A3 THE ASTORIAN • SATURDAY, JUNE 4, 2022 From surfi ng icon to Oregon rancher By SIERRA DAWN McCLAIN Capital Press MADRAS — Gordon Clark likes to say he’s had two lives. In the fi rst life, Clark was a Califor- nia surfi ng icon and owner of the world’s leading surfboard blank manufacturing company. Surfer magazine once placed him at No. 2 on its list of “25 Most Pow- erful People in Surfi ng.” In his second life, Clark, 89, is a farmer who has raised thousands of cat- tle and sheep at Hay Creek Ranch in cen- tral Oregon, one of the state’s oldest and largest ranch holdings, spanning 52,500 contiguous acres. Clark says the common thread between his two lives is that both surf- board manufacturing and farming require strategy, curiosity and hard work. “I’m a nuts-and-bolts guy,” said Clark. “I love solving problems and working with my hands.” Because Clark wasn’t raised on a ranch, locals say he learned how to farm “by asking a lot of questions and reading a lot.” Often, Clark has copied ranchers around him, trying to emulate their suc- cess. At times, however, he has pushed the boundaries: using drones to man- age his cattle, applying variable-rate fer- tilizer to his crops, installing inventive systems to stretch water during drought and using DNA profi les to improve his herd’s genetics. Reed Anderson, a fourth-generation farmer and owner of Anderson Ranches who met Clark through the Oregon Sheep Growers Association, said Clark isn’t afraid to try new things. “There’s a lot of people that have success in other businesses and they have a kind of romanticism about own- ing a ranch — you know, ‘Gunsmoke,’ ‘Bonanza,’ ‘The High Chaparral,’ those old Western shows,” said Anderson. “They end up with extra cash to invest and think, ‘Farming, that’d be fun.’ But 99% of them, when they fi gure out how much work there is, it isn’t long before they’re out of there. Gordon’s not that way. He took the challenge head-on.” Sierra Dawn McClain/Capital Press In his farm offi ce, Gordon Clark looks at a map representing diff erent soil types and qualities. The man of Hay Creek Ranch It would be hard to overstate how rugged Hay Creek Ranch is. About 12 miles east of Madras, a gravel road cut into the sides of hills climbs up then dips into a valley where the ranch headquarters lies. In the highlands, hemmed in by snowcapped blue mountains, cattle for- age among rabbit brush, junipers, sage- brush and craggy rocks resembling cas- tle ruins. Below, in the valleys, cattle graze and sunbathe in meadows scumbled with purple lupine. Though Clark ambles slowly at 89, he drives fast. His employees often see him zipping up and down hills in his ATV across terrain so inhospitable it deters poachers and trespassers. This land has played a prominent role in central Oregon’s history. In 1873, according to the Oregon Encyclopedia, David Baldwin estab- lished the ranch as Baldwin Sheep and Land Co. Oregon Historical Society lists the ranch as one of the earliest locations where alfalfa was grown in the state. After Baldwin, the property passed through many hands. In the early 1900s, scores of home- steaders lived on the property on 320- acre parcels, and until 1912, the Dalles- Prineville freight and stagecoach lines ran through the ranch. The property had a post offi ce, general store and school. Today, skeletal wooden frames of home- steaders’ cabins are scattered on the landscape. Sheepherders once raised 50,000 sheep here each year in an era with unre- stricted use of nearby forest lands in the Blue Mountains and Ochocos for sum- mer grazing. For decades, Clark raised sheep here, too, managing about 4,100 head of fi ne- wooled Rambouillets annually until, in 2011, wild horses overtook his U.S. For- est Service allotments, leaving him scant summer forage. For two years, Clark said he went to public meetings, asking the Forest Ser- vice to control the wild horse population. Finally, he gave up, selling his fl ock to focus on cattle. “I’m sad the sheep didn’t work out,” said Clark. “It was a fascinating experience.” Bits of the sheep operation remain: Clark keeps several Great White Pyre- nees and border collies, which once fol- lowed the fl ock. And by his fi replace stand two stuff ed cougars that once threatened Clark’s sheep. On the fi replace’s mantlepiece stand several trophies. The one Clark says he’s most proud of is a plaque from Jeff er- son County Livestock Association nam- ing him 2010 Livestockman of the Year. Beside that are surfi ng awards, glimpses of a former life. So, in 1994, he tried his hand at ranch- ing with Rambouillet sheep he bought from Cunningham Sheep Co. Around 1998, he added cattle. Then Clark’s life took a U-turn. In 2005, the surf industry was shocked when Clark announced the immediate closure of Clark Foam, which surf experts estimate had been worth $40 million. Clark’s main reason for ending the business was that California’s environ- mental and workplace regulations had changed through the decades, in step with changing scientifi c knowledge. A major chemical in Clark Foam’s blanks was toluene diisocyanate, or TDI. When modern research brought to light that TDI was toxic, public records show that Clark began to face litigation, regu- lations and citations from Occupational Safety and Health Administration , the California Environmental Protection Agency and individuals. In response, Clark closed his factory. He started farming full-time in 2008. The fi rst life Clark had a lot to learn about farming. “I was considered innovative in the surfi ng industry, but in farming, I just copied people,” said Clark. “I ask a lot of questions, and every year, my ques- tions get better.” Recently, Clark has improved his cat- tle herd’s genetics. Clark’s program involves collecting tissue samples from tiny punch-holes Born near Los Angeles in 1933, Gor- don “Grubby” Clark grew up by the ocean, where he fell in love with surfi ng. “When I was young, all I wanted to do was surf,” he said. In the 1940s and 1950s, he surfed on heavy redwood boards. As a young man, Clark worked for legendary surfboard designer Tom Blake, who invented the surfboard fi n, and Hobie Alter, often called “the Henry Ford of the surfboard industry.” After studying engineering at Pomona College, Clark returned to work with Alter, this time on a special project: experimenting with foam blanks, blocks of foam from which surfboards could be made. The fi rst lightweight foam-core surfboard hit the market in 1958. One year later, the surfi ng-themed movie “Gidget” popularized surfi ng. Demand spiked. Clark opened his own surfboard blank factory, Clark Foam, in 1961. According to Surfer magazine archives, the company at one time supplied 90% of the blanks that went into Ameri- can-made surfboards and 60% of blanks worldwide. At the crest of his success, Clark looked for investment opportunities. He recalls thinking that farmland, decreas- ing in supply, would one day prove valuable. His chance came in 1993, when Hay Creek Ranch went up for sale. A victim of the savings and loan crisis, the prop- erty came at a bargain. Clark hadn’t intended to be a farmer, but he recalls that when he started build- ing fences, drilling wells and fi xing things, he quickly realized he enjoyed the work and treasured the land. “It was fun,” he said. “I love build- ing things.” LOCATIONS Join us for a weekly career night series, scheduled for every Wednesday from 4-7 p.m. throughout June. You can attend at either our Washington Service Center in Hillsboro or Clatsop Service Center in Seaside. Washington Service Center 5825 NE Ray Cir, Hillsboro, OR 97124) Clatsop Service Center 1120 Broadway St, Seaside, OR 97138) We will offer on-the-spot job interviews for all open positions (licensed and classified). No child care, no worries - we have activities planned for the kids. Refreshments will be provided. For additional accommodations, including language interpretation, please email humanresources@nwresd.k12.or.us. Breeding better cattle in cows’ ears. He sends the samples to a lab called Neogen, where the DNA is analyzed. Clark then logs into his online Neogen portal to view data, including EPDs — expected progeny diff erences — which evaluate an animal’s genetic worth as a parent and predict how future progeny will perform. Clark uses the data to decide which heifers to breed and which to cull. He also uses data on expected prog- eny diff erences to decide which bulls to buy. Every two years, Clark buys a young, top-quality Black Angus bull and uses its semen to artifi cially inseminate 600 cows per year, or 1,200 cows over the two-year period. “I’m very careful about the bull I pick,” said Clark. All of Clark’s artifi cial inseminations are Black Angus bull to Black Angus heifers. When a heifer fails to conceive following artifi cial insemination , how- ever, Clark breeds a Charolais “cleanup bull” to that heifer. Clark created a database to track genetic improvements over time. “His cattle are real good quality,” said Mehrten Homer, founder of Painted Hills Natural Beef, the brand Clark sells to. Clint Sexson, marketing and beef cat- tle improvement committee chair at Ore- gon Cattlemen’s Association, said that while DNA collection to enhance EPD accuracy is common in purebred oper- ations, it’s rare among commercial pro- ducers like Clark. “On the commercial side, I’d say he’s probably on the forefront,” said Sexson. Clark breeds for three main traits: easy birthing, small body size and grading (mostly marbling). It might seem coun- terintuitive to breed for small animals; but Clark said he aims for able-bodied cows that can handle steep terrain and give birth easily on the range. Karen Launchbaugh, professor of rangeland ecology and director of the University of Idaho Rangeland Cen- ter, said this kind of landscape-oriented thinking is innovative. “I think it’s becoming more common for people to get access to genetics,” said Launchbaugh. “But what’s not as com- mon is thinking about genetics in this landscape sense. (Clark) is ahead of his time on that one — thinking about how the cattle fi t the landscape.” Clark often uses drones to fi nd cows on his vast property and uses walk- ie-talkies to alert his seven employees of the cows’ whereabouts. DEL’S O.K. TIRE Del Thompson, former owner of OK Rubber Welders. Klyde Thompson, current owner Mike Barnett, manager YOUR #1 SOURCE FOR TIRES CUSTOM WHEELS AUTOMOTIVE SERVICES Over 73 years of the Thompson family putting you first! (503) 325-2861 35359 Business 101, Astoria MON - FRI 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM SAT 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM pointstire.com/astoria