A3 THE ASTORIAN • SATURDAY, AUGUST 6, 2022 State to redraw wildfi re risk map Decision comes after public backlash By TED SICKINGER The Oregonian Facing public backlash, the Ore- gon Department of Forestry on Thurs- day announced it will redraw a map out- lining wildfi re risk for properties across the state and pause enforcement mea- sures that would eventually require some owners to make improvements to protect their buildings. The announcement comes only about a month after state offi cials in June released the map and began notifying select property owners about their poten- tial responsibilities to clean up proper- ties to reduce risk. That prompted a tidal wave of complaints from property own- ers who claimed the map was inaccu- rate, would require costly investments and would impact insurance rates and availability. The agency and researchers at Ore- gon State University produced the map to comply with provisions of Senate Bill 762, which directed the agency to clas- sify the fi re risk of properties around the state in one of fi ve categories. The mapping eff ort identifi ed some 120,000 tax lots across the state at “high” or “extreme” risk of burning, and some 80,000 properties that would be sub- ject to new building code requirements and obligations to clear fl ammable veg- etation from around existing homes and structures. Last month, the agency sent let- ters to those property owners informing them of their risk level and the potential new requirements, along with informa- tion on how to appeal their designation. Those appeals were due by Sept. 21. The agency also scheduled a series of virtual and in-person informational meetings around the state to explain the process and garner feedback, the fi rst of which took place last week. The blowback — from property own- ers, legislators, county commissioners and various interest groups — was swift and loud, creating a public relations cri- sis for the Department of Forestry and its new leader, Cal Mukumoto. In a news release Thursday, Muku- moto acknowledged that the agency rushed to deliver the map by a looming deadline, and “there wasn’t enough time to allow for the type of local outreach and engagement that people wanted, needed and deserved.” The agency had received nearly 2,000 comments from Oregonians, he added, and now understands the key areas of concerns related to the risk classifi cation. “In response to input received since posting, we have decided to remove the current iteration of the wildfi re risk map from the Oregon Explorer and with- draw the notices sent,” Mukumoto said in the release. “We will immediately begin working with Oregon State Uni- versity on some refi nements to improve the accuracy of risk classifi cation assign- ments based on what we’ve heard from property owners thus far.” The current appeals process will end and any appeals already fi led will become moot, he said, though the agency will review the information submitted to aid in improving the map. Once the map is refi ned, he said the agency would seek input from communities before fi naliz- ing it and sending new notices to prop- erty owners in the extreme and high-risk classifi cations. The agency has not yet established a OREGON CAPITAL INSIDER Get the inside scoop on state government and politics! Dave Killen/The Oregonian The remains of the Phoenix Motel in Phoenix after the Almeda fi re in 2020. ‘IN RESPONSE TO INPUT RECEIVED SINCE POSTING, WE HAVE DECIDED TO REMOVE THE CURRENT ITERATION OF THE WILDFIRE RISK MAP FROM THE OREGON EXPLORER AND WITHDRAW THE NOTICES SENT. WE WILL IMMEDIATELY BEGIN WORKING WITH OREGON STATE UNIVERSITY ON SOME REFINEMENTS TO IMPROVE THE ACCURACY OF RISK CLASSIFICATION ASSIGNMENTS BASED ON WHAT WE’VE HEARD FROM PROPERTY OWNERS THUS FAR.’ Cal Mukumoto | Department of Forestry’s new leader fi rm time frame for release of the new map. “We’re still working out the details and need to work with Oregon State Uni- versity to fi nd out how long it’s going to take,” said Derek Gasperini, an agency spokesperson. “We’re going backwards a bit here. We’re taking a step back to get some more input. We’re hoping to have some more practical details on the time- line early next week.” Some 1,200 people tuned into a vir- tual meeting the agency held last week. A parade of southern Oregon property owners criticized what they said was a bungled rollout, an inaccurate desig- nation for their personal properties, the impact on insurance rates and availabil- ity, and new requirements for fi re resis- tant building materials and brush clear- ing around their homes. State Sen. Jeff Golden, D-Ashland, the chief sponsor of the legislation prompting the designations, told partic- ipants that he understood the stress the notifi cation had caused, but that some of that was coming from rumors and social media claims about the punish- ing requirements they would impose – claims he said aren’t true. “It would also not be true to say we’re not going to require anything of Orego- nians or do anything that could possibly impose news costs on anybody, because the point we’ve reached is too critical,” he said. “The home insurance issue is a real deal. …The problem here isn’t Sen- WANTED Alder and Maple Saw Logs & Standing Timber Northwest Hardwoods • Longview, WA Contact: John Anderson • 360-269-2500 CONCEALED CARRY PERMIT CLASS AUGUST 8 TH 6 PM Best Western 555 Hamburg Ave, Astoria Multi-State $80 Oregon Only $45 Oregon included no-fee Shaun Curtain 360-921-2071 or email: ShaunCurtain@gmail.com | www.ShaunCurtain.com ate Bill 762, it’s the billions of dollars that insurers are paying out because of these growing megafi res.” That’s didn’t go over well with some of the audience, one of whom accused him of being a climate change evange- list and said he was ignoring the costly and onerous restrictions the law could impose on his constituents. Mukumoto said in the news release Thursday that the agency was commit- ted to getting the new iteration of the map right. “We’re fully committed to continu- ing to work with the g overnor’s o ffi ce, legislators, our partner agencies, local governments, and Oregonians to do just that.”