B4 THE ASTORIAN • TUESDAY, AUGUST 2, 2022 Our Quality Is Timeless. This Price Isn’t! Mark Humphrey/AP Photo Mike Phillips performed at the Jeff erson Street Jazz & Blues Festival in Nashville in July. Federal tourism aid funds gas stations, trash cans, jazz the Economic Development Authority, $510 million was divided among states and terri- tories according to a formula that took into Located along a remote stretch of High- account job losses in their leisure and hos- way 395, the Fort Independence Travel Plaza pitality sectors. An additional $240 million touts a dozen gas pumps, clean restrooms was set aside for competitive grants, which and made-to-order meals for travelers visit- are still being doled out. ing California’s eastern Sierra. One of those grants went to the Fort Inde- The facility, which provides revenue for pendence Indian Reservation, a 220-mem- a Paiute Indian tribe, is about to quadruple ber tribe that plans to add more than 60 jobs in size thanks to an $8 million federal grant at its enlarged travel center. that will help build a new gas station with “Part of tourism is getting from A to B, room for cultural displays and locally made and one of the stops along the way is our res- products. ervation,” explained tribal vice chair Alisa It’s one of hundreds of tourism-related Lee. “When we have been able to educate projects nationwide that are collectively people about our community, our tribe and getting about $2.4 billion from the Ameri- our culture, that is a form of tourism.” can Rescue Plan, according to an Associated Other competitive grants included $2.2 Press analysis of funds fl owing from last million to help replace old snowmaking year’s wide-ranging coronavirus relief law. equipment at Frost Fire Park ski resort in The federal money is paying for graffi - North Dakota, $1.6 million to help build ti-resistant trash cans in Portland, culturally a new Mardi Gras museum in Louisiana diverse music festivals in Nashville, sports and $1.2 million to build locker rooms, facilities in various cities and new market- concession facilities and a pavilion for a ing campaigns to attract tourists to particu- cross-country course at Middle Georgia lar states — sometimes in direct competition State University. with one another. Christopher Blake, the university’s presi- “Our goal is to get people traveling dent, said in a statement that the project has again. Period,” said Dave the potential “to trans- Lorenz, the chairman of form it into a recreational THE TREASURY the National Council of dynamo” that generates State Tourism Directors nearly $1 million a year in REVISED ITS and the Michigan travel economic activity. director. Several states also RULES IN Despite high fuel projected big returns on JANUARY TO prices, Americans do their federal tourism dol- seem to be hitting the lars, according to grant DISCOURAGE road. After a plunge at plans obtained by the AP the onset of the COVID- through an open-records BIG SPENDING 19 outbreak, U.S. travel request. ON CONVENTION spending this year is pro- Alabama plans to jected to top $1 trillion — spend nearly $2.7 mil- CENTERS AND up 45% from its 2020 low lion to build three boat STADIUMS, point, according to the piers at reservoirs along U.S. Travel Association. the Coosa River. The STATING THAT That corresponds with state said regional fi sh- a similar increase in state ing tournaments can lure LARGE CAPITAL tourism offi ce budgets, $200,000 into an econ- EXPENDITURES which have rebounded omy and national tourna- to pre-pandemic levels ments up to $1 million. TO AID THE thanks to the federal aid. Oregon used a $9.1 A coronavirus relief million grant to help pro- TRAVEL AND law signed by former duce promotional videos TOURISM President Donald Trump and pictures of scenery opened the potential for that could be embedded INDUSTRIES federal money to be used into TV broadcasts of the for local tourism projects. World Athletics Champi- ARE ‘NOT The subsequent pan- onships that occurred in REASONABLY demic relief law signed Eugene in July. The inter- by President Joe Biden national broadcasts could PROPORTIONAL expanded that. The Amer- yield between $224 mil- TO ADDRESSING lion and $374 million ican Rescue Plan con- tained $750 million for in visitor spending and THE NEGATIVE grants for tourism, travel “spur economic devel- and outdoor recreation opment and opportunity ECONOMIC through the federal Eco- for decades to come,” the IMPACTS OF THE Oregon Tourism Com- nomic Development Authority. It also included mission said in a grant PANDEMIC.’ the tourism, travel and plan submitted to federal hospitality sector among offi cials. dozens of eligible uses — alongside health Tourism projects generally seem like care, housing and unemployment pro- an appropriate use of the federal pandemic grams — for a $350 billion pool of fl exible relief funds because the industry initially aid sent to state, local, territorial and tribal was one of the hardest hit, said Sean Moul- governments. ton, a senior policy analyst at the nonprofi t Those governments had budgeted more Project on Government Oversight. than $1.6 billion from those fl exible funds But “as you give more fl exibility,” Moul- for about 550 tourism, travel and hospitality ton said, “you run the risk of the money projects as of the end of March, according being used in ways that in retrospect you say to an Associated Press analysis of recently that wasn’t the most eff ective.” released data from the U.S. Treasury. The city of Fort Worth, Texas, has Those tourism projects include $425,000 directed $52 million of its fl exible Ameri- in Portland to replace 200 trash cans with can Rescue Plan money for an expansion of ones that have larger openings and hard- its convention center. Of that, $40 million er-to-deface surfaces made of such things was categorized as tourism aid in a 2021 as metal slats or wire mesh. The city cited year-end report submitted to the Treasury ″a substantial increase in the amount of Department. trash, graffi ti and vandalism” during the The Treasury revised its rules in January pandemic, asserting that new garbage cans to discourage big spending on convention will “create a safer, more welcoming envi- centers and stadiums, stating that large cap- ronment for visitors to our parks,” accord- ital expenditures to aid the travel and tour- ing to a description in the Treasury Depart- ism industries are “not reasonably propor- ment data. tional to addressing the negative economic Nashville, known for its country music impacts of the pandemic.” scene, allotted $750,000 to reach “culturally Fort Worth is moving ahead with the diverse visitors.” That’s helping fund ren- project anyway. The city reclassifi ed the aid ovations at a once-prominent Black music as a replacement for revenue lost during the venue, subsidize choir concerts at Fisk Uni- pandemic — a category with the broadest versity and pay for an annual jazz and blues fl exibility under Treasury rules. festival, among other things. California got the largest tourism grant The goal is to “build up the other genres allocation, about $46 million. The state without pushing country music down,” said directed all of that — plus an additional $95 Butch Spyridon, the CEO of the Nashville million of fl exible federal pandemic aid — Convention & Visitors Corp. to its nonprofi t tourism entity, which con- Of the tourism grants awarded through ducts national and international marketing. By DAVID A. LIEB Associated Press HURRY! Offer ends 1/14/22 8/15/22 1/14/22 Hurry offer ends 8/15/22 ® Good only from participating Miracle-Ear representatives. One coupon per purchase. No other offers or discounts apply. 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