention to patient comfort that Dr Klemp provides. KLEMP FAMILY DENTISTRY 1006 West Marine Drive, Astoria (503) 468-0116 www.klempfamilydentistry.com THURSDAY FRIDAY REGIONAL FORECAST Shown is today’s weather. Temperatures are today’s highs and tonight’s lows. Seattle 77 56 80 55 70 56 Sunny and very Not as warm Mostly sunny warm 68 57 69 56 Mostly cloudy Areas of low clouds 69 54 Partly sunny 71 56 Cloudy Aberdeen Olympia 77/58 84/59 Wenatchee Tacoma Moses Lake 85/54 ALMANAC UNDER THE SKY TODAY'S TIDES Astoria through Thursday Tonight’s Sky: First quarter moon (4:07 a.m. PDT). Astoria / Port Docks Temperatures High/low ................................ 70/57 Normal high/low .................. 68/55 Record high .................. 92 in 2012 Record low .................... 43 in 1982 Precipitation Thursday ................................. 0.15” Month to date ........................ 0.15” Normal month to date ......... 0.09” Year to date .......................... 43.03” Normal year to date ........... 38.09” Forecasts and graphics provided by AccuWeather, Inc. ©2022 Time 8:53 a.m. 8:14 p.m. 5.0 2:36 a.m. 7.9 2:00 p.m. Cape Disappointment 8:29 a.m. 8:00 p.m. Source: Jim Todd, OMSI Hammond SUN AND MOON Sunrise today .................. 6:03 a.m. Sunset tonight ............... 8:39 p.m. Moonrise today ............. 4:00 p.m. Moonset today ............ 12:17 a.m. First Full Last New 8:40 a.m. 8:11 p.m. Warrenton 8:48 a.m. 8:09 p.m. Knappa 9:30 a.m. 8:51 p.m. Depoe Bay Aug 5 Aug 11 Aug 18 Aug 27 7:47 a.m. 7:12 p.m. 0.7 2.6 4.9 1:54 a.m. 7.7 1:15 p.m. 0.7 2.8 5.1 2:13 a.m. 8.0 1:39 p.m. 0.6 2.7 5.4 2:20 a.m. 8.3 1:44 p.m. 0.8 2.7 5.3 3:37 a.m. 8.1 3:01 p.m. 0.6 2.3 5.1 1:27 a.m. 0.7 8.0 12:38 p.m. 3.0 City Atlanta Boston Chicago Dallas Denver Honolulu Houston Los Angeles Miami New York City Phoenix San Francisco Wash., DC Today Hi/Lo/W 89/72/t 88/76/t 93/76/s 99/80/pc 95/62/t 88/76/sh 91/77/pc 87/67/s 90/80/sh 85/76/t 107/88/pc 74/60/s 88/77/t Sun. Hi/Lo/W 86/71/t 94/77/pc 92/71/t 99/81/s 77/61/t 87/75/pc 94/76/pc 89/68/pc 89/80/t 90/77/pc 101/85/t 71/59/s 92/77/pc Weather (W): s-sunny, pc-partly cloudy, c-cloudy, sh-showers, t-thunderstorms, r-rain, sf-snow fl urries, sn-snow, i-ice. 90/58 Hermiston The Dalles 91/53 Enterprise Pendleton 82/47 90/58 96/61 La Grande 86/45 95/61 NATIONAL CITIES High (ft.) Time Low (ft.) 82/49 Kennewick Walla Walla 89/60 Lewiston 91/53 90/58 Salem Pullman 90/54 Longview 77/56 Portland 93/63 85/57 Yakima 89/56 88/54 Astoria Spokane 90/64 Corvallis 92/59 Albany 92/60 John Day Eugene Bend 94/58 89/54 87/52 Ontario 93/57 Caldwell Burns 88/50 89/54 Medford 97/66 Klamath Falls 88/55 City Baker City Brookings Ilwaco Newberg Newport Today Hi/Lo/W 84/40/s 64/54/c 74/57/pc 95/60/s 66/52/s Sun. Hi/Lo/W 91/46/s 62/54/c 81/57/s 99/61/s 66/52/pc City North Bend Roseburg Seaside Springfi eld Vancouver Today Hi/Lo/W 69/54/s 94/62/s 77/57/s 95/60/s 93/61/s Sun. Hi/Lo/W 67/55/pc 97/62/s 85/56/s 99/59/s 100/65/s