A3 THE ASTORIAN • THURSDAY, JUNE 23, 2022 Expansion planned for Coos Bay port By SIERRA DAWN McCLAIN Capital Press Offi cials and develop- ers for decades have talked about expanding the Port of Coos Bay in southern Ore- gon, turning it into one of the West Coast’s shipping giants. Now, the proposed proj- ect has a major develop- er-investor behind it. The developer is a Mis- souri-based fi rm called NorthPoint Development, which Real Capital Analyt- ics in 2020 named the No. 1 industrial developer in the U.S. The company has developed more than 140 million square feet of indus- trial space for about 465 businesses, including For- tune 500 companies such as Walmart, Amazon and FedEx. Last week at the Agricul- ture Transportation Coali- tion’s conference in Tacoma, Washington, NorthPoint Development unveiled its plans for Coos Bay. The plan is to develop a rail-served, deep-water port with a three-berth terminal. A berth is where vessels are secured when they’re not at sea. Once constructed, the facility could serve agri- cultural exporters nation- wide and move more than 1 million 40-foot containers annually. Chad Meyer, president and founding partner of NorthPoint Development, said he believes the port expansion will help relieve congestion and meet future Oregon International Port of Coos Bay Coos Bay is seen from the air. shipping demand. “What we’re going to do is be a pressure release valve,” said Meyer. Meyer said NorthPoint Development has been working behind the scenes for months to scope out the ideal location for a West Coast port. “We’ve made a pretty massive investment in our research and data team,” said Meyer. “So, quietly, for about a year and a half, we studied the entire West Coast … and fi gured that the only option that could AGRICULTURAL EXPORTERS ARE WATCHING WITH INTEREST. geographically handle a deep-water port was already in existence, and that was the Port of Coos Bay.” The site is ideal for sev- eral reasons, he said. The location already has a fed- erally-managed channel, a private rail line that could connect to Class I railroads, hundreds of acres of unde- veloped industrial property — “and most importantly, a willing community.” The plan would likely include building cold stor- age facilities and connect- ing the Port of Coos Bay’s private rail line to Union Pacifi c Co.’s Class I rail- roads in Eugene and else- where. Meyer said Union Pacifi c so far has been “a very willing partner and very supportive of the project.” Researchers track microplastic pollution in river basin By CASSANDRA PROFITA Oregon Public Broadcasting The evidence is mount- ing: Microplastic pollution is pretty much everywhere. Studies around the world have found tiny plastic fi bers and particles in riv- ers and lakes, in the ocean’s seafood, fl oating in the air above remote mountaintops and in freshly fallen snow in Antarctica. Testing shows they’re making their way into human bodies, too. Scien- tists recently found micro- plastics in people’s lungs and blood. Researchers at Port- land State University want to know more about where microplastic pollution is coming from and how it’s getting into the air and water — right here in Oregon. They recently launched a yearlong eff ort to track the sources of microplastics in the Columbia River basin, a massive network of riv- ers and streams that covers much of the Pacifi c North- west. In addition to sam- pling the air and water to identify the biggest sources of microplastic pollution, they’re working to build a network of people in gov- ernment, industry and edu- cation who might help man- age the problem. Elise Granek, professor of environmental science and management at Portland State University, said she’s hoping to track the “micro- plastic cycle” from sources such as wastewater sprayed on agricultural fi elds, car tires that wear down and contaminate stormwater, clothes dryers that spew air- borne fi bers, and wastewater treatment plants that empty directly into rivers. “In order to manage the microplastics, we need to understand the most signifi - cant sources,” she said. Granek has already done multiple studies on micro- plastics in the ocean and has consistently found it in marine life such as clams, Todd Sonfl ieth/Oregon Public Broadcasting Microplastic fi bers are less than 5 millimeters wide and often appear in vivid colors when viewed under a microscope. crabs and oysters. In 2019, she helped Ore- gon Public Broadcasting sample for microplastics in rivers across Oregon in a citizen science project that found microscopic plas- tic fi bers and particles in the Columbia, Willamette, Rogue and Deschutes river basins. Now, Granek wants to take a closer look at how microplastics are getting into those rivers, all of which eventually lead to the ocean. “We do know there are microplastics at least in our waterways,” Granek said. “But we don’t know what the dominant sources of micro- plastics into the Columbia River basin are. People have speculated about a number of sources.” Granek is working with Heejun Chang, a Portland State geography professor, to sample for microplas- tics in the air and water near likely sources of microplas- tic pollution. “We plan to collect sam- ples from a number of dif- ferent sites that represent urban lands and farmlands, recreational sites, industrial sites, households as well as waterways and motorways,” Chang said. “From the most remote rural area to the most urbanized sections.” To fi nd out what’s in the air, researchers plan to col- lect and analyze moss sam- ples. Moss is a natural air pollution monitor because it gets all of its nutrients from the atmosphere. A landmark study in Portland in 2016 WANTED Alder and Maple Saw Logs & Standing Timber Northwest Hardwoods • Longview, WA Contact: John Anderson • 360-269-2500 used moss to uncover pre- viously unknown hot spots of toxic air pollution around the city. Chang said they know weather factors like rain can play a role in spread- ing microplastics, so they’ll be collecting samples over time to compare microplas- tic pollution across wet win- ters and dry summers. “This is looking at the whole microplastic cycle from the source to the trans- port and destination in a more holistic way,” Granek said. “By sampling both the air and water, we hope to get a better understand- ing of what the atmospheric contribution is versus what the landscape contribution is.” To learn how much microplastic pollution is traveling through the air and water, Granek said, they’ll be collecting samples at dif- ferent distances from sus- pected sources. “We’re hoping to under- stand how far microplastics are traveling from those par- ticular sources,” she said. “So, in a land application of biosolids onto a fi eld, for example, we want to know the amount that gets aero- solized and blown further out. Maybe that’s diff erent than what’s being blown out of the dryer vent.” The yearlong sam- pling eff ort will allow the researchers to map a research project that spans the 258,000 square miles of the Columbia River basin. Granek and Chang are work- ing with a research team that includes Sarah Carvill, an environmental science instructor at Portland State, Nancee Hunter, director of the Center for Geogra- phy Education in Oregon at Portland State, Jordyn Wol- fand, assistant professor of civil engineering at the Uni- versity of Portland, and Jan- ice Brahney, associate pro- fessor of watershed sciences at Utah State University. Chang said to start work- ing toward solutions, they’re also holding workshops for scientists, wastewater managers, government and industry leaders. This week, they’re launching a class for teachers that will provide them with lessons on micro- plastics that they can bring to their classrooms. “Unless we change behaviors and change pol- icy, we won’t be able to solve this issue,” he said. Meyer estimates con- struction will begin in two years and facilities will be operational within fi ve to six years. In total, developing the port is estimated to cost $1.7 billion. Meyer said he anticipates the project will need private investment coupled with federal grant money, potentially from the infrastructure law Congress passed in 2021. During President Joe Biden’s visit to Portland in April, U.S. Sen. Ron Wyden, U.S. Sen. Jeff Merkley and U.S. Rep. Peter DeFazio, all Oregon Democrats, asked the president to use infra- structure dollars for Coos Bay’s port expansion. The president made no immedi- ate promises. NorthPoint Development says it’s committed to the project. “This is a when, not an if. We’re privately going to invest hundreds of millions of dollars in making sure this thing happens,” said Meyer. Experts say unexpected world events could still slow the project. Prior to 2008, accord- ing to John Burns, the port’s CEO, Maersk, then the world’s largest shipping company, was preparing to invest in a Coos Bay con- tainer port. Then the Great Recession struck and the company withdrew. Economists surveyed by the Wall Street Journal this month predicted a 44% chance of recession in the next 12 months. However, the port’s staff and Meyer say they’re optimistic. Agricultural exporters are watching with interest. “That’s incredibly excit- ing,” said Peter Fried- mann, executive director of the Agriculture Transpor- tation Coalition. “I mean, we’re looking for alterna- tive solutions. We’re doing some nibbling around the edges and maybe moving some boxes off terminals to another place a mile away or something like that, but this — this is visionary, I would say, and ambitious.” facebook.com/DAILYASTORIAN Consult a PROFESSIONAL Q: Which diet is the best diet? ASTORIA A: Adding in whole CHIROPRACTIC foods (unrefined and unprocessed), in addition to maximizing time between 503-325-3311 meals (i.e., avoiding snacking) 2935 Marine Drive, can go a long way toward Astoria, OR helping you feel at your best! Alicia M. Smith, DC Owner Astoria’s Best Fast Friendly and Affordable Save $150 17-inch Windows 11, Intel i7, 8 GB, 250 SSD $299.99 (refurb) Mon-Fri 10-6 Sat/Sun Closed 77 11th Street, Suite H Astoria, OR 503-325-2300 AstoriasBest.com Stay Secure #2 If you receive a prompt to update your device (or apps), don’t ignore it. Applying updates is one of the most important (and quickest) things you can do to keep yourself safe online. 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