SCRATCHPAD All about pelicans By LISSA BREWER COAST WEEKEND EDITOR Drifting over breaking waves and gather- ing on sandbars in large fl ocks, majestic pel- icans have again arrived on the shores of the Columbia-Pacifi c region, returning to sum- mer feeding grounds along the coast. With long, colorful beaks and impressive wingspans, local pelican varieties stay near the shore, feeding on small fi sh and amphib- ians. Both American white pelicans and brown pelicans call the North Coast home, and nearby sightings of these gracious birds are on the rise. After decades of declining numbers due to habitat loss and commercial pesticide use, both pelican varieties have seen population increases in recent years. The American white pelican, with the longest wingspan of any Oregon bird, has been spotted in many parts of the lower Columbia, including at Youngs Bay and at Jones Beach, near Clatskanie. Some weeks ago, on a walk near Ecola creek in Cannon Beach, I came upon a rest- ing fl ock of brown pelicans. Numbering in the hundreds, some were mingling with gulls and others were diving for fi sh. Their shad- ows were diffi cult to miss, even from afar. Other favorite sites of the pelicans also include East Sand Island, near Astoria, and the Cape Falcon Marine Reserve at Oswald West State Park. And many of these birds are returning visitors – brown pelicans can live for over 40 years. So greet a summer peli- can, and return through the years to visit an old friend. Lissa Brewer A group of brown pelicans stand by the shore at sunset. ON THE COVER STAFF AND CONTRIBUTORS COAST WEEKEND EDITOR LISSA BREWER THURSDAY JULY 7 2022 Actors set the stage in costume during a rehearsal for ‘Letters to Anne of Green Gables,’ staged by the Peninsula Association of Performing Artists. THEATER AT THE FORT CHINOOK TROUPE STAGES PERFORMANCE PAGE 8 CALENDAR COORDINATOR SARAH SMITH ASTORIA ART WALK PAGE 4 CRAFTING NATURE- INSPIRED LIGHTING PAGE 5 MYSTERY OPENS AT COASTER THEATRE PAGE 12 EXPERIENCE ASTORIA. CONTRIBUTORS M.J. CODY WILLIAM DEAN LINDA HOARD PETER KORCHNAK BARBARA LLOYD McMICHAEL BRIAN MEDFORD To advertise in Coast Weekend, call 503-325-3211 or contact your local sales representative. © 2022 COAST WEEKEND Coast Weekend is published every Thursday by the EO Media Group, all rights reserved. No part of this publication can be reproduced without consent of the publisher. Coast Weekend appears weekly in The Astorian and the Chinook Observer. TO SUBMIT AN ITEM Phone: 503.325.3211 Ext. 217 or 800.781.3211 Fax: 503.325.6573 E-mail: Address: P.O.Box 210 • 949 Exchange St. Astoria, OR 97103 Find it all online! fi nd our event calendar, search for articles, share on social media and more THURSDAY, JULY 7, 2022 // 3