Passionate plumage: Troupe helps love take fl ight Watched by a zookeeper, center, played by Cameron Lira, two male penguins, portrayed by Richard Bowman, left, and Preston C. Roper, are given an egg and some encouragement. Patrick Webb 14 // COASTWEEKEND.COM ‘Birds of a Feather’ features hawks, gay penguins BY PATRICK WEBB Gay penguins continue to make headlines, from a charming story about a couple of pen- guins at the Central Park Zoo adopting a chick to a book that many have sought to ban. Now, there is a play about them. “Birds of a Feather” is the latest perfor- mance to be staged by Astoria’s Ten Fifteen Productions. With a cast of six that plays 25 parts, the performance will be directed by Ann Bronson, a longtime actor and singer on the North Coast. Bronson’s directorial debut, “A Bench in the Sun,” was staged at the Coaster Theatre Playhouse in Cannon Beach in February 2020, just before the pandemic shut down local performances. See Page 15