SCRATCHPAD THE MONTHLY STACK Castle Rock, Arch Cape By LISSA BREWER COAST WEEKEND EDITOR For some shorebird colonies nesting among the North Coast’s churning seas, home is a castle in the Pacifi c. It’s one admired by beachcombers, gardeners and travelers, named so for its turret-like outline as viewed from the shore. Sitting just over a half mile off shore from Arch Cape, Castle Rock is home to fl ocks of brown pelicans, common murres, western gulls and many other migratory birds. Like more than 1,800 of its sister monoliths up and down the Oregon Coast, the sea stack is part of the Oregon Islands National Wildlife Refuge, a series of rocks, reefs and headlands stretching from Til- lamook Head to the Oregon-California border. This castle of the sea was formed by a lava fl ow known as the Columbia River fl ood basalts, a fi nding that dates the rock to an age of about 15 million years. Its pres- ence indicates a series of prehistoric erup- tions and ancient shorelines. Formed by soft sediments spread to the coast by the Columbia River, it remains a beacon among today’s coastal castles. Castle Rock sits off shore from an Arch Cape garden. Lissa Brewer STAFF AND CONTRIBUTORS ON THE COVER COAST WEEKEND EDITOR THURSDAY JULY 28 2022 EXPLORING FINNISH HERITAGE FESTIVAL WELCOMES PERFORMERS, REUNITES LOCALS PAGE 8 Maypole dancers at a previous Finnish American Folk Festival. ASTORIA OPEN STUDIOS TOUR GUIDE PAGE 4 CORGI BEACH DAY RETURNS PAGE 10 A DAY AT THE FAIR LISSA BREWER CALENDAR COORDINATOR SARAH SMITH CONTRIBUTORS ZOE BUCHLI DAVID CAMPICHE M.J. CODY PETER KORCHNAK BARBARA LLOYD McMICHAEL CHANCE SOLEM-PFEIFER PAGE 14 To advertise in Coast Weekend, call 503-325-3211 or contact your local sales representative. © 2022 COAST WEEKEND Coast Weekend is published every Thursday by the EO Media Group, all rights reserved. No part of this publication can be reproduced without consent of the publisher. Coast Weekend appears weekly in The Astorian and the Chinook Observer. TO SUBMIT AN ITEM Phone: 503.325.3211 Ext. 217 or 800.781.3211 Fax: 503.325.6573 E-mail: Address: P.O.Box 210 • 949 Exchange St. Astoria, OR 97103 Find it all online! fi nd our event calendar, search for articles, share on social media and more THURSDAY, JULY 28, 2022 // 3