BOOKMONGER Finding hope in butterfl ies Dystopian tale weaves in ethics, wilderness skills Portland artist and cartoonist Jonathan Case has quite the imagination. His latest novel, “Little Monarchs,” presents a variety of ethical issues in the form of a tough little 10 year old’s journal. In the summer of 2101, 10 year old Elvi begins a journal to track the route that she and her caretaker Flora will take to follow the migration of monarch butterfl ies as they make their way along the Pacifi c coast of what was once the United States. Fifty years earlier, a shift in the sun’s radiation wiped out most mammals living on Earth by disrupting electrical systems governing their heartbeats. Only the mam- mals who were deep underground survived, and among those were a handful of scien- tists working in the sub-basement of a tech- nical institute in southern California. These scientists were called “deepers,” as they had to avoid the sun’s rays and live deep under- ground during the day to survive. Flora’s parents were among them. As Flora grew up, she built on the his- torical work of other scientists to try to fi nd a way to protect the heart from “sun sick- ness,” which, in the novel, causes a cata- strophically irregular heartbeat. She devel- ops a way to derive chemicals and make medicine from the scales of monarch butter- fl y wings, harvesting only a few from each insect so that they will not be harmed. To ramp up the project and convert the medicine to a long term vaccine, Flora must ensure that monarch butterfl y populations are healthy, which means that they need to have reliable and abundant stands of milk- weed to feed upon along their migration route. By 2101, she is helped in this eff ort by Elvi, another kid of deepers. Elvi’s par- ents had left their daughter in Flora’s care while they tried to get to Michoacán, a for- est reserve in the Mexican highlands where the monarchs make their winter home. But they haven’t been heard from in years, so their dangerous journey may have failed. Flora, now in her 40s , doesn’t have a warm and fuzzy personality, but she nur- This week’s book ‘Little Monarchs’ by Jonathan Case Holiday House – 256 pp – $22.99 hardcov- er, $14.99 paperback tures Elvi in the best way she knows how: by teaching her survival skills and providing her with a makeshift education in the nearly forgotten glories of civilization, such as Shakespeare’s plays, art, math, the scientifi c method and even manners, occasionally. The pair trek along the West Coast, fol- lowing the migration of the monarchs and tending the milkweed patches, performing the delicate operation of harvesting scales from butterfl y wings and developing new batches of medicine in search of a func- tional vaccine. But their journey is fraught with peril. Accidents and natural disas- ters befall them. There are other “deeper” sites along the way, but after decades of iso- lation and deprivation, there’s no way of knowing whom can be trusted. Flora and Elvi confront issues of disappointment and perseverance. Case has created a gripping tale, invest- ing it with ethical and emotional complex- ‘Little Monarchs’ is by Jonathan Case. ity, but also studding it with geolocation and other wilderness skills. Loads of adventure and exploration await, from shipwrecks near Pacifi c City to caves in Colorado. “Little Monarchs” is top notch. The Bookmonger is Barbara Lloyd McMichael, who writes this weekly column focusing on books, authors and publish- ers of the Pacifi c Northwest. Contact her at Coastal Living LOWE COLUM R BI BOWL A NOW OPEN 826 Marine Dr. Astoria 503-325-3321 LOWER COLUM BIA BOWL SAFE, SANITIZED, READY TO ROLL Bowling is Back! $1 OFF WEDNESDAYS • • • • 12 // COASTWEEKEND.COM Take $1 off: Shoe rental Every Game Fountain Sodas Adult Beverages ADVERTISE YOUR BUSINESS HERE! Call us at 503-325-3211 to learn more