B1 THE ASTORIAN • SATURDAY, MAY 14, 2022 CONTACT US FOLLOW US Lissa Brewer lbrewer@dailyastorian.com facebook.com/ DailyAstorian THE ASTORIAN • SATURDAY, MAY 14, 2022 • B1 Preserving history Harvey awards honor architectural pioneer, celebrate local restoration Photos and story by LISSA BREWER The Astorian A t the workshop of Astoria preservationist Lucien Swerdloff , students chart historic structures just blocks away, then set out to restore them. Some are aspiring woodworkers, while others are homeowners seeking knowledge to carry out their own projects. See Preservation, Page B5 TOP: Lucien Swerdloff , who co-founded the historic preservation program at Clatsop Community College, is a recipient of the 2022 Dr. Edward Harvey Historic Preservation Award. RIGHT: Swerdloff holds up a wooden plank in his workshop. BELOW: Swerdloff points to a boat that he and a group of students have been restoring ahead of the Astoria Regatta.